PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, FRIDAY, AUG. 27, 1880. French Rhetoric. * MISCELLANEO US. MISCELLANEO US. Highttown words are natural to the French tongue, as the following illus­ trations Isom the Paritiian indicate. There was in the days before the great war a small wine-shop in one of Che suburbs of Strasbourg. Its pro­ prietor then, a Frenchman, had called it “ Le Grand Hotel de l’Univers (The Grand Hotel of the Universe), but his successor, a German, on com­ ing into possession, immediately Cure« all duoril.ra reiultin, from Impurity of tlia Blood, including aU Scrofnloiu Biseaaes, skin (tainted out this grandiose description Eruption», Salt Itheum, Sw.lhng., Iiynpepaia, Ijvcr Complaint, Debility, Catarrh, &e. of his hovel, and honestly called it Nine-tenths of all chronic and temporary ■" Wirthschaft.” - Not that the bSench- disorders are caused by disturbance of the cir­ maiVs thought was dishonest; he culation of the blood, which depends greatly merely used the terms which bfeRt ex­ upon the quality. If impure from want of pressed his own idea, seeing no h&rtir- proper food, air, light, exercise, change of dity in describing a cabin as though it scene, or from overwork, the whole system feels ft. Sometimes its impurity is indicated by one were a palace. ■- of the diseases named ; sometimes by a gloomy, The simple truth is that every despondent, dull, lazy feeling, commonly called Frenchman appears to see himself and 1 his belongings through a very power­ a ful magnifying glass. A dustman will » . talk as freely of his honor or his dig­ nity as a Primo Minister could do. implying lack of energy, debility, and general We remember seeing a tipsy cab­ unhappiness. Nothing is so magpal in its effects as this KING OF THE BLOOD, man taken into custody by "one of the at once a tonic and alterative, so called because well-drilled police of the Empire, who it tones and alters the' stagnant functions, and was disposed to do the thing quietly.. healthful activity results. Numerous testimonials—the genuineness of laonyr.________ 1 which tv g u a r ant ee d-by ou r »find i n g o ffer of__ The moiKent he felt the policeman’s i $1,000 — and full directions can be hand upen his collar he struck an found in the "Treatise” accompanying each attitude, and, sobered at once by a bottle. Price $i.oo per bottle. Sold by all position which was not without its dealers in medicine. D. R ansom , S on & Go., Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y, anxieties,fhe said seriously,— v " Je proteste, je proteste en face de FEurope(I protest in the face of Europe). The crowd around applauded. No one seemed to see anything funny in OF ALL the cabman’s magniloquence.— Ejr. THE Christian Messenger HAH MOW EMTEB1O ÜPOW ITS Tenth Volume, proposes N , -------------------- ’—When Colonel Ingersoll was «peaking in the Music Hall of Chicago, he let fall this remark : “ Whoever is a friend-of man is also a friend of t mi awful scald or bwm swbdued, the linirmi of rhtw matism overcome, mid of fi thousand mid one Other bfcsaillflpl *l««l mercies iverforined by the old x liublc Mex­ ican MRilang Liniment. to a It is of special interest to the Brotherhood West of the Rocky Mountains, and Mn«tnn< Liniment. it penetrutes mn«He, membrane and tissue. to the very bone, banishing puin |am! curing disease with A powet Hint hifVer falls, it Is a medicine oeedvd by everybody, from the » wnc A fto , who rides lilt MUSTANG over the »oHtnry plaint, tofho merchant Ikrimn*, unit-ihu woodcutter vho split» 11«foot with the Jt cun*« Rheumatism when all other application.« tail. i ir.s Womlrrml LINIMENT «Pt the Ml MAX »i.l Ml ax It he it nt a 11« it«. StvelllHK’» Joint«. < on tract eil >l(i«rle%,. itnrn« n tirl NrnLI«. Cut«, II ru I • <■ « a it !«• ease«. Foot Kot, Nerew tVoina. Neal», Hollow Horn, Scratches, lViud- <«>ls, Npaeln. Farcy, Rlnglionr, Ohl^Nores, Fall Krlf, Film npaa the Night and every other ailment ta which the accnpante of the Stable and Ntoek l ard are liable. A iwentr-Uve cent bottle of Mexican Mustang Liniment has ofirn saved a «aljisnle horse, a life on crutches or years of torture. It heal« wHhont a Scar. It to the very root ot the matter, penetrating •ven the bone.,, It gnites werjdMxly, and d I «appoint« no one. It lias been in sternly u«- tor more than twenty.five years, and is posit Kely THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN OB BXA6T. UUfe* II»'» 'heir .pli-u“. ’•~-7 ' i CHRISTIAN WEEKLYS. ■ < ■ .-u ■ ' A JiberAl (’haiter, granted by the^jtate Legislature, confers all necessary . » ■ -S, ' —4» powers on the Board of Trustees to preserve the rightsand manage the arts if» . of the Institution. • ¿very Disciple on the y PACIFIC SLOPE The location is central, accessible, healthful and beautiful. Should subscribe for it The members of the Faculty are competent, energetic and devoted Its Literature the cause of Education. ‘ - * Will be of the Best, Purest, most in- structure kind, while Church News, Reports from the Field, the EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT; items of interest will make it a The Session of forty weeks is divided into two terms of twenty week» The first term begins on Monday, September 20, 1880, and ends each. February 4, 1881. The second term begins February 7, 1881, and ends n ’ Wednesday before the third Sunday in June, 1.881. desirable wetkly visitor in every Christian family. - Address PACIFIC CHRISTIAN Partial Examination of Classed at the end* of each month. Examinations the last week of the first term. Terms : 82.50 Per Y’ear Intermediate Final-Examination» at the close of the Session. MESSENGER, Monmouth, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees,, on Tuesday before fhe thiref HILLS ARCIII5IF.DF.AX LAWN MOWIR < OMPANV, Sunday in June. Of Hartford, Conft., MANUFACmiEnS OF THE - Collegiate Department Preparatory Department Janitor's Fee LAWN MOWERS. Three Mowers have become celebrated through­ out the World, whore lawn» are cultivated, as be­ ing tlie most perfect and desirable Lawn Mower» ever made. They .tend at the head of tlie list of Lawn Mowers in the U. 8. and Europe. They con­ tain all the improvements that ex]s,rience in their manufacture can suggest t are beautifully finished, thoroughly made, and do splendid work on every variety of lawn. Hand Mower Sizes, from 8 to 18 inches. Pony and Horse Sizes, 24, 28 and 32 inches. Send for Circular». SOLD OVK AGENTS EVEIIYWHEBE. ■ ___ Tuition Per Half Term—Ten Weeks. . ♦ ¡NEW ARCHIMEDEAN ' and CHARTER OAK Music (Piano) ' „ /Organ) Vocal Music : 1 At Teacher’s I ' Prices. The above lates must be paid in advance, at the beginning of each Tea Weeks. * No fees will be refunded to students leaving before the expiration of the AGENTS FOIl THE MESSENGER. MEXICAN :O; to the best All forms or out ward disease are Kpeedily cured by the V. Obacrivr. —A Georgia colored delating,' society was lately discussing: " Which ' is best for the laboring man, to work | for wages or part of the crop ?” An old " uncle ” spoke the sense of the j meeting when he said : " Bofe was de best, ef »iey could only be brung to- gedder somehow.”.. itself, up to bring standard of excellence equal THE BLUES.” —A. dictionary and a cyclopaedia are Consulted a great TeaT more Trequefitty" by goo LmrisviUe.......... .... ...........D. R. Lewis Molala........................... ................... J. W. Thomas Myrtle Creek............ .. F. M. Gabliert McMinnville.............. .......... '....J. W. Cowls Mohawk.......... .'........... .................... J... F. Mulkey Monroe ........................ ...................... J. L. Wigfe North Yamhill.......... ................. .. ..Isaac Davie Oakland.. ................. ....................... E. A. Chase Palons, W. T............ .......................... F. L. Bell Pleasant Hill........... ..................... J....W. Parks Perrydale... ................... ...... E. Richardson Pendleton................. ..... Manning Miles Portland........................ • Judge W. H. Adems Pilot Rock.................... ...... William Cox m-.-.—. . D m ry Davis Pnyallnp, W. T.. .-.Dr. Chas. Spinning ( Roseburg........... ..... A. F. Campbell Stayton ...'....... .................... T.. C. Darby , Scio.............. ■............. .................E....W. Baines ; Salem ;................... . .............. H. A. Johnron ▼anconver, W. T. ........8. C. Harris. Waitsbure, W. I. .................... W»P... Bruce Wbeatlaad.............. . ....................... Wm. Scott | ^CAUvoaNu Napa............ .... E. B. Wsre i Monticello. ... J. L Smittle I Saratov a .. William Pollard Santa Hi«» . ..G O. Bnrnett ▼acerillo ...W. W. Smith ▼inali............ L«*i» Tau T.aael Watson rille .. .H. D. Connell < _ • a i Yonng ’u Analytical 1 A WEEK in yonr own town, ami ®° capital risked. You can giro wHH nw t>n«ine«> » trial without Bible . . Concordance. XXX’a,?* "Kria’i; —. —. --- - - ■ - nothing elw until you »re for yowraelf what yow ,------------ .Iran Jo ktlhe bn.inre» we'off«r. No room to ex­ plain here. You can devote all your lima or only ! vour tpare time to the b lain«», and make great hpay for every hour that yon work. Women «-i« re much a> men Mend Sir apecial private term» and parrienlant, which we mail free. S3 Outfit free. Don’t romplaiu of hard time, while y<> have •ueli a ehaace. Addrem H. HALLETT A CO., »-.ti-ly Portland, Maine. >6.000AGENTS# ufliiTm TO BBu* FvvBVWHrRV.^ta 10 mkw fa - AR I til TENTS. ^■One Agent made In two days another, R32 In one day. T ut it . EPHRAIM BROWN, Lews», Nau.W fhHn A MONTH bv ipiaranlewl. \ t III fl i humsssaile ths indnstru SIR —s. a i spita» OuUU not required ; we wUl star! ecu. Men. B. LRi ObiCia women. boy« anti girl« make money la«far st work fur ns than at anything elite. Die work • Hght ami Die—111. and WMb ae J right »r. TUoee who are who see fhu will aeM us taeir eddtww at ones "L themeelve». Coati» Of Hit and term» Lee. sw la the time. Tlto«e slrewdy *t work are laying »1» large .«tn. of lain.-