PACIFIC CHRISTÍAN MESSENGEB, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1880 ’I Night Life of Young Men. * Predestination. • MISCELL A NEO US. MISCELLANEO US Au did-time Baptist preacher of this oity, who has retired from active Gospel dealing, but who still keeps a firm eye on the faith, had just a little experience With a colored man that causes him to think very seriously. Meeting the colored man, the preacher said : “ Dave, if you don’t bring that saddle home, I’ll have you put in jail?’ “ What saddle is yer ’furren ter ?” “ The one you stolo from me." ,“Parson, ’fore de Lord, I neber stole Cure« «U Scrofulou« affections and disorder« result­ ye/saddle.” ing from Impurity of the blood. It is needless to specify all, a« the sufferer can usually perceive their “ Yes you did. I saw you when you cause J but jR2t»ioh, J5mpZ«s, f/cerg, Tumorg, took it off the yard fence. I believe I’ll • Goitre, Xw«U»ap». Ac., ar« the most common, as well a« many affection* of the /Jeart, Utad* Livw have you arrested anyway.” and Stiimach. ■* r ‘ Look heah, parson, you’se a Old Bap­ tist, isn’t yer ?” “ Yes ; and I’ll have you sent 'to the Wonderful Cure of Bllnlneii. penitentiary.”. ~ D.'R ansom , S on & Co»: For the benefit of all Well, so is I, an’ now ketch do p’ints troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood in tneir ez I gin ’em to yer. Dar ifl jes so many gysteins, I hereby recommend King of the Blood. I have been troubled with Scrofula for the pu«t ten saddles in dis worl’ what is Ter be stole, years, which «o affected^ my eye« that I wai com­ pletely blind for six month«. I was recommended an’ dar’s jes so many men what is ter steal to try King of the Blood, which has proved a great blessing to me, a« it has completely cured me, and dese saddles. Dis is predespernation. I cheerful^* recommend it to all troubled as I have Now, if yer saddle happens ter be one ob been. Yours truly, M m . 8. W eatubi ^ w , Sardinia, N. Y. DÁ1 de predisposed saddles, an* I happens, ter be one ob de predisposed men, kin I he’p NOTARY PUBLIC hit? Dar was"7udaa, fer instance. He PAGIFIC Also Agent Tor the couldn’t he’p ’traying de Savior, case de •will be paid to any Public Hospital to be mutu­ PHOENIX FIRJC. UrtfRtTClt rOi OF ally agreed.upon, agreed,upon, for every certificate of this medi- Savior said, ‘Judas, sop in dis dish, ah’ l «fj __ jiue is not genuine. published by us which i HARTFORD, ------- ■ an’ ’tray me.’_ Hit wa’nt Judaa’ fault; lliï / Conveyancing and Collections attended Its Ingredients. case be waa one ob de predisposed, so to with dispatch. To show our faith in the safety nnd excullfnee of ’tended frum de foundation ob do worl.” MONMOUTH, OttKGOS. the K. B., upon proper personal application, when “ I don’t want a religions discussion, satisfied that no imposition is in tended, we Will HAS NOW EXTZHZD UPON IJS give the name«of all iu ingredients,bv affidavit. Dave. It isn’t the saddle, now I cam so The above offers were never ma^Je before by fhe pro­ prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world. múch about. It is that you told tae a lie Many testimonial«,further information, and Tenth Volume, ‘ fulj direction« for using will be found in the pam­ in saying that you didn’t, steal it.” phlet “Treatise on ¿Diseases of the Blood,*’ in “ Well, den, parson, ’»pose I takes back which each bottle is enclosed. Price $ 1 per bottle con­ And proposes to' bring itfielf up to a features, Concerts, etc by New Chum»«!», taining 12 ounces, or 40 to 50 doses. Sold by dru^* Tt>rv»Hgli the 1 erta, t-> tne berrea of hearing, de lie atfjteeps de saddle ? by «ret <-nt wonderful firientifle in vestion-—THE gists. «D. R ansom , S on A Co., Prop'rs, Butfaleybi. Y. standard of excellence equal DENTAPHONE. ForremarkàblrpubUe tenta —“~AHie once told always stands. You on «he Ik ai' - i; the Ik af «nd Dwmlte -'v .. 7 . to-the best bare lied to me you scoundrel, and Í be­ ) ,,rk iL-rn ChrtrrSnn SlundurdA —-T Ir displaces all Ear-trumpet«. U— lieve it is my duty to have you arrested." 31Be of sb ordinary Watch. S. nd f„r Free pamphlet to Awerkitu* IknCoh ibí V iae St.. <_ um Í u M u , Ohio. CHRISTIAN WEEKLYS. .“ Parson, dar’s jes a certain amount ob *• r- . - , - • •- , _ lies ter be tole in dis worf, an’ef I is qne It is of special interest to the Brotherhood BICirXTE BEU. roi VBM1. ob de men what is predisposed ter tell one A- u M mw . >. 1 „1. West of the Rocky Mountains, and B.II.Copper and Tta. I óblese,- hits noc my fault, an’ I kan’t Ire’p ■souDWd with tb.i».lKotar»E«o? V OF ALU every Disciple on the hih” rrta- ta, CSàrè*, nr. EuUr Warranted. " You go now and get that saddle or I’ll« Ouluo. mb > Tnt. PACIFIC SZteOT ’ JU swear out a warrant for your arrest.” VAXD1ZEN ATirr, , VO AH I'M lu,3LXtaau,to«. " I’ll dp de bes’ I kin. parson ; but-dar’s Should subscribe for it, THIS HEW a certain amount ob stolen saddles to be FOB MAN OB BEAST. ELASTICTRUS3 returnfid-in dis wor’l. If I’s one ob de Has a Pad diffwvtr,- f’®m all Mhe-i, » Xts Literature cup-Abapu, with Adjuiting b ;i predisposed men, In’ I b’lieves I is, you’ll tamw,MUpu i'Ai’f Hall jamUnna When a medicine bn. Infallibly .lone of th» body, while th» Sill tm the fine yer saddle bangin'* on de yard fence Its work in millions of cases for more Will be of the Beet, Purest, most in- than a third or a century; When it bus ’ bont'aundown dis evenin." — Little Rock reached every psrt.of tbs world; when —Ae Liverpool Afijux ot May 1st, will (Ari.-.) Gaiette. 1 structive kind, while Church News, f a .a iugfet. aind a radical ear»" cer- __ numberless ihmllles everywhere con­ tain. It U - easy, durable — a/,.| < -- --------------- ..Cheap, beat by tumk CervuKr* x show two things : 1. TLat Bro Moore is sider it the only sste reliance lu cnso of EOfilestos Truss Co., Chicago, TIL, Reports from the Field, (he pain or accident, it Is pretty safe to call busily pushing on his evangelistic work. such a medicine Maid Cicely’s Steeple-Cap. 2. That his preaching is .attracting favora- A MONTH; guaranteed. St2 a rlay at EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT}- * ble notice in Liverpool. The Argu* is an I, conning my laiMsl, O'erheard today, home made by the industrious. Capital . not required ; we will start you. Men. At matins, the>X*ly:Abbess say v independent journal of wide circulatidh?' This Is the case with the ,'M.slean Original Communisations, and general . . women, boys ami girls make money faster Mu.Ung Ul.lrar n<. Every mall That Thomas the friar, who hath an eye at work for us than at anything else. The work ia That revivalistic rant is no, essential to brings intelligence of a valuable hur.e items of interest will make it a fight and pleasant, and such as auvone «-an go For matters that go in the realm awry, saved, I he agony of an avvV.el scald or popular preaching, the crowds which on right at. ihose wiid^re^wi»« who thia notkw burn aubdued, tiie horro.s of rben- Like Peter-the-Hermit. comes to aid desirable weekly visitor the last two Sunday evenings have flocked matl.m overcome, and of a I lion sand will htmd ua their addrem at ones and see for to St. James' Hall to bear Mr. W.. T. King Edward by preaching * new Crusade : n.l-one other btessincs and merries themaelvee. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now in every Cbrmtian family. performed by the did reliable Mas* Moore, bear evidence. ?^r. Moore's large IS the lime. Those already at work are laying ub And findeth the secret of All mishaps lean Mustang l.lalnoiil. large sums of money. Address ■ audiences are vefy badly mixed in their Bound up in the woman's «tee^te-cap* ! All forms m outward disease are 9 ’?U_ly „ tBUE 4 CO.. Augusta, Maine. Terms : $2.50 Per Year speedily cured by Iho character. They comprise a large working She said that he pregched in London town, «lass element, interspersed gith ordinary Address And took as his text, •• Top not l-ome down middle cias charch-goere ; but all hearers AGENTS FOR THE MESSENGER. ■ ' PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, — Plain language as ever the dear Locjl spake - appear to be equally interested by the And he vouched if the women failed to take The following persop4 are agents for preacher’s intelligent and impressive Monmouth, Oregon. Mustang Liniment. These spire i from off their heads, and tear the P acific C hristian M essenger , and It penetrates muscle, wenUu-anc and method of dealing with sacred subjects. The kerchiefs awsy thst dangle there, tissue, to the very lame, baniVnlng pain are T aniherizod receipt lot for . — —7—'—'* to receive “ and uu xcveips Mr. Moore's discourses occupy rather lon­ and curing disease with a power that Saint Peter, who keepeth the golden keys i subscriptions. subscnptiQns. If no agent is conven- never firils. It is a medicine needed by ger time than sermons usually do. He Of Heaven, on seeing snch caps as these, i ient, remit the amount direct to the offle everybody, from the raacArro, who rides his speaks each evening for fully on iour, but by registered letter or postal order on Would shut of a surety the door and cry: rby + Monmouth “The gateway is low, and the coif is high : so relaxation of 'attuulion is observable. Beghne with the beetling badge of sin, OREGOX AND WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Mr. Moore fairly and fully discusses the Or hot one woman shall enter in !” ' subjects upon which he treits, appealing Aumsville................................ T. J. Wilcok over the ph
  • 8, trithc mere bunt THE GREAT OREGON C&RE. He frightened them so that straight they tore rince, an * «oming towards the dose of such a closely ........ D. R. Lewi» years of torture. L | •' He meant that the m mk be shaven b«re? Molala. .... -------- ---------------- 1 ......... It heals without a Rear. It proes tn I J. W. Thomas reasoned discourse as that of Mr. Moore's. the very root of the matter, penetrating I Then why did He clothe his head with hair? . Myrtle Creek Mtk A WEEK in voter own town, and ............F. M. Gabbert Mr. Moore's standard of excellence ia so •ven tiie bone. J —He meant th'at’thy nuns should shear away Ata Asa 1,0 capital risked You can give McMinnville. ........................ J. W. Cowls It cures everybody, and disappoints I much above that of ordinary theological T H M ,lle business a trial without ex- Mohawk... i. Their beautifnl locks ?—Sc, Mother tninp^ no one. It has* been in steady use fori WFWw WF penne. Tiie best opportunity ever Monroe. ....... ............ ........... J. F. Mnlkev more than twenty-five years, and is I teachers, that flaws which would pare uo- Unless thou provest by word and line ................ . .J. L. Wigf» Offered for those willing to work. You should try positively j Of missal, or even Evangelist, nothing else until yOn see for yourself what you North Yamhill.. ............................Isaac Daria notfoed in other preachers, become pre? can do at the business we offer.' No room to ex­ Oakland.............. ........ ........... .. .-E. A. Chare That Saripture hath banned it, I will twiat ’ ceptible in him. We would advise those plain here. You can devote all yonr fime or only Palons.W. T!.. The kerchief about nty steeple-cap ; .............................. F. L. Bell your spare time to the business ' and make great of our readers who have not heard the And the monk shall know that it takes a rap pay for every hour that yon work. Women make ' Pleasant Hill... ......................... J. W. Paras OF ALL American evangelist to -go and do so, and as much as men. Send for special private terms Perry dale........ , ............ ... E. Richardson Of something more than a Shaven-croyn and particulars, which we mail free. $5 Outfit Pendleton...... • ................ Manning* Miles ». we oan assure them that they will not, at To tumble a maiden's top knot down 1'' free. Don't complain of hard times while you Portland.......... ........ Judge W. H. Adams , —Margaret J.Pretton, in Juste H'ide Awake. least, be offended by any Americanisms, have such a chance. Address Pilot Rock........ .......... ?.......... William Cox H. HALLETT A CO., but will listen to a cultivated gentleman Philomath.......... 9-33-ly Portland, Maine. ............ Drnry Davis * who oan address bimsel^in an intelligent ______ -c7 Puyullnp. W. T. June Dr. Chre. Spinnin«^ Roseburg. . .... and interesting manner to religious prob­ .................. A. F. Campbell FOB MAN OB BEAST. 8tayton ....... .. . T. C. Darby " Give me a month ” said the hnmmer, lems.— Standard. Scio............ ........... V f ,.E. W. Barnes * ■ ki . Demanding of Nature a boon. Salem ........ t . ,.H. A. Job nr on , - ' J_The MoMachutette Ploughman That shalt m ike surely Winter forgot ton, ’n- Agent made * m . m ln two da,, Vancouver, W. T. . ; .8. C. Harris. ^another,»» m one iay Tav it . » says: **Coperas is the dread of rats. And be with »JI sweet things in tune 1 W. F. Anderson •gto* Nofa /toeiwy of Town or County-.A. Waitsburg. W. T. • In etery crevice or every hole where The skies must be blue, the sun golden, Wheatland....... ... Wm. Scott a rat treads, scatter the grains of cop­ OAUroBMiA.- Love must light the white lamp pf the peras, «nd the result is a stampede of moon, Napa....... ........................... E. B. Ware rats and mice. Every spring a coat The great mother smiled, and she kissed Monticello .......... Mary Sea wel 1 Haratog»,.. ................... William Pollard of yellow wa«h applied to the cellar is her, " Hanta Rœa. ....................... G. O. Bnrnett a purifier as well as a rat extermiu«- And the smile anil the kiss wer«t-June!” Vacaville .. - ■ a • ••« a a . . . a^F. Smith ■ »» •tor. — Henry Richard*, Vtadia..... .................Lewis Van Tassel P IMIWKI 1 A anw J”"*^*^1 J M a I mt H». >.Kmur«Sa l » 'i ••• Mai» •‘trevi, < IXUX XATI,a Watsonville ............ ........ H. D. Connell One nigbt often destroy» a whole life. The leakage of the night, keeps the day forever empty. Night ia sin’s harvesting time. More sin and crime are committed ia one night than in all the days of the week. This is more emphatically true -of the city than of the country. The street lamps, like a file of soldiers, with a torch in hand, stretch away in long lines on either sidewalk ; the gay-colored trans­ parencies are ahlazq with attractions ; the saloon and billiard halls are brilliantly- illuminated ; the gay company begin to gather to the haunts and houses of pleas­ ure ; the gambling dens are aflame with palatial splendor ; the theaters are open ; the mills of destruction are grind­ ing health, honor, happiness, hope out of thousands of lives. The city under the gaslight is not the same as uqder God’s sunlight. The allurements- and perils and „ pitfalls of night are a hundred fold deeper and darker and more destructive. .Night life in our cities is a dark problem, whose depth and abysses and whirlpools make us start back with horror. All night long tears are falling, blood is streaming. Young meh, tell me how and where you spend your evenings, and I will write . out the chart of your character and final destiny, with blanks to insert yotir names.- If seems to me an appropriate text would Be, “YVatohman, what of the night?" Po­ liceman pacing tliy beat, what ot the night ? What are the young men of the city doing at nighf ? Where do they spend their evenings? Who are their associates? What are their, habits? Where do t^iey go in, and what time do you see.' them come out?^ Policeman, would the night life of young men commend them to the confidence of their employers ? Would it be to their credit ? * Make a record of the nights of onewebk.' Put in the morning paper the. names of all the young men, their habits, and- haunts; that are on the street for sipftri ^pleasure. ’ Would there shame and confusion ? Some wbuld not dare to girto their places of business; some would return home at night ; some would leave the city ; -some would commit suicide. Remember, young -----AMSf; that in tha retina of the ail-seeing Eye there is nothing hid but shall be re- vealtol on the last day.— Ex. King of the Blood- SCROFULA THE & !*• Christian Messenger I THE BEST LINIMENTS _ _ _ vnwK THE BEST OF ITS KIND. » MEXICAN MHS. Es ROHRER S MUSTANG NEW REMEDY FOR THE LUNGS, LINIMENT THE BEST LINIMENTS •6,000AGENTS* ^WAITED MÄKSlÄii GUNS r á . I s WM DAI WM.