PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, FRIDAY, APRIL 2; 1880. From Bro. Aaron Payae. Evangelist’s Quarterly Report. Railroad Meeting at Monmouth. Obituary. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. N orth Y amhill , O r ., Dear brethren of Christian Coopera­ Pursuant to very short notice, the Died, en March 16, 1880, at the home of otice is hereby given that thb March 20, 1880. tion of Lane county, I feel grateful citizens of Monmouth and vicinity met at h s father, at Myrtle Point, Samuel A. Executor» of die Estate of Solomon Craven, deceased, have filed their final exhibit and petition 3% o ’ clock r. x., on the 25th day of Rawley, of that dread disease, consump­ for final Editor Christian Messenger : to you for your faithful and generous settlement. That aaid matter is set for March. tion. He leaves many friends to mourn hearing on the stia tiet'i*. ■ plaints, after having tested its wonderful that imparts vigor to life, 'restores health — An American physician, who has given K mc fiwrlli, Walnut Can«, wnrot'il ® J ■•an», Stool A Book *tMB. from Paul, to-wit: " Mark them that New lea ess»«. Stool, (’over A Book. • «483 to Before powers in thousands of cases, has and expels disease.— Waterford (Pa.) Ad- careful attention td ihe study of alcohol­ curative you bey I* anre to write me. IBnatratcd Newwpcpcr sent Frsve. felt it hit duty to make it known to his vertiter. make divisions and sffences contrary 4*>rw. DANL. F. BKATTY. Wathintrton, J«r~y. ism, said in the course of an address re­ suffering fellows. Actuated by this mo­ to the Gospel you have been taught, 1 cently delivered before a learned society : tive, OVER and a desire to relieve Qurnah suffer­ and avoid them, for they that are such •• There are constantly orowding into our ing, I will send, free of charge, to all who —The Bishop of Peterborough de­ serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but insane asylum* persons fitly to eighty desire it, this recipe, with full directions Oistinet ' to urge upon the clergy of his their own belly, and by fair speeches years of age, who, in early life, were ad­ for preparing and using, in German, clines Varieties French, or English. Sent by mail by ad ­ ’ PlnaUte each safely by mail. deceive the hearts of the simple.” I dicted to the use of alcoholic liquors, but dressing with stamp, naming this paper. diocese the observance of a day of All Strmi*. nMortment. lx»w price«. In business for 2k. sent free, contoir.ii the name and deset iptiou of of the learned clergy don’t know what thirty years have never touched a drop. ester. N.Y. plant, w»th inatrnctions for —*•*—— />«» **~ F— mtcceiMifiT* erultaftion. the prevalence of intemperance. He cioh injury which the liquor did to their nol vnre^as' plaaf ejpBWhf — ’ lere t*ndin a for ntr W» the church of Christ ia composed of The »ver of zY.»w»r« ahotMh.tre it. All bodice seemed to have all disappeared, be­ HAMD-BOOK says the great majority of the people Don’t Stop that Cough, here on earth, for they all claim to be ing triumphed over by the full vigor of Every ono wanting new and “ ““ — “------------- ■“ cliol-e fr* owe HOOPKS, a THOMAS, the church of Christ, and yet coh- their manhood. but when their natural Too suddenly by taking some mixture who would engage in such service ifaU-Aoo». (■pypn- tyvvv WrvytwwtFk. heater, Pfc. r force began to decrease, then the concealed containing Morphine. Better far let na­ would be sober persons, and it would • demn each other. ' mischief showed itself m insanity, clearly A done of Yankee Cough Syrup taken at All of which ia respectfully submit­ demonstrating that the injury to their ture take its course, gently assisted by be incongruous for then^, to humiliate that pleasant and reliable remedy, Dr. bed-time will insure you a good night’s ted. bodies was of a permanent character.” Young's Yankee Cough Syrup. themselves for the sins of others. rest from coughing. A aron P ayne . N u ♦ ADOLF WOLF J. I. CASE & CO Mr. W. S. Elkins;