: i r ■ PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, FRIDAY, JAN. 30, 1880. 2 aoy work. Strength comes from joy, and of of us, if such ia their purpose, and singers at once. No organ or other in­ est efforts to study God’s word, crys- , seven years' curriculum may possibly that joy they havt none. They rofnse they will make it known we will en­ strument And he pauses to oOTrect talized them into a system. They at j expand; ' and at the same time ex- food and medicine, and they become deavor to keep time with them. errors in singing. That is, the preacher once gave a definite plan to Sunday pressed its fear that “ this time-honor- | both aud Ril,k|r. They school study, and in this is found one With the next verse his own voice, teaching how to sing. He sings him­ hospital than the battle-field They seen, ed text book of the Presbyterian which is a very full one, rose above self, raising his voice above „the point 6f their excellence. Besides too, to get more and more emioated, Cl.urch may be set aside. though the food provided ia abundant.. all others, and the harmony became masses, and leading them in the right this, they have brought the various The Congregational Publishing So ­ denominations to the study of the Laboring under «hat the physicians call way I He is for hamwngx And he almost complete. ciety Bends forth a piteous wail, that atro») >hy, the more they eat tba lass they His remarks reminded me ot the will sing as others sing, if they will Bible just as jt is. And it ia actually " somehow, in the doctrine of chance; 'Î ■•afy I th he fed.— Boratit» Honor. preacher in the « Georgia Scenes,” who not sing as he sings. He is not heady. wonderful, when -it is read and stud­ it rarely happens that a Congregation­ administrated a similar rebuke te Ned He is respectful, courteous, while ied without theoligical spectacle«, bow — Early and provident fear ia the it brings them to the position for al Church is the result of union lab­ Brace, when he attempted to join in urging order and harmony. ors. ” A leading member among the mether of safety.—ifr/mund Burke. Let no one say then, any more, that which we as a people have contended the music. • Mr. "Spurgeon next turned to the  » • *