PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, FRIDAY, JAN. 23, 1880. PACIFIC C hristian messenger . through mail. We are anxious to close this busi­ ness, that we may give our time and energies to other matters demanding attention. t T. F. C ampbell . tion, which, among other things, shall garded as worthy of the pulpit, are so port their meetings to the P. C. M es ­ forbid “the teaching in said school, of re- the Uaching8 of 0,^ and s0 ligious, atheistic, or pagan tenets.” senger ? We may leave for the recommendation? blinded by sectarianism, as to thank Í iatbe *’ meaning of suob* ----------------------- brethren themselves to answer. Wo Rnw oan von »•» i How can you teach any thing in astrono ­ T. F. CAMPBELL, E ditor . my, historv, or literature, without teach­ God for these divisions. very much regret that we have not ing something about these 'ter ets ’ The The results of half a century have more and fuller reports from the field Miss MARY STUMP, very names of the planets, Jupiter, 8atnrn fully demonstrated the practicability of ministerial labor. Venus, etc., are name, of ‘pagan’ deities, OFFICE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. —i— and Christianity and paganism are con­ of the Bible alone as a basis of union; stantly brought before the student of in­ The Peril of the Hour. The Law and the Gospel. dent and modern history. Then, too, the and good men everywhere are begin­ FRIDAY. JAN. 23. 1880. very imprint in the text-books of our ning to recognize the grand truth and That our Christian civilization is in schools is itself a most decided and em- Dear Bro. Campbell: ill Subscribers please notice the teaching of a ‘religious tenet’—A to realize the necessity of this union peril, that morality is waning, and £Uatic I have been requested by many to date following their names on the I.; what is it but the moat potent and both from within and from without. that our liberties as a people are triumphant argnment for the Christian publish my article on the Sabbath paper? It tells the time when your Its advocates are no longer limited to threatened by the combined power of religion, flaunted most offensively in the Question in pamphlet form, for distri­ face of every pupil, lie he from atheist, this reformation.- It is at work in subscription expires; thus, if the date Atheists who repudiate, and Catholics Jew or pagan household? Allot this must bution and general circulation. reads 1’81, your subscription will ex­ who desire to monopolize, all Bible be proscribed perforoe, if such an amend­ other pulpits; and is finding its way It would be quite expensive for me ment be adopted. It is probable that our into the literature of other denomina- pire Jan. 1, 1881. If the date alter reading, can not be doubted by any Ex-Chief Executive really meant ‘secta­ to do this alone, and I would like to rian tenets,* which would greatly modify tioaa j*sur name is a time past, you are in one conversant with the signs of the the know how many are willing to assist recommendation. A prominent speaker in the East times. * a • a • • e _ • upon these terms. arrears. Please remit a little before What, then, is the only conree of wis­ closed a Thanksgiving discourse in The persistent effort to put the I desire to revise it, by amplifying dom and of safety? This surely ; Let the the following wise sentences: your time is out, if possible. Bible out of the public schools is, on Bible be an nnproseribed text book in onr s line pointe, and including others; ** Proteetentlira in America is too limn. public schools, with its priceless teachings the part of the Atheist, an effort to We regret very much that we are and its silent though potent influence; and God is going to teach ns that freedom it and by presenting such a full and is not a matter of virtue but a devel­ connected statement of the Scriptures unable to any longer furnish the degrade the Book of God to the base if any are conscientiously opposed to self reading it, la, them be exoused. But, for_ opment of something higher than itself. upon this subject, that a " way faring level of corrupt literature, while the Household with the M essenger . The the sakj of the nation and the schools and' He is going to show ns that an adulterated form of religion is better than no religion. man though (almost) a fool need not very liberal offer of that journal is Catholic would maintain the charac­ youth of our oouutry, lay no rnde hand of Bomaniam^annot be successfully met by teristic of his church by putting out prohibition on God ’ s Holy Word. No withdrawn, and orders that we have iufluelity. Impure religion needs a pure err therein ” expulsion, no compulsion, is the true pol- religion to purify it. Yon are to meet I think I can prepare such a neatly received s:nce the 9th of January the light of Protestantism in the free ioy. The plea that the Bible is a sectarian compact, Rome, which at last has declar­ use of the Bible and limiting all book is utterly unfounded. How any printed pamphlet or tract, and furnish cannot be til'ed. In all such cases we ed war on our beat American institution. Protestant can aoeept such a charge is in­ will give our subscribers an additional religious teaching to the Catholic explicable. The admission is fatal to its We can only meet it with compact Protes­ 25 for a dollar. church. claim of Divine authority and universal tantism. If we are. loose, disorderly and Will all who are willing to assist in month on their M essenger subscrip­ acceptance. Such an admission puts it on disconnected with one another, we never The petty fallacies which are can meet this foe. It is a oall to unity its circulation, notify me by card, how tion, and hope that will prove satis­ a level with the Koran, and other so call­ and union of one denomination with an­ gravely urged for arguments by many ed sacred books* It is a message from the many they will take, on these terms. factory. If not, let us know, and we universal God to universal man. The fact other, of all denominations under one opponents of *the Bible would seem great name. In the face of these friends Kindly your brother for the liberty will refund the money. We are sorry that all men* have not accepted it as such too contemptible to merit, any atten­ changes not its character, abates nothiug of tyranny we must forget that we are in and honor of the Gospel, that we could not have inserted this any party. There muatbe neither Repub ­ tion were it net that many Protestants from its claims or authority. On no other lican nor Democrat, nor denominational- notice in the paper Several weeks 8. C. A dams . theory can it be honestly urged on all men accept them without examination and everywhere. I am amazed that a believer ist. We want two things—pure, honest Salem, Or., Jan. 19, 1880. sodnei and saved much annoyance. American citizenship, and pure, honest are ready to yield to the selfish in the divinely inspired volume should fidelity to Christ, God and the Bible; then ———«•<•---- - --- admit it to be a sectarian book. The dif­ clamor. . and uot till then, victory is certain.* ’ Items from California. From the Democrat we learn the ference between ^the Donay version and that in common use is but slight, not fuñí The conscience argument, so earnestly painful news that Maria Lane, so well damental. No, it is Jehovah's owu book, Let It Be Published. Cold ’ cold ! 1 cold ' I! The oldest known in College several years ago, plead by the opponents of the Bible in who is no sectarist, but the all-Creator, inhabitant of California does not re­ the eternal and sovereign God has been adjudged hopelessly insane school, is utterly fallacious, first, be­ all-Father, We have received several letters member of seeing such cold weather of the universe.” by Albany physicians, ai.d taken to cause the Bible reading in school asking that Bro. S. C. Adam’s “ Sab. in this State as we have had for two The Work Still Progressing. tire asylum at East Portland. H. r does not amount practically to bath Question,” be published m pam­ weeks past. The thermometer has insanity is of a violent nature, and anything ; and in the second, place, if phlet form, and were on the point of l>e such a basis had worse than a dollar’s worth, and we hope that anything in the vallie» that compares failed—had multiplied sects and in­ many ether brethren more able finan to it for cold. address all business letters relating to bi» conscience ? ' cially than editors generally are, will creased the^evil. the P acific C hristian M essenger , Items of church news are decidedly The Christian is conscientious in They sought for a divine basis and be able to circulate fifty or even a scarce, the most of us have been and make all remittances to Miss desiring his child taught the facts and Mary Stump, Publisher. Manuscript principles of the Bible in school and found it in the Bible. The Gospel hundred copies. “ resting from our labor»,” I suppose. Here is an opportunity to dissemi­ for publication only should be ad­ out of school. Shall the government greeted them in its first announce­ Bro. Hiram. Wallace, lately from nate needed light upon an important dressed to us. accommodate his conscience by en­ ment by the argels with " Glory to subject. But few of us have the tal­ Ohio, has engaged to preach for the T. F. C ampbell . He has a forcing the reading of the Bible in God in the highest, and on earth ents, the culture or the time to pro­ church at Hollister. peace, good will amongst men.” good church topieacli for, and I think -chools ? The Sunday Chronicle gives the That which was emphatically “ The duce such a lecture, yet we can all the church has a good man. There The question is not about legislating with two bits, send out half a dozen following complimentary notice of S. the Bible into the public school. Pro­ Lord’s prayer,” contained these signi­ to as many readers, thus taking part is no better field of labor in Cali­ C. Adams lecture on the “ Sabbath testants do not ask this. The deuiund ficant and remarkable words : “Neither in spreading the light of truth and fornia than Hollister. Question,” which appeared in the The church at Santa Clara has en­ is on the part of its opponents to pray 1 tor t.iese alone; but for them helping forward the grand work of M essenger : aiso who shall believe on me through gaged the services of Bro. Wm. Lane, - legislate it out of the public school. civilization. “ Rev. S. C Adams, of Salem Or., their word : that they all may be one; formerly of Connecticut, to preach \Ve have not time nor space for ex­ A Postal card addressed to S. C. argaes, in the Pacific Christian Mes­ as thou, Father, art in me, and I in half the time. Bro. Lane is an able senger, w'th great ability, that the amining other fallacies equally shallow thee, that they also may be one in us'; Adams, Salem, Oregon, will I« Sllffi- minister of the word, and will no and unt nable as this boasted con ­ Sabbath law was given to the Jews, that the world may believe that thou cient to tell him how many copies you doubt do them good, and to the Jews alone—that it was a science argument. will take, and as soon as the’amount portion of that “ministration of death” I rejoice to hear of* the churches Protestants who are ready to accept hast sent me.” shall be sufficient to justify publica­ They proposed to come nearer to which the Gospel was introduced to these sophisms as sound logic and join locating preachers in their midst to tion, Bro. Adams will let you know abolish, substituting the better “min­ in the tacit alliance with infidels and the Bible, and in doing so they cam! through the P. C. M essenger , and labor in " word and doctrine.’, It is istration of the spirit,” that “of all the nearer to God and to one another. the great need of the churches on this monstrous delusions that, like a hid- ^'atholrcs to degrade the Bible, surely then you can send him the mouey. They announced their purpose of coast, the constant labors of a faithful have not fully examined the results ligious world, the desire to force upon that would inevitably follow such a Rejecting all human creeds, abstracts preacher. 1 am glad to know that Fairs. of principles, forms of faith and modes the neck of Gentile Christians the statute. many of the churches are alive to yoke ot Judaism is the most foolish, An inquires asks for information as this fact and are moving in the right We find in an exchange some re­ of doctrine. inconsistent and unscriptural. They proposed to take the Bible to the propriety of Christians going to direction. I am sorry to hear that The editor of the Messenger com­ marks so pertinent that we quote and that alone, witbeut note or com­ State or county fairs. Sacramento is still without a preacher. mends the position taken in this arti­ them at some length. ment, without amplification or abbre­ We hesitate not to say that, con­ San Franeisco, I understand, will soon cle, and remarks: * Some are not con­ “Prohibit- tlin Bible iu the common tent to accept Christianity unless school! because of its religions teachings, viation as their sole and sufficient ducted as they have been for the past have the labors of a faithful man. much of Judaism is added. Hence, and yon adopt a principle which, carried rule of faith and practice, of fellow­ ten years, it is highly improper for Dr S. C. Pearsell is preaching for to its logical and practical results, will the law with its burdens, the Sabbath entirely revolutionize our present text­ ship ard discipline. Christians to countenance or encour­ the Central church, Oakland. with its penalties, and much of the books and methods 'of teaching, produce An idea so novel was looked upon age them. Bro. James Tully must have been bondage which the law imposed must endless discord in our public schools, aud as wholly impracticable, and by many, That a fair might be preserved from laboring under a bilious attack, when l>e added. From paganism cornea the : render their continuauce an impossibility, It is not the bound volume called the Bi- in the darkne»» and confusion in observance of Christmas and Easter j i ble all objectional features and made ben- he wrote that letter to the Standard to which objection is made. It is the ~ , - -------------- ajmx . huu / g as religious festivals. All these things touChing» of the Bible iu whatever form which they were involved on occount encial to individual* and communities about " The cause in California rapidlv belong to those traditions which ren­ presented. A manual of devotional and of the seisms, undesirable. in A- of .. f indue .1 ___ 1 • •• in the vawi'mia various departments and surely dying.” We must never moral excerpts from ihe inspired volume der the word of God of ho effect.” Many a preacher, in those days, try is, in our mind, without a doubt; judge the climate of an extensive would be as objectionable. Any book that j in any way inculcates the Chtis'ian reli- thanked God for the many “ branches but when shows, circuses, drinking country by that of the neighborhood Building Fund. ' giou must and will come under the ban of this proscribing principle. And if there ef th« church,” as he falsely and .shops, gambling dens, horse races and in which we live. California is a big The last of the notes in favor of the ! be truth or tore« iu the principle, it ought foolishly call them. other things of even worse repute are country and has a variety of climates, i to Ire rigoren ly and universally applied. The prime movers in this greatest licensed or winked at, and general leligiously and otherwise. Building Fund fell due on Nov. 1( Every reader, every text book of history, i 1879. Many of them remain unpaid. physiology, astronomy, or any other study, reformation were misunderstood, mis­ demoralization is the result. Chris­ U C W ho . that has in it any eX'racta from God s We have not gone out, ov. iug to un­ Word, any Christian teaching, any allusion represented, maligned and cast out of tians ought to set their faces against favorable surroundings, to make col- | to God, indeed, as the Supreme Being, is the churches. Their woi k prospered, them. These fairs ought to be re­ Gen B d well is one of the richest - , un offensive form of religious t-aching, lections; nor have We tncught it pro- aDj n,nBt be prohibited, or some oua’a however; and their influence began formed or repudiated. men in California. On his plantation fitable to send an agent. i conscience is offended. Wbat a wholeaele to spread beyond the limits of their We see no impropriety in a Chris­ are forty miles of drives, lined on ... . process of expurgation in onr text-bodke fellowship. tian competing for a premium on the Lest partus who wish to pay up tlins ¿ematl(ied, by the inevitable logic each side with trees. His place is a There is not, perhaps, a Protestant products of the soit or the fruits of and stop interest may complain be- 1 of onr new and much vaunted jtrineiplee Spanish grant of one hundred and of no religious teaching in ti.e publio cause they have not had an oppor­ school.? How easy it is to nse words denomination in the United States industry. forty miles. Mrs. Bidwell is a woman The objection is in pdtronizifig an tunity to settle, we make this' notice. without considering their meaning; to ad­ whose jiulpit teaching? and current and inaugurate measures without literature have not been modified and, institution which fosters so many de­ of great culture, and their home is th» Any one who will send us the money, vocate reflecting upon their results! Ewen onr rendezvous for all savants from th» principal and interest, by P. O. money ■ usuai’y'wise and thoughtful Ex-President brought, indeed, nearer to the spirit moralizing and corrupting practices. States of Europe who visit the Paci­ was misled, by this popular outcry against order, or .by registered letter, at onr , so-called sectarianism, to the recommen­ of the Gospel. The other question asked by Ob­ fic coast. Those wealthy Californiana Few, it is to be hoped, who are re- server—Why do the brethren not re- risk, will receive his note, cancelled,; dation of an amendment to the Consutu- are growing numerous.