PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, FRIDAY, DEC. 1?, 1879. 2 dance increased, the numbers .ofi the D. Lothrop & Co.’s Fall Books, the eight volumes of the magazine, The Power to Become a Sons of word then they were his disciples indeed, and should know the truth other classes decreased. ' Premiums ought to be in the possession of every God. No.publishing house in the country family where there are children, and on race horses and trotters ran up, and obtain freedom by * it. God e ’s ia making more active preparations no cheaper or more fitting present | word is truth; it is in the Gospel, it while those on all essential articles of for the holiday trade that D. Lothrop could be made by parents than this. ** He came to his own, and they received him is God's power and therefore the our Fairs, in former times, went down. not ; but to aa many aa reoeived him to them Rave & Co., and their list of announcements The laws of Oregon and of the The Out of School Series, consisting he. power to become the sons of God, even to them means of grace in the Gospel is the exceeds in extent and attractiveness of four volumes by popular writers, is that believed on hia name.” John 1. 12. power given to the believer to become State Fairs have been shamefully In the. days when predestination, a son of God, and every one should violated for the last eight or ten that of any past year. As usual, the a special attraction. Then there are foredestination,election and effectional desire that fetation, and properly use years past. However, much has been stronzest effort has been made in be­ the Merry and True series of 10 vol­ calling were the Alpha and Omega of this power, the means of grace found said and written in defence of these half of young readers, and the books umes ; Little Chats with Little Folks. religious discussion, this text was al­ in the Gospel to enter into such high Fairs, as conducted for ten years past, offered for their delectation are as 6 books in a box. Baby Classic Toy ways in ’ the way of the Calvinist and holy relation as will finally crown the truth stands out in strong posi­ beautiful in their outside appearance Books; Favorite Quarto Toy Books ; who regarded " man as dead as a him with the highest honors. tion, they have been conupt and cor­ as they are fascinating inside. Stories the Natural History Series and Sto­ in prose and stories in poetry, funny stone under the hammer.” ries, and Johnny’s Discoveries, in 5. I fear we, as preachers, do not rupting to an alarming extent. If stories, pathetic stories, stories in na­ His interpretations of Scripture impress upon the believer as earnestly that or any other business or institu­ three volumes. . . were always unharmonious or in as we should the importance of using tion of our country is of more harm tural history and stories about people The presentatoin book upon which direct conflict with this text, and his this power; they are often ready to- than good, it is our duty to frown it and places, delightfully written and the Messrs. Lothrop are bestowing opponents generally felt satisfied by defer and delay till the future what is down in all prudential and legitimate charmingly illustrated, form a large particular attention, and which from »imply quoting this text as positive of the utmost importance now. Many ways. These Fairs, as they have been proportion of the catalogue, while its peculiar character, ought to have proof of man’s freedom to act or not, men who believe in Jesus and have conducted during the latter part of books adapted to the needs and Ca­ special attraction for every patriotic or that man was a free moral agent. the power to become Christians, are the time since they were controlled by pacities of older readers are not want­ American, is Dt. S. F. Smith’s Ameri- Ac. But it is with the present rather deferring this important matter to the the present or previous head, ruling ing. ¿a, which for nearly half a century than the past that we anp to deal, and future; they are using the power officers, have been a blot upon our Among the larger and more impor- hns served our national hymn. It is therefore a few reflections will pre­ they possess to gain wealth, society character, as a moral, temperate and tantbooks are Mr. Benjamin’s Ameri­ to be brought out in large quarto face our remarks in this article. and position in this world under the Christian people. I do not deny that can Artists, an elegant quarto volume, form, magnificently illustrated and 1. There is nothing so much de­ delusion that they may any time use there have been religious, good men filled with portraits of some of our bound, and containing, beside, the sired by man as power. In almost the great power to become a son of elected on the Board of Managers, an­ most famous painters, with illustra-' hymn, an illustrated sketch of the all his desires, first and last, power is God. Day by day they grow more nually, who deprecated the plan of tions from their own hands, diawn ex­ venerable author, who is still living. the great end or means Then they indifferent, faith dies, and finally the running the society for the interest pressly for the work; a second vol­ It would be interesting if we could may have many objects or purposes i ’ man also dies, a wealthy farmer, mer­ of the sporting gentry. ume of Poet’s Homes, brought out in know the various important occasions the same manner, containing portraits upon which this hymn has been sung on which they propose to exercise the chant, banker or statesman, and the But their arguments were met by and biographies of Holmes, Bryant, since it was first written. During the power they possess or desire. world now set up that “ God would be the majority, on this wise, that the 2..-All men would acknowledge a cruelly unjust not to receive so good Fair would dwindle down to extinc­ Emerson, Paul H. Hayne, John Boyle war it exerted a wonderful influence bc’ng who would grant them either a man into heaven,” and some preach­ tion, if run on moral principles! O’Reilly, and other prominent authors; at home and in the field in the way of . power unlimited or sufficient to ac­ er who is catering to public favor And these men pretended that bet­ o new edition of Out of Darkness into strengthhniog" patriotic feeling, and it complish what they most desire. The preaches a sermon at the funeral and ting on race horses, pool selling, and Light, a volume which a New York' has lost none of its popularity since. Jews would readily have confessed tell-of the deceased power and energy, whisky shops were legitimate, and critic calls “a rich work of art," a red- The volume which presents it is ar­ Jesus 'for power to drive away the I but never tells how all through the not a violation of state laws, nor good line, quarto edition of Pilgrim’s Pro­ tistic and beautiful, and should be Roman governors, armies and tax col­ years he refused to become a son of order! Oh' no. Betting was not gress, on plate paper, with 17 full- found in the household of every true lectors, Ac. The Pharisees would God. gambling. Our young men and page illustrations, splendidly bound ; American. have readily confessed him for power The five handsomely printed vol­ We humbly beseech every believer women have been drawn into the pjStory of the PrayerB of Christian His­ to settle beyond dispute their claims to use this power to become and live company of the vilest men and women tory, by the author of Story of the umes which constitute the Idle Hour to the infallibility of the tradition of as a son of God, that he may be an at these Fairs, and have been tempted Hymns ; Thoughts that Breathe, con­ Series, and which have put off their the elders and deacons of their coun- [ heir to the heavenly estate; better by them, We know tod well that sisting of choice extracts from the light summer clothing for tasteful jsels, Ac. And how many are there neglect any thing else; all else is many of the best men and women on works of Dean Stanley, with an in­ cloth covers, claim the attention of all to-day who would readily believe in earthly, this is heavenly. this coast attend these Fairs every troduction of Phillips Brooks ; a new lovers of choice literature. They have Jesus for power to overcome their Fairfield, Iowa, Nov. 3, 1879. year. So great has been the prepon­ edition of Jesus Lover of My Soul; a all been waimly praised by the press, rivals in business, society or politics ? derance of infidelity, and base per­ gift book for young ladies called and in their cheaper form have had a State Fair for 1880. Yet we do not find in this or any sons at their Fairs, that it is difficult Christmas Pie, illustrated by Miss large and steady sale. Their charac­ BY DAVID NEWSOME. other Scripture that -flesus conferred to draw tegether the fiftieth person Lathbury ; Christmas Snow-flakes, a ter is not ephemeral, nor are they sim­ such follies; that he would seek to into the chapel of the Y. M. C. A. on large and elegant quarto volume of ply intended as “ summer books.’r I consider that^all moral, religious, gratify the selfish desires of men’s the grounds to hear the words of original poems by American authors, One can enjoy the experiences of the scientific and juudential measures, hearts and because of this many then eternal life from the mouths of God’s with choice illustrations, richly and Two Girls Who Tried Farming by a with which owl community is im­ uniquely bound, and Dr. Smith’s coal fire as well as in a hammock, or and now will not receive him. He ministers there. mediately or remotely concerned, are sought to make the sons of God, and Another feature of these Fairs is America, ouu.National Hyn n, with the narrative of the trio who sailed Up legitimate and proper subjects for dis­ t. this end offered them every means the management of them in a pecuni­ several exquisite engravings and a and Down the Merrimac when that cussion, in any or all public journals, tq that end, but they either rejected famous river is frozen as well as now ary point of view. About a quarter sketch of the author. devoted to the cause of religion and Of the books for young people, My Daughter Susan and Priscilla or refused to use the means thus of a million of dollars- has been paid sound morals. prominent is Wide Awake Pleasure Hunter are acceptable acquaintances offered. And, believing that your excellent to the receiving officers of this society 3. Any man who, with the Gospel Book “ F,” uniform with five volume» at any time of year, and there is no­ in 18 years past! testimony before him, does not be­ M essenger is open to fair discussion, The question arises, what has be­ which have preceeded it, yet with a particular season to be Bet apart for lieve, is condemned, and if he con­ in proper language, I crave a space come of this large"sum of money? richer and more attractive table of Poor Papa. tinues in disbelief, is-powirless, and in it, while I may examine the merits There are two other series which Oh I be still. Don’t the books show contents than either of them ; Don will die in sin, and where Jesus is he and demerits of our Oregon State fair balances every year ? Quixote, Jr., being ahistory of further seem to lequire special mention. The The can not go. See John iii. 18; also Fairs for ten years or more in the society is now in debt twenty-two adventures of MJtiades Peter kin first,History and Biography,containing past. viii. 24, and parallel passages. Paul; Miss Youge’s Young Folk’s five volumes, and Famous Americans, The organization, incorporation, by­ thousand dollars; and yet it never Whatever power he may possess, History of France and Rome; The containing the lives of Franklin Sum­ was in as sound a condition as it is and however eminently successful he laws and regulations of this State now ! So says a high functionary of Dogberry Bunch; Royal Lowries ner, \\ ebster and Amos Lawrence. may be in accomplishing his desired Fair seemed to be founded upon fair the society. It is useless to multiply Last Year at St. Olave’s; and Break­ They are books which«every boy objects ip this life, he can not, while and judicious measures. Its very words in this case. The gentry who fast for Two, by Joanna Mathews. should read, and will be the better for- in disbelief, either become a child of name presupposed that it was an have controled this society for quite Others are in preparation and will reading. God or escape the condemnation of Agricultural Fair. Such an institu­ Another new book, Waifs and their a while past, seem willing now, it soon be announced. his disbelief. This power and salva­ tion was needed here, and such ones Authors, is now in press, and nearly But it is the children who have would seem, to g ; ve us an old tion never was conferred on any man have proved very beneficial in all fashioned Fair about the 4th of July, particular reason to feel grateful to the ready for issue. It will ne in the in this life who did not believe in states or territories of our Union. For 1880, on the grounds near Salem; and Messrs,. JLothrop, who have provided popular quarto form as illustrated. Jesus, and there is no intimation that a few years after the organization of not have any horse racing and licensed for tliein a list perfectly bewildering Of new editions, prominent are Tar­ it will be given to such men in the the State Agricultural Society of dens of abominations on the grounds in its variety and attractiveness. One box’s Life of Israel Putman, which Oregon, many of our very best farm­ life to come. of the first books to te npt the eve of has been materially reduced in price -r ers, stockraisem, manufacturers, fruit­ at that time' 4. I notice now the obvious point Ah. gentlemen, you can’t any little patrons is Child Lore, a beauti­ Sunshine for Baby land; Pansy’s that belief only in Christ does not growers and horticulturists, took hold longer run your Fairs on horse race- fully bound quarto volume with en­ three over popular books, Mother’» and en­ constitute him who possess it a son of of this concern with a ing, pools, fast men and women ; and gravings and colored illustrations, It Boys and Girls, Picture Book and God but give not the privilege or deavored to conduct it for the general you now turn to the moral, religious, contains the “ Babyland Classics,” old Our Darlings, all of them enlarged, welfare of the substantial people on power to become a son of God. tempt rate and substantial people of and new, with short rhymes and jing­ and in choice bindings. The Chil­ With thia power given to the be­ this coast. our country, and will let us have a les, compiled &nd edited by Clara dren’s Almanac, which created such a But another element, another large liever, there yet remains two very Fair. “ Save Cassius or I sink.” Doty Batea, and is good for all times sensation» last season should not be important items before him. (a) To interest, another class of persons per­ 1 am glad that you perceive now seasons of the year. Once upon forgotten. It is one of the moat user .. exorcise this power or privilege now ceived a golden opportunity to turn ~ what you ought to have seen many a Time, by Miss E. E. Brown, is a ful and beautiful little volumes ever given, (fe) That power must be used these Fairs to good account for their years ago, that you milet make these ' charming book of story plays, illus- brought out by publisheis. and ia own interests. These were the fast, legitimately. Fair agricultural ones, or else none at ’ trated of course, and bound in taking sold for hardly more than a nominal As proof of this we refer to Noah the sporting gentry, who owned and all. style. Then there are Stories and price. It will be remembered the Howell Prairie, Or., Nov. 13, 1879. wh6 was granted pewer to except the controlled the turf, and all that that Pictures dDWild Animals, companion calender reaches^ over five years, and deluge. He first shows that power term implies. These, of course, could w I know I’m losing ground, sir,” books, in' large type, in chromo board is as good to day as it was last year in building the ark, and otherwise draw to the Fair ground, very many tearfully murmured the pale-faced covers; a new edition of Little Lucy’s doing as God commanded him. See fast men and women, who would not freshman, " but it is not my fault sir. A Lost Life. If I were to study on Sunday, as oth­ Wonderful Globe; Children's Funny Gen. vi. 22. “ So Abraham by faith otherwise attend those Fairs. Book,a big quarto, full of pictures; ers do, I could keep up with inv class, And the more gate-tickets sold, the obeyed God.” See Heb. xi. 8—27. ** Wlien he thought thereou, be wept,H . the Birthday Picture Book, with Again, there is not in all the New more money would go into the coffers sir—indeed I could ; out I promised Like those at school who ou tutor slates mother ne-ne-never to work on the thirty full page engravings and mot- Write figures uud for fxuae uoutecil, Testament any proof that any one of the secretary of the society, who, Sabbath, and I can’t, sir, ne-ne-never’’ Then b.oi them out. nd write sgaiu, . Joes for each day in the month ; and was acknowledged as a son on faith indeed, has been about the whole, —and as his emotions soon overpow­ A» they in tuatheinatios mend. several, “ baby books," chief among only, but on the other hand the be­ high official authority, in effect, for ered him he pulled out his handker­ liever always was directed in the quite a number of years past of this chief with such vigor that lie brought I Ui do th- aodeoa 1 have dune, legitimate exercise of that power society. The democracy of members out with it a small flask,- three faro ject lesson Book, and Baby’s Portfo­ Mince I wm into bji-g brought. chi|>a and a euchre deck, and some ­ lio. • given him to become a son of God. ruled at all the annual elections of how or other the professor took no Then backward from this breath I'd draw, Unusual attractions are also offered Witli eager baste and godly fear, So Jesus taught those who believed this society, and the horse-men had more stock in that freshman’s elo­ I qnick would run the blotting quill. in the little " Libraries,* and “ Series" that majority and elected whom they Jerusalem (See John viii. quence than if he had been a graven on him xt And canchl clean my whole career. The Wide Awake Library, containing —Rev. A. C. CXllit. 31}, that if they continued in his phased. As their number in atten- image. BY 8. H. BEDBIX.