3 MISCELLANEO US. close to the older one. Tanis suits to a highly organized condition of so­ thority {Ibid. 91, 62). This illustra­ the geographical conditions, and if ciety. tion shows that the Septuagint is 1879 & 80. In one of his late interesting ar­ another city be intended by the Unfortunately, the monuments of right in reading staff, hammattah, in 1879 & 80. ticles on “ Ancient -Egypt’’ in the Biblical Raineses, the builder would the Shepherd kings are to* scanty for agreement with Ilefi. xi:21, where the ' Cjontemjwmry Review, Mr. Reginald be the same, as any subsequent Ram­ us to be able to draw from them a Masoretes read bed hanvmottah, and a »T E TX 3T •Stanley Poole, one of the beat living oses would be too late. Raineses II picture of the manners of their sub­ question of controversy disappears. authorities, says: would thus correspond to the great jects. We know, however, that in the AND ... * As soon as hieroglyphic texts had oppressor, and the Exodus would latter period of their rule—the time Seed Time. been read, the public eagerly asked have taken plate shortly after his to which the government of Joseph is FANCY STOCK OF GOODS " Whatsoever a man soweth that the interpreters: “ What do the reign, the long duration of whish now assigned— the kings had adopted IB NOW OOMfUn FOB THE monuments tell us of Joseph and (sixty-Mven years) leaves a few yean xlgyptiaa manners, aad we «an not shall he also reap,” and " He that Moses, of the settlement in Egypt, the ef the eighty assigned in tbs Bible to •appose that in civilization they had soweth, plentifully sliall reap plenti­ 4 WINTER. sojourn, and the Exodus t” For the •any us on through the oppression for advanced beyond the conquered race, fully.” If a person scatters thistle Call in and see the elegant assortment of answer the Egyptologist leag fruit­ the aext reiga, until the Exodus. in this the masters as the conquerors. seed, he should not expect fruits and lessly questioned the asoaassenta. In Ifanetbo, the Egyptian historian, We do know the condition of the Howers to grow therefrom ; and if he 8traw fo Felt HatS, Ostrich Plumes, their eager search, they foeasl ma­ speaking, if Josephus is to be Egyptians about this time. Then, sows sparingly he should not expect terials, of which they raised a aqriea trusted, on the authority of tradi­ and later, up to the earliest reigns of an abundant crop. Youth is the seed Bead Plumes, •of ill-constructed theories, fotod to tion, states that this event occurred in ths Eighteenth Dynasty, they were time of life, just as life is the seed Fancy Brocade 4 Sattin fall as they were completed. Thirty the reign of Meaptoh the suoeoseor of not more cultivated, if as cultivated, time of eternity. Hindoo children are* ___ Ribbons. years sgo, Dr. Lupsius made the first Ramoses. The date of Menptoh was as under the Twelfth Dynasty. All thus addressed, " Little babe thou en- Sarah Bernhardt and The New Pinafore step in the direction of sound critic­ probably during the fourteenth eea- the conditions of life were those of the terest world weeping, while all •re prominent shapes for the aeaeon. Cbangable Bilka 4 Velvets in the new ism. His valuable results were tury B. C. and may be reasonably old monarchy, as distinguished from around thee smile. Contrive to live •hades. Gendarme, Cafe an Lait, Garnet, scarcely added to until quite reoeutly, placed near its close. Thus the date the empire; so simple that it would so that thou mayst leave the world etc. MILLICAN, when M. Chabas, and, still more, Dr. of the Exodus would be a little before require a critical eye to discern the smiling, whilst all around the weep.” The seed time will never return, and Burgsch, carried the inquiry much B. C. 1300. SALEM, : OREGON. germs of the elaborate social organiza- 9-39-lt • those who misspend it will, sootier or further. It may be fairly said that So late a date of the Exodus is of the imperial time. later, " possess the iniquities of their we now hold the wished for evidence, startling to most English scholars, It The geographical indications in the AGENTS WANTED youth, ” in the harvest of sorrow or and that eaoh year is sure to add to may, therefore, be mentioned that it biblical history of Joseph are but TO SELL its value. For it must be understood receives collateral support from the scanty; but they are consistent with suffering they must reap. The young A------------- \ ABBOTT’S that the materials are as yet scarcely most reasonable view of the ‘evidence his proposed place in Egyptian histo­ should begin well, for “ The way to / /•------------- 50 Fall-Pugc \ Babylon will never bring you to Je ­ as available as they might be, even to of the Hebrew genealogies for the ry. Those of a later period fill in , Large Type Illus­ trated Egyptologists. Some are only known period between the Exodus and the their outline, It seems evident that1 rusalem.” Get into the right train if < EWRAVIIGJ k to us through translations, and the Kings, although this evidence can the capital of the Pharaoh to whom he you would arrive at your'proper des­ ’ pfucfc.Vi.oo New Testament original documents are needed before scarcely be used in the construction of was minister was in Lower Egypt- tination. Have your cloth woven well With Explanatory Note*. ■criticism shall decide on their bearing. a theory. If these genealogies are of When Joseph places his kinsmen in at the loom if you would have it wear Thia work, beside« cont doing the text of the The inquiry itself has shifted its successive generations, the Exodus Goshen, it is that his father may be well and long. Lay a good foundation N ew T ent ament , with oopioim Note«, contain* also a variety of valuable matter useful to the ground in the inquirers’ hands and would fall about B. C. 1300. It near him.... Throughout the comings if you would erect a secure superstruc­ Bible Btudent. No work sells better. Our Agents, everywhere succeed. Terms to Agent« -only a very-jcarefuL comparison of would be replied that Hebrew gene­ of his brethren he appears to be near ture. Besides, " When you grind your have never been surpassed on a popular work. Outfit, $1.00. Bend at once for this, and begin to corn, give not the Hour to the devil their statements can give the general alogies frequently omit a generation, the eastern border. Zoan, or the canvas, or address for circulars, and the bran to God. Rather let God" II. 8. GOODSPEED A CO., worth of the results. Yet these re­ or several generations ; but the pedi­ stronghold Avaris, in the same pa(J^pf "■ ' N ew Y ork or C incinnati . have your freshest and best energies, sults, put at their lowest, are what gree of David, remarkable for the few Egypt, was the capital of the later your own town, and was truly wanted. We have, indeed, generations it contains, is supported Shepherds, and the position of either as well as your lifedong love end ser­ WL fcaln A no WEEK in risked You can give I fhe business a trial without ex- no record of Joseph’s administration, by evidence of completeness which would suit the circumstances of the vice. Terence says, ‘ Bad beginnings wJF W111 penMe. best opportunity ever have bad endings.’ .Make a mistake I offered f«»r these willing The to work You should try ~ or of the oppression and the Exodus. seems to forbid the idea that any narrative. nothing else until you see for what you in your multiplication sum at the : can do at the husinesM we offer. yonrttelf What we have is aa accurate general single link has been dropped. No room to ex­ The name Goshen has been recog- plain here. You can devote all your time or only commencement and it will be very | knowledge of the geography of the your spare time to the b sines« and make great The date of Joseph may next be . nized by Dr. Brugsch in the Egyptian pay foe every hour that yon work. Women make part of Egypt where the Israelites’ taken. It presents a greater difficulty texts as Kesem (Gesem), the Phaccusa i wrong at last. One -wrong action as much as men. Fond for specid private term* were settled, and much information ’! than that of the Exodus. At the | of the Greek writers. He places the may quarter repentance upon us for i and particulars, which wo mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don’t rrimnlain of herd times while you life.—£’.r. * have such a chance. Address as to the political arid social state of outset a concession must be made to land of Goshen near this town, and M. HALLETT A CO., Portland, Maine. the country at the time of their stay. the Egyptolog st. The later Hebrew I therefore not far south of Tanis (Ram­ Somebody’s Child. ' ■ I 9-3^-ly It is true that we cannot point with chronology, if the view given above eses), which would perfectly agree cents a tear . ’s child is dying—dying with THE CHICAGO . -certainty to the Egyptian name of is correct, is consistent with the with the conditions implied in the the Somebody WEEKLY NEWS. tinwh of hope on his young face and au CHEAPEST werkly each Pharaoh mentioned in the theory that the genealogies of that narative of the Exodus, in which a indiacribable ye mi ng to live and take an nrwitnaper in tlie V.S. i«VBWTY-FiVB pliiee in the world ~besi le the cents a Y eah , Hebrew record .(though, indeed, we time are unbroken ; but the majority Rameses is the starting point of the honored companions of hia youth. And somebody’s nc^age INCLCDEP. FlftegnlH year of -can probably do this in the cases of of scholars are in favor of reckoning settlers in Goshen. mother is thinking of the time when that publication. It Is especially complete dear face will tie hidden where no ray of the two most important of them); but the earlier period, that now under as a nettipaper, pub­ The story of Joseph is illustrated hope can brighten It—when her heart and lishing ail the dis­ patches of both the we hold an independent set of docu­ consideration, by what they hold to step by step from the Egyptian texts. home will be left desolate—becanse there Western Associated Press and the National Associated Press.besides was nn cure for consumption. Reader, if ments, most of them of the period as be the genuine numbers of the biblical The " Tale of the Two Brothers,” the an extensive system of special dis- the child be your neighibor’s, take this patebes from al liinport a nt points. It is Independent 4n Politic*, pre­ to which we are inquiring, which we text The development of the family earliest known Egyptian fictions, comforting word to the mother's heart be­ senting political news free from partisan coloring, without fear or I can use, not as detailed iUustiations, which settled in Egypt into the na* was no sooner read than it was seen to fore it is too late. Tell her that consump­ favor. Every number contains Six tion is curable, that men are living to- day, Completed Stories. A favorite but as an almost continuous comment­ tion which went out of it implies a relate in its turning point an incident rged, robust meu, whom the physicians family paper. It is the Cheapest Weekly In the U. S. 75 cents a year. Address Chicago Weekly ary. Thus we can read the Bible long peri.nl of time, and the Hebrew identical with the trial of Joseph. pronouuced iqcnrable at the age of 'wem- iNews, 123 Fifth Av., Chicago, XU. ty-five, becaaae one lung had been almost bistoiy by the clear light afforded by text states the interval to have been Pharaoh's dream of the kine described destroyed l>e the diseare. Dr. Pierce’s monuments cor temporary with the four hundred and thirty years. If the years of plenty and famine under Golden Medical Discovery is a most effi­ cient alterative for s»perating the scrofn- -events, with occasional aid from later we base our reckoning upon this num­ the usual ty(>e of the inundation as Ions matter from the blood and lungs, and Egyptian sources. ber, and place the Exodus in the Dr. B.rch has shown. The installa­ imparting strength to the system. It has The til st result is a general agree­ reign of Menptah, the government of tion of Jose ph has ita parallel in the cured hundreds - of. consumptives. ' I ment as to the date of the Exodus Joseph would fall What a Clergyman Says. before the case of an Egj ptian Governor of the S olo This is mainly due to Dr. Lepsius, the | Eighteenth Dynasty, in the latter age of the Eighteenth dynasty, who BY ALL Rev. L Pierce, of Sparta, Ga., father of ■f ARC1 WARE -earliest of our own inquirers. If his | part of the Shepherd dominion, some­ received exactly the same office," 1'rd Bishop Pierce, of tfie Methodist Episcopal frw AND <* J theory is correct, we have no longer what before B. C. 17(X). Here we of all Egypt” 'G n. xiv :!)), in the Church South, says : “I do moat honest­ ly and earnestly recommend this ‘Cxvgen to make our choice between the ex­ find -t»n the monu uents no definite Egyptian record a " lord of the whole Treatment' to all persons laboring under tremes of B. C. 1648 (Hales) and B. C. point of contact, ami the theory must land,” the word lord oeiug udun in aDy Buffering from cold, cough, etc , anJ for all signs or Bymptons causing fear of |r Hoüsc- __ 1314 (Rabbinical chronology;, the be LvsLed by general historical proba­ both cmHK (Brugsb, “ History,” i:2Gy,- Consumption ” Send for our Treatise on ^USfOSH'NO date of B. C. 14111 (Usher) in the bility. S tore *. 270). The term in the Hebrew “ Compound Oxygen.” It will be mailed i free. Address Drs. Starkey & Paleu, 1112 margin of the English Bible occupy­ Joseph would thus have been ** means ruler in Egyptian in sense Girard Street. Phila, Pa. —------------------- ing nearly the middle point in more governor of Egypt under Pharaoh is more special, and the whole title of From all parta of the country reports u ti.an three hundred years of uncer­ who, though a foreigner himself, and Joseph may be best rendered " regent” coms of the immense sales and increasing tainty. Lepsius’ theory would, in the thus able to appreciate foreign merit, (Brugsh, I. c.) Two circumstances of demands for that deservingly popular Parsons' Punrutive Pill* make New. Rich Blood, and will completely change tba blood in the form in which it is now generally ac­ was one of those who had Egyptian the narrative brings us very near Sewing Machine, The Old and Reliable entire, avMtcm in three month*. Any person who “ S tandard ,” the price of which tne pro­ will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 week* may cepted, place that event toward the titles and usages. The subsequent Egyptian official usages. “ By the prietors wisely reduced to $20 including be restored to Mnipd health, if nuch a thing bo all the attaol moots, and at oul-e secureed poiwjble. Hold everywhere or rent by mail for close of the fourteenth century. The oppression would thus have been a life of Pharaoh ’’ is used as a strong A* Co;, Ban« for them a popularity among the ttoople, eight letter stamps. 1* • 9-29-1 y essential argument is very simple. near or remote consequence of the ex­ asseveration by Joseph (Gen. xliiilo- far beyond that ever yet attaiued by any gor, M«. ! other maebiae at any price, tbe conse- 16)* and when be has sworn to his We r ad in Exodus that the Is­ pulsion of the Shepherds. Jt is pre­ OYFUL News for Boys and Girls ?l . quenceof which is, agents are leaving the Young and Old I! A NEW IN- J VINTION raelites, during the oppression, built cisely in the latter Shepherd period father after the Hebrew manner, that | aid high priced machines, and seeking tor- ^uat patented for them* i ritory for the “ S tandabd . ” Knowing for Hoine-uae ! for Pharaoh a town called Rameses, that Dr. Brugscb finds an Egyptian he will not bury him in Egypt, then from experience thst with the best goo Is Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turning* Boring. Prilling,Grinding, Polishing* which, or another of the same name, record of a famine of many years “ Israel bowed himself upon the head at tbe lowest price they can outsell all oth Screw Cutting. Price So to S5O. er Machines, where tbe sufierior quality Send 6 cent« Mr ICO pages. is afterward mentioned as the starting duration. No other such famine is of his staff” (xlvii:29-31). Both the ' and low price is made known. EPHRAIM DROWN, Lowell, Ma» known Thiasplen This splen­ oombines all the tbe improve- improve­ point of the Exodus. A Rameses recorded in later Egyptian annals expression “ by the life of Pharaoh, ’ did Macbiue combines ments. Is far ahead of all others in beau- • was, therefore, near the Aorthetotern Until that of the Fatinme Khaleefeh and the custom of bowing upon the ty Agents Wanted and dnrsbility of it* work, ease an man­ boundary of Egypt- The name El-Aluntausir billah, remarkable as staff of an officer are traced to M. agement, and light rnnning, in a»n >ihly T» introduce into every County in the South upon son nd principles, with posi­ Raineses is the same as that of several having 1-r.sted seven years (A. D. Chabas in his interesting essays on made THE HISTORY OF THE BIBLE. tive working parts all •'eel. and c^n itfely kings of Egypt, the first of whom 1064;, like that of Joseph. Great Egyptian judicial proceedings, where pot down as th« very perfection of a 8er- Tlte bent work to «ell th.it ha< ever been pub- Shuttle Double Ttiread Beaing litthedt PreittlMm «»IT » « cl to «vrrjr -was, as already stated at the head of famines in Egypt are extremely rare, he cites the following passage describ­ vii-wable Machine, in every particular, that will Mutewrribrf. For circular« and farm* apply afo the Nineteenth Dynasty. This king, because they require a succession of ing the taking an oath by witness in I outlast any Machine, aad at a pn.>e far once to below any other. It is thoroughly The Henry Bill Publishing Cn., •consequently, was the earliest to very low inundations. Such failures atrial at Thebes : "He made a life down warranted for five years. Kept in order 41, 43 and 45 hbehwket St, Norwich, Ct. whom the building of a city Rameses of the river seldom happen singly, and of the royal lord, striking Iris nose and I free of charge. And sent to any part of Country for elimination by the cus­ ~could be assigned His, however, a sequence of seven is mast extraor­ his ears, and placing himself on the ! the tomer before payment of the bill. We can THE TAMPICO BUSTS head of the staff” (“ Mdicngea Egypto- predict equally as lai ge a demand for •was an extremely short reign, and it dinary. Ahy one who reads the history of logigue» ” iii, 1, 80), the ordinary oath them in this section as others. Fa.uilies M. WAMER't NIALTN CtlUT is most unlikely that any city was desiring the best Machine manufactured the time of Joseph aide by side with when the witness bowed his head on named after him. Dr. Brugsch has should write direct to the Factory. And shown that his grandson, Rameses II, that of the Exodus must be struck the magistrate's staff of office. He enterprising persons wishing to seise the chance should apply for bo desireable an rebuilt Tanis, the Zoan of the Bible, with the different conditions of Egypt well remarks' that this explains the agency. See advertisement in another and called it Pa-Ramses, the city of which they portray. Tfie transition passage in G ineAz quote k above as .a Sart of this paper. Address, Standard raebine Co.. Cor. Bioadway and Clinton Ramses, or else founded the new city is from almost patriarchal simplicity recognition l>y Jacob of his sout’sau- 1 Place, New Yotk. * - Biblical Research. MIT T TOAN’S 11111111 1 FALL Wm. S — J I « » 1