Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, October 03, 1879, Image 1

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y s; TuenBFOtt«, t ® a
O regon î
fbidat , oct . a, ibts .
NO. 40.
C hristian M essenger ,
Devoted to the cause of Primitive Christi
anity, and the diffusion of general in­
Price Per Tear, in Advance, >2.5#
All business letters should be addressed
to T. F. Campbell, Editor, or Mary
Stump, Publisher, Monmouth, Oregon.
Advertise»« will find this one of the best
mediums on the Pacifie Coast for making
their business known.
Baraa of A»VKKr>stxa
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oo >2 $0 »4 «0
7 00
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7 00 12 00
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Notice» in local column» 10 cent» per line for
each insertion.
Yearly adverttaementa on liberal term».
ProfeMional Card» (1 Hjnaie) $12 per annum.
Faris Letter.
( kkoulab cffliinronni»»).
M >
P aris , Sept. 5, 1879.
. At ten o’clock yesterday morning
the trial of the criminal band of which
Abadie was the chief, was resumed at
the court of Assizes of the Seine.
The crowd present was as great aa on
the day before, and the place Dau­
phine and the steps leading to the
law courts were thronged during the
whole day. When the examination
®f the prisoner by the judge was
•ver, M. Villetard de Laguerie, Ad­
vocate-General, took up the case on
behalf of the prosecution. He drew a
sketch of the antecedents of the
prisoners. The parents had in all
«■ses been honest people, and had
given their sons the' best education
which they could afford. Abadie be
gan life by robbing his brother, whilst
Gilles ruined his aged father by
making away with 10,000 f., which
constituted his fortune. Charton and
Farigoulle were mere children. The
first attempt of this band was to rob
a couple of the name of Jullemiers.
The whole troop was conducted with
great regularity and silence, by
Abadie, who had studied the locality
w’ell; he knew exactly where the
money box was kept. All the band
was armed in case of attack, and
hammers were ready at hand to force
open the chest. The plan failed how­
ever, because Charton who was told
to open the door let the latch fall
through nervousness. The Jullemiers
were consequently awakened and be­
gan ciying out, whereupon Abadie’s
band immediately decamped. Gilles
and Abadie were alone concerned in
the murder of Madame Bassengeaud
the wife of a wine-seller. It was nt
the sixth attempt that they succeeded
in finding their victim alone. They
asked her for a glass of rum and
wine, and whilst her back was turned
Gilles seized her throat, whilst Adadie
struck her with a knife. The latter
then left her, in order to carry off all
he could find, whilst Gilles killed her
with twelve blows of his dagger. The
Advocate-General concluded by de­
manding a verdict that would permit
the penalty of death to be inflicted
upon Abadie and Gilles. For the
other prisoners he demanded impris­
onment. At twelve o’clock the sitting
of the court was suspended for half an
hour, at tiie expiration of which the
defence of the prisoners was heard.
Alt had separate counsel. Abadie’s
counsel appealed ad miaericordiam,
urging that his client had the pre­
judice of public opinion set against
him by the press, that he was filled
with remorse for whajt he had done—
the prisoner meanwhile sobbing in
Che dock. Several letters were next
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read frotn Abadie to his mother, and you are fully posted on the chief top­ •iciaM», who naturally earry the heav- I without
help. Each cot is also pro
from this unfortunate woman to her
ie»t load, «tart lor home in a huge vided with an electric tube by which
son. The audience was much moved lin society of this time of the year, as prueMwion, compared with which the the patient can summon the nurse,
by this correspondence, which was it appears with ite ranks thinned and jolly *• kerne«,” scene» of the Flemish whose private sitting and sleeping-
occasionally very "touching. Gilles’s needed of everything that gives light painters sink into insignificance.
room is at one end of the ward. In
defender, M. Leon, took up another and shade, tone and color, to its versa­
L olls . i the dining-rooms the table linen is
line of argument, attempting to prove tile .currents. Here and there Uncle
snow-white and the service is silver-
that his client had all along been the Sam puts in a short appearance on the The New York Hospital, the Fin­ plate. At each end of each ward
est in the World.
dupe and the instrument of Abadie. Vnter den Linden xn the shape of a
there are lavatories with hot and cold
Amongst other things he said that at big diamond shirt button ®r a solid
Acquiring it« charter from Kin* water and bath rooms, all the patients
a previous conviction years ago, if the gold-pommel walking-stick and seme
George and being favored by »tate being required to bath» one» a week
, magistrates had ndt sentenced one so Yorkidure Johnses and Johnesses are
grunts a» well as private contributions, j , unless they are excused by the bouse
young to prison, but had sent him to met with, carrying huge scarlet Bae-
the N^w York HespitaL is secure • 1 surgeon. On the lower floors of tta
a reformator, he would not, in all deckers, and extensively-loaded and
against any indebteda»»». and its new . j building there are two theaters, one
probability, be now accused of mur­ 'addled with travel field-glass««, rolled building on Fifteenth Street near} I for operating and the other fer autop­
der. In defending Claude, the barris­ up waterpoop’, tidy umbrellas, and an
Union Square is probably the finest in sies, each being filled with every ap­
ter stated that the public prosecutor occasional Pieea-diHy “ badinette ’’ 17
the world. “Il you have seen New pliance for the purposes that science
bad been making jokes, upon which inches in length. Very few Russians,
York,our place will not seem impres­ has devised. The charge for board is
the judge invited him to moderate his indeed, are seen, except two or three
sive to you,” said Dr. Horatio Paine of seven dollars a week ; few cases are
language. But later on when refer­ score detectives hnnting after escaped
the Roosevelt Hospital to us, and the treated gratuitously, and private pa-
ence was made by M. Comby to the Nihilists. Then besides a goodly
Roosevelt itself is considered one of tients are charged from ten to forty
conduct of the police, he was called to crowd of long-nosed and keen-eyed
the best appointed hospitals extant. dollars a week.— Good Company,
Number Que.
order in more severe terms. When Orientals, we get an occasional glimpse
Starting »nt with twe leading ideas—
the two younger prisoners had also of thirsty groups of the the twenty-
that it should be fir» oroof and present
Literary Notices.
been pleaded for, the president sum­ six rainbow nationalities which repre­
th» greatest obstacle» to the absorp­
med up, and it was nearly si« o'clock sent the hemogeTiity of the Austro
B allou ’ s M onthly M agazine for
tion of peisionous matter from an ac­
when the jury retired. They were Hungarian monarchy. AU this, I c-»n
—The magazine has a hun­
cumulation of diseased patients, ther
absent three quarters of an hour, and assure you, makes a very good «how
each month, and all this
architect's design has embodied in the
returned with a verdict of guilty while it lasts, but it dees not last long
for only $1.50 per an­
buildins' wot only every appliance for
against all the prisoners, admitting enough, and our eternal victualling
at club rates even
safety and comfort known but also a
extenuating circumstances in favor of beer-selling grumblers keep on crying
. of Quebec,’’
degree of luxury and beauty above
Claude, Charton, and Farigoule only. aloud, “ Mine gott I mine gott! help
any mere utility. For heat and ven­ "Camels and their Uses,”" Memorial,”
After discarding some technical objec­ us ! Kneuz Himmel millien fiomeret-
tilation, the methods employed are- '■ My Romance,” “ A Scene on the Bay
tions on the part of the lawyers, ter I” An all wise Providence, evi­
n®vel and ingenious. Fresh air of of Naples,” “ Esther,” " Storm and
judgment was pronounced. Abadie dently moved by these earnest inroea
temperatnr» required is introduced* Hail;” “ Chasing the Moose,” " A Suc­
and Gilles were condemned to death ; tions has so far done its best that the
into all parts of the building by a fan­ cessful Joke,’ " Buffalo Tom,” “ Kathia
Claude to seven years’ imprisonment Berlineeso had oome to the eeneluio*
blower in th» basement. Suction Stuart's Terror,” “ Sovereign of the
and ten years police supervision ; and that somebody was playing the fool
power tsr carrying off vitiated air is Seas,” “ The Music »f falling Leaves,'
Chartoa and Farigoule to detention with them in ths o I om U s whop a wook
placed in th» highest |>eak of the ro»f; " Hetty’» Experience,” Recoliwtions of
in a house of correction for two years passed without a couple of honest
and a constant circulation is effected Other Cays, ” My Mother's Husband,”
Upon bearing their condemnation, thunderstorms. These long-winded
without perceptible draught by air " A Party in a Garret,” " Ruthven's
Abadie fainted, but the other prison- tempests, generally followed by- a
escapes in the ceilings and under each Puzzle Page,' " Editorial Notes,” " The
ers appeared unmoved. Gilles ob- couple of days of Scotch-like Danube
Housekeeper,” “ Curious Matters,”
bed. Chilling draughts from the win­
served to Claude who was not con- mists or Styrigan mountain drizzles,
“ Tilings Pleasant and Otherwise,
dows art met by upward currents of
denined to death, “ What a lucky dog j have almost ruinously interfered with
" Our Picture Gallery.”
warm air from perforated window-sills.
exclaim» a variety of private interests, and es-
you are!” Young
_ Farigoule
The heating is done by steam, and in
" T he C heap E ncyclopedia .”—
ed, “ To-morrow it, Sunday; hurrah: pecially with the midsummer “ heur-
additition to the Croton, water is ob­ Volume one of the new “ Library of
we shall have meat instead of
tained from an artesian well. All the Universal Knowledge ’’ is issued Sep­
horrid beans we have been fed upon al bearings upon the community is as
indispensable to the population as kitchens and laundries are in the up­ tember 20th. It contains 73G pages
for a week.”
daily bread. Some months ago I gave permost stories above the war« Is, and of small but clear and beautiful type,
Our European Letter.
some brief description of th'» time- two elevators run from basement to handsomely printed on good paper,
honored custom as indulged in late in attic, The only w’ood work used is in and is neatly and strongly bound in
B erlin , G ermany , Sept. 1,1879. the fall and directly after the first the doors and windows ; the ti«x>rs are cloth, holf morocco and ball Russia, at
Our dog-days are fully making up fer[iientati(,n ofthe new vintage has made of tiles laid in cement on iron 50 cents, 75 cents, and $1.00 per vol­
for the temps de elder, of which so , subfiided. And it is.truly astonishing girders and the wainscoting is marble. ume. The succeeding volumes will
many localities as well as individuali­ how the natives stomach it when in Any vain or extravagant reaching af­ appear about two each month, till the
ties have of late had reason to com­ a state of sweet-sour effervaitces it ter splendor is disavowed hy the twenty volumes completing the work
plain. The consequence is that all the serves to wash down bucketsful of management, but it is certain that the are issued. Specimen volumes arc
sickly folks, all the confirmed invalids I i young half cooked sourkrout and New York Hospital eclipses all its sent to any part of the United States
and the crutches and well-worn con- yards of penny sausages, after a cou­ i congeners.
(10 ctnts extra for postage , with priv­
valesence walking-sticks are being ple of hours country walk In a drip-
The building is seven stories high ilege of return after ten days examin­
turned out upon as to get a greedy Noj^uber afternoon or through six or with a mansard roof and has accom­ ation. Special terms are offered to
snap at the highly favored oxygen and eight inches of mud-mixed Sunday- modations for about two hundred pa­ i early subscribers and to clubs, of which
a dreamy nap in the luscious mid­ snow.
tients with nurses and other employ- fnll particulars are sent free on request
summer shade. The pale faces, the
However, the midsummer acts of I i es. Stone, iron, and red brick are by the publishers, American Book Ex­
distorted features and the limping this popular entertainment Rre hy far prominent materials in the facade, the change, 55 Beekman street, New
gaits of the transient itinerants'make more(interesting, and may eveil be many windows of which look out up­ York.- •
up a woeful picturg to contempla/e, freely indulged in by strangers. For on ornamental iron balconies.L In the
That complete Encyclopaedia, first
but one cannot help feeling extremely by this time, the wine has completely interior even such details as the tiles class in character, and containing more
kindly for them, lest fierce and cruel thrown off all obnoxious acids and and gas fixtures are artistic, and the matter than any heretofore published
fate mark us out for some kindred ca­ other unwholesome agents, young sunlight streams in everywhere. in this country at any price, should be
lamity. Let us hope, therefore, that sourkrout is still prospering and grow Near the tool is a large hall »operated made and sold for the trifling sum of
the genial and invigorating autumn ing in the krout nursery of the kitch­ from the sky' only by a translucent $10.00, seems so extraoidinary, that
breezes which come playfully rolling en garden, the penny sausage is re- I canopy of glass This is ths Solarium. many who wish it may be true, are
down from the wood-clad mountains placedby aristocratic .Salani, and in­ 1 Plants and flowers bloom in it and very naturally incredulous. The same
may heal and strengthen the weak, stead of breathing the abominal at­ fountains bubble with liquid music ; house publish a large list of standard
brace up the strong, cheer up the good mosphere of a non-ventiliated taproom I in the pale green depths of fresh and works, all at similaiiy low prices, and
like “ Wirthshaus Saal,” the “ heuri- salt w ater aquaria strange and beauti­ the presence of some of them already
and better the wicked.
Although the recent storma have gen ” holy day makers plunge head ful fish are seen, and on miniature in the hands of hundreds of thousands
done frightful havoc in the fruit or- long into theii bacchanalism jollifica­ : island of cork, turtles are airing them- of lovers of good books in all parts of
charjs throughout the Empire, the tions under the cool shelter of some ’ selves or tasking in the spray of the the land, is naturally rapidly transfor­
markets of Berlin are literally jammed shady " Baumgarten,” and hers provid­ fountains. The So’arium is al wavs ming the incredulous into patrons and
with excellent seasonable fruits at ed the company vengesat alt on decency pretty and warm, and it is a feature enthusiastic friends of enterprise. No
very low rates. Early plums are sel­ and respectability, the thing assume* that might well be introducedrinto all mystery is made about the cause'of '
ling at six cents per pound, apricots the proportions of a most entertaining hospitals. The kitchen and laundry low prices—they are the reduced cost I
nine cents per pound while tomatoes musical pastoral fete, extensively sea­ on the uppei. fl «ore are provided with of manufacture to about one-half what
are worth five cents per kils., and a soned with good wit ^nd humor and all the modem impr.'Vement- o' a ho­ it was a few years ago, the method of
fin*} delicately-flavored Frentino-inel- screaming merriment. The fun is tel, arid the Mashing, rinsing, wring­ sale, direct to purchaser, saving him
on can be purchased for four cents. frequently carried on a good stretch I ing and mangling, a«e all done by the large commissions commonly paid
On the other hand, the vinegrowers into the small hours and perhaps the steam. The cots are of iron an«i fitted to agents and dealers, and a very large
are hopeful of bringing home aa abun­ whole assemblage, some twe hundred with adjustable ta.s by which the sale. It is worth the the cost of a
dant and average good vintage. Now people of all ages, headed by the mu- occupants can change their positions postal card to see their catalogue.