Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, September 12, 1879, Page 2, Image 2

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FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1879.
ones. He will not comrhonly write
“ Yes, sir,” said the child, with a well once, without many endeavors be­
The Boston Poat paragrapher is
The following beautiful illustration voice and manner that showed her fore, and some tolerable success. If he
Many professed Christians work
•well as long as a strong preacher is in of the simplicity and the power of eenviction of its truth was perfect.
succeed by real ability and .often at­ moved to remark, that Mark Twain
the lead, but as soon as their favorite truth is from the pen of S. H. Ham­
"God bless you, my child!" said the tempting, he will not stop there, but got more for his " Gilded Age” tlian>
is gone, the house ef God is shorn of mend, formerly editor of the Albany judge; “you have a good mother. will seek further successes. The Shakspeare received for all his plays..
its lustre, and they forsake the assem- Slate Register. He was an eye-wit­ This witness is competent,” he con­ poetic expression is both a gift and an This is, perhaps, why Mark answers
blying of themselves together, and ness of the scene in one of the higher tinued. " Were I on trial for my life, art. The art must supplement the one of the ill-paid William’s many co­
discourage those that would go. courts :
and innocent of the charge against me, gift. Without the art no man can nundrums. In “ Romeo and Juliet,’”
While others were born ip a storm
1 would pray God for such witnesses. ■“ strike twelve” at any time; with the Shakspeare inquires “ What’s in a
and only frequent the house of God in
art he may strike the full noon of his name ?” and in “ The Gilded Age’
Let her be examined.”
Twain replies “ There’s millions in it.”
who was on trial for a felony com­
time of a revival
She told her story with the sim­ gift more than once.— Ex.
It might be an interesting calculation
Reader, you will pardon me if I. mitted in heF father’s house.
plicity of a child as she was, but there
Causes of Sudden Death.
for some imaginative statistician to
“ Now, Emily,” said the counsel for was a directness about it which car­
call such “balky” Christians. The
figure up how much we pay for ifames
balky horse pulls best when there is the prisoner, upon her beifig offered ried conviction of its truth to every
Very few of the sudden deaths in a year. Any one who purchases a
nothing to pall, or while the “ old as a witness, “ I desire to know if you heart. She was rigidly crossexamin­
which are said to arise from diseases
■wheel horse ” is pulling the whole understand the nature of an oath ?”
ed. The counsel plied her with in­ of the heart do really arise from that piano or organ knows that a name
“ I don’t know what yoti mean,’’ finite and ingenious questioning, but
costs a great deal. It is the same
load. But as soon as the “ old wheel
cause. To ascertain the real origin of way with everything. Many articles
horse ” is taken away to help pull was the simple answer:
she varied from her first statement in
" There, your Honor,” said the nothing. The truth, as spoken by sudden deaths, an experiment was cost a high price, beeause of the name
another load and their “ reserved ”
tried and reported to a scientific con­ of the maker, although he may have
strength is badly needed, they begin counsel, addressing the Court, “ is that little child, was sublime. False­
gress at Strasbury. Sixty-six cases be^n dead for years, and the charac­
to champ the bits and refuse to pull a anything further necessary to demon­ hood and perjury had preceded her
of sudden death were made the sub­ teristics for which his particular ar­
pound. Others run well for a time, strate the validity of my objection ? testimony. The prisoner had in­
of a thorough examination; in ticle became famous, have been super­
but as soon as difficulties arise, or This witness should be rejected She trenched himself in lies, till he deemed
these eases only two were found who seded by better qualities in other ar­
offences begin to come so that their does not comprehend the nature of an himself impregnable. Witnesses had
died from diseases of the heart. Nine ticles of the same kind. But as a gen­
help is needed to settle such difficul- oath.”
falsified facts in his favor, and villainy
out of sixty-six had died of apoplexy, eral thing a name is a very good cri­
“ Let us see,” said the judge, ‘*Come had manufactured for him a sham tie­
-^jes, they go muttering round and
while there were forty-six cases of terion on which to buy. If we get a
wait to withdraw from the church, here, my daughter.”
But before her testimony,
of the lungs—that is, the watch, or a knife, or a piano, or
Assured by the kind tone and man­ falsehood was scattered like chaff.
thus increasing the trouble in the
so full of blood that they a buggy from a celebrated house,
church, while others will run about ner of the judge, the child stepped to­ The little child, for whom a mother
there not being room
we are pretty sure of getting a good
among their concerned (?) nonpro­ ward him, and looked confidingly up had prayed for strength to be given
quantity of air
article for our money. Very few
fessing friends and lay before them in his face, with a calm, clear eye, and her to speak the truth as it was be­
to enter to support life. The causes men would think of buying a book on.
all the faults of the members, giving in a manner so artless and frank, that fore God, broke the cunning devices
that produce congestion of the lungs
science, history or any other subject,
the world a splendid opportunity to it went straight to the heart
of matured villainy to pieces like a
—cold feet, tight clothing, costive
“ Did you ever take an oath ?” in­ potter’s vessel. The strength that
without knowing the name of the au­
fully understand all that is going on
bowels, sitting still until chilled after
We would be more apt to get A
in the church.
her mother prayed for was given her,
being warmetf with labor or rapid
on astronomy, for instance
These things come up before the
and the sublime arid terrible sim­ .walking, going too suddenly from a
preacher, and as Paul, he has before
plicity—terrible I mean to the prison­ close room in the air, especially after if the name of Proctor or Watson or
him the care of all the churches; and all over her face and neck as she an­ er and his associates—with which she
Swift were on the title-page than if in
speaking, too hasty walking or run­
if the preacher or elders don’t settle swered,
that position stood the name of Smith
spoke, was like a revelation from God
ning to catch a train, &c. These
“ No, sir.”
difficulties satisfactory to all, he is
or Brown, or Jones, estimable as we
himself.— JSx.
causes of sudden death being known,
She thought he intended to inquire
blacned for not doing his duty.
know these gentlemen to be in pri­
an avoidance of them may serve to
About Poets of One Poem.
The preacher must be as strong as if she had ever blasphemed.
vate life? It seems, therefore, to
lengthen many valuable lives, which
“I do not mean that,” said .the
a lion if he don’t feel the chilly sensa­
bring * things down to a fine
would otherwise be lost under the
tion of the cold water often thrown judge, who saw her mistake.- " I
point, that the name of the author
"Sing many songs that thou mayeot verdict of heart complaint. That
upon him by those that should hold mean were you evér a witness be­
appended even to a short magazine
be remembered ”—proceeds to re­ disease is supposed to be inevitable
his bands up. Either he “ in’t smart fore ?”
article is very desirable. Harpers
and incurable; hence many may not
“No, sir; I never was in court be- mark :
. enough ” or “ he preaches too long, or
Magazine thinks differently, and it is
take the pains they would to avoid
he don’t preach long enough.” "He fore,” was the answer.
consequently a sort of "tMorNaine”
receipt for securing fame. It is more sudden death, if they knew it lay in
He handed her the Bible open.
preaches too fast,” or “ he don’t preach
magazine. Mr. Curtis defends this
“ Do you know that book, my easy to remember a single master-piece their power.— Ex.
fast enough," and so on until many
system in his " Easy Chair” for Au­
than a multitude_of splendid things,
fainthearted preachers have aban­ daughter ?”
gust by saying that it gives old and
Opulent Young Farmer.
great author’^ names generally go,
She looked at it and answered,
doned the field, and ceased to preach.
new authors an equal chance with the
in public mention, with the name of
Where members are ever faultfinding " Yes, sir, it is the Bible.”
'Hie Newport (R. I.) correspondent public. This would be a strong argu­
some single great work of theirs. It
" Do you ever read it ?” he asked.
you may be sure there is something
ef the Providence Journal writes ment in favor of the system, but it
is surprising to find how many people ajiout the sons of some of the summer
“Yes, sir, every evening.”
wrong within their own bosom.
falls to the ground when we know
" Can you tell me what the Bible of real merit have .‘sung one song and and wealthy residents of that water­ that in many papers the names of the
A preacher is “ public property,'
died.’ They saved themselves a world ing-place as follows:
and is subject to criticism, and some­ is !” inquired the judge.
authors are published, in the manthly
labor for fame by striking twelve
times a reprimand is absolutely ne-
“ It is the word of the great God,”
They appear determined that they advertisement of the magazine. The-
the first time.”
cessary; but let brethren be aware she answered.
will not lead a life of idleness, and names should be either kept secret on
And then he instances poets and with commendable enterprise have
“ Well, place your hand upon this
that they can * freeze out ” a good
given in the Magazine itself as the
preacher, or can build up a poor and $ible, and listen to what I sayand poems as follows :
started out in life for themselves. present system merely gives the read­
“ Henry Carey—God Save the
unexperienced one until they will be he repeated slowly and solemnly the
Agricultural pursuits appear to have er Ktra trouble finding out who the
oath usually administered to wit­
the greatest of charms for them.
proud of him.
anthors are.— Detroit Free Frees.
Hopkins—Hail Columbia.
I drop these thoughts because I nesses.
Mr. W. R. Hunter, the son of Mr.
Key—Star-Spangled Banner.
know we have many young preachers
“ Now,” said the judge, " you have
Edward Mayer, who owns an elegant
The Dolls of Japan.
Howard Payne—Home, Sweet stone villa on the Point, facing the
that are worthy ef our highest con­ sworn as a witness, will you tell me
sideration, and a few cheering words what will befall you if you do not tell
harbor, has for two years been en­ . The dolls of Japan are quite an in­
Chas. Wolfe—Burial of Sir John gaged in conducting the affairs of
from the good brethren will do lasting the truth ?”
stitution, and are the funniest things^
good and stimulate them to overcome
" I shall be shut up in the State Moore.
Brook farm, upon which he is ex­ imaginable. They look so like real
Chas. Kingsley—The Three Fish- pending a large amount of money.
many hardships and surmount many prison,” answered the child.
babies and children, that I have often-
ers.——----- ------------------ -—■—— —
— difficulties
" Anything else ?” asked the judge.
Mr. John Mayer, of Newport, a been deceived when I have seen them
Edgar A. Poe—The Raven.
A preacher ever has troubles at
“ I shall never go to heaven,” she
relative of the Assistant Secretary of in the arms, carried about the streets
Hood—The Song of the Shirt.
heart, and knowing the weight of replied.
State, and Mr. J. Nelson Howard, of Besides playing with dolls at New
Julia Ward Howe—Battle Hymn of
responsibility resting upon him and
“ How do you know this ?” asked
New York (the latter of whom for­ Year’s time, and any other when they
the Republic.
having his own fleshly nature to the judge.
had a sheep ranch in Virginia), choose, there aie two days set apart
Bret Harte—The Heathen Chinee.”
guard and the scrutinising eye of the
The child took the Bible, and turn­
into the market-ganleniog in April for what is called a " Dell’s
The implication thus set forth is
world ever looking upon him taking ing rapidly to the chapter containing
and milk business, and are making Festival, and all the girls-—and even
cognizance of his weakness, and fre­ the commandments, pointed to the in­ quite erroneous, as far as it relates to quite a success of it.
big women—make a great time of it.
quently the case of a large family junction, " Thou shalt not bear false
They take them out to walk, visit,
and poverty, he certainly much needs witness against thy neighbor.” *• I of the first five is never mentioned
new dresses for them, and treat
save in connection with the poem
the sympathy and encouragement of learned that before I could read.”
just as tenderly as if they were
credited to him, but the latter five did
the brethren.
“Has any one talked with you not "sing one song and die.” Kings­ over the destinies of Ogden farm, be­ live children. You may think it
A preacher is human, and is sub­
about'bein? a witness in court here ley wrote more than than “The Three longing to George F. Tyler, of Phila­ funny for women to do this, but the
ject to faint heartedness and despon­
against this man!“ inquired the Fishers.” Poe’s “ Raven” is not more delphia, one of our Bnmmer residents. poor Japanese women have a very
dency, and his burden is heavy, and
famous than his" Bells” and " Anna­ Mr. Bull is raising the best stock, and aimless life, and I think playing with
his conflicts in life oftimes grievous,
“ Yes, sir,” she replied. " My mother bel Lee” rivals both, while much of obtains for his butter the handsome dolls is about as harmless a way for*
and many ceases forever to frequent
heard they wanted me to be a wit­ his verse beside will live long. Tom price of $1 per pound. Mr. Bull is them to get pleasure as they could
the pulpit, largely owing to the lack
ness, and last night she called me to Hood will be known as author of “The roughing it at the farm, and evidently find.— Ex
of sympathy and encouragement on
her room, and asked me to tell her Bridge of Sighs,” when his " Song of prefer hard work to luxurious loafing.
the part of the brethren.
“ We
the Ten Commandments; and then the Shirt” is seldom heard. Mrs.
Mr. Edward Boker, grandson of Mr.
should run with patience the race be­
A N ewly D iscovered C ave —The
we kneeled dswn together, and she Howe has written many lyrics that Elbert J. Anderson, a society man,
fore us,” not only for a season, but for
Danville, (Ky.,) Ailrocate reports the
prayed that I might understand how compare favorably with “ The Battle has the Redwood farm, where he de­
lifetime. " Add to your faith virtue ”
recent discovery of a cave on a farm
wicked it was to bear false witness Hymn of the Republic,” which was by votes himself to raising hens for the
(courage). Moral courage is all that
old Shelton place, Boyle countyf
against my neigbor, and that God no means her introduction of fame. market, and finds it quite a profitable
will carry any Christian through life,
owned by Mr. Sam Stone. Mr. Stone
would help me, a little child, to tell And Bret Harte has seldom written so investment.
and without courage rio one can suc­
was plowing in his field, when sud­
the truth as it was, before Him. And poor a piece of verso as his " Heathen
Mr. Edward Larned, a wealthy
ceed in any work. " Know ye not
his mule sank down to h»
when I came up here with father, she Chinee.”
young gentleman and college gradu­
that they which run in a race run all,
with difficulty the mule
kissed me, and told me to remember
When one poem makes a puet'a ate, well known here, is also keeping
but one receiveth the prize ?” So run
On examination a cave
the Ninth Commandment, and that fame, it is generally safe to assume a hen-farm in Warwick.
that ye may obtain.
was discovered. A
God would hear every word that I that the poem is poor, and that some
Sensible people will applaud these
T. M. M organ .
size was found,
Looking Glass, Ang. 23, 1879.
unusual concurrence of fortunate cir­ young gentlemen for their evident de- (
and in it bones, pronounced to be
" Do you believe this V asked the cumstances has given it credence or sire to be of somg use to the Jforld.
M axim for a Y oung M an .—Save
h'linnn bones by the physicians of
when you are young, to spend when judge, while a tear glistened in his popularity. The man who can write
Only a hasty •’and very
—The mejsery of mischief is no desira­
eye, and his lip quivered with emo- one good poem, can write other good ble fame.
you are old.
partial exploration was made.
Fainthearted Christian.
Witnessing the Truth.