Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, August 22, 1879, Page 2, Image 2

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Crocodile Tears.
gan A Co., the bankers of the Expedi­
members striving for to amass earthly The course of study will be arranged
treasures that robs them of the true to meet the necessities and tastes of
Moncure D. Conway writes to the
turn the money to the depositors ac­
riches, are not “ rich in good works every student as far as possible, but
Cincinnati Commercial of the paid
all will be required to attend faith­ cording^» contract, and to try a new or insincere mourners who flocked. to
■nenced in the family of the first and willing to Communicate."
scheme for the accomplishment of the
T. M. M organ . ’ fully to the duties assigned. Per­
pair. God has ever accepted that
the funeral of the dead heir of a
sistent disobedience will be followed desired object. Students were abun­ palace. He says :
Looking Glass, Or., Aug. 10, 1879.
which was in keeping with his will.
by discharge from the ship, with a dant, while funds were scarce. Both
Cain made acceptable sacrifice, and
The funeral of Louis Eugene Na­
free passage home by the most direct were essential to succe^ and success poleon is over. Dancing goes on in
was blessed in the deed.
in so good a cause seemed to be duty.
Abraham made acceptable offering
Gambetta’s palace, while thirty thou­
After much deliberation it has been
when about to sacrifice his son. “ And
sand English people, with the royal
and other necessary appliances for determined to offer the following family at their head, sob around the
the angel of the Lord called unto
study and investigation, will be pro­ terms to all young men of correct coffin where a dead youth lies who in
Abraham out of heaven the second
Every intelligent person desires to
habits, who have attained the age of
time, and said: By myself have I travel, and, if this be impossible, de­ vided for the use of all members of
fifteen years and are well versed in trying to kill Zulus, got killed.
«worn saith the Lord, for because thou sires to lea'rn what travelers have the Expedition. Detailed information
Multiply that dead youth and his
the common English branches of
hast done this thing and hast not seen and heard and experienced in concerning the officers, the ship, the
mourning mother by a-»million or so,
withheld thy son, thine only son, all parts of the world. Many an am­ organization and the course of in­ education.
and you have what the Napoleons
First, the sum of three thousand
that in blessing I will bless thee,” Ac. bitious boy has left home comforts struction, may be found elsewhere in
have done for other youths and. their
this paper. It is confidently be­ dollars, paid in advance on or before mothers. Multiply it by another
Gen. xxii. 15, 16, 17.
and bright prospects on shore and
the day of sailing from New York,
Offering and sacrifices were con­ cheerfully encountered the hardships lieved that the thought, time and
million or so, and you will have what
will defray for one student all the ex­
tinued under the law, and numerous and perils of a sailor’s life, that he
penses of the voyage on ship and this youth, had he lived, must have
chastisements were visited on the might visit foreign lands and learn novel educational institution has been
shore, including washing, books and tried to do for the sons and mothers
Jews for not only in neglecting sacri­ something of other countries than his well expended, and that the results,
oi France.
fices, bpt in not making acceptable own. The most enlightened govern­ as seen in the present arrangements,
The great mass of those who gath­
will meet the entire approval of the
at Chiselhurst last Saturday,
ments have often sent out costly ex­
eluding all expenses as above specified,
When the Messiah came the law peditions to circumnavigate the globe most experienced travelers, the most
actuated by snobbery, and an
will be granted to any applicant,
which Paul calls “ our school master ” and inquire into the phenomena of intelligent educators, and the most qualified as above indicated, whp uglier sight than sniveling snobbery
to bring u? to Christ was yet in full nature in every clime, and the man­ prudent parents and guardians.
the sun never looked upon. Not
In response to the numerous favor­ shall secure six hundred cash sub­
force, and consequently offerings were ners, customs and resources of strange
the Archbishop’s prayer for rain
able notices which have appeared scribers, at five dollars each, to the has prevailed upon the sun to come
made as ever.
nations; and the stores of information
paper called Around the World, of
When Christ was nailed to Cal­ thus obtained have been published from time to time during the past
which this may be regarded as. a forth and see, or the clouds to cease
vary’s cross he became the victim for for the benefit of mankind. In more winter in the public .prints, hundreds
weeping over this demonstration by
sample number.
the world and obliterated the law of recent times enterprising individuals of applications have been received
Thirdly, any eligible person may the deadly enemies of republican
from young men who were ready and
commandments forever.)
pay his fee partly in money, and liberty.
have, at their own expense, organized
" Nevertheless sacrifices continue parties for the general exploration of eager to join the Expedition upon partly in subscriptions at the above-
What a charming object was Prince
. under the dispensation of the grace of unknown regions, for special scientific any terms but the payment of a large named rates.
Napoleon, these many years the sym­
Students from
God. No sane minded person is ex- research, or for furnishing the advan­ sum of money.
Finally, any person, desiring to act pathetic friend of Bradlaugh, throw­
honorated from this obligation, al­ tages of travel to those who could varipus institutions in all parts of the as agent for the Expedition in obtain­ ing himself passionately on his knees
though living under a new dispensa­ spare but a limited amount of time United States and Canada, and even­ ing subscribers, will receive authority during the prayers for the late
graduates of colleges, have begged the and full instructions on application to
Prince’s soul '
and money for this object.
privilege of serving as sailors, waiters, Woodruff Expedition, St. Nicholas
Sacrifice brought the Lord of Glory
What a consummate dignity sur­
The Woodruff Scientific Expedition
from the hierarchy of heaven to be Around the World is undoubtedly the or in any other capacity, for the sake Hotel, New York. A certificate will rounded the Protestant Queen of Eng­
incarcerated in mortal flesh, to suffer grandest and most attractive under­ of seeing the world and participating be given to every agent at the close land kneeling in the dut pelle, artlente,
the labors and turmoils of this life, to taking of this kind that has ever been in the benefits of the proposed voy­ of his engagement, stating how many then laying a wreath of flowers on
age. Inasmuch, however, as more subscribers he has obtained; and, if
be forsaken and frowned at by men, projected, and has
the coffin, with the remark, “ Poor
awakened the
than half a million dollars are re- he does not wish to avail himself of a
tempted by devils, spit upon, re­ liveliest
child ! Here is a crown that nobody
throughout the
viled and condemned by the sanhed­ country. It has been for a consider- qu ired to defray the unavoidable ex­ scholarship, he may sell or-otherwise shall take from him.”*/
rim, and lastly murdered by Roman I able time before the public, and has penses of the Expedition, and as it is transfer the number placed to his
After this attitudinizing, this os­
not a benevolent institution, it is credit to any eligible person who may
soldiers. “ Hear, O heavens, and give steadily grown in
tentation of grief is shocking and un­
favor with the
ear, O earth.” Consider, O ye sons people. The difficulties which pioneers evident that " those who dance must desire to join the Evpedition, and who real. These royal and titled person­
and daughters of men, what the Lord in all great and novel enterprises pay the piper.” While a considerable shall receive for the same the full ages in black have not suspended any
hath suffered for you. Must Jesus must meet and overcome have by no number of the applicants are able and value of five dollars each in the pay­ of their pleasures. They went front
suffer tdone and all the world go means discouraged its managers and willing to give satisfactory security ment of his fee. In lieu of othei the fete to the funeral, and from the
free ? Is there no sacrifice required patrons, and they propose to persist in for the cash payment of the required compensation) any agent will, on ap­ funeral to the Comedie Française in
at our hands? “The grace of God all reasonable and honorable effort fees, there is still a large majority plication to the office, be paid, before the evening. It was all a demonstra-
who are almost without pecuniary the sailing of the Expedition, twenty- >
that brings
has . appeared until
1B France
. .
until some,
some, ai
at ia»>,
least, w
of its luacur
unto all men, teaching us that deny-
ibiHtics havB
realized. *b,hty
would cheerfully make five cents in money for each sub­
There is danger in it, too. Queen
rvw A* t
1 fl Wil T/k pninv
great unnr
to enjoy tflP
the fi.ilVA.n-
advan­ scriber he may have obtained. As
ing «.._r.Alr.Aa
ourselves of ungodliness
and This Expedition
has been very ap­
Victoria consented to receive gracious­
worldly lusts.” In this we are to propriately named a Boating college tages ofiered. Special efforts have soon as two hundred students have ly the special homage of Prince Na­
therefore been made to devise some secured their membership in any one
sacrifice simply our sinful habits.
because it is to be an educational in­
poleon. He is now the English can­
" I beseech you therefore, brethren, stitution of a high order, well organ­ means by which this numerous class of the ways specified, notice will be didate for the throne of France, for by
by the mercies of God, that ye pre­ ized, thoroughly equipped and located of ambitious and worthy students given to all agents of the fact, and the the European theory, France is now
sent your bodies a living sacrifice, upon a first-class iron steamship which might secure for themselves free day of sailing will be announced as
government z
holy, acceptable unto God, which is’ is to undertake a voyage aiound the scholarships.
soon as practicable thereafter. Ex­ Grevy is a mere usurper.
your reasonable service.” Rom. xii. 1, globe. The Clyde-built steamer
It has long been the intention of cellent accommodations will be pro­
The United States Government has
Also we are commanded to offer “ the General Warder has been selected for the managers to publish an illustrated vided for all who are accepted as
Washington is not unac­
sacrifice of praise the fruit of our the use of the Expedition and fitted weekly journal of the Expedition, to students, and the state-rooms will be
quainted with corruptions and follies..
life.” Also, we are required to make w.ith every convenience for the ac­ be printed regularly on board ship assigned by lot by the purser on
But all the errors, faults, corruptions
contribution to the necessities of the commodation of two hundred and and to contain all the most interest­ board ship. Subsequent changes for
and partisan passions which have dis­
saints according as the Lord has pros-' fifty professors and students. She ing facte and observations which the convenience of individuals will
graced the United States, put to­
pered us; for " with such sacrifice has been inspected and approved by might come to the knowledge of its be made as may be found desirable.
gether, seem to me mild compared to
God is well pleased.”
All money received for subscriptions this conspiracy of privileged classes
officers of the United States Navy, members. Such a publication under
Through sacrifice the cause of
and granted an American register for proper sujiervision would be a power­ or in payment of fees will remain on against the equal rights of mankind
Christ was first inaugurated. It cost
the purposes of the Expedition by a ful and constant stimulus to all the deposit until the sailing of the Ex­ in'general and the commonwealth of
the apostles their lives. Paul testi­
special act of Congress. Naval officers faculty and students to observe accu­ pedition is assured, and will then be France in particular. To have been
fies as follows: " Of the Jews five
of large experience and the highest rately and record correctly, and in a drawn for use in defraying necessary in London during the past week ap­
times received I forty stripes save
reputation will be appointed to com­ pleasing manner, the incidents of the expenses only by drafts countersigned pears to me enough to Americanize
one; thrice was I beaten with rods;
mand and navigate the ship, and the voyage, and whatever was new and by a majority of its three trustees. forever any man who has any faith
once was I stoned; thrice I suffered
whatever in the principles of justice,.,
journey of nearly forty thousand noteworthy in the varied scenes In case two hundred students should or the happy destinies of humanity.
shipwreck ; a night and a day I have
miles on the land and the ocean^wjll through which they might pass. A not be enrolled after a reasonable
been in the deep. In journeyings
Keep Busy.
occupy eighteen months, and will be copy of this papei sent to friends at time, and the Expedition for any
often, in perils of waters, in ¡>erils of
so planned as to reach all the princi­
The man who has nothing to do is the-
robbers, in perils of mine own
pal cities of the world in the most many letters, and thus save an im­ for subscriptions and fees in the moat miserable of beings. If you have no­
mense amount of time and labor /or hands of the treasurers for­ regular work, do chorea, as farmers do-
favorable season of the year.
when it rains too hard to work in the field-
heathen, in perils in the city,
President W. 8. Clark, of Amherst, better uses. As soon as it became warded forthwith to the several In occupation we forget our troubles, and
in perils in the wilderness, in
Mass., will have entire control of the known last winter, when it was ex­ owners thereof on return of the re­ get a respite from sorrow. The man whose
perils in the sea, in perils among false
mind and hands are busy finds no time to
~ weep »nd wail. If work is alack, spend
educational department of the Ex­ pected the Expedition would sail on ceipts for the same.
brethren, in weariness and painful-
From the foregoing statement it the time in reading. No man ever knew
pedition and will select the officers of the eighth of May, that such a journal
new, in watching often, in hunger and
too much. The hardest »indents in the
instruction. The students will be was t<> be issued from the ship in will be seen that the Woodruff Ex­ world are the old men who know the
thirst, in fastings often, in cold and
furnished with uniforms and cadet whatever port she might happen to pedition is not abandoned, but is ill a most
nakedness,” Ac. “ But what things
rifles, and thoroughly drilled in milit­ be on the day of publication, and that healthy and hopeful condition. It is
were gain to me, those I counted loss
C vring D yspepsia .—Dr. W. W. Halt
ary and gymnastic exercises with the seventy-eight weekly numbers now more widely and favorably good authority say» that dyspepsia can be
for Christ. Yea, doubtless, and I
could be obtained, postage free, for known than ever before, and has been cured, and always avoided by the follow­
count all things but loss for the excel­ special reference to physical culture five dollars, subscriptions began to
ing rales : E«t thrice » day. . Not an
reduced to a plan which seems both atom between meals. Nothing after a
and the preservation of vigorous
lency of the knowledge of Christ
come in from all parts of the country. feasible and attractive, a* d which | naendsy
■ \ dinner, hat «on» coMbread
and j
Jesus my Lord; for whom I have health.
' -
' I.,
butter, and but one cap of hot drink.
places its advantages within the Spend at lenfct half an hour at each meal.
The l»est sanitary and police regula­
suffered the loss of all things and do
tions will be enforced, and the highest people would gladly welcome so reach of any enterprising and ener­ Cat np all the food into pea-kized pieeea.
count them but dross that I may win
Never eat ao mnuh.aa to cause the slight­
Christian morality inculcated, while unique a newspajier, especially if getic yourg man. If its numerous est uncomfortable sensation afterward.
carefully edited; neatly printed, and friends will kindly render it the Novar work or study hsrd within half a»
At the present time the ill success gambling and indulgence in alcoholic
well illustrate by original sketches assistance it deserves, there will be hour of eating.
---- .
of the church in winning souls to liquors will be strictly forbidden.
photographs prepared by the little difficulty in securing one bun­
come in every life ;
Christ is an unwillingness on the part
artiste of the Expedition.
not all the days of our life are tilled with
of its votaries in making the needful
sunsliiua ; still it was the boat for ua to
When on the eighth of May it was the World' and two hundred students dwell aoaMtimea in the shadows, for WV
sacrifice. The preacher is compelled ability and attainments, and each
should not enjoy the bright beams of the
to abandon the field evangelical be­ section will be under the particular found that leas than half the requisite will soon be enrolled (or one of the sen if it were always shinning. No ;
number of students had deposited moat romantic, delightful and in­
cause hie meagre support will not
“Into each life some rain must fall;
Seme days must bo dark and dreary,”’
clothe and feed his family. The receiving instruction also from others. their fees with Messrs. Drexel, Mor- structive excursions ever undertaken.