Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, July 25, 1879, Page 2, Image 2

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* ;r »,
shall confess toGod." So then every met with a ready acquiesence, and T
for forty days, but forever ; never let ster Assembly.”
on* of us shall give account of himself sauntered home with my little one»
the pestilential demon be landed en
to God.
trooping beside me. Each, one, I hope
our shores.
T. M. M organ .
was thereafter better able to under­
The temperance people in Cali­ tell where that little book belonged,
Temperance is one of the adding fornia are nearing the threshold of with the back torn off, I thought they
Looking QI ml , Or., July 13, 1879.
stand one or two of the many thing»
principles of the Christian system.
the ocean has to tell.—N. S. Times.
this struggle, and will soon demand ought to be disciplined f >r i »1 irance.
What the Ocean Tells.
True temperance consists in a legal protection from this destroying
The contents of this little by>k I
Church Business.
mederate and prudent use of those Moloch ; and there is a public senti­ will notice next week.
things which nature dictates as ne­ ment and moral power present in this
E. B. W ake .
An Apostle in giving instruction
We were all on the beach that
cessary for our healthful subeistance, State sufficient to enforce a prohibit­
concerning the work of the Church,,
morning, the children and I. We had
and a total abstinence from the use of ory liquor law, no matter how strin­
urges us to be diligent in business.
those things which tend to im|>air or gent. The dominions of Zion’s king
Who is responsible but man brought books with us, and my grown There should be business in the man­
destroy our soul, body, health and will be gloriously increased, just so Angels perhaps are, but they do not up friend, taking hers, strolled a short agement of church affairs as well as-
happiness. This definition may differ seon as king alcohol is dethroned, and belong to our sphere, nor come within distance away, where a summer- in our secular mattèfs. The Savior;
in verbiage from those given in the driven out?
our province. Responsibility always houss afforded a pleasant shelter. I said, “ The children of the world aro
standard lexicons, but it is strictly
Let all Christian teachers sound implies superiority. God is superior settled myself upon the sand, and wiser ip their generation than the
compatible in all its essential features. these truths in the ears of the people, and supreme, but not responsible, when my children went to look for children of light.” One reason for
The general and indiscriminate use and let all Christian churches shake there being no power superior to him. shells fell to dreaming, my eyes fascin­ this is because of their superior busi­
of alcoholic drinks in owe country is a themselves clear of the defilements of
Man was made a “ little lower than ated by the ceaseless following waves; ness tact, by which they push for-
species of intemperance -that amounts intemperance by casting out this | the angels.' Jesus aho was made “ a and as I watched I thought of that
to a great positive evil; and there is leaven of sin.
little lower than the angels ” for the pretty conceit of one of the great men an important enterprise in contempla­
in our land organized effort to insure
suffering ef death. We suppose only of our day, about “water babies” and tion ? By diligence in business, con­
Respectfully submitted,
its perpetuity, every organic agency
in this sense, man was made inferior fancied I could see them,—little white cert of action, and a liberal use of
S. B. D unton .
being marshalled to give a unity of
to angels. Man was made in the robed maidens, hand in hand, dancing their means, the result is soon reached.
purpose and action throughout the
The Sunday School vs Creeds. “ image ” and “ likeness ” of God and on the crest of each wave, bearing Not so with the children pf light.
dark ramifications of a domineering
crowned with “glory” and “honor, greetings to my babies on the beach. We lack concert of action, we lack
“ whisky ring,” conscience and honor
and set over the works of God’s But this dreaming was not long to diligence in business, and we lack lib­
are sacrificed for the great central
hands. We are not told this of last. Little Charley soon came back, erality in the use of our means, Sure­
purpose, which is to make money.
angels. Man is accountable for his and with his plump hands caressing ly these things ought not to be, for we-
It makes drunkards, in order to driving out of the Sunday schools of physical body, and for the purity of my face, begged for a story. “ It is so have the grandest enterprise to inspire
make money; making drunkards the land the creeds and confessions of the inner man. Being endowed with long; I thought it was forever since us ever known to man—that efpreach-
fqith, articles of discipline anti church
therefore is only incidental to its
noble susceptibilities he is responsible we had one,” This could not be re­ ing the Gospel to the world, and
covenants, which have been formerly
main l>usiness
for the manner in which he appropri­ sisted ; so in a moment he was gone, bringing the nations back to God.
Official statistics show that the bound on the consciences of men, and ates those noble endowments. Cro wnt d and instantly the children came to me
Instead of moving forward as one
number of persons employed in dis- which once occupied a more promi­ with “ glory ” and “ honor,” and set —a pretty group.
grand army under the leadership of
“ Now what shall I tell about ? I
tileries and in wholesale and retail nent place in the teaching of the over the works of God’s hands. In
Christ our Captain and King, and
liquor establishments in our country
this we find him “ lord ” over God’s asked. The answers to this question consumât ing the work which he
is 365,645, and they are supported by the Bible itself.
works. And God said, “ Behold, I was so numerous and varied that I commands us to do, and which he so-
4,000,000 of tipplers and drunkards.
have given you every herb bearing found myself in a maze directly. It nobly begun, our work reminds me in>
This constitutes the grand army under
seed which is upon the,face of all the would never do to give preference to some respects of the guerilla warfare
the command of the great ‘ whisky
earth, and every tree in which is the one ef these little folks, so I suggest­ in otír “ late unpleasantness.” He
ring.” Sixty thousand of this army
fruit of a tree yielding seed. To you ed : “ Suppose I tell you what the who thinks the world will be evange­
fill drunkards graves every year, the tures were quoted to prove the it shall be for meat, And to every ocean tells us ?” This was received lized without union forces, and con­
ranks being constantly filled up with catechism. How differently now; the beast of the earth, and to every fowl as a new idea, arid pronounced accept­ cert of action, and fiery zeal, and bus­
creeds and confessions of faith are
new recruits. The number who die
of the air, and to everything that able, Tom alone saying.- “Pooh ! the iness guided by Heavenly wisdomr
every year tn our own land, by covered over with dust and cobwebs, | creepeth upon the earth, wherein ocean can’t talk.” To which I answer­ deceives himself, and an unredeemed
ed: “Do you hear the roar ? That is
whisky, would reach a total length of and seldom, if ever, show their theolo­ there is life,” &c. Gen. ii. 29, 30.
world will be the result of such decep­
ocean’s voice, telling ua that ac­
about 65 miles. Sixty-five miles of
Responsibility implies volitions and
there has been many a tear shed, and
dead men 1 every year I
also rewards and ■ • punishments. Man tion prevent« freezing; and, children,
Men raise a great cry of warning
The whisky consumed in this free
is both subject to the laws of nature this is also true of your young hearts, when we begin to talk about centrali­
republic ofioars, annually, amounts to lovers of these systems, over the fact governing our physical life and God’s —while they are very busy, loving zation and they Bpend all their forces
the enormous sum of $690,000,000, that they '“ waxeth old and are ready moral government, each having its others, thinking of others, entering in­
in opposing this great bugbear which,
being $200,000,000 more than the to vanish awaybut the wave of penalties. Violations to these laws to acts of kindness, they are warm
only had an existence in their dis­
sum invested in clothing, and is sixty- religious feeling, in favor of the has given rise to all the ills and and fresh. ‘Tis only when they grow eased imagination. Meanwhile the
two times more than is expended for Bible, and the Bibld alone, in the sufferings incident to humanity, selfish, and stop acting for others, that
world is going to the devil, whilst
religious and educational purposes. Bible school, has been so great, that physical and mental. Man’s respon­ they grow cold and hard.
zealous friends of the Biblef?)-
“ The ocean tells us that salt keeps
There are four dram shops to one they have wisely concluded to stand sibility is in proportion to his knowl­
look complacently on. They would-
achool house in this Christian republic' out of the way of popular sentiment, edge and capacity. " He that knew things sweet and pure. Therefore it
rather have the world go to the bad.
of ours. The whisky traffic keeps
his master’s will and did things worthy is likened to wisdom, which overcomes than to have centralization.
I know of no denomination of of stripes shall be beaten with many the folly and naughtiness of human
millions from Christ. One hundred
I am bold to say that centralization
who have been so deeply stripes; but he that knew not his nature, keeping one pure and good.
thousand men and women are an­
what we need. Centralization
“It tells us one very pert thing,
nually sent to prison by it; 200,000 concerned about this fact as the Pres­ master’s will and did things worthy
business. No enterprise, secu­
are annually sent to poor houses by it. byterians. It has been a gieat strug­ of stripes shali be beaten with few that is to mind our own ,business;
religious, which concern the
that all things however great, have
Seven hundred murders are annually gle for them to take from the hands stripes.”
can succeed without it If
comiqitted by it. Then to think that of their children, their long-loved and
Children are responsible to their their limit of usefullness. Do you see centralization meant that we must
annually killed by whisky greatly venerated catechism, and parents fer their conduct as long as how grandly it rolls up ' just so far
have a Pope to lord it over God’s her­
n country is appalling ; these place in its stead the Bible, and the they are subject to the paternal and no farther ?’ Suppose with its
in i
Bible alone. So great has been this government, and the first sin com­ great power it should rush madly over itage, then I would heartily oppose it;
60, __ ead drunkards are v but the
but it does not necessarily mean this,
ripe and rotten fruit of the traffic, struggle, that ■even now, after eight mitted by a child is disobeying its all this ground, sweeping away these
and such a centralization is impossi­
are only moderate drinkers gone to years of progress in the work, they parents, and to its parents it stands houses, even the city itself, what a
ble among the Disciples of Christ,—a
are seriously considering the ques­ responsible.
terrible thing’it would be! So each
people celebrated for their freedom ’
Now the law that authorizes, fos­ tion, tacking on a monthly edition of
To God we are all responsible, both one has his own place to fill in this and independence of thought. Where-
ters and protects this god, dishonor­ the catechism to the International in thought, deed and word, and shall world, and when he steps beyond that
freedom and independence of thought
ing soul and body, destroying traffic, Series.
give an account for every idle word. and meddles with other people’s af­ is, Popery never can obtain. This is
In conversation with one of their “ It is a fearful thing to fall into the fairs, he will certainly produce noth­
is where the responsibility primarily
the verdict of history during all the
he said, “ The- greatest ob­ bands of the Living God,” and into ing but trouble.”
of the Church’s history. Those
For the last forty years legislative jection that they had to the Interna­ his hands we must all fall when we
Then I drew forth my book, and
have thought it their special mis­
councils in the different States have tional Series was, that they had no stand before the sreat white thspne, read that beautiful story of Christ
warn our brethem against a-
tried to abate the awful nuisance, by opportunity to teach their catechism.” from before whose face the earth and quelling the storm, with the gentle
tendency Romanward may as well lay
enacting various kinds of license Everywhere that they have the con­ the heavens will Hee away, and there words, “ Peace, be still,” and showed
their bugles and ease themselves-
liquor laws, which have served to trol they are trying to get their smaller will be no place found for them.
how this tells -us that, when storms
burden. Mistaken prophecy.
fatten the demon, and have caused catechism into the hands of the
Reader, do you consider the awful and passions rise in our hearts, they
better cry out against the
him to grow to ifnmense proportions. children.
responsibility resting upon you. should yield as readily as this vast
the opposite extreme
My attention was called to this What are you living for ? time or scean to the small voice our dear fath­
The license law can never regulate
loose from all re­
a whisky traffic, because that which fact, most forcibly a few days ag°. eternity ? Are you not aware that er breathes within us. Here May ask -
is the very quintessence of irregulari­ while visiting in a neighboring the character you are forming here Maggie for a cracker, and that made
ty cannot be regulated by law. Can county.
you will wear when called to the me think of something else, so I said:
fies the Government of Christ by re­
the kinks and zigzags of a thunder­ ! There is in the neighborhood what marriage of the King’s son ? Will it “ Here is the last thing for this morn­
fusing to co-operate together in obe­
bolt, the undulations of an earth­ is called a Union Sunday School, but be a suitable “ wedding garment ” to ing, and all of you should remember
dience to his command .to preach the-
quake, the outbursts of a volcanoe, evidently under Presbyterian control, wear into the awful presence of the it, when when you do not want to eat
Gospel to every creature.
and the destructive power of a cyclone they have used the International King of the universe ? What will the nice meals which your mother so
Centralization is just what wt need,
be regulated by law I Can an epi­ Series there for several years. Not you depend on to commend you to carefully prepares for you. We are
such as that headed by the Pope
demic be regulated by law ? Can long since a rich Presbyterian rose up the mercy of God / Are you doing very much like the small wood-fires
of Rome ; but with Christ as its cen­
black death and black vomit be in his place and said that " he had your duty in the service of the Lord ? we have in the sitting-room early in
tral figure, and the Church so wedded
regulated by law when their ravages some little books there which he Or are you standing with your arms the fall, which, if Maggie does not
to him and so permeated by his Spirit
would like for the children to commit folded in inglorious care sleeping and frequently replenish with fuel, shortly
are present!
that it will not be satisfied until the>
memory, and as an inducement for slumbering through life? No inter- < die out. This lesson the pure invig-
The most that can be done by law,
Gospel is preached in every nation un­
to keep these pestilences from spread­ them to do so, he would give a nice eat in heaven. No incurruptib’« < o.atingair, which comes over the vast
der the Heaven. We need centraliza­
gilt edge Bible to all who would com­ crown reserved unfading in the expanse
of ocean, tells us much more
ing, is to enforce a rigid quarantine.
tion that will not only station a Titus
Now the only true phylosopby of mit the first 40 questions and an­ heavens ? No hope as an anchor of 1 forcibly than that which reaches u* and a Timothy at Ephesus and Crete,
i oui cities and towns; fur the hu­ but in all the placas where efficient­
temperance reform is not legal per­ swers.” He said, “ tear the back off the soul both sure and steadfast, that in
mission to sell alcoholic drinks, but it, and all would receive it as good which enters within the vail whither man fire needs fuel as well as that in officers are needed and where things-
the forerunner for us is entered. “As the grate. It has now been speaking are wanting. All this acquires busi­
legal prohibition either to manufac­ and wholesome doctrine.”
ture or sefl, first interdict these, and
The little boek proved to be the I live, saith the Lord, every knee to May, so suppose we all turn toward ness tact. Let us be diligent in busi­
ness, fervent in spirit, serving the
then enforce a rigid quarantine not " Shorter Catechism of the Westmin- shall bow to me and every tongne j the house for lunch.’ This proposal Lora.— Record and Evangelist.
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