Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, July 04, 1879, Image 1

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NO. 27.
The re-union of the Army of the
Tent Life in Palestine.
lasted—about a week—and then we
Bro. Foy is conducting a meeting
Paris, Mo. The secular papers
essenger ,
have been graced by his presence if Dear Bro. Errett:
week spoke favorably of Bro.
Devoted to Ute cause of Primitive Christi
I have thought several times that I
the meeting, reporting ten
anity, and the diffusion of general in-
the 17th. He also desires to attend would write you a few short letters chicken, bread (aforesaid), pickles, additions.
the Yale commencement in the sub­ from this land of promise, prophecy, cheese, cold hard-boiled eggs, oranges,
Bro. G. A. Hoffman is evangelizing
Price Per Tear, in Advance, >2.59
and sacred memories, but was afraid
All business letters «hould be addressed sequent week if Congress adjourns ia
dates, raisins, and walnuts. This we for the churches of Monroe county, Mo.
io T. F. Campbell, Editor, or Mary time. Ohio will receive her favorite I might possibly go over the track generally (Lord’s day excepted) take
Bro. W. H. Williams, of Jamaica, is
Stamp, Pablisher, Monmouth, Oregon.
sen on September 1st for a months Bro. McGarvey would more' ably on a carpet spread under the shade of now visiting at Bethany, Mo., his
Advertisers will find this one of the best
visit. He will «visit Fremont and describe, and therefore spend my time a tree, or the shadow of a rock, taking former field of labor.
mediums on the Pacific Coast for making
jaunt through the state, but will make without either interesting or profiting it in real picnic style, and with picnic
Bro. N. M. Browder, formerly
their business known.
your readers. However, the thought
mo extended tour this year.
appetite. Dinner—or rather supper, editor of the Gospel Star, continues to
struck me that I might direct my pen
If view of the developements to­
for we take it about 6 p. M—soup, work with the church at Bethany,
to sketch briefly some facts And inci­
3 M
8p*°cÏ 1V|
day, the prospect of an early adjourn­
mutton, chicken, sometimes pigeons or and we hope his work there may be­
dents, and jot down a few general
1 Inch.......... »1 00 »2 50 $4 <C $7 SO $12 00
20'00 ment is not so favorable.
There will
7 00 12 00
quails—for they abound here—veget­ come a fixture;.and I would there
2 50
H Cel...........
35 00
observations as we journey on. This
00 12 00 20 rx>
4 00
ables (various), pudding or custard, were less changing of preachers, it is
65*'$0 be more debate on the appropriatien
7 OS 12 00 20 00 35 OS
% Col...........
I Col............. 12 00 SO 00 35 10 65 00 iso 00 bills in the Senate than was anticipa­ line of thought I have mentioned to
cheese, oranges, figs, dates, walnuts, expensive and otherwise a detriment
Bro. McGarvey, and now hasten to
Notices i* local cotanna 10 cent» per line far ted a day or two ago.
The democrat­
to all concerned.' Stop it.
coffee, and tea.
each insertion.
present a few facts and figures about
Yearly aOrertiMmanta on liberal terms.
ic Senators, however, cnme to an un­
This is the season of the year fbr
The whole establishment is carried
Profession*! Cards (1 square) Hi per annum.
tent life.
derstanding during their caucus con­
by eight pack mules, three donkeys the Sunday school picnics, and the
We have now been in our tents
two horses. We have also our average Americans look forward with
nearly three weeks, and can, there­
propriation bills with -diligence and
dragoman, Assid Smart, who speaks patriotic anticipation to the coming
fore, spe^k from experience—a short
vigor. They are willing to allow a
and writes fire kmgnages; cook, two Fourth, and the circus show, especially
Our Washington Letter.
one ’tis true, but nevertheless a verit­
waiters, five muleteers, Sheik Fellah the show. Iowa made quite a de­
able experience, extending from Jeru­
do not intend to send more than two
and his spear-bearer and attendant, monstration on “ Decoration day,” and
salem to Jerash, thence to Callirrhoe
W ashington , June 14,1878.
days in disposing of any one of the
and our four selves making quite a the speeches generally show that the *
We begin to hear more and more-of bills. ILthis programme is adhered Hot Springs, and thence to this place. numerous company. Our horses are union soldier is not forgotten.
plans for summer wanderings, though to Congress uoay be able to adjourn Twice have we crossed the Jordan, not the " Arab steeds” we read of in
Bro. J. R. Lucas and D. B. Ray, of
as yet the city has not lost as much Friday or Saturday of next week. and river Jabbok, and several ether books of adventure and thrilling inci­ the Baptist Battlejlag, are booked for
of its fleeting .population as is often Should the reiver men however, suc­ streams, climbed innumerable moun­ dents, but veritable Arab steads, that another debate, June 12th, to be held
the case «t this »time of year. All-of ceed in overdoing the Senate finance tains, and crossed some plains. Let can climb a mountain as steep as a in Lewis county, Mo. As thia is
the Congressional families who did committee aad taking from it the us first look at the tent and necessary house roof, and descend a river bank their sixth engagement they must un­
not intend to rstnain until the sd- Warner silver bill, and bringing that accompaniments.
From the outside you will see that or g°rge that makes one feel giddy to derstand each other pretty well, even
ment, whenever«that might be went measure befere<the Senate as they are
they are what is called tweloe-cord look down into: Their pace, however, if they do not agree. " Verity; doc­
long ago. These Spartan wives -of , still intending to do, adjournment
tents— that is, they are secured to is keeping with their work—a walk tors disagree.” Let every one be a
whom I have written you who 'have will probably 'be postponed beyond
two to three miles an hour— faithful servant of the truth, let the
determined to uphold their husbands next week. They are now making pegs drives in the earth at equal dis-' sometimes going at .the rate of four truth be in you, and shine out
to the last gasp are still here and an effort to pemuade the committee to tances by twelve cords attached to miles an hour. The expedition with through you, it will aid others by
•vinqe no weakening of their pur­ reconsider its recent action in postpon­ the tent. The sides of the tent are which our tents are taken down and giving strength to their faith and
five feet six inches high, perpendicu­
pose to remain, although we had -a ing the furtbenconsideration of the bjll
; then the roof of the tent com­ packed and loaded is almost marvel­ hope, and cause them to have an un­
few days ago weather hot enough to until next session, and are pressing
ous. While preparing for breakfast, bounded desire for your, prosperity.
wilt the most stalwart of back-bones. Senators Bayard and Kernan to allow mences, by running up to a point in everything that can be packed with­
The .truth is pure, we can not im­
• Cooler weather hae now set in, and the bill to be reported either adverse­ the center, and is securely attached te out inconvenience is packed, and prove it; and we <nay make a mis­
• except when the san is shining in the ly or without reconsideration. What the center pole, which is twelve feet while at breakfast our tents and fur­ take in our efforts to keep it pure.
■middle of the day, out-of-door exor- success they may haVe remains to 'be high. The .pole is securely fixed in niture are all packed up, and in about We need only to be faithful servants
•ciae is pleasant at all times. The seen. If a majority of the Senate the ground, and is in the eenter of the half an hour we are on our line of and the truth will not suffer.
tent.v The aize of the tent is thirteen
evenings haae been dreams of beauty, should vote to discharge the commit­
Among the greatest evils that
in diameter. On the top of the march. I may here state, however,
with the moon and her potent rival tee from further, consideration of the
the past apostolic church
"Venus making the.A?avens a tempt­ Warner bill, there appears to be but tent outside, we have an extra white sleeping apartment of the muleteers came about in their efforts to keep
ing study even for those least given to little doubt 'that Senator Bay and covering, to reflect the nays of the and others. They, like Sheik Fellah, the church pure, which they sought
star gazing. According to our pleas- would peremptorily resign the chair- sun, while the inside is lined with a spread out a rug, and placing a stone to accomplish by killing error; and
c’oth covered with gaudy Turkish
ant provincial -custoor, we sit out of ,manship of the committee.
needle-work, in which Turkey red, for a pillow—Jacob like—they are when we see the extremes some
doors much at Ahis time of the year,
The lengthy investigations of the
soon in a sound sleep beneath the blue brethren go to, to fight what they re­
those who have no gardens sitting sn ¡.grand jury as to Hie broken German yellow, blue, and white are inter­ canopy of heaven,
gard as inovation, we fear this is more
the door-Bteps and .even on the aide- American Bank name to an end this mingled, giving it a very lively and
dangerous than the socalled inovation
walks. The White House wears the i morning. Several days age present­ attractive appearance. Our furniture the mile, but by the number of hour; itself. Keep the truth in our hearts
look.of a good old-fashioned country ments were agreeduqpon and furnished consists of one table, that does duty taken to complete the journey: e q. be .faithful, energetic workers; be
place, for its doors anffwindows stand the District attorney, and the inter­ for washing table, diessing table, and from Jeiusalem to Jericho is six hours cheerful, kind, and temperate, and
wide open these bright evenings, and vening time has been occupied in pre­ writing table.; basins and ewers, and and hot so many miles. We travel many of the app:rent evils will die
from the street one can see direotly paring indictments there on. These water cups of metal, and water jug, from seven to twelve hours a day; they can not exist where truth has
through the lighted hAls and Blue indictments, five in number, were silver-plated candlestick, two carpet and one day we were over fourteen full play. Truth is the antedote for
Parlor <to the southern porricees, just brought into eeurt soon afternobn to­ camps tools, two single iron bedsteads,
hours in the saddle, and traveled over all the evils in us, and’if kept in our
outside -where the fami ly usually as- day. They effect several well-known with wool mattress, feather pillows a very rough road. All of us—men hearts we shall prosper, our souls will
aemble, it being theoool iat part. Heae gentlemen whose reputation has here­ and bedding, and Turkey carpets for and horses—were glad to see camp be in health, because the truth is
any visitors who chose to call are made tofore stood high, and some, of whom the floor. Around the center pole of that night, and sure enough rest was food to our souls, and will cause them
welcome and sit either in the pretty have been especially trusted and hon­ the dent is fixed a strap, with half a sweet to our weary limbs.
The to expand, and we will become large
oval Blue Boom or oat the g>orch, em­ ored an the community, The parties dozen brass hooks attached ; this does
hearied, others will love the truth
bowered now in the fragrance of wild .indicted are Mr. JohnHity who was good service for hanging our clothes upon a suitable camping place, which that opperates so effectually through
honeysuckle. No other family which Jongtihe leading pqptnur of an avenue upon. Thus, you see, we have quite
•f necessity, must have good water for us. It is the positive power, we the
has Jived in the White Bouse has firm and representative of all Swim a laijge and oumfiortable sleeping
and horses. This, however, channels through which it operates,
made as muck use and given-outsiders interests in the District. Mr. Wm. F. room. We have two tents like the
obtained in this country, directly upon us, and indirectly upon
as free access to all the rooms as the Mattingly, a leading member of the one described, one ooeupied by Bros.
to arrange according­ others. For these effects all praise
present incumbents.
The White Washington bar long the special at­ McGarvey and Thomson, and the
ly. More anon.- H enry S. E arl , in and honor is due to truth and its
House flowers, too, find their way to torney af financial companies, etc. other by Bro. Taylor and myself. We the Standard.
Our great responsibilities
innumerable houses now.
Mrs. Ha is still the receiver appointed by have also one separate tent for dining Rains of old Jericho, Palestine, May 5.
therefore arise out of the sacrcdness _
Hayes usually has a store ai bequete the Equity Court to take charge of
of our work, as agents of the truth;
which she distributes to her visitors and settle up the affairs of the Wash­ use. The " canteen,” or table outfit,
Iowa and Missouri Dots.
and we should be carefid to treat our”?
every evening, and every day flowers ington City (Rupp’s) Savings Bank
brethren and strangers also, with^c
While Missouri was praying for
to the sick and to others who appre­ which failed some years ago. C. E. forks, spoons, handles of knives and
and act faithfully towaMfS<,
dessert knives, with tea and coffee rain, Iowa had enough and to s^are,
ciate them.
Prentiss is the cashier of the bank, pot, are silver, and the breakfast, din­
all, that we may " do well.”
after several rains and with the
Mr. Hayes’ plans for the summer who is charged with perjury in addi­
“ Then scatter seeds of kindness”
ground too wet to plow. On the
have been somewhat disarranged by tion to other crimes. R. R. Donaldson
where through life, and "we
the protracted session of Congress. is a well-known dentist and bank di­ —a neat white and gold. The cook­ night of May 30th* there was 3.18 in. shall come rejoicing bringing in the
ing utensils are all in keeping; and rain fall, followed by steady rain the
He will spend the whole of July and rector.
fortunately we have a good clean cook following nights; so crops are slightly sheaves ” " in th* reaping by and by.”
August in Washington at the Soldiers
A ugust .
8. H. H edrix .
to use them. So that our little tent injured, thereby, while in Missouri
Home, considering that more comfort­
Fairfield, Iowa, Jane 8, 187«.
grass and small grain is cut short by
able than any extended tour duririg
—All things teach a Moral Lesson. many hotels—especially such as we dry weather, corn in vi.ry fine.
the heated term. Several invitaiions
—At Hammondsville, N. Y., on
Our Sunday Sclnx-l Convention, at Easter Sund iv, A. T. Clarke, pastor,
fur the present month will have to be —Rector: " Those pigs of ysurs are in find in this country. The bill of fare
declined "owing to Congress being in i a fins condition, Jarvis.** Jarvis: is liberal for this desert country, and Toris, Mo., was quite suueissful. Our Organized a Union church of ten mem­
session. He had long ago promised " ‘ Yes, sur, they be. Ah, sur, if we is as follows: Breakfast- Mutton or brethren were also well represented bers representing six different de­
nominations. This is the first regular
to be present at the Princeton college woe all on us on’y as fit to die as chicken, fried potatoes (French in the General Sunday School Con­ church organization in the plate.
fashion), light bread (as long as it vention recently held at Moberly, Mo. They adopt the " Apostles’ creed?
are, sre’d do!”
commencement, but was prevented. them