Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, June 13, 1879, Image 1

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" oq
ye , therefore , teach all nations .”
“ ■
NO. 24. ' ’
pecially appertain, has furnished the shall meet on the second Monday in | erally in great harmony. Here I will, no doubt, dissent from our views.
essenger President with his objections thereto. .February next after the meeting of could name those named by Bro. I am sorry, on account of the fail­
The message will not be very long. electors; the President of the Senate Durham, and many others, who are ure of our California paper enterprise,
Devoted to the cause of Primitive Christi
antty, and the diffusion of general in­ It will hold that supervision, in the shall preside ; two tellers shall be ap­ working in the greatest haimony. but even that, and the loss-to this
character of supervisions and deputy pointed by the Senate and two by the And the evils we have to encounter State of two or three of our able
manuals, is neccessary to free elec­ House ; that the President of the Sen­ we hope to overcoii e, and that the preachers, will not destroy our interest
Price Per Year, in Advance,
ate shall open all certificates, and the cause will yet triumph gloriously on here, for we still have a goodly num­
▲il business letters should be addressed tions.
to T. F. Campbell, Editor, or Mary
After it is received a joint caucus of votes shall be counted by the two this coast. And I desire to encourage ber of able, earnest preachers left,
Stump, Publisher, Monmouth, Oregon.
the two houses will be held, and the houses in the alphabetical ordeT of the the course you indicate for the use of, whose self-sacrificing zeal will main­
Advertisers will find this one of the best
states as certified, unless rejected by the press—one good weejtljk paper, tain the cause in this State, notwith-.
mediums on the Pacifie Coast for making future line of policy be mapped out.
It is evident that the disposition is both houses ; if there be a controver­ many writers, small,- brief articles standing the fact tlat we experience
their business known.
growing among the democratic lead­ sy in any state, and a certified decis­ from all parts of the land, Then, a losses, reverses, and declensions of
bates of advertising ;
ers to let the army bill fail. The leg­ ion of it by its highest judicial tribu­ good monthly, when it can be sus- religibus interest occasionally.
(i M 1 1 Yr
1 w ' nr 3 M
islative bill, though, will certainly be nal, the electoral yotes of that state tained, when it can be made worthy.
Yours in the one hope,
1 facli.....
«1 00 W 50 «4 < 0 $7 80 812 00
20 00 passed in some shape; If it is decided to shall be counted in accordance there­ ] Our papers are not worthy enough.
7 00 12 00
4 00
2 50
H Col..........
S, B. D unton .
-* n
35 CO
7 00 12 00 20 00
4 00
H Col..........
rri____ i-
^4 «1 -a 1 i ■
65 00 let the army bill fail, it will be sent to with, unless the decision is reversed They have ri<Sl labor enough.
7 oe 12 Ol 20 00 35 00
U Col......
12 00 20 00 3S CO 65 00 120 00
1 Col............
the President precisely as it was orig­ by both houses ; if there be a contro­ we have talent enough, and could Weather Report for May, 1879.
Notice» in local columns 10 cents per line for inally, and the two houses will ad­ versy and no such judicial decision make the press far mor« useful, and
esch insertion.
During May, 1879, there were L8
Yearly «dvertixemente on liberal term».
journ on the day the bill is sent to the Contested votes shall not be count-, should do it. I rejoice .greatly in
Profesional Cards (1 »quere) S12 per annum.
during which rain fell, with an
your success, such as it is; and yet I
the President. Then the President
of 5.94 in. of water, 3 clear
will call Congress together again, and
feel that it should be far more com­
cloudy days, other than
ions or conflicting certificates, the de­ plete.
the struggle will be renewed.
rain fell.
Affectionately in the Lord,'
The- rush for certificates at the cision or certificate held by both
Our Washington Letter.
for the
C arroll K endrick .
Treasury has become a regular siege. houses to be given by the proper au­
(raen ouk rboulab oomibspondbnt . )
P. S.—I remained at Santa Clara
To-day, the northern, eastern and thority shall be conclusive unless re­
W ashington , May 54,1879.
western entrances to the building had jected by both houses. On opening several days, to aid in getting the
The letter of Secretary Sherman, long lines in front of them before 8 any certificate the President of the church in better condition, if possible,
written under date of May 15th, to o’clock, and additions were received Senate shall call for objections. Ob­ and feel encouraged by the experi­
Gen. Robinson, chairman of the Ohio every minute. When the doors were jections must be in writing, brief, with­ ment. So I feel encouraged by my month at 2 o’clock p. m . 59.97°. High­
republican executive committee, de­ opened st 9 o'clock there was a sim- out argument,and signed by one Sena- other labors. The Lord bless you and est record of thermometer for the
claring very emphatically, on his part, ultsneous, indiscriminate scamper for torand one Representative. Objections make you useful.—C. K.
* month 82°, at 2 p. m ., on the 31st.
Lowest thermometer 42°, at 7 A. M.,
a desire not to be considered a candi­ the cash room from three points of are
decided seperately py each
Letter from Bro. Dunton.
on the JUh. There was a light frost
date for Ohio’s gubernatorial honors, the compass. „It sounded as if a regii house, the Senate withdrawing- Thefl.
on the morning of the 9th.
causes a good deal of speculation ment of eavalry was charging through joint meeting shall not be dissolved
----- W inters , Y olo Co.,XTAi.:,
ajuong the Ohio democratein Congress. the corridors. There was better polic­ until the court shall be completed.
, Thunder and lightning with hail
May 26, 1879.
rain on the evening of the 21st ;
It is~the first authoritioe statement
A ugust .
ing by the Treasury watchman than
Editor P. C. Messenyer :
the hail lasting about three minutes
yet made of the Secretary’s position. heretofore. They kept all but a few
D ear B rother ,—The Church of-
California Letter.
at this point. In the valley near here
The Ohio democratic leaders have out of the cash room, and allowed one
Christ st Winters, meet every Lord’s . LT'J rj“
been quietly conferring with one an­ from the two lines—women on one
J ,
and at balem,the hail was very heavy,
a., for Sondsy .Mdrool. st HI octod.
O akland , C al ., May 27, 1879.
other to-day, and a very -decided dis­ side and men on the other—in as the
url hare public « M 11 I
„ ,,
position has cropped out that, inas­ pnrehases at Mr. Gibson’s end of the Bro. CampbeU:
being as la ge as walnuts in some in­
As the Minutes and Addresses
much as Secretary Sherman is not tc-
stances ; it was not accompanied with
line were made. Both lines, even af­ (several of them) of the Sunday
We are still preaching here regular-I
high wind.
be a candidate, Senator Thurman ter the first rush extended nearly out
ly, and have been, for the last three
should at once allow the use of bis to the street pavement beyond the School Convention were to be for-
The prevailing winds for the month
years and a half. We preached the
name as the democratic candidate.
the 8. W. during 14 days,
open space at the north front of the not speak of that occasion, unless to first sermon ever preached in this | | .South from
6 days, North 8 days, N. W.
There is also pressure being brought
building, where the fountain is. It say that, with one single exception, town.
3 days. •
to bear on Aden. Ewing to take the
was very warm, and tie crowd was entire harmony and brotherly love
At our.commencement, over three
seoond place, and it would not be
During May, 1878, there were 4
in a very‘bad humor, not excepting prevailed and abounded, so far as I years ago, there were twenty persons
surprising after all if the democrat­
days and 0.87 in. water, 9 clear
the women. On the outskirts hung
who signified their willingness to or- I
ic state ticket is Thnrman for Gov. the brokers. As soon as any one could see. The meeting was very en­
days and 18 cloudy days.
couraging for Sunday school work. ganize a church here. Now there are
«id Ewing for lieutenaat governor,
came sut with 8100 worth of certifi­ Bro. B. S. Gardner has commenced a about sixty-six members. We have ; Mean teuiperarure for the month
with the u.iderstanding that if the
cates he or she immediately dis­ Bunday school at Santa Clara, and one of the best church edifices in the 54.59°. Highest daily, 65°, on the
ticket is elected and a democratic
posed of their purchases and got into will, no doubt, revive the cause there. > Sacramento valley. There is a debt 7th. Lowest daily, 4?, on the 1st.
legislature likewise, that Ewing is to
T. P earce .
the line again. The price paid was He is a true and faithful worker.
! of about $1000 due on our building,
Eola, June 3, 1879.
have the Senatorahip which Thurman
$2,20 for each $100 in certificates.
Your article, prompted by Bro. J. ! but a number of good, responsible
will vacate in 1881, and in tarn Ewing’s
One broker backed one of the small Durham’s letter, perhaps in reply to brethren, have assumed it, and will
Salt In Intermittent Fevers.
influence is to be used to give Thur­
rubber wheeled wagons used in the it, has some encouragement. The pay it off next fall. Since the first
man Ohio votes in the national demo­
department into a convenient posi­ utter failure of the prematurely an­ organization of Che Church of Christ
The French Medical Journal says,
cratic convention for the Presidency.
tion and established a regular office. nounced paper for California is not here, we have had some four pro­ of the use of salt in fevers“ The di-
This idea is indorsed by nearly every
The wagon was pulled away, and the surprising, whether we can account tracted meetings, every one of which • rections are to take a handful of pow­
Ohio-democrat in Congress, and Gen.
broker left to gather the effects of for it or not. Yet we may have a was successful. There has never been dered white salt, such as used in
Ewing, though somewhat reluctantly,
his office and hijaoelf from the floor. paper, perhaps. Welook to a guid­ any dissension or discord in the camp kitchens, and roast it in a clean stove
will take the second place under
The men who employed drivers could ing Providence, at least, I do. And, ' of the saints here from the first, and I (new, if possible) with moderate heat,
Thurman’s lead.
be readily detected by the anxious may I say, 1 doubt; somewhat, both we hope that there never will be ; we till it becomes of a brown color, like
It had been supposed that the leg­
and distrustful gaze which they kept the wisdom and the justice of part of care but very little for troubles from that of roasted coffee. The dose for
islative, executive and judicial appro­
on their employees.' As a whole, it our excellent Bro. Durham’s letter- without, but there is danger, when­ an adult is a soup-sjioonful disolved
priation bill would be signed by the
was one of the most uncomfortable If the preachers were envious, jealous, ever troubles arise within our own in a glass of warm water, taken at
presiding-officers of the two houses in
crowds ever seen anywhere in thii and qayrelronie, it might noth*
——.... AUifiti- . L c .*1 k > u 14 be stetori-thirr WhPri’
pnrjLinninqnx. ..
time to be sent to the President to-
■ flection; -'The-scene" was not excelled cesgary or prudent to publish it
I see by the M essenger of the the fever makes its appearance at in­
'"'SayV Tn consequence of the errors
by the gatherings at the Centennial abroad. But, with almost a single ex­ 16th inst., that some gixxl brother in tervals of two, three or four days, the s
which crept into one or two enrolled
show, even. Buying certificates has ception, I know no just ground for California represents that the church remedy should be taken fasting, on
bills in the last Congress in conse­
becom« a craze in Washington. The such complaint I am glad to say in California is in a lamentable con­ the morning
following the fe-
quence of the committee on enrolled
amount sold at the Treasury
the thirftt excited
bills neglecting Its duty, the chairman Aimono
** t I am sorry Bro. Durham referred to particular church, of which we do not I by the salt, but a small quantity of
-of the present committee has deter­
The House committee on the state our beloved “ Uncle Pende ”—the know. If he refers to the churches water should be taken through a straw.
mined that there shall be no further
«dereliction in that respect. He and of law respecting the ascertainment venerable father I. N. Pendegast—as in California, we demurr to the Church During the forty-eight hours, which
colleagues, therefore, to-day examin­ of the result of the election of Presi­ “ superannuated.” I am sure he meant of Christ at Winters, being counted follow the taking of the salt, the appe­
ad personally every line of the legisla­ dent and Vice President have agreed no unkindneSs or disrespect/but Bro. in, and claim it as an exception. tite should be satisfied, with chicken
ture bill, to see that it was properly on a bill to be reported to the House. Pendegast is, to-day, one of ouf most Whenever a Church of Christ meet or beef broth only; it is especially
enrolled, and so much time was con- Sections one to four provide for the efficient workers. I would as soon every Lord’s day to break the em­ necessary at the time, to observe a
•umed in this that the Senate adjour appointment of electors on the Tues­ have his aid in a meeting at. that of blematic loaf, to sing, to read the severe diet, and to avoid taking cold.
ed before the task was completed. As day next after the first Monday in any man in the State, perhaps sooner; word of truth, to pray and to bear The author asserts that during the
the-Senate adjourned over to Monday, November, and who shall vote by bal­ and I do not lightly value those the Word preached, they are growing eighteen years that he used this meth­
the bill cannot be signed by the Presi­ lot on the second Monday in Novem­ named and others who n ight be in grace, and in the knowledge of the od of treatment, he has never been
dent of that body before that day. It ber, and prescribe the manner of for­ named. And Bro. Pendegast is wise truth, and will rise to higher attiin- unsuccessful. The remedy is certain­
will, therefore, not reach the President warding the certificates. The other in council beyond others. Wait, Bro. ments in Christian life and expel idive, ly harmless, and perhaps worthy of
before the evening of Monday. The sections provide that controversies as Durham, don’t call him "superannuat­ even though sinners, are not conv,i ted trial.”
message vetoing the measure is to all to electoral votes in any state may be ed ’’ yet. If so, next thing you would at every uncling; yet such effort
though the world
upon the part ot a chuich is a grand
practical parposes already prepared. passed upon by its highest judicial
is ever ready to
The Attorney General, to whose de­ tribunal, who shall send its decision die,or become superannuated either for and glorious success. 1 know th- t take your heart, though broken, and
thfere are some, big- to give you more in return for it than
partment the riders concerning the under seal to the President of the a long time yet, if I can help it.
professor», who the world can ever promise.
supervisara and deputy marshalls ee-
3 .
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