I /■ - PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, SATURDAY, OCT. 26, 1878. 8 Lx- MOMMOVTII. LEGAL AD VER 7 ISEMENTS. Mr. M. Haley ia another happy father. ADMINISTRATORS SALE Mr. Jasper Wilkins, of Eugene, was in town thia week. 'OF James Elkins, of Albany, gave us a REAL ESTATE. flying visit this week. Some of our citizens have raised some T>Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDEB OF THE fine large sweet potatoes this season. -D County Court of Polk County, Oregon, made at the August term of said Court, Mr. Milton Marshall, of Dallas, and an additional order of said court made town and will be our artist for a few at the October term thereof, 1878, I will weeks. sell at public auction, at tho Court House Mr. Wm. Jordan and family were in door, at Dallas, in »aid county, between town a fe^v days since visiting relatives the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. and 4 p. m . on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1878, and friends. the following described real estate, to-wit : A man by the name of Whurry, who A part of the Donation Land Claim of lives in the country, had one of his ribs Joseph Ingalls, in Section 30, of Township 7, south of range 3 west, of the Willamette fractured this week. ' \ Meridian, in Polk Connty, Oregon, begin­ James Wright, of Linn county, has i ning at the Willamette river 18 21 100 rented a house,in town and intends be- | chains south of tbe quarter section post on the east line of said section, thence north coming a citizen soon. Mr. T. W. Lowe, who is a job printer of j 58 21 100 chains, thence west 19 50-100 chains, to the center of the road, thence many years experience, is now doing the j south 4 50 100 chains along said rdad, wprk in the office of Prof. D. T. Stanley. thence south 73° west, along said road Do not hesitate to send in your orders for 18 12-100 chains, thence south 23" 30min west, along said road 14 39-100 chains, printing. thence south 66" 30min east 9 75 100 Mrs. Cowan, of Douglas connty, has chains, thence south 23 65-100 chains, run­ become a resident of our town for the ning over a certaiu living spriug, to tbe purpose of sending her children to Cob Willamette river, thence south 78" east leger. We wish many more such families 36 71*100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 186 64-100 acres. The said Could take up their abode with us. premises being the real estate of Reuben We learn that Bro. G. W. Richardson, P. Pigg, deceased, lying between Eola and •f Waitsburg, and Bro. E. A. Shirley, of Salem. To be sold for $1,500 cash down, and the this place, have exchanged town property, «nd each with their families will change balance in two equal annual installments secured by mortgage on the premises, with their places of residence immediately. ten per cent, interest. B ibles . — Those beautiful Pictorial Sale to be for Gold Coin. C. B. GRAVES, Family Bibles, now being sold by E. Administrator. Wadsworth, the agent, can be had ■toy-ap­ J. L. C ollins , Attorney. 8-41-4t plying to him at his' residence or'at this office. The name of each purchaser will FINAL SETTLEMENT. appear on the Bible by preeenting the In te Estate of Henry Fisher, deceased, same. C. G. Fisher, Administrator. Mr. T. J, Graves and Miss Mattie Shel­ ton, who are well known by the former M0T1CE 18 HEREBY'* GIVEN TO whom it may concern, that said Ad­ students of Christian College, having con­ cluded that it was not best to live alone, ministrator baa filed the final account of his doings in said Estate, and asked for a commenced life last Sunday in partner­ fiual hearing of tbe same. ship. Although it was rather a “ Grave " Hon. Ira F. M. Butler, Judge of said affair, yet we hope they will live to see a Conrt, has set Monday, Dec amber, 2,1878, grave old age, before the day for the grave at 10 o’clock a . m , for said hearing, when all persons interested will appear and of interment comes to pass. ' Thus five of show cause, if any they have, why said our Alumni have, within a few weeks past account be not allowed, and the admiuis- tration‘closed. taken advanced steps in life. C G. FISH ER a Last Friday evening,-after Prof. Tenton | . - . Administrator. and his “ better half ” bad returned home > J no . J. D aly , from the metropolis, their young friends I Attorney for Estate. 8-42-51 of this" place assembled, and after making ' Dated Oct. 10,187». the necessary arrangements, marched forth i M ER CHA ND ISE. in regular order to the place of the Prof’s. ' habitation, and there in the stillness of BREYMAN BROS., the night, discoursed music both vocal , IMPOBTEBS AND DEALERS Bi and instrumental. The happy pair soon ! made their appearance,..and in the midst1 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, of varied congratulations, invited their CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, many friends inside, where an hour was AMD ~- enjoyed by all in a most pleasant unfl en- GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. —r- CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, tertaining manner. ■r BIKIXESS FOll L.IDIU. Our attention has been culled to a new article for the use of ladies", *ie inwention of which has conferred an everlasting blessing upon every lady. We refer to the Queen City skiri suspenders for support ing ladies' skirts, the most desirable and beneficial article ever invented for the relief of women, many of whom have suffered years of miserable health caused solely by carrying the weight of a number of heavy skirts, completely dragging them down. Something to support ladies clothing is absolutely necessary. These suspenders are recomended by our leading physicians to all ladies and yonng girls. Every lady should have them. They are sold only through lady agent». A splendjd opportunity is offered to some reliable lady canvasser of this country to secure the agency of a pleasant and profitable busin­ ess. For terms aud territory write at once to the Queen City suspender Company, 278 Clark Street, Cincinnati, O. Extra Liability to Malaria) Infection. Persons whose blood is thin, digestive "Weak and liver ahiggish, are extra-liable to the attacks of malarial disease. The most trifling exposure may, under such conditions, infect a system which, if heal­ thy would resist'tbe miasmatic taint. The only way to seenre immunity from mala­ ria in localities where it,is prevalent, is to . tone aud regulate the system by improving weakened digestion, eurching the blood, and giving a wholesome impetus to biliary «•cretions. These results are accomplish­ ed bv i.otliiug so effectively as Hostetter's L . niei ... ’h ' Biiters, which long experience Bn hue ( proved to be lue most reliable safe- g. I-. ■lvigaiunt f, ver and uguo and kindred di«..'. •Ur,. as uell as the best remedy for th. in j Tire Bitters are, moreover, an ex- eel! > >it iavigorant _ __ organi ____ of _____ of the nrina- ti<» . arid an active elimiuatieg ' depurent, ’___ froi.i blood those acrid impurities wlucb originate rheumatic ailments. I JL ( on.ui.qdlon Cured. An eld physician, retired from practice, Paving hud piaeed in bis hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple "vegetable remedy, for the speedy and per- I a.snmw .ni» nam mm for consumption, crn-umiptlon. bronchitis, bronchitis. nimm esfJirh, asthma, aud all throat and Inng affections, alsii a positiv„ and redical euré for norvona debility and all -nervous com­ plaints, after having tested its wonderful cur naive powers in thousands of cases, baa felt it Ins duty to make it known to hia »I Buffering fellpwv. A'-Oi.ted by this mo tire, unil a lirait«, tn iclieve human suffer­ ing, I «ill m - jmi tree of charge, to all who <1« ire it, 'bu n ■ , with full directions foi preparing I* using, in German, Fit.nell, er B: ; .»h Sent by mail by ad- <1 h -jug ai'i- • mu, namn.g this paper, V W'Bt.'iar, I!' 1'oweis' Block, Roch- T » -i.'K Ï CROCKERY, Ac. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, A SPECIALTY. STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 8-20-3m HOE CYLINDER PRESS Running by steam, suitable for news­ papers, large posters and common book and pamphlet work. For the finest grades of bcok and pamphlet work and for large blanks and all clusses of fine printing, we hare the , Largest Size Universal Press, Running by steam. For all classes of smaller work, we have tbe latest And such other machinery that is requisite to make np a first class Jeb Printing es­ tablishment. We also keep on hand a Large Assortment of Material : : 8-14-tf J. M. POWELL, M. D., . PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON, Proprietor. Messenger Steam Printing House, VANDUYN & SMITH Independence, May 9, 1878. MONMOUTH, OREGON. TTTy < Irmbly barrel gm, JR fl I R" H ¿74 blíOTi.Aií -- -¿s WEST SIDE United States Mail and Stage Line ’.'3 ---- :■ i TELLURIUM QUARTZ MINING QTAGES WILL LEAVE DALLAS every day (Sunday excepted), at 6 COMPANY. I ■ j-r- ■ : o’clock a m ., by way of Monmouth, In-J Will practice in all thè Court» of this State and thè U. 8. Court». Office. Mill Street, School and Miscellaneous. Books, Stationery, FANCY GOODS, OREGON. DALLAS, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTKUMINTS. STATE STREET, SALEH, OK. 6-36-ly 7-84-ly i .* FURNITURE, Ac. * —:o— KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANDS) A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Household Furniture, ■» Fresh Drugs, 3fedicinest, Chemicals, Faints, Oils, ¡ Glass, Fancy and Toilet .Articles. A FULL SUPPLY OF Stationery, Common School and ' College Text IBooks- LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH, ür*. J". M. Powell, Proprietor. ¡ 0BW10N AND WASHIXOTOX TEREITOBT. BEST OF WORKMANSHIP :o AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Send for Prioo List to O. F. DENNIS, SALEM, UREGO.V. Furniture ! Furniture Furniture ! ! Furniture, Safes. 1 bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Windows, T}oors, ¡Picture Frames, Out- fit free. No risk. Reader, if you nil M r 11 "Tito « IxiHine-» nt which perwnvof «¡itber «»X cen make great r«V aH the time they wbHl. Write for particular« to H. HaLLtrr 4 Co., for (land. Maine. 4 1 * WHOLtsALE AND RETAIL »KALEX IS dependence and Buena Vista, arriving at’ Albany at 12 o'clock a . m . Leaving Albany MUSIC. magazines , papers ETC. - bound in every style . at 1 o'clock p. M , arriving at Dallas at 8 o’clock P. M., connecting with our Daily Mrs C. I). 8NYDER Stage from Independence to Salem, ar­ riving at Salem at 10 o’clock A. M., leaving DOOKBINDER» Salem at 2 o'clock p. M. PAPER RULER, AND Firat-claM accommodations will be fonnd on this Line. The proprietors having spared no pains to proenre gopd Blank Book Manufacturer. coaches and accommodating drivers. Blunk Books of all Descriptions Ruled COOPER & CLAGGETT, and Bound to Order in the Best Manner. P bopki « tors . Gray*. Ulork, State Utrret, lain«. H-tf Independence, Sept. 18, 1878.' JB OllfGOJ. WILLIS, LEO ATTORNEY AT LAW, Deltvered at Bouts and Cars Free. D. T. STANLEY, i DRUGS d ROOKS JNO. J. DALY, Commercial Printing. COLLEGE CATALOGUES i 7-1-ly We invite the legal profession «to a con­ sideration of our facilities fcr meeting their requirements. Briefs and other work of that class gotten out in the finest style, Of all kinds furnished to order on short and we keep on hand an assortment of such notice. Repairing done in the best manner. LEGAL BLANKS Give me a call. As are generally used. Others will be made to order on short notion. GEO. WOLBERT. Independence, Jane 1, 1878. --- —-------------- ;——, —— ------------- General Job Printing, ¡i HOSXOl'TH, []7*Special attention given to real estate, col­ lection and probate business. * 7-24-ly Upholstered work kept on hand and made to order. We "point with great pleasure to the quality of work in this line which we have t>een sending out. We keep nothing but the best paper «tuck, and guarantee our work "to please our customers. If you want, *’» LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, BUSI­ NESS CARDS, POSTERS, ' BLANK WORK, Or any other printing, send us your orders. Wo ^eep the various kinds of NOTE BOOKS, P.ECEIPT BOOKS AND ORDERS On hand, and priut any special form to order. 4 X, Prescriptions filled at the office. OREGON. LEGAL PRINTING GENTS’ CLOTHING. fJOTICE iabereby given that the Annual Election “df the Tellurium Quartz Mining Company, will be held at Canyon­ ville, Douglas County, Oregon, on the 6th day of November, 1878, commencing at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing five or more Directors, one Presi­ dent of Board of Directors, one Secretary, one Treasurer, < ne Boperiutendent, tad to transsc* any otbtr business the interest of the Comps Dy demands. ■ E. A. CHASE. V S kihktary . • Osnvonville, Or., Sept. 25,1878. MMt : MATTRESSES, BEDDING, fca And last, but not least of all, we Lave just received a new invoice of And fine printing a specialty. All orders by mail receive prompt at- General Merchandise. tenticn. And we would call your special attention Address, to a fine line of MOTICEL : Adapted to every kind of work liable tn come into a printing office, which, with our other facilities, enables us to bring out uny job of printing desired on short notice. PRINTING AT CHICAGO And will furnish Sacks and Store on RS PRICES, reasonable terms as any house in Inde­ pendence. And many times below. We also have Wool Sacks on hand, and Persons desiring Books, Pamphlets, or will pay the highest price for Tracts printed should write to us for an estimate. C t IT IM" INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. OFFICE IK DJ’.VG STORE. DALLAS, Improved Libertv Job Press, "W’HES-A.T, ■■■■■KW VX dLw éUr.urnoMRlet With F1aflk,P'»uch.änd a Wad Cnt^êrjor $15. (tanbe flentG.O.D. a1 With arimele to axamii)*» befew-e fmytag. Send «tump fnr Í LI?*** öS en»,238 Main St .Oinciau' th OREGON. TXTE wish to inform business men and the "Y people of ths Pacifio Coast generally, that we nave one of the largest Printing Houses on tbe north west coast, and we J. L. COLLINS, are prepared to ekecuta every class of printing in a manner that is not surpassed ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR anywhere. We have a A7 LAW, Of every kind for everybody. We are prepared to do anything from a neat Visiting Card to a Large Poster or Book, :o: and only ask you to give us a trial, confi­ VUE have purchased the WAREHOUSE dent if you do so, we shalb retaiu your ’’ formerly owned by McCORD & patronage. We are trying to build up business on SMITH, and arc now prepared to pay the tho principle of giving the BEST WORK highest prige for for the LEAST MONEY. We will do all kinds of LADIES FANCY DRES3 GOODS Also a well assorted Stock of J INDEPENDENCE, CoUectioff, Conveyancing and Proba’e business promptly attended to. Will practice in all the Courts of this State. 7-22V ATTENTION WOOL.. T. J. Lee, M. D. J. E. Davi.laon, M, D. JL C. SWEET, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR DAVIDSON & LEE, AT LAW, PHYSICIANS and SURCEONS, :o: WHITE CORNER, SALEM, OREGON. PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. MISCELLANEO US. ¥