3 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER. SATURDAY, AUG. 17. 1878. HEADQUARTERS *' There is a crown, a dazzling crown, Bedecked with jewels faire. And priests and kings of hjfch renown That crown of glory wtfar." Pres. M. The word cross in holy writ is intimately connected with the word crown. Neither are literal- In the Christian’s life the cross is typical of self-denial, And of suffering. The Christian must denv himself of whatever in passion stands in the way ■of duty* He must undergo trial and persecution. The term crown I un­ derstand to imply riches and glory and honor and power.. Not the honor ■of an hour or a day, but honor that when ages upon ages have passed away, shall still shine forth with resplendent glory. When there shall have been a new heaven and a new earth, we shall then be heirs of this mighty universe by virtue of being joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ. Sister M. asked that we sing 41 You palaces, scepters, and crowns, Y«ur pride with disdain I survey. Your pomps are but shadows and sounds, And pass in a moment away. The crown that my Savior bestows ou permanent sun shall outshine ; ’erlastingly flows, My GocT:my Redeemer, js mine.” Sister M. B. read ; “ The four and twenty elders fall down Wore him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their Cfowns before the throne saying, Thou art Worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.’’ Rev. iv. 10, 11. Sister L. E. M. read : “ Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer; behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried ; and ye shall have tribulation ten days : Te thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a cfown of life.” Rev. ii. 10. Eld. J. F. said he once hedrd a noted divine say he did not think that all who went to heaven would wear a crown. As proof that they should be referred to the eighth verse of the lesson read, where Paul says, " Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge, shall give me at that day ; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” I believe, said he,1 that we shall not all wear crowns of the same glory, but^that every maffTihall be rewarded according to his deeds. Prayer by Bro. F. Singing: ■“ I'll bear the consecrated orose, Till from the cross I’m free ; And then go home to wear the crown, For there's a crown for me.” Bro. J. A. said: Brethren, I am glad to be with you once more, I think we shall all wear a crown when we leave this earth for the courts of glory. Some people imagine that there are degrees in heaven, but I do not believe in graduations iipElyaium noi in Hades. When I’have finished my labors here I hope to wear figura­ tively the crown of life. Singing: " A sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o’er ; I’m nearer to my home to-day Than e’er I’ve been before. Nearer the bonnd of life Where falls my burdan down ; Nearer to wLere I leave my cross And where I gain my crown.” Sister H. read Rev. iv. 10, 11. Singing “ Since I can read my title clear.” - Bro. Shane closed by saying, John the Revelator said: “ Behold 1 come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him tliat overoometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out." But there are some here to-night who have never professed the religion of Jesus. FOR public of private for the cause of Christ. I have never heard any one say a word against his moral character CHRISTIAN HYMNALS, CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOK, here. PUBLICATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Has such an elder the right to PREACHERS’ SUPPLIES, SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, unite persons in the holy bonds of E ugene , O r ., Aug. 7,1878. PAPERS, matrimony? _ ___ Bro. Stanley : JL. REWARD CARDS,—--------- YouftirSther inChrist, AT my pegu^tr appointment at MAPS, . ' A. L. T odd . Trent last Sunday, two were baptized and everything needed for Sunday-school or Church furnished at on confession of their faith in Christ. Publishers’ prices. What I Have Noticed. Your brother in Christ, P. R. B urnett . A person ®f undoubted thought and experience in worldly lore gives the L ockford , C al ., July 28, 1878. following under the above head : Bro. Porter: I have noticed that all men speak To-day, at eleven, Bro. Briggs was well of a man’s virtues when he is Books bound neat and Cheap. A with us, and ¿preached one of those dead, and the tombstones are marked 8-13-4m good old fashioned sermons, giving to with epitaphs of“ good and virtuous.” FOR ____ SALE. -4=^ saint and sinner their portion in due Is there any particular cemetery pOUR LOTS IN THE TOWN OP season. He. took his text from Mai. where the bad are buried ? Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon, STEAM printing douse xx. 1-1G. Tie also preached at 8 P. M. I have noticed that the prayer of with a Dwelling House, a good Barn. Wagon Shop and Blacksmitu Shop. All from the text• “ For I ant not ashamed every selfish man is “ forgive us our :o to be sold on reasonable terms. of the gospel of Christ; for it is the debts; but he makes everybody who Apply to or address. \ J. P. STANFIELD, power of God to salvation to every owes him pay to the utmost farthing. VUE wish to inform business men and the ’ ’ people of tho'Pacific Coast generally, 8-32 3m Sheridan, Oregon. one that believeth, to the Jew first I have noticed that death is a mer­ that we have one of the largest Printing and also to the Greek.” Rom. i. 1G. ciless judge, though not impartial. Houses on the north -west coast, and we are prepared to execute every class of From this text he preached a short Death summons the debtor to lay printing in a manner that is not surpassed DEALER IN but very powerful discourse, closing down the dust in the currency of anywhere. We have a with a warm exhortation. We sang moatality. „. HOE CYLINDER PRESS the old hymn “ Almost persuaded.” I have noticed that he who thinks Three came forward and made the every man a rogue is. very certain to Running by steam, suitable for news­ papers, large posters and common book good confession; two young sisters see one when he shaves himself, and and pamphlet work. Fot the finest grades WALTER A. WOOD’S MOWERS. and an elderly lady from the Pres­ he ought, in mercy to his neighbors, of book and pamphlet work and for large WALTER A. WOOD’S REAPERS. blanks and all classes of fine printing, we byterians. ______ — to surrender the rascal’ to justice. have the WALTER A. WOOD’S At the close of the evening dis­ I have noticed that money is the course Bro. Briggs was presented with fool’s wisdom, the knave’s leputation, Largest Size Universal a handsome present, as a compliment the wise man’s jewel, the rich man’s Press, (The only Successful Binder in. use on the debate ; after which the fol­ trouble, the poor man’s desire, the Running bv steam. For all classes of —Iron Drive-wheel—Strong lowing article was read before the covetous man’s ambition, and the idol smaller work, we have the lafest and Durable.) audience and approved for publica­ of all. WALTER A. WOOD'S HEADERS. Improved Libertv Job tion: I have noticed that merit is always Press, Bro. Briyys: , - measured in this world by its success. Chicago Pitts Thresher. We hereby extepd our heartfelt I have noticed that, in order to be And such other machinery that is requisite '“COATES’ SULKY WHEEL-RAKE, thanks to you, for your services to us a reasonable creature, it is necessary to make up a first class Job Printing es­ tablishment. The LaBelle Wagon, -in the .debate between yourself and at times to be downright mad.’ We also keep on hand a Richard Corbley, ending May 31, I have noticed that, as we are al­ BROWNE SULKY PLOW, Large Assortment of Material 1878. And we do pray, that the Lord ways wishing instead of workingTor BLACK HAWK 4 CLIPPER PLOWS, Adapted to every kind of work liable to McSHERRY GRAIN DRILL, will bless you, and give you strength fortunes, we are disappointed and call come into a printing office, which, with McSHERRY BROADCAST SEEDERS, and wisdom to wield the sword of the Dame Fortune blind; but it is the our other facilities, enables us to bring out any job of printing desired on short notice; EXCELSIOR HARROW AND CLOD MASHER, spirit in the future as he has in the very best evidence that the old lady AND past; and when your battles are all has the most capable eye-sight, and is. LEGAL PRINTING. GENERAL STOCK OF FARMING ended and the victories all won, that do " granny ” with spectacles. IMPLEMENTS. We inrvite the legal profession to a con ­ the crown of life prepared for the I have noticed that purses will hold sideration of our facilities fur meeting faithful in Christ may adorn your pennies as well as pounds. their requirements. Briefs and other work Monmouth, - - Oregon. brow. I have noticed that tombstones of that class gotten out in the finest style, 8-18-tf and we keep on hand an assortment of such. MUSIC. MAGAZINES, PAPERS, ETC. Signed and approved by the Lock- say : “ Here he lies,” which no doubt LEGAL BLANKS' BOUND IN EVERY STYLE. ford church and friends, this Lord’s is often true. And if men could see As are generally used. Others will be Mrs- C. I). SXYDEEi. day, July 28, 1878. the epitaphs their friends sometimes made to order on short uotioe. w W-* * it— Your brother in Christ, write, they would believe they had J. H. H aley . got into the wrong grave.—Az. PAPER RULER, AND ' he is tried, he shall receive the crown O, sinner, where is your hope ? ’Tis of life, which the Lord hath promised a fearful thing to fall into the hands to them that love him.” Jas. i. 12. of the Living God. E. H. P arnell . Singing: JOHJV BTJH.JXTS, 717 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS MESSENGER . a . s 7 powell , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SELF-BINDER, L ooking - glass , D ouglas C o ., O r ., July 28, 1878. Bro, Stanley: In the M essenger of July Gth there are queries by Mrs. M. M. Adams that may be so understood as to do injus­ tice both to the elder and church at Yoncalla. From it many would sup­ pose that the church was retaining an elder that is now engaged in selling intoxicating liquors. Such is not the case. The facts are as follows : Many years ago, in California, Bro. Adams, the elder referred to, was chosen as elder of a church in a mining district In the lapse of time the church went down by removals and otherwise. After this Bro. Adams kept a hotel, and, as was customary, kept liquor for his customers. After this he re­ moved to where there was a church, and of his choice made full acknowl- elgement, and was received into the church, and remainod a member of the church until he came to this State. These are the facts, as they have been told me, as near as I can remem­ ber. 'Eight years ago last fall Bro. Alams united with the church on the Swale,'near Oakland, by lerter from the church in California. Since that time I have been intimately acquaint, ed with Bro. Adams, and can say he has been a faithful and energetic laborer in the vineyard, willing to teach and be taught. For several years he has been acting as elder of the church at Yoncolla, holding regular meetings on every Lord’s day, much of the time (assisted by the members of the church); also has once or twice filled my appointment on the Swale when I waa absent. He is always ready to do all he can in W all M ap of -P alestine .—The International Sunday School Map of Palestine, 40 by GO inches, is a valua­ ble aid to Sunday Schools, especially such as use the International Series of lessons: These maps are cheap, being furnished on cloth, countries colored for $2.50 by mail prepaid. They contain all places mentioned in New Testament, the locations of which are known; those mentioned in N. T., the location of which are conjectural. Those not mentioned in N. T. but in existence at the time of Christ, the locations of which are known, also, those conjectural. Where exact location is doubtful, so designated. Starving to Dentil. Thousands of men and women are starv- in« themselves to death. They dare not ll.tn z*vw 4 I. 4 «a eat or drink this or that, fearing it ~>L11 will 2 itt- crease their flash. Life depends upon continuous self-denial. The only safe and reliable remedy for this terrible condition is Allan's Anti-Fat. It is wholly wegeta- ble and perfectly harmless. Its use in­ sures a reduction of from two to five pounds per week. Sold by druggists. BUFFALO, N. Y., June 13, 1878. To the P bop ' rs or A llan ' s A nti -F at : Gentlemen— The following report is from the lady who used Allan’s Anti Fat: "It (the Anti-Fat) bad the desired effect, re- flnoing the fat from two to five pounds a week, until I had lost twenty-five pounds. I hope never to regain what I have lost.” Yours reap'y, POWELL * PLIMPTON, Wholesale Druggists. What are the Csadentials of Glenn’a Sulphur Soap ? Firstly it is endorsed by medical mea as a disinfectant, deodoriser, and remedy for local diseases of the skin, Secondly, it is an admirable article for toilet use. Thirdly, it is inexpensive. Basratify without riek With Hfll’s Inaten- ieneous Hair Dye. Commercial Printing. Blank Book Manufacturer. We point with great pleasure to the quality of work in this line wbioh we have | Blank Book« of all Descriptions Ruled oeeu sending seuuiug uuv. ’’c acep nu.u.ug but uun : . been out. We keep nothing the ’ best . paper stock, f . ' . and guarantee onr ; and Bonnd to Order in the Best Manner. work to please our customers. If you Griy't Block, Staate Street, Salem. want LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, These words of the Rev. Phillips STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, BUSI­ Brooks are a pertinent and complete NESS CARDS, POSTERS, reply to a good deal of not well-con­ BLANK WORK, sidered talk about the " two sermons Or any other printing, send us your a week ” question: *' ‘ How is it possi­ orders. We keep the various kinds of ble,” people say, ‘ that any man should NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS AND ORDERS i bring forth two strong, good sermons On hand, and print any special form to every week ? It is impossible. order. us have only one service every Sun­ General Job Printing, Of every kind for everybody. We are prepared to do anything from a neat Visiting Card to a Large Poster or Book, and only ask yon to give ns a trial, confi­ dent if yon do so, we shall retain your patronage, j » ■ We are'trying to build up business on tbe principle of giving the BEST WORK for the LEAST MONEY. We will do all kinds of ' PRINTING AT CHICAGO PRICES, And many times below. Persons desiring Books, Pamphlets, or Tracts printed should write to us for an estimate. COLLEGE CATALOGUES And flue printing a specialty. , All orders bv mail receive prompt at­ tention. * Address, I D. T. STANLEY, .Proprietor. “ Messenger Steam Printing House. day ; ami if the )>eople will insist on coming twi< to the church, let us j cheat them th a little poor m^sia and a ‘ (cw marks,’ and call it a ‘ vopcr service,’ or let us tell a few stories to the Sunday school, and call it' children’s church ;’ but let us not preach twice to men and womc'n. It is impossible.’ It is impossible, if by a sermon you intend a finished ora­ tion. It is impossible to produce that twice as it is undesirable to pro­ duce it once a week. But that a man who lives with God, who delights to study God’s woids in the Bible, in the world, in history, in human nature, who is thinking about Christ, and man, and salvation every day, that he should not be able' to talk about these things of his heart, seriously, lovingly, thoughtfully, simply, for two half- hours every week is inconceivable, and I do not believe it^ Cast off the haunting incubus of the notion of great sermons.” There are, however, some ministers who are not haunted by any such notion, and to them his last hint does not apply.— Admnce. MONMOUTH, OREGON. MBrThe National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley A Rnlofson for tbs beet l’botographa in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in tbs world. ' 4J9 M.mtgomery Street. San Fraaoifeou