4 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESENGER, SATURDAY. 0 Reports from the Field them. * JAN. 26, 1878. Growth of Giving. H. M. W aller . ; Is thy ernse of comfort failing ? are taken .P leasant H ill , Jan. 10.1878. Monmouth, Or. i Rise and share it with another. would be ? if. I ' Rro. 'SI nnley: And through all the years of famine leit'r Ali who will noi pay Nie-ir jnat il»bt.s? We are still keeping up our regular P leasant H ill , Jan. 1G, 1877. It shall serve thee and thy brother. All wko ere l.yp oc ritieni . All wùo arf- I , meetings, Bro. Burnett preaching for Bro. Stuiilpfi: Love divine will thy storehouse, Jeceitfuhim l Ulk al.or.t others bc-hinj Or thy handful still renew. ’0 us -thre,--fourths- of the time. We th--;r Laci»-s ? All v.Lo go in T-.witkòr.t Within the■ last fewetlays, death ha.? tiie prh of pàyin.^ tire -;.UJ wh? iiave our Sunday school also, but but entered the hpi.nes of two of our breth­ Scanty fare foy one, will often Make a roytrl feast for two. aro pronti «md «cornful, hol”ng therui its nujnl»ers iiave Been ^diminished by ren. Early oil last Friday morning selve« above their fellow.mén and «lina- removal, and Unfavorable weather so dur beloved, aged sister, Betsy Hend­ For the heart grows rich in giving uing ti.<..,3 le3-, fcrtut .t t!.„u ti;, i. ■■-. ■> • . All its wealth is living grain ; that the average attendance for the ricks hade farewell to enjtb, leaving All v. ho speculate-ofTof tbs ignorane« cf Seeds which mildew in the garner, i I G ¡vea Away. last month was only sixty-eight. others? All who are tut tiersAll who •eli a husband, Bro. James Hendricks, and ■ Scattered, till with gold the plain. iutoxicatlva liquors to make- sooner ? All In the absence of Bro. Burnett we a large ciycle of other relatives and Is thy burden bard and heavy? 1 n-iir of Çlrromos, worthy who t¡link more of a wicked ricli nìan tlian ♦o superb Do thy steps-drag wearily ? , we e have social mee.tin^ oh Sun-lay friends to mourn her loss; but we and a Choicest Storie«. Poetrv. ' etc , sent his Sunday evening discourse. As a th§ sukoof being seen crul.LiWil «4 tsrh? Frew t-j all .-endi-y; i'jft»-. ■♦i Á h rs ■—fsfansoi ’ While her remains were beinff con- Numb and weary ou the mountains, tAkPnJ to pav Th® -Publishers -T, Wonldst thou sleep amidst the snow When these, am! a god.i many other L. l’altea 4 Co, I(!2 William Sire«’.. N.Y.,’ __ a congregat ion we miH. tr-ylng fo b—do~ veyed. to" Pleasant Hill cemetery, Chafe that frozen form beside thee that could be mentioned, are taken out wliat we can for the good of qui- im­ Crystal, the sweet -little daughter of I guarantee everv on-? Rouble. Value of And together both shall glow, ■i some bodies that call fhemselves churches morev sent. •-!''•> ¡ ri?...-;, audybig pay, mediate neighborhood, but we are not Bro. • Howartl and Sister ,-Lucetta Art thou stricken ia lifa’a battle ? would probably be'left witjl few members given to agents. yi\ite at once. \ Many wounded round thee moan ; doing the missionary work that we Baughman, gently sank tn rest. On and yet the'Lord would have his hidden Oily Substances Always Aggravate Skia ought to do. ones, his seven thousand that Lave not Lord’s day morning at 11. o’clock. Lavish on their wounds tby balsams, And that balm shall heal thy own. ' Diseases, Ointments are therefore rather bowed the knee to Eaal. If others were doing no more than Bro. Peter Burnett preached a fuheral hurthtjil than beneficial. Glenn’s Sul­ The religion of Jesus makes the true I Is the heart a well left empty ? we are, it would bo a long time before discourse'to a large attentive aiidi- convert cneerful, hopeful, and charitable, phur Soap, which cq»cns. instead of clog- Nope bat God it void can fill, ■ the Gospel would be preached to ence, after which the little coffin was disposed to visit the widow and orphan, gong the pores with greise, has,« might Nothing but a ceaseless fountain ç every creature. It is with pleasure followed to the cemetery by most of and to keep unspoted from the. world. It; have been expected, widely superseded Can its ceaseless longings still. that we learn of a ladies Missionary the congregation, and another little Is the heart a living power ? ' does not make one proud and scornful, but oleaginous compound» us a remedy for on the contrary, makes one desirous to do seorbnti-c affections! Self-entwined its strength sinks low » Society in Oregon. It is a move in mound shows where slumbers r>ne Mil; s Instantsueoils II.4ir Dye produces good, be meek and humble, and to be the 'right direction, and my prayer is who had been'an inhabitant of this It can only live in loving ? kind to all, as opportunity may offer. Oh,J DO-métailie lustre. And by serving love will grow. that the the missionary spirit may fair earth for only al>out seventeen that we-hud less pretension^, ond more increase among us until we shall be I short lives \ way .. months. -------------------------- genuine Christianity !—' rrnrrm fe ( ï W;: r T he 'S unday L aw in G ermany '.— tion. • Sr.vn a r omce . . anxiouv to contribute of our means •Sweet little bud of promise, for that purjlp.s.-, not iu Oregon alone, Transplanted ti a fairer clime than this, The Berlin police well illustrate the ■1 ’ ; .I •• i . Pi -'- ; - ., Chapters and Verses. To unfold thy beauty where no storm difierenee between the State arid the F.'owcr S-M tn to any »ne TT.EE : :¡¡so < r but that our sympathies may go out al CiU’-._ne of •' m;.- • Viewe r airi Gartien - s . au can mar thy loveliness. individual, for, while the Emperor of towards those whose land lias never ! B ;lba. e:-, ,W.e -, -Livi;- Without doubt it was a good thing to t.\-i-.-; fohindry t*> work on a Sunday, the I chapters and verses. It has greatly aided ik. ii ' ■ • , v„ -a:;Aa _ w„ salvation. - • i ..¡,ulj¿¡. i?“Ti!i; B ible and T emperance .”— fteWln shopkeepers are being vigof- , the student in Lis searches, and has made ately. - s»u,l •; cp-i- -o n-,<• • „That we may all labor wherever NUCIALA I fry Rwn ro A concert exercise for Sunday Schoo* | reference more o»sy anti simple than would »rnsly -fined for not pulling down their 1 . En'l'ti-i-N.T. duty calls im for the upbuilding of tl|e and Temperance Societies, by J. Dor- shop blinds on the Sabbath. And I , otherwise have been possible. ^Bnt when HfSlL. MAGAZINES. I’.'.l’ERS, Redeemers orasaf^'is the prayer of ( this is said, we have still to lameuj that the haui, Sgnta Rosa, Cal. Price 5Octs a they make a fine distinction in the | : divisions were so unskillfuily made, and BOIA» IN EVERT STYLE, your sister in Christ, doz< n. ~ "moral culpability-of the cases. Thus that such real injury was done to.the text A. H. B eckwith . This is a carefully prepared and jn- » by the manner in whit-lr the work was M s- C. n. SXYDKR. | tqresting exercise, one that we can a man who bad pulled down his blind done. We have seen it stated that much t three-quarters of the Wav—thus show­ O akland , Ort., Jan. 14 1878. I confidently lewmmenTl to all desiring of the "work was done by a good divine Ifetr Er>. i^oiJftj: ( ing that he knew what his dutj’ was, PAPER RULER AND •while riding on Uoraeback. And if liis such. It cannot fail to interest and yet trying to criminally eom|>odnd the - Bro. J. J. Moss bar- Beer, holding a profit if properly rendered. Such ex­ horse had been a hard trotter, an ] the Clank. Bpck Manufacturer. meeting here on the < ’abpooia the last ercises increase, the interest of parents matter—was fineion-.and- Ronml lo Order in .the Best Manner. work, and ought te receive more at­ shorter beoks, liae the -Epistles, were ever science did not acknowledge the duty '------- Uruj--« tît.-,:.-. Slkte Street, Salem. baptism, one reclaimed, and one from _ ._____.______..- ___ Ja -- — «A- divided into chapters. Verses would not tention thin they do. Bro. Derliam was' fined only one mark. If this 8-1-tf the Baptiwtx. All hare teamed the will be glad to furnish Sunday Schools goes oil, Berlin will soon'be as dull as have disjointed the arguments so much, but the chapters aro very embarrassing. way of the Lord mose perfectly, and a and Te uiperance Societies, at the price London on the Sabbath.— London J. L. COLLUMS, Even more imperfectly was the work of deep interest was manifested tlirough- al>ov<*mentioned, which is about cost- making parayrapk marks, showing where ATTORNEY ANfí COUNSELOR Examiner. • nt the mo-ting, ^nourwav.'iom Da ys new subjects begin. They are often put A 7. LA If' < ’reek to this place, one confessed her in the midst Of a narrative or discussion, F emale S ociety .—Yen know my faith In Christ, while we were «lopped The following is told of the Rer. l)r. and upjiear to have been made at random. DALLAS, : : : ; OREGON. at Bro. Muncy’s saw mill, arid was opinion of female society. Without it Backus, who was the first President of The reader should pay no attention to Oy'Speeial attention given to res’ estate, col­ we should degenerate . into brutes. Hamilton College, at Clinton, New them. lection and probate busiuers. 7-24-ly baptized the same hour. To the Lord This observation applies with ten­ York. It appears that while her was In reading the sacred Scriptures, it is < be all the praise. -well to keep in mind that the division fold force to young men and those who preaching’ in a country village before E. A. C hase . are in the prime of manhood. For, he became President, his salary was into chapters, verses, and by paragraphs This l>ook h a Ampler? Exposition »of ths Ro- were all made by modern hands, solely; after a certain time of life, the literary, “ ?20() and fire wood,’’ but during one for convenience ; that they have no au­ njax Catholic Syntcni, its Confertuicnal^ Con- Obituary. venta an Locust Street, abridge them to auit. woman, whose Image may occupy his sputtered furiously and quickly burn­ pieces and out of the connection.— (lodici WILLIAM DAWSON Died, at Brooks, Oregon, Jan. 14 ! heart and serve to guard it from ed out, the birch itself would burn no Adrocate. COXVBFAMCXR. 1878, Eva Harpool, aged 14 years, 7 pollution, which besets it on all sides. more than so much iron. He hastened ,For the Last Time. nOMMOVTII, i , , ORKGOM. A man ought to choose his wife, as to his neighbor and said : " I want 20 months, and 4 days. From long practice in business in There is a touch of pathos about doing drawing up Deeds, Mortgsges, Bonds, '"*• And thou art gene; shall we no more behold Mrs, Primrose did her wedding cords more of that wood.” “ TwentvT * even non* the 41> a simplest thing — ** li for £_ the ai_ 1 last a gown, for qualities that "wear well.” cords doctor I What can you do with and other legal documents, I hope to tlieo, satisfaction to those that may call Thee, whom we deemed so strangly fair; One thing at least is true, that if so much ?” “ Smother the flames of time.” It is not alone kissing the dead give on me at my house. that gives you this straDge pain. Yon Thé grave, and shall its cold embraee en­ matrimony has its cares, celibacy has ALSO hell; that’s all it’s good for!” feel it when yon have looked your last fold thee, Agent for the " Old Reliable” l’hn-nix no pleasures. A Newton or a mere ____ ’ - __ rkt -------- --- time upon some scene you have loved— ---- • • • .4---------- Thee whom we cherished with snclr ten , Fire Insurance Company. 0-39-ly | scholar may find employuiet in study; when you stand in some quiet city street der care. THE HAPPY YEAR, 1878. D, where you know you will never stand i a man of literary taste can receive And thou art gone; we may no more be­ in books a powerful auxiliary; but a L othroia & Co.,‘Boston. Leatherette again. The actor playing his part for the hold thee last time, the singer whose voice it crack ­ binding. Price, 15 cts. 1 Amid the changes of this world of care, man must have a bosom friend and ed hopelessly, and who after this once will A charming little vest-pocket vol­ But heaven and bliss forever shall enfold children round him to cherish and nevfer stand before the sea of upturned thee, support the dreariness of old age.— ume, containing a complete Calendar faces disputing the plaudit* with fresher, for each month of the year 1878; voices and fairer forms ; the minister who And we will meet thy lovely spirit there. John Randolph. E. J. memoranda pages, with blanks for has preached his last sermon—these all •MWani/cr Ziwmlor», In Unlort State?. Canada, A T oching AxswER.-^The Duke each day in the year ; a Billie text for know the hidden bitterness of the words, •nd Kumpe. at reduced roltt. WiM our principal Office located in H'mhington, directly oppoeito the of Gloucester, third son of the Prince Died, of an ulcer in the stomach, Fm each day in the year, and readings for “ never again.” How they come to us on Inited Slate? Patent Office, we are oble to attend to all Patent Butinem with greater proroguete and deepatcli our birthdays as we grow older 1 Never of Wales, father of George IV., was Rockcreek, Wasco county, Oregon, •nd 1- m awl, Man other patent attorney?, who are at a each month, selected by Miss M. B. diWan.e from Maihington, and who have, therefore. Jan. 9, 1878, Mary E., »laughter of H. a dull child, and his mother used to LYMAN: and some 8 or 10 extra pages young again ; always nearer and nearer to la employ " attoeiate attorney?’ f ire mate prelim­ the very last — the end which is universal, inary examination! and furnith opinion! a! to pal- N. and Phoebe Bowman, aged 1 year cause him great, distress at times by in blank for memoranda, making in the last thing which shall follow all last *nto»ility, free of charge, and all who are interentei »" new invention! and Patent! are inmed to tend far jeering him on accout of his dullness all 64 pages of Almanac, Memoranda things, and turn them, let us liope, from acopyofgwr " Guide for obtaining Patent?whieh- 2 months and 25 days. h eegtfree to any add eu, and contain? comptete in- in the penwnce of his brothers and and Daily Food combined ; a dainty pains to joys. We put away our boyish etruetiom how tn obtain Indent!, and other valuable matter. We rtfer to the German- American National Bank. JTiuhlngton, D. C.; the Koyal S\eedith, Nor­ Died, Jan. 7*, 1878, of typhoid sisters, and on one particular occasion little manual which everyone will toys with an old headache. We are too wegian, and Vanmh Ieo-itlem, at H 'aehington; Hou. Joerph Cluey.lale Chief Judice U. P. Court rd Claim!.- fever, near Wheatland, Yamhill Co., telling them to laugh at the fool. The want, and which everybody will have old to walk any longer on stilts—too till la th! Official! efthec. 8. Patent Office, and to Sena­ to play marbles on the sidewalk. Yet tor! and Member! of Ongreafrom every State. Or., Frank, son of Bro. and Sister ; sensitive child held down his head for its usefulness and beauty. Miss there was a pang when we thought wo Mark Sawyer, aged 18 years and 2 and said nothing, upan which the L yman ’ s name is a sufficient guaran­ had played with our marry thoughts princess changed her tone, and accus­ tee of the Scripture texts and readings for the last time, and life's serious grown­ months. He was sick for 19 days. ed, hi un of sulkiness, " No,” he said, being carefully and wisely’ selected. up work was waiting for us. Now we do We ha