VOL Vili M0XM0ÜTH, OREGON i COLUSA. CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12,1878. V Correspondence. 9 , C sristian M essenger , Devoted to’the cause of Primitive Cliristi^ •smity, and the diffusion '«tf general in­ formation. Price Per Tear, in Advance, $2.50 AD businew letters should be addressed ■„ to the Me.weuger Publishing Co., Mon­ mouth, Oregon. Article« intended for publication, should be addressed" tw one ■of the editors. Subscriptions and com- mnuieations iu California, should bo ad-, dressed to Tbos. Porter, Colusa, (Lal. Advertisers will timl Uiis one of the best med'utus on the Pacific Coast for making their business known. Washington Letter, (FKlHI OCR hEOUL4B COMKBSroNWKXT ) W ashington , Dec. 22. 1877. 'ScnHldr PrfMidciit'n'Htl Cabin­ et In l'nrlc. TI»® b>***<*?< C m |Hta 1 turn» hi toys. Ihc imovil I lficmm of hut»» Fr»»«r?a, Hiimliug«. *1 h<* Strasburg «-lock anti "T cxmc Jack. NO. —- -------------—------------ Bouton or Philadelphia, where hu r- k Letter from Old Bro. Young. things td.wrlt • t, ,whi»-h 1 must charit« look over the "Whole e-x¡«arise of . 'erimt me to pen a few lines ’’or soqueity just what, the jMoblic, taste B ro . S tanley ,— . the eye of Eifler J. J. ?»L>ss, of Salem, 1 Dew lùiittìr ; Please-permit-me to f)regon, 'for I have no doubt- J>ut' he ■» dr-n an I ';rc--irti tTifiilpz’ *•>.»"* . silver) from my land lady, her hus­ soon as I - get. a I r ttl e le i su r e Ai/nr» from +'r lhi'u F' j.t An-, iis I n ••xp- '- p band and’ laughter. No doubt I shall work, 1 calculate- to rally tor sub­ to see.him while living, 1 hope w» i give in return a «Ctt of dollar (gold scribers. There are articles in it shall be al le to meet an«l shake hands jew eh ”, so advertised, a (Lakei worth half the subscription price. The in that everlasting work! of’bliss an«l George) diamond ring, (price 82). and name Christian has a great meaning glorv' abd've, where vie shall be ever a Santa Claus to the children, not one in a paper, it does not mean political/ w ith o'i’ herd. And thi» is my preyoe of the old red checked abnormally’ sectarian or worldly science. that all the Disciples of Christ vry be - «leveloped, like Judge Davis, fellows, I have just returned from a meet­ 'faithful n-nto death, that they all nui v but a brand new Frenchman, with ing in Forestville schnce'delivered • • in hope. Farewell. tendency, at all events. Now what I to.the naintM, euiitrastin ' tue faith of , E B. Yoe ng . « • * * -• does it slEmean that things should be I Abraham and the ancients to the ocience and the Bible. ~ ' going in this way with us ! I think I Christiana, foith in the Gospel dispen­ In these delicious Maydike «lays of December, Washington lifts ceased to l»e the < 'apital, ;uid betoft of the i list ration. (Mbinet, an<5 ('ongress. turns for a charge to toys. Toys till the shop windows on Pennsylvania Avev ue and Seventh street. Toy- A Poem. stamls encumlv r the pavements, and. .. The following poem is from the pen of aredsirrie on the heads of itinerant old Bro. John G. Haley, of Sandstone, Mo. ; well known to many of otir readers. toy merchants. At night the sh«)p The mnsea seem to hover very nmr our windows, brilliantly lightod, vie in brother in bri advanced years : attrs.etiveness. and, the one that han Palé autumn with its chilling breath has something unique, like the automatic come. negv > preacher, never fails to draw n The faltiug leave«, sure omen «(decay, crowd. Th« toy preacher, a sable. Admonish tnotbsl we are going bacee doctor of divinity L who moves Jii’ Where sbiaes a blight and evertesteog head and lianas in impressive gesticu­ day. lation, has a r instant, large, and ap­ the stories we have heard from abroad sation. The Ehler made it very plain j . Bro. Pres. Smitn is after Scientific ■Stern winter will ensue, and kxM. tbe of^how foreigners raise the price of . and forcible. The assembly was' '/,» in tide,>iiy ^ rough-eliod,” as will bn preciative audience; and proinenaders earth, I everything when an American ent rs small, on account of its raining in the set n by the following from the Fo'o ALd spiesd its coat of stow both near havrJheen cowrpeUed to walk on 'tie1 . a store, are, in a measure,: true, and morning, but 'the hearers paid good fCAA/ail: streets in ordvr to flank the throng, i a I far, . ., that n«lt content with cheating us on attention to the discourse. Preu. B. H. Smith delivered his Era long ahull «orne, tbe resnrewetion. composed-of'people of all denomina­ their awn aide the water, they are One week ago Saturday, December Fourth lecture <>ti Sunday evening birth, tions, that haxg on his mute minis­ ‘‘¿Legions of angele caa’t eonfiar us coming-after us here—plenty ef them 15th, I started at 1 o’clock p. M for last, having for his subject—/ Scu nco -*- trations. Sot luirmoniz*1 The saints »halt rise trfuWpbent froauthe realities in grotesque and pathetic a tawdry1 ornament loving people ; we and was well cared for. I wn« verv , with tire BiLe.he should be compelled tomb, , proximity. ¡Here in one widdow, . And sing, " Where is thy fatal sting, O standetg before a little mirror, with r aie sujH'ificially, spurious and decep­ tired indeed, but I rested unaevunt to accfpt. scii iH-e as correct; but the tive ; and there is danger that it -will alile well the entire night. JBut to deductions from science must be death I” ' j toy oainhs and brushes, exquisrt -ly | strike in; we go along the street pre- return to my traveling to- “ P aradise restored," theyli ehantrfje ! to the city positive. He would accent.no deduc- dreased of »OOU4SUU» fashion. j _-w • in- •»- ribe vovx. l.ighth i.a^nvii WML tending-to be that we arc not, ' lollit .-thaL.- Wnl'kl .t i n« .4— hjr atonda» wax ' ti ril i ! pri c e $75 ; b B b Ì8Ì That Alls the «»art» of gtery far.cn *D aurrouaded by a throng of admirora, ¡ bugging others ant}. being most- un­ in the winter, and so far in so short a tact beyond controversy. He then high, , mercifully humbugged by other», time, and o-rtl comforts, wasted on night enough to make the ground *cs- T|iere never waa such a thing pernicioiM frauds. TJ>» h is the .season quite wet, but not so much as to pre- a* a ti.angle, a square, a circle or a ’ pray, of social growth. I believe it is evi­ That we m»y rise triumphant fsotu the of spectacular, and histrionic, as well vent the parents and children from | para’lh'l*firi*i,u All these things . were dent in the hoh4fty surroundings of ' tomb, going to Sunday school or church. mere suppositions. There could be no as of material and brassy humbugs. Aod fort ring meet onr Sevior on bis way, fto-day thai, we d»» not tend so much After morning service with .the cel^&,n deductions in the science of For a week or more there has be-n on To Utie hrn junta to their eternal home. toward the old English heartiness, He then took up as- exhibition, in one of the public halls, family, the Elder and I walked over ®athematics fie Christmas clieer, the family re­ a so called Jac timile of tl«e Strasburg to the church, and the house of wor- j t,(,noniy. an'_ , . school one of the most energetic, science of G«^ology, which he charac- ........ ............... S’.,” Avenue, an«l containing all sorts of and every thing is done bv hand. A a day •»»• • - ’'address*”7 enthusiastic" M laU>8t’ th” on t ie 1st, lowest da.., naan temp js ,;oing probably painting of the clock would be quite brilliant, ------ ------- •---- 7v..«»ge»», - - ...___ j xra'nre, 31 , on the 31st I the best business of all, the large ns great a curiosity ; but this huin- , have • heard • for ovei forty years of my naos^ »oiay brat . 1. 41«.° 1 x*_ *» moiueter for 4k.. the rullnth, tlV°, ■ -4 at •> 2 in the theatres we have Joseph u — > • ■ j the otlier hand, the solid merchants, . ---------- j —e «clock P. M., on the 10th. Lowest J.ffenion as Rip Van Winkle, ami and now I am ready to confess ( • Mosaic h'atory of creation,” which i having stocks of useful goods, thrum heard anything that exiled *’lId ------ m‘ - ke ..c the ^MK) this -v*a as ™. ” thernioi.acte^JiK, at 7 A. M., «on the Texas Jack m a sho« t.ng? sta’qum 1 never W fact j have n(,tllear j any Rllch ' old. u hi earth nw accept , on their glass doors, and l«jpk out on 25411. lassoing, war whooping, farce, .,«« aQ that j id with it I a positive deduction from the Bible, U bile he did not accept this aa the passing crowd with painful Solici­ The prevailing winds for the month utay be »upponed, by readers of «lime | tude1, thinking perhaps of the pay- 2 ' I wish it had bee« written and put in anU while Mo8es never tixed *n-v tiu,e were from the North during 16 «Jays, I meht of their next note, and wishing novels, t<> be a histrionic portraiture • wh«n h» ■* I * 1 I_ 1__ V . , . —-A form, A* ---- - be s nt S W. 9 days, Fouth 6 days. . | . life .. T r , is • . big • a ’A tract so it could ail ___ w . n . c saif ot l»»rder Texas Jack a ,, • *, “In the beginning God ■ that they had bought a few bushels During Dec., 187(1, there were 0 { hero, shooting with pistols in both over this western world The time - creat**d the hea.ens and the earth, of brass rings and copper buttons in­ days during whidi rain fell, giving hands, and piling tbe Indians in at- has come that we want ton thousami ( he nevertheless defied geologists to stead of standee. I notice as I pass i in. of water, 11 clear days, end 14 tistic confusion on the stage. T’hero such tead.^, as is BrP. Derh m, ol ,n*ke one P***1"« deduction from j that the show cases display a plentiful „ , . • . Rosa, - -- all “. the 1“ ------ new-born * cloudy days other than those oa California. If would not lie- a sufficient number,of. Salita „ .. their science which would I quantity of counterfeit jewelry, well which «win fell. ... . meet ... ■ .. talent in’ Santa Rosa would make a even controvert this, commonly ac­ Indians to the exigency of r the ., and tastefully made, without doubt, Mean tomp. for the month, 35.29’ ... , . as soon as one I R striKe, general strike, Infidels would have to cepted idea of creation. murder business, but .. 'but selling up so well#towards the to furnish the sharp UU-h rf l~... h.v. ■>» -nf to ¿4 1M* lh ' ir bo“‘i,‘.« h“j> “ ,™'1 I"“ We »“ are »' unable l«-to ’n.. ' Tbi; --- Highest daily, 48°, on 28th. 1S price of real gold as to amaze one that We want ..ints of this lecture. They were- daily, 24’, on 10th. happy i hunting grounds, ______ J the curtain ‘ no compromise with the god of thm keen and convincing. \V e mean they such high prices should be paid for een and convincing. We mean they , T. P earce . falls, and rises again on the same red* world ; but let us fear him who ^pake would convince any — mind not warped •0111.1 ;~d Tuuped brass and other liase metals, disguised Fola, Or., Jan. I, 1878. ,i v n i _ i bv J — M never «n»k« D.»-- — aa man spake. Fear God ' and i prejudice and determined to re.isk revived, and ready to do and die w _ — - — «»«»»»Xu w rt*i to look like gold. Wbon I enquire the pressure «rich moral again. . . his . commands, . and , then we will | , tne of ilowing Mich an ­ keep B fo Wllh precepts great ro where these are made, I leam that it ' demand - ’ be able to destroy the greatest of evil. , ward, or punishment foe hlsoluto Jk great hardship—an iron steamer.{is not in Parw or Lyons, but in staid j ward, or _____ Send us a new subscriber. ' I KTxs-wr Bro. D— Stanley, - I ’ have --------- Now, many neglect. - J **■ i 4 1