. a. —— GO YE, THEREFORE, TEACH ALUNATIONS. Ju VOL. XII. NO. 31 rail. Hit’s like 1 told my jgmng the time of the erection of the first, make an utter failure, and whether Santa Fa?’ inassa what went off-to de wall and previous to A D 805; at which time “ No.” you will bause as great a division s PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BI THE among those that should be united in “ Wall, chile, you jift git on yer has was talkin’ bout de Lord’s bein on dp Jerome mentions it as occupying, this side of ob de sotfiy •' Mars dawn', sez site, the str»-<*t and the surrounding the one body' or not, .eternity alone an’ go— hit beats de sirkti s.” Messenger Publishing Co,, “ Many.people there U I,-' I don’ believe" de Lo'rd’s wid de buildings were on the same level with will develops MONMOUTH, POLK CO., OREGON, “ De hills is kivered wif ’em _ Met- __ Ndrf nnr de Soiif—kase dceiAlmighty its tonndatiims. In process of time I would say-to yoiT, and those good la devoted to th* «•»•* nT Primitive terdis ’ , Baptis, ’ Reformers, Old Une br ethren associated with you in this aint no fightin’man,’” ths- street became elevated until, Chriatlnnlty ond the dKwalow of General Whigs and — ” new society, which is unknown in the And saying this Unde Lein took a when the sec<