Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, October 04, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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OCT. 4, . 1877,
The Pathos of the Bible.
vour.M-h i*».1 !>< vond, alh’ve, and f:n<l j
to the pulses. It is barbaroits to ex­
pect children to land- on. the'center of
kmbliT, pni\r motives that shall make
Palestine to-ifcy is a land of ruins.] tby fioorat the call of their nurses,
C AX VOX V 11.1. F, Sept. 20, 18Ï“. j Once-in the church, the idea that your thoughts and actions pure and
once fertile, are deserthill­ with the thermometer below zero.-
they had not done all that was K- j noble ; above nil hiking unto Jesus
clothed with vineyards, are (lite them time after you call them to
I give below a few items from -this > ! quired of them seldom disturbed them. the author ijnd finisher ot? our faith,’ ■
unsightly ; cities disman­ rollover, gaze at the'world full in the
pl^ce. Raining this evening. Crops They ¡»aid their minister’s and choirs find there tilth the example and the
choked with rubbish face? and look before they leap.—
good this year in this part. E. A. salaries, supported a prosperous Sun­ motive.”
of the sea” All is
----- .
Chase preached at Dify’s ('reek school day school, kept their church free
When at last he stbp]H’d preaching ' ''
Bug Eater.
house last Sutiday; a good atten­ from debt, and made semi-annual con-1 there was a faint stii;.through the
dance : also preached the • funeral of tributions to .(lie well-establislH-d and church, but it was that caused by the
At a recent .Sunday school conven­
■David Fate s youngest, daughter at the approved charitable societies, M hat people comiiig back to consciousness . hills are musical with words that shall
tion in fxontuekv, a large concourse-
aiyne place on the 15th ; sho was a more could be expected of them’. of the thing^t giround them, not the
■ of people had .•?<«■ -mbled . Baptists
■ssion ■ Clearly nothing, and they leaned Lack i sigh of relief which ’breaks forth at ' the valley of Hebron, there lie the
” promising girl indeed ; the process!
' Ixiines of the patriarchs ; visit the bor­ Methodists an others. The Methodist,
was large and the best of order. Col. in their pews complhcently, with the ] the end of aril
im unheeded sermon.
circuit-rider of that community, Rev
The people]
peoplq had heard of another ] ' ders of the Dead Sea, ■ its sluggiAh Mr. H., was addressing the children '
Reed, with about a dozen others, confidence of those who, feeling that
stayed in Canyonville last night, all they have done their whole duty to-1 condition- nobler and better tar than waters roll over the Cities of the “ Tho Suffday school is not like John .
out looking'at the• mines of our ward God and man, arc waiting, yet, that of the satisfied self-rig'hteousne«a Plain, and trace the the-stmin from tlie Baptist, for they drénot dress like
country. Mr. A. Riddle ha« -threshed 'not anxiously, for tlieir reward.,
they had .before thought-1»~ be all- heaven. And 'there, beautiful for
he -did : He wire a coat of camel’s
-it:u.ti<ifi, tin- llf'ly < itv stand*,
about thirty thousand bushels of grain
Tlioy-wcro pleased with sermons; | sufficient; and in many minds- bad Jerusalem, whether the tribes wmitJ hair, and a leathern girdle about big
in Cow Creek valley, this, year, AH denouncing the impenitent, and felt
f ' arisen a longiiig desire to reach that
waist. ’ Turning to Dr. F., of Shelby:
peaceable and- quiet here. Several 'that if was right that those miserable , better state even-thougli it should de- , up; the" guilty city- where < 'Iirist
rille,* who sat near, he inquired:
quartz ledges and also gravel beds «iiiuers should be told how bad they ' niand a sacrilue of that redfish ease
" Doctor, about how high did John
have been discovered latelyvsQine. bid were. ""
i i when
o. i they had prized so highly, convinced ; which he wept; the. fated city, dese­
They were glad
wear tjiatr ‘girdle ?” “ Just high
fair to be very rich. One hundred minister exhorted persons to come to ■ now that it whs " high time to awako^ crated by man's darkest crime, con­
to measure the. depth of the '
m e n hired by th e Middle Crock~Uii7T Christ, for it was certainly right that ■ out of sleep ’’ And “ to press forwaril secrated by the ir.ftrvelous manifesta­
baptize in.” [Loudlaughter.j
As the
60 men at work on a wagon road to he should do so, and it called for no •toward the mark tor the prize of their tions of redeeming love.
a little confused, pro­
the same place. The mining t-xcite-’ action from theny . They enjoyed ser­ Jrigh calling <if (lod in Christ Jesu«, verification of prophetic truth i as the
John tin- Baptist was
centre of memories tenderest, most-
inent now prevails ; the Tellurium at mons treating of the privilego and —-C/irittiiiln-tnieUiyencen .
school in another
sacred, these, ruins are Nature’s tri-
the head in. Southern, .Oregon ; the- duty of prayer, since it gave'fhem a
the same kind
I bute to the pathos of the Bible. They,
company will ¿pon be • ready, for comfortable sense of tlieir own advan-
Rud wild
ITTonc of Horace \VaT| »ole.’s letters call the touching narration of Holy
smelting, at ihé'same- time the work” tages and superiority, for <bd,not they
is being vigorously prosecuted’on the always pray, and teach their children occurs this paragraph ; he is praising Writ, whose sympathetic influence is
tunnel: those wishing ' to piirehase to do the samè ? They'liked to hear a certain childless - couple, ami the felt' wherever the i „ Word has - gone
'5 - and grasshoppers are bugs; hence,
»took in said mine may expect to pay charity extolled and its oppositq cen­ sweet life they were living away one forth.' Divested ‘of its pathos, the
Bible .were-but a compilation of'social' John the Baptist wit« a biig-eafcr;
advanced prices soon. Everybody sured, for were not they eminently side on a small estate. He says:
hut you children do not eat bugs_
.................. _. .
They may comfort _ themselves efhies.
„ busyJia'ñttng "Otf-grain? G.--AV, Rid-. "chaTitablv'' — t ---- -r —— ------- —
touk his".«eat amM roare
An ancient legend has it, that a
die’s new barn adds greatly to the
There were exceptions, it is tguci; with having no children, when they
Iboks of' Canyonville. Ehler E, A. all in the ^congregation ' were not recollect that the earliest born of men ''tyrant of the East went forth to liattle
• Chase Jias secured a home in our victims o:. this. I’harisaical compla­ committed murder with he jaw bone with the Greeks. Gazing upon the
vicinity. Considerable sickness now cency, btft these exceptions-werc much of an 'ass- a deadly wiiipon,- 1 am m i.— of living million* enlisb-d in his
•r-W.-B. skisSER.
cause, the monarch’s heart was melted.
ii^nir part of the country, not very in thc^iiinorijy, anti flic n,#. minister sure/’
He Wept, he knew plot why. The
.serious, mostly eolcls? '
•/ ' • ■
had noi learned to distinguish them. k William Hazlitt, in like carelcss-
Slanderers are among‘the beings
tears came not, as lie stip|>osed, from
So it was with a feeling of discourager
most abomina-ble. and most to be de­
any inference of reflection. They rose
ment, as if he Were trying to more a whtnprayed, “ Lord, be merciful to
The New Minister’s Sermon.
spontaneously, as th< J will at times tested. Within theint, may be found
mountain, that, in answer to their
almost all’the other rices common to
Leigh Hunt declares .that the poet amidst the .bustle of a crowiTed-
expectant look, he gave-out his text
transgressors. His business of slan-
¿Shelly, of whom he was writing a thoroughfare. Our oivn emotions are
.iJering requires that he shall be n
It was a very placid and peaceful- and .proceeded with his sermon.
reflected back-from other hearts. We
“ Let us lay aside every weight afid defense,.“ was a student of the book
¿'.liar.” and-“thirt of tl-.e worst kind.
looking congregation that met the eye
of Job, but for huTTJiristianity lie feel the thrill of spiritual contact, Jtfie
WhqthcrTfc invents the calumny him­
of the. Rev. Timothy Northam as he the sin which doth so easily béaet us, went to the "Gospel of St. Janie«.'**'
mighty presence of life. «Such is tho
self, or retails that of some co-|>artnei
rose in the pulpit ,that morning. The and let us run with patience the- race
Thackeray states that it was- Eli pathos of the Bible, the underlying
in the business, it matters not, if his
breath of May, redolent with apple that is sct*1>efore us.”
for whom his mother made some tenderness Ivhieli makes the Book of
blossoms and violets, stole through
purpose is to deceive and injure.
“ little shirts ” every year, instead of books the Isiok of human nature*
the open windows, toving with the Domine Rogers ; a sensitive, earnest
Those who circulate a slander, know­
Samuel, for whpm Hannah made-a sounding the depths of human sym-
ing it to lie unfounded and untrue.arc
ribbons an<T caressing the Howel's that man, with his whole soul in his work;
pa thy,v universal, indefinable, pro­
in the sight of God and man.
adorned the new summer bonnets •_ one who felt sin to 1>3 a weight; a
And in th'e earlier editions of the found.
Not only is this true, but they arc
and the biids o’Utside joined their hateful liarrier that separates the _story of Paul Dombey, Charles Dick­
Poetry and pathos in tl\e Bible ate
artless praises with those of the care­ creature from the Creator, causing the ens set one of the stupid boys in that subordinate. ’ It never corfirSverts its thieves and robliers, of the worst class.
fully-trained and well-paid choir. misery of the one and the grief of the school where the little chap learned sacred office, nor make« effect a pur­ It is true that, " He who steals my
Surely the new minister could, not other. Like St. Paul, lie longed to Be the rudiment«, as repeating a chapter pose. The tenderepnd poetical are purse steals trash, but he who filches
wish for a more auspicious day on delivered from the body of this death, •“ rom the first epistle of Paul to the humble instruments to seal the truth froume my good name rob« me of
ami to see others ^rec fiom it. Loving Ephesians,” as his punishment for
that which doss not make him rich,
which to begin his labors.
upon th» consciences of ineq, The
There was a slight rustle as each God with all the strength of his na- coilghing out of season at the table.
and makes me poor.” He is, also, a
child who cannot comprehend the love
one settled himself "foore comfortably turehis soul was ever aspiring toward
and does not say to the face
The New York Tribune got ter-'1 divine, is melted as he hcars^frum
in his seat preparatory to the Lennon, him longing to attain wisdom, purity ribly mixed lately over the history of
freely nttess behind the
mother lips the sweet story of him baik, tin’ so
s " biting the Lack.” He re-
and turned toward the pulpit with and love, that lie might better qom- Michiel, the daughter of Saul, when
who was himself a )>abe at Bethlehem,
that self-satisfied, quietly expectant prehend the perfection of the Infinite. talking.about that horrible ^picture in
who loved and blessed the little setnl,lc3 the sneaking dog in the road
air, that congregations are wont., to He preached from the fulifhss of his the exposition, “ Rizpah protecting
that bites at the heel of the traveller.
children. The man who, scarcely
wear at such times.
heart. Thoroughly feeling all that he the bodies of . her sons. ' The Satur­
Tho riauderer, if he slander a broth­
better than the child, can know the
Their former minister, good old said, be could not Imt" impress his day Review asserts that the jxKJt
er, js a murderer in tjie sight of (»oil;
wonder of the same inexplicable love,
Domine Rogers, had preached to them hcarôrs, and on many a face the ex­ Cowper was converted by a verse in
is impressed by the- simplicity an<l for he must necessarily hate the ~per-
for many years. His sermon» were pression of ¡»elite attention changed to “ the third epistle of Pau) to the Ro­
tenderness which mark that strange, son slandered, and " Whosoever hateth
u always good, interesting, thoughtful that of eager interest as her showed mans.?’ And this paragraph we cut
eventful life. linwAun P. E llis , in i ! , his brother is a murderer.” A repu­
__ . discourses, but they were never what how noble, how glorious was that straight out of the New York Han Id
tation is next thing, in value, to life.
The CJiiistiaii.
is called stirring. True, his trumpet race to which thev were called, and not five months ago: ” There is a
Fram the almve, we diaW the fol­
1 ,
never gave an uncertain sound, yet it how sweet was thô reward of those story in the Bible which tells uv that
conclusion: That the man, or
The Early Rising ^elusion.
was not the thrilling call to vigoipus who faithfully and bravely accom­ a certain Philip was recommended to
the woman, who, wilfully and know­
rather the music that plished it—the "Well dene” of the bathe in the Jordan river, and th^t
For farmers, ami those who live .in ingly, and the purpose of injury, makes,
comes to the soldier's cars when lying Master—was any amount, of labor or the great man objected to that ob-1 hxali.ties where people can retire atr or vends -slander, is .Scripturally, a
by his camp fire—music that fills his „self-denial too great to be endured, scure lavatory, because of the argu-y eight and nine o'clock in the evening, “ liar, coward, thief and murderer.”
_ — .....
, _
mind with brave plans and noble with the hope of gaining that exciting inent that the Euphrates was the the old notion about early rising is
resolves of what hq will do some us ?
• .
nobler torrent of the two.” This is still appropriate. But he who is kept
time, to aid his leader and conquer
This race was to be run. They, one of the bright authorities which up till ten, or eleven, or twelve o’clock,
Among the discoveries made by
the enemy. Well is it for him, if he were not to walk or loiter/,by the way, insist that no minister of the Gospel and then rises at five or six, because Col. Rawlinson, in the excavations of
'awake to the necessity of actibn l>e- but every muscle must be taxed to its must assume to speak of science, since of the teachings of some old ditty, Babylon, was Nebuchadnezzar’s hunt­
fore the opportunity for it has passed ; utmost ability. A man cannot run -preachers arc not Instructed thorough­ about " early to rise,’’ is committing a ing diary, with notes, and here and
or if, while he is dreaming, the ever when he is heavily burdened. Gne ly in the details and the vocabulary. sin against his . own soul. Thenaris there a portrait of his dogs, sketched
watchful enemy does not steal upon carrying the world upon his shoulders
Col. Benton," once in' the United not one man in ten thousand who can .by himself, with his name under it.
him and make him prisoner.
would make but sorry progress in the States senate, spoke feelingly of the afford to do without seven or eight He mentions in it his having been ill
There were no revivals in Domine Christian race. They must lay aside man out of whom our Savior cast hoursk-nleep. All the stuff written and while he was delirious he thought
Rogers’ congregation. Additions were every weight and thé ’Sw which did seven devils at one time.
about great men who slept only three he had been out to graze like the
made now and then.’ Children of most easily beset them. “ Each per­
And Waddy Thompson, formerly or four hours a night, is apocryphal beasts of the fields. Is not this a
pious parents, coming to years of dis­ son has his own besetting sin,” he told our minister in Mexico, when describ­ They have been put upon such small wonderful corroboration of Scripture ?
cretion, stood up in the church and them, " no one can judge for another, ing the hospital he visited in that for­ allowance occasionally, and p rowpered; Rawlinson also found a pot of pre­
publicly processed their faith. Some but ljct me suggest that what troubles
lorn eountry, called. " The Hospital of but no, man ever kept healthy in body serves, in an excellent state, and gave
iniddle-»£ed persons, after deliberately most of us, what liés at the rootof our Lazaru«,” said "the inmates would and mind for a number of years with some to Queen Victoria- to taste. HoW
considering the matter, well weighing, faults and failings is selfishness, which have rivaled, in sores and rags the than seven hours’ sleep. If you little Nebuchadnezzar’s cook dreamed
is, decided for*’the is in every way the opposite of love, brother of Martha and Mary.”
can get. to bed early, then rise early. when making them that twenty-five
sir stand with his and causes us to break the law in all
Lord Kenyon, on the judicial bench, If you cannot get to bed till late, then centuries after the Queen of England'
people. Occasionally an old man or its points. 1,00k at yourselves, my charged a jury thus: "Finally, gen­ rise late. It may be as proper for one would eat some of the identical pre­
woman, tottering on the verge of the brethren, and see if it is not so. Study tlemen, I would call yoitr attention to man to rise at eight as it is for serves that figured «t his master’»
grave, felt their need of a helper, and, your thoughts and actions, and «Ce if thn.£xample of the Roman Emperor, another^to rise at five.r T^et tho rous­ table.— National Repdeitor^.
coming to the One who alone could down ht the beginning of them you do Julian’, who was wr. distinguiriiecTfor ing bril be rung at least r thirty
Don t decry enthusiasip,; it makes
- help them, were welcomed into the not’find a selfish motive. Then if every Christian virtue That the Scrip­ minutes before your public appear­
strong -and gives them success,
fold.. But there was no fervor among you do find this to be ttje case look at ture called him ‘ Julian, the apostle.’ ” ance. Physicians «ay that a sudden
when ttndor other circumstances they
the people, no strivings after God, no 1 i yourselves no longer, look outside of —Er,
jump out of bed gives irregularniotion would fail.
Few Items freni Canypnville.
’ !