Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, September 27, 1877, Image 1

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had carefully read my preceding six materialists,’(I fail to see the material- I 4-, Let him knpw the folly and sins
numbers on “The Holy "Spirit,-its ism-here, and I think it will puzzle J of his hearers. Show him how much
operation,” &e., ’and especialy the you,
Bro. B. ;-Rrpn.*nViruntV
.To"pc,:nr it -trnt*; fo
is- found + he i owjrates
yotr, Bro:
> uiwat i s * th \em. and-telb him their
sixth number on “ The InSweliing of in the. fact that they always, *anil4-Adrm2e c:
Mas i>n hirns/'lf.
Messengar Publishing Co.,
the Spirit,” he neVer could in justice under all cii’ctiinstances, make media­* h<cahs- what n
It is a tion and intercession ohc 1 aid the
» have called me a materialist.
b- w l?.s predeccf-soiA.
1« devoted to tlie e»a«e of Primitive-]
little singular if I was not meant, that same thing.'. ¡.Not sq , my deiir..Bion
an aour fl pr,ac .tn-l
ClM-iatlonUy and the dlfftteion of jUenerul
oifr good -Bro. should-have heard, qj- at least, i t -is not .so wjUi- me. There
luftkrniai i<»n.
you lik'd thetn.
read after some materialists, (mark it, can be intercession without mediation,
Price Per Year, in Adviinccy $2.5«
• Nave: attend tj:e«prayei- m
more than one), who used almost word and there can be mediation without
All business loiters «lionId be addresseJ to ti c
ì € nt no special service.
Messenger Publishing Co. Articles intended for
for word my words, and certain it is intercession, but there can be no in­
bl you Lu righteous ovti rnuch-b
Publication, should be addressed to the Editor. .
that the leaders of the M essenger tercession between two parties at
Send money by Bank Draft, Registered Defter,
i ■ Occasionally.get up
or Money order oh Dallas, at our risk. •
will suppose he meant me, whether variance without a mediator between tty forllie.voung folks. _ This will h,-
Advertiitors will find this one of the best mediums
he did or not, therefore permit me to these parties. Grapple ’with - this, very effectual about
f ■
eu the Pacific Coast for making their bdliiWM
----- --------- the communion
Oregon Christian Ministerial ' reply as though he did.
Bro. B., and you wili .grapple i M
' Thr-re i- e-.timr’tu dan • . -
You say, my good brother, that the true issueT' Perhaps I am “ blind
For ilie Hi-»bSnger. •
i 8. Give him no^ intimation whim
“Come Back Soon, Charly.”
The -Oregon Christian Ministerial “ The view of thp.. apoetle as above to the clear statements of the apostle I j you are ill; of course he should know :
Association will meet at Salem, Or., given, is, not responsible for this touching the .work of the Spirit of and sour otiended dignitv, wlitn he
on Monday, October 29, 1877, at 7 urichaete and materialigtic suppoeed God.“- 1 will let those who havebead | f c*n.< t' >< <■ von. will rend< r Li- -i i -It
He stood St the door,
absurdity, because no such idea has my seven Nos. in the M essenger on 1
o’clock P. M.
! pleasant. < >n n< account' intimate
Ready to go away. His foot still
auy countenance jm the -passage,” the spirit judge, and perhaps I am )
P rogramme . .
• your recovery.
Staid upon the threshold, amT
(italics mine). Veîy true, my dear also blind in touching this^Subject of '
His brow was still uncovered.
C 9. Require him io swell'tbe pomp^
Evening sessions, from Monday
brother, and' without ant seeming, intercession, J>ut I am perfectly will­
Outside, the night with cold,
of-every impc.rtaut. Occasion, iifiless,
night to Friday night, front 7 P. M. to
that was just what I was trying , to ing, my beloved brother, to let otr.
Unfeeling arms drew round the-
indeed, there are prudential- reasons
7A, social meeting; 71, preaching
World her robe of darkness ;
show. But if yùür (I will not sav rcfcdwsrirtd''e. between vdur~pToibund
passing him over:
___ >-1
And the stars that twinkled
^jtbaurd) position be U#*:, that it is logic, end.
his pulpit,
Here and therefronrarnt the gloom,
God’s spirit that groans, then the though we are to- make -intereetefop.
Seemed but to mock the blackness
i clamor for strangers; if he has public'
Opening address, Monday flight/by
absurdity is in the text, and it is you) for all men, for kings and all in
With their steely light. Methought
j duties, and s-opietimes goes ebrcall..
T’ F. Campbell.
not I or Paul that puts t|ie unchaste authority, though we mafo- all
He lingered, as if loath to change
' complain that he is never at home.
Sessions each day, froln 9 A. M." to
The cheerfulness of home, for the brisk
and materialistic idea, if unchaste and (.'hristians intercewora for all other
p . M. to 5 p. m . ;
. if. Keep (Iw.'n his income. Easy
Air and gloominess of outside-world,
materialistic it is, into the text. It Christians,. and though we make all
15 minutes each session for business ;
means-are a sore temptation, and 'fuli-
’ Jforconldl blame him, slaintwise
is trite, yftü admit a.ll that T claimed, knownwspirits infrrcrssorfl, and thus
Throngh the'partly open door,
7'5 minutes for Opening addsess, and 2
; ness of Lreki.l is bad fi r ever'.* one—
that it is our spirits in our bodies, have coéntiess - thousands of inter- ' ‘ but the laity.
The warm home, picture streamed
hours for discussion.
Upon the night, breaking the darkness
Tuesday, Oct. 30th, a . m ., Evan­ ourselves within ourselves groaning cessors, yet we 'hav,‘ but one inter-1 12. As ha will End it hard to be al­
With its softly glimmering brightness, "
with unuterable groans ; that we cessor, one mediator befiuseeu 6W and :
gelists, S, C. Adams.,
pways as home, to receive callert-, and-
And showing far away,,li^beacon,
know not what we should pray for as men, the man Christ Jesus. Men J
always running aipong the people, and
That sends forth its light, to show,
we ought ; but then you retain with­ Bro. B, are al' in one ’ Category to- '
al way s'well prepared for pulpit and
The mariner his path.
L. L. Rowland.
out one particle of proof or argument, gether, and all constitute one of the
And one could see the gay wood-fire,
, platform, you,will be sure to Lave just
Wednesday, 31st, A. M, Pastors or
not the suppo.sed, but the . real parties ax \ariunec._sa that -one inter—
Lending it long and quivering shafts of 1 Elders, by J. J. Moss.-
- cause for eom'plaint one wav ci' ti e
light, -
absurdity of God's spirit presentingLv ceding for himself, er for another, or
other. Tell it to ea eiy one, and then
p. M., The Press, or our Paper, by
To flicker o’er the carpet, re-marking it,
its own unuterable groans, our spirits for all men, does no make, that mau ,
latn> u&.that tfo-re fo so- general ditsat
In patterns of flame-like piligree, and
Unuterable groans in intercession, and art int- h •'
isfaction with him.
Thursday, Nov. 1st, A. M., Finance,
Throwing upon the wall an immagery
still worse, you represent God as I know you say, “Thereupon we have j-
Of oddest, phantasy.
Patient continuance in courses like
by A. W. Lucas.
searching our hearts, to find out the the human spirit rs mediator between
Upon the floor small toys were strewn
1 ; these, modified according to circum-«
p. M., Discipline, by P. R. Burnett.
- la sweet confusion, as though a child,
.mind of his own spirits unuterable, God and man. ’ That may be profound il
stances have been known not only to
Friday, Nov. 2d, A. M., Family Re­
Whose tired eyes, the drowzy god was
groans. No, no, Bro. B., it is Christ logic. Excuse me, iny bli ther, I say
but to ruin the usefulness,
. Sealing fast, had left his play heavy
that searches our hearts, and knov -
' n>«0 'y.-
' but in .love and 1 and break the. spirit of ministers;, to
p. M., Sunday Schools, by R. H.
With sluipber, to finish jn dreams
the meaning of our spirits unuterable ineakness, and if I mn blind, l>ear with '
The childish games.
semi them oil’ to other charges, and
groans, while we ourselves within pur­ me : for how a man can yet between I
And some ohe held the door. Her *- , s
some times to their grave-- T’-, - .
Many other topics should be dis-
selves are groaning for the adoption, him’self, or between another man, and 1
Form I well could see, but not het face,
who desire to avoid such results should
' cussed, but your committee thought it
’Twas in the shadow. Bnt her voice
to wit : the redemption of our body^ much less between men, all men, and
avoid the practice of things fl­
Came forth upon the night,
for its deliverance from the bondage God, is what‘I cannot see. If there
are here referred to. Let us “ help
IiaAetaes so loving, that I knew,
of corruption,,into the glorious liberty is a clear statement of the aj»ost!e to
’Twos wife or mother. The air seemed duced, than to introduce more topics,
one another.”—-Adenncc. '
of the children of Ood ; end though show that God’s Spirit is an intei- 1
and only partially discuss, them.
Tell Your-Wifo.
we know not how to pray for it as cesser with God for us. and l>etweer.
For the tones ; the ftbv stars glowed
We would again ask and urge
More brightly, as in her gentle voice,
we ought, for we know uot what it us and God, as Christ is an intercessor
If you are in any trouble ■ or :¡uan-,
ever}’ preacher, elder and deacon who
She called him, Gharly, and bade him-
is ; what we shall be doth fiot ya; with God for us, and between us and ■ ! dary, toll your wife—that is if you
have not already given us their names,
Tarry not, dut'eome to them again,
appear, but lie Christ, knows v. hat it God, I trust, niy dear brother you will ■ ' have one—all about it at < cure. Ten
Oh, loving words. We women under­ ■ to send them at once, accompanied
isxmd how to pray for it, and there­ show it to us. That you have any to one her invention will fol ve vcnr
stand therefore
with fifty cents, to S. C. Adams, Sec­
fore he makes intercession for us ac­ such statement in Rom. -viii. 2G, I 1 difficulties sooner than all your logic.
They mean, that home’s not home.
retary, Salem, Oregon, and then all
cording to his Father’s will.
Without you that our love is absent,
think you have most singularly failed.! The wit of woman has been praised,
come to Salem on Monday, don’t wait
With you, and we long for your return,
Again, you say, “ The text does not to show. Buckle on your afmor, Bro. but her instibcts are quicker and
till Tuesday, and be here at the be­
And then he wont away. His steps
in tho slightest possible degree in­ B., and try hard knocks, proof, or ar-1 keener than her reason.
ginning, and all stay to the end.
Bang out'npon the night air and
volve such ignorance in the searcher guemente, for the cry of mad dogs is I with your wife, or with your mother,
The light from the yet open door
Surely we can all give that much
of hearts.” Granted again, for the not enough in this case.
Streamed after him, and wlted
or your sister, and be’ assured that
time to the Lord and his cause, and
At last the footsteps ceased, and the"—... eternity alone can tell the good that text teaches, that because Christ is
In much Christian love to-you, my light -will fiatfi upon your darkness.
Closed door shut in his home tba-light
the searcher of hearts, therefore he fellow Servant in the Lord, orfd in Women are too commonly adjudged
vyill result therefrom, to say nothing
Still olung to him, looking like golden
knows the mind of our spirit, the reverence for your age and long and verdant in all but purely womanly
of our personal enjoyment The
Atmosphere, wrapping him in halo,
meaning of those unuterable groans, laborious work for my Master; I sub­ affairs. No philosophical student of
As though to guard from rongh approach i brotherhood and the public generally
but-your position, that it is God’s' scribe myself, ,~t,
. .
Or touch. I followed him, for my way are invited to attend.
the sex thus judges them. Their n-,
the Holy Spirit, most certainly
Was his, and saw the light around him
or insights are the most
T. F. C ampbell , Pres.
Outshine the lamplights.
involves the absurdity of Christ search­
subtle, and if theyyannot see a cat ip^
S. C. A dams , Sec.
Bat I saw, when the sound of loud
ing our hearts, and by knowing the How to Discourage Your Min­ the meal there is no cat there. I ad­
And boisterous laughter came°near him
meaning of our spirits unuterable
vise a man to kPep none .of’ hifl affairs
Or a man With foul and poisonous breath “Justification in Consequents.”
The atmosphere shrank closer round
a secret from his wife. Many a home
Bro. Stanley:
1. Hear him “ how and then.” Drop
meaning of the Holy Spirit’s unuter­
And seemed almost to melt away,
hits been happily saved, and many a
In the M essenger of Sept 6th, is able groans.
in a little late. Do not sing; do not
Jnat then a man camo by ybo knew him,
fortune retrieved,.bv a mail’s full c,m-
For be took him by the arm and led
an article by G. O. B. on “ justifica­
You say, '* Once more it is said, find the text in your Bibles.
Him on. I thought they talked of tion in consequents,” Tn which he with a seeming, confidence only, take a little sleep during the sermon, fidenee in his wife. Woman is far
more a se‘-r and a prophet than ir?an,
pleasant things '
uses my language as found in an evinced by the superficial^ that it- is so much the better.
For oft they laughed, and I said they
if she be given a fair chance. As a
article in the M essenger not long absurd to make thé spirit of God an
2. Notice carefully any slip he
Must be friends, but I was sad,
general rule, wives confide the minut*
since, oai “ The spirit helpeth our In­ intercessor, for intercession is a part makes while you are awake; point est of their plans to their husbands.
For the soft light seemed leaving hitn,
firmities,” and saya, “ with some of tno work of mediation, and Paul out the dull portions to your children Why not reciprocate, if but for the"
It scarcely elung to him now.
And then, alas ! I saw tho man
degree of emphasis, that the view, says, there is one mediator (inter- and friends ; quote what is in bad pleasure of meeting confidence with’
Was loading him toward a low* red
(via.: that the spirit that helps onr in­ ceasor).” Not so, my dear brother, I taste; mark all neglects of your ad­ confidence ? I am. certain no man
JSotW) with a too brilliant light
firmities is food’s Spirit, or the Holy never sàid it ; Paul never said it ; you vice ; find all the fault you can; it succeeds so well in the world as he
From which came strange distorted
who, taking a partner for life, makes
Bptrit), here entertamed, is sneered at said it with a seeming confidence will come round to him.
Hounds. And glancing at the sign
her a partner qf his purposes and
bJ some materialists.”
only, evinced by the superficial read­
3. Censure his efforts at usefulness; hopes. What is wrong of his im­
I treMbled much, for I aaw ’twas
Jafann/a worst den. I strove to warn
Now, I do not know that onr good ing, both of me and Paul, for Paul deplore -his want of gbod sense; let pulse or judgment she will oheck and
old venerable G. G. B. ever saw thia says, and I quoted it, " betweenXJod him know that you won’t help him set right with her almost universally
Bnt found not my voice, so on he went
article of mine, or that he had any and men,” mark it, my good Bro. B., because A. B. does, because you were unerring ins^ncta And what she
m<M,t craves ann^nost deserves is con­
Up to the very door, which opened then
2.2 and
allusion to it; but if he had, he has '* between God
nun. The
not first consulted, or because you did fidence, without which love is Mever
And coarse voioee called him
of sucl/ not start the plan yourself.
done me grate injustice; for if he < difficulty
_ in the minds
free from a shadow.—SMectedl
ATbarly, and bade him ooms in,
O, then a moment did the home light
Shine brightly around him. Bnt th^j
Mun with him took his bund and
Pulled him in, and thVy'ehut the
Door, and the. soft light sank away as
If pfl’en'ded. Yes iu the dr.n where ■
Sin and/dmme vis With ffitch k
Other in'great dishonorable argies
Tho fire at Home sLall be meuued
In vaiu Charly will net come
Soon .to-night. - . k
O, Prince of darkness,
When will thy terror cease ?
Wine, thou art the minister
Plenepotentiatfr of hell.