w * » I > •« 'ÜTJ mt I t “GO YE, THEREFORE, TKACH ALL XATIOXB.” » X •» •V r MONMOUTH, OREGON, AUG. 30, 18Î7 , ’1 1 » " - NO. 25.., , I" J- —«. 1 ■ ■ ............ - ' ‘ which fork of the road we should tions of life. |b points oiu way I the coming of the Christ. Christianity V- take, how quickly- would weturn toour through the wilderness, across the sea, is not a substitute for the Law of L aorande , O reoo . y , , BY THE PUBLISHED EVERY THU directory and search for the needed and beyond the deserts, to the Canaan ; Moses. It is a new thing under the Feb. 5, 1877. information. '— of (tod. It is the spirit’s great chart sun. it is a new povenant. see Jer. xxxi. Messenger Publishing Co. I)eor Bro. lllchanlwn :, ; Now, we are traveler«, we journey by which it enables us to make a suc­ , 31-34 inclusive also rjii. of Hebrews MONMOUTH, POLK OO., OREGON, In order that you may know who from time to eternity, We have cessful voyage across the ocean of life, an 1 iii. of 2 Cor. In the Scriptures , «T . Primitive ’ is' I> devate.t to the is dressing you I will here state' never niado the trip before, and as we the Jordan of death. and anchor in ' above referred*to, you can -easily note ■^ITualon at Urnrral, CfarletlAoIty and the J x- that iiii the eldest daughter of J start out in youth, w-e look forth ujion the harbor of heaven. ' IaarormalTon. , I the following. 1. A new covenant, t left vour neiglnaorhood the scene add behold there are sorrows and E. P. Price I’er Tear, in Advance, #2.50 b : i 2? Not according to the old one. 3. are living in Walla and troubles, afflictions and misery, in ’ 64. All biuttnew letters ehonltl be itklreMed to the The old one was -maje with Israel I Messenger Publishing Co. Article« intended for Walla in e better circum­ and anguish of soul, and death, and The Sabbath. when'they came out of Egypt, the Publication, should be addressed to the Editor. stances, f nancially, t n when” they doubt, and uncertainty and darkness. Send money by Baah Draft. Registered Letter, nejvcovenant was made after the deg.th NUN BE* 1.» • «? left Polk bounty. I suppbs^you well And we. are led to exclaim who are er Money order on Dallas, at our risk. of Christ ami ratified with his bloisl, Advertisers will And thia one <>f the bent rr.ediwme remember that they were menibers of these and what does all this mean? Sinter M. J. L. i ■ while the old or first testament, was •n the lhtcifle Coatrt for making their businews the Christian church at Bethel, but I And to our astonishment, w'e see. there Yours of Feb. 5th, is before me ratified with the k»It’ renowingiour acquaintance ; know if none of the duties required in the brotherhood, and Bro. Moss, es­ awhile I almost forgot idl my resolu­ solation^, they pans nwav, darkness ime has written its cares and its la- the Old Testament are binding on us pecially, that rjfnow of no such a tions to live better. Three years settles over their future, there hail their kind faces and we were, Christians ? I answer yes. But they thing named in Scripture as the office after we came to Lagrande. I married been’no preparation of soul, no ar­ fordUy. indeii that we all do fade are not binding because they Are found of Evangelist, and if lie or any one a Mr. H. P. L., who was a devoted rangement for an inheritance of a as a leaf. Mayme a^stlos, and some prophets, and Yours in the Lord. .1 myself, arc in doubt and distress in its inner warnings, have ippled its satisfied with G im I' s word, they- were some evangelist*, and some pastors G. W, K iuhard < o . x . regard to the Sabbath. - power, and have at last s ed in united prosperous and happy. Wlifcn T and teachers ’’ Compare this with 1 In my troubled reflections, I con ­ The Foundation. r • Cor. xji. 28, ib. “ And God both set tainting its character, and have made they, gilded tojiis word in the form of ceived the idea of writing to you, that their spirits yield to tlje leadings #and creeds anil confessions they lost that I some in the church, fust apostles, . “ According to the gratf of tied v.hich ia giTon perhaps you could advance some guidance of the flesh until they are love and unity f or which the blessed ; unto as a wise maater-bailder, I have laid the secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, fonuclaiioo and another buikleth thfrtnpcn.v But i evidence or Scripture that would justi- completely under the rule of the flesh, Savior prayed. See John xvii. after that miracles, then gifts of heal- , kt every nun tak?*tnfte.l hew he t side th then- : fy me in keeping the first day of the and are worldly minded, bowing to its 1 once befiwed the doctrine taught upon.” ings, help, governments, diversities of week. I should like to know why dictates, passions and carnal pleasures, ! bv Eld. William Miller, and was fa- In the proceeding article onz this tongues. Are all apostles ? area.ll pro­ * . - . and when the Sabbatli was changed. they, pass away in many troubles, j ' miliar with the advent literature of [ subject,we discoursed that thefounda- phets ? are all teachers f are all work­ ! We have no preachers here that will having great anxiety and Ao peace of those times. Since his day grentchang- ■ tion w-as laid in * the old dead. 3. The annihilation of the i ing. The Savior says, “ on this rock especially they wbo-lobor in the word strong cbpvifctions resting on my and doctrine.” 1 Tim. v. 17,and these I conscience, and God forbid that I chart, and made a guide bdok of their wickod. 4. Keeping of Saturday as I will build my church,” which build- ’ , own to follow ; they traveled on, but the Sabbath of the Lord. 5. That ing was to be done by human agency. teachers answer to the ” helps,” teach­ should be a hypocrite. — growing dissatisfied with ¡that they, Christ has no kingdom as yet. .6. As Pttul sayl, “ let every man take ing elders, " governments,” ruling Pleasp answer as soon an convenient, began to alter and amend, hud finally That these opinions are essential to heed how he builds thereuponfor other elders or pastors ; and thus we have and inform me was the day changed they broke np the old coikpany and salvation. Happily or unhapily they foundation can no man lay, than that teachers or evangelists in the third at any time Scripturally, or are we becarpe divided, and each party manu­ are much divided among themselves. is laid which is Jesus Christ.” The place, and pastors 'or ruling elders carrying on our fourheads the mark factured guides to suit their own feel­ Allow me to say that there is a pop­ foundation' God provided, but the “'governments,” and teaclser or teach­ of that dreadful beast described in ings, tastes and fancies, mtil many ular error underlying Adventism, building was to be by divinely ap- ing elders, "helps,” in the fourth Revelations. perished. So these have gfown tired zealously advocated by Methodists, pointad human agency. jflace. Yours very truly, Mau could not provide for hiui^lf a of following the great spiritual direc­ Baptists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians Of the above forty-one persons, two r M. J. L. and Roman Catholics that is respon ­ foundation, but man can build upon tory — the Bible — and have practically 1 aae. called Pawl’s fellow helpers, two sible for all this trouble. They a|l the fountjation that God has laid for thrown it aside and have mado evangelists, two fellow soldiers, three Follow the Spirit. guides and directories to suit then- say that the ten commands, Exo^ius hipi. ■ Has man any divine instruct­ fella w servants, four fellow- prisoners, own vitated tastes, theirevil,immogin- 20, is still binding, and that no part ion or directions about how to build four fellow workers, five teachers, five | How pnrefill are men who are stort ­ ations and fancies, until they are At thereof has even been done away. .If j qpon this foundotiun ? Most assuredly. preachers, seven ministers, ten fellow ing upon a trip through an unknown war, indulging their carnal natures, this is true we can have no valid ob­ ¡"Let every man take heed how lie laborers, one partner, one yoke fellow, countiy to procure a guide in whom and are perishing upon the plains of jection to keeping Saturday as the buildeth thereupon.” Take heed to And three joined him in sending epis­ tles. Thirteen terms together are ap­ they have confidence; or if we are sorrow, in the Wilderness of woe. and Sabbath of the Lord. Ask a member what? To-jthe divine instruction. * of any of those churches for authority Whât was ¡the divine instruction? plied to twenty-four men, leaving only traveling through a section of the rallcy and shallow of death. Now we have strayed from the way for keeping the Sabbath and you are That given .by the twelve apostles. v . , seventeen of them to- whom none of country where there is no very groat them are applied. Eight of them are risk to run, we are-very careful to and what shall we do ? The true and quickly referred to Exodus xx. The Did-4he- apostles have authority to applied to Tjmothy, three to Aristar­ follow our directions or guide books, only intelligent answer is “ follow the Christian church takes ’ the ground givedivine instruction ? Certainly. By chus, Mark, Epaphras and Steplianas; or directions which we. have received spirit." Yes, follow the spirit ami you that none of the ordinances of the Old whom did they have authority. ? By-, nine of them have two each, and ten from some friend, and more- especially shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, Testament have bean' changed, but the Savior. When did the Savior cue ’each. Sec table. {The table is this true when we are upon a for if you be led by the spirit you that they huve all been abolished or give them tips authority ? After his mission of great importance, and when shall live, but if you are led by the done away, the ten commandments not resurrection. He commissioned them would not go in our column».—E d ] ■ z - . * J. J. Moss. a mistake in the choice of roads be- flesh you shall die. To follow the excepted. But you ask have we noth- to go unto^11’¿he world- and preach lateing us a few hours, we would loose spirit is to follow its directions to be i ing as a substitute for the Old ^esta- the Gospejsto every creature. All power '(authority) in heaven _________ : , Some soignons are like small all, with what anxiety we would written out for our instructions. The Iment? T I answer, no. A substitute All and In earth is ¿iven unto me, go therefore regard every- fork in the road, an< iif, country-houses with big piazzas—thé Bible is the guide book of the spirit, swexa the same purpose as the thing introduction is larger than the »true while journeying, we should come to by it -we are brought on our way for which it is a substituted, conse- and teach all nations, baptizing them » • point where we were in doubt as .to through the trials, sorrow« and afflic- i quently We would be no better off by |ure behind it. - (Com faded on paye 5.) THE MESSI NGER r I — * • I ; j. < Ä <-/