Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, August 02, 1877, Image 1

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OREGON, AUG. 2, 1877.
----- T*<~
-.............. -—
NO. 21.
—. ■■
is where the division of which I have believer in Christ, that will deny that in the which I will appear unto thee.” setting us an example of what' we J
written begins, and our brethren at the person that hear* what tjie apostle« Acts xxvL IO; “ That which was should do in the same position.
PUBLISHED EVERY THUBBDAY BY. THE the beginning of this reformation took »reached concerning the Christ and from the beginning, which we have
' J. J. Moss.
much pains to make this division believe* it with all their heart, repents
Messenger Publishing Co.,
The Foundation.
stand out prominent before the people of their sins and is buried with Christ eyes, which .we have looked upon, and’ .
and to make all men see that the King by baptism into his death and arises our hand* have haudled, of the word
“ For other fonadttion can no man laf than
1« aeveteS «• <•»•
that 1» laid, which u Jeaua Chriat.” 1 Cor. iii. 11. '
Chriettsaltr «ml •*« ***•••»•*
The great ajtostle some years after
our brethren have been less earnest and consequently translated out of the and we have seen it, and bear witness
____ .
Price Per Tear, in Advance, 82.5»
and more indifcrent on this subject kingdom of darkness into the kingdom and show unto you- that eternal life; the death Ipirial and resurrection of
All bu»in«M Uttsrt'ahouldJM »ddreM«l to the than at first aim consequent others are of God’s dear Son.
So believes your which was with the Father, and was the Savior, gaMe utterance to the fore­
MemengNfublwhing Co. Article» intended fol
- -v
manifested- unto us ; that which, we going.
PuMu-aXion. should be tddreneod to the Editor.
More than seven hundred years
Send money by B»»k Draft, lleswter^i Letter,
M artin P eterson . - have seen and heard declare we unto
I willnow arrange these five items
or Money order on Dalian, at our rink.
Mound Ranch, Or., July 10, 187r
you .that you also may have fellow­ previous God had said by the mouth
as they are arranged by three different
Advirtlaera Vffl And th« one ef tbe beat medium»
ship wit)i us, and truly our fellowship of the holy prophet, “ Behold I lay in
on the Taeille Coaat for making their buaineaa
is witK the Father, and with- his Son ¿iop for a foundation a stone, a Wied
Catholics and all those who hold to
infant church membership arrange the
Jesus Christ.” 1 John i. 1—3. No stone, r precious corner stone, a sure
xmun i.
• , „
items thus; first, baptize; second,
one can thus testify of Christ now. (b; founiiation.” Isaiah xxviii. 16.
Whatever the apostles did as Chris­ To work miracles, speak with tongues
This foundation God was to lay in
preach; third, repent; fourth, believe
Admission Into the Kingdom.
and fifth be saved. The second class, tian*, Christians should do now. We and to impart the same by the laying Zion, yet in the, future. This stone
which emhraces nearly all the Baptist should follow them as they follow on of hand*, for the confiwnation of was to be 1st; a “ tried stone,”. 2d, a
Dear Bro. Stanley,™ f
Às I LaveT5eenTuhdered'from WTrte TRmifips, ai laiige it thus • first, preaeh; Cliriatt
Be ye followers of -----
me, even'
/---- t J sai«i testimony. "And they went “ precious stone,” 71« 1, a “ sure founda­
ing the article I promised to write on second, repent; third, believe ; fourth, as I also am of Christ.” 1 Cor. xi. 1. forth and preached everywhere, the tion.” Consider, if you please, the
“ Brethren, be followers together of Ijord working with them, and confirm­ importance.and profound interest at­
the terms of admission into the King­ be saved, and fifth be baptized^
dom of God, as foretold by the propfe
A third class arrange them in this me, and mark them who walk ho as I ing the word with signs following/’ tributed to this foundation by the pen
eta, and as I am now unable to work order :■ first preach p second, belieye ; you have as for an example.” Phil.,, Mark xvi. 20. “ God also bearing of inspiration. “ Hear, Oheavens, and
and am able to write, I will apply third, repent; fourth, be baptized; iii. 17. “ For yoqrselves know how them witness, both with sign* and give ear, O earth ; for the Ix>rd hath
"you ought to follow us; for we be­ wonder*, and with divers miracles, •poken.” What has the Lord spoken ?
fifth, receive remission of sins.
myself to the task.
. ... .
All civilized governments have, and
Tbx question in the inquiring mind haved not oupelvta disorderly among and'gift* of the Holy Spirit, according He say*, “ Behold T lav in Zion for a
have had terms upon whith*they ad- is, which iB right, or are ail equally you-; neither did we eat any. man’s | to hi* own ,wilL” ”Heb. ii. 4. “ Now .foundation a stone. ’’ What kind of a
mit persons of other governments ¿to right to individuals according to their bread for nought; but wrought with j when the apostles who were at J*ru- stone ? “A tried «forte.” Anything
eitTzensTiip with ffifem, so Christ 'the various notion«, and alTstaftd on equal labor Mid Crx^el Hlglrr and day, that salemlmard ’Riat Samaria had received more?.* Yes.
A‘ precious corner
King of the kingdom of God, gives authority. According to the general we might not be chargeable to any of the word of God, they sent unto them atone.” Anything more? Yes. "A"
Authority to bis ambassadors to admit belief and action of professed Chris­ you; not because we have not power, Peter and. John; who, when they sure foundation.” Now we'have it in
aliens to hi* kingdom. All both Jewanfi tians, all three of the arrangements are but to make ourselves tn example were come down, prayed for them, full; certainly no WF could' e O lieei ve
Gentile except the few to whom Christ right and will be recognized by the unto yo« to follow na.” 2 Thee. iii. that they inigh» receive the Holy of a better foundation Jf we are-i
committed the work of giving the King. I take the position that if that ■7—9.
x.. • Spirit ; for s* yet he was fallen upon going to erect a magnificent edifice,
kingdom its starton earth, were aliens. is true no man on earth know* it, for
non* of them ; only they. were bap­ above all things our foundation must
Therefore there must be’ some imita­ his ambassadors have completed their deacon* should do now. “ Then the tised in tin» name of ,|be Load JeM» >b»4**vn and permanent, and in order
tion, reconciliation and adoption.
revelations, and gon* to their rest, and tw*lv* called th* mwltitude of the Then laid they tbejr hands on them, to this, it must be of tried stone; if
Th* question that is now agitating have not at any time neither in word disciple* unto tjasm, and said, it is not aad they receive^ the Holy Spirit. ’ possible dig down to the main “ bed
th* religious mind, is what arc the or by example or in any way arranged reason that we a^puld leav* the word Act* viii. 14—17. - " And when Paul roek.”
work* necessary to adoption ; what three five item* but th* On* way.
of God, and rerr« fable«." Aota vi. 7. laid bi* bands upon then, the Holy
Our magnificent bridge* that 8|>an
is the word of reconciliation ! Some
Whatever they flid aa elders, bver- Spirit came on them, and they spoke the mighty rivers of our continent
Therefore if we want to be «are that
«ay one thing and some another. , This we meet the approbation of the King aeera or
elder* should do with tongues and prophesied.’’ Acte rest upon pier* reaching down far.
has confused the public mind, and eternal, it would be wire in u* to ex­ now. “
who are aaaong xix. 6, and when the last apostle died, beneath the wafer and sand to the
consequently caused indifference which amine narrowly into these arrange­ you I exhort,
one also an elder, aad the last man »«pen wlioaa the “ bed rock,” calculated to stand for
is now the greatest obstacle in the way ments. S ob *« may answer that they aad • witn*<* at th* suffering* of apostle* kid hand* died, the miracle* centuries to come. Consider^ if you
of th* exten*io« of the kingdom of knowthey have them right Ask how Chriat, aad also a partaker of the A«, «eased ; “ Tongues shall cease.“ please, tbe foundation of the temple of
God on earth. This indifference is they know thia. O, I know it by my glory that shall
revealed ; feed the 1 Cor. xiii. 8. (e) To «peak, and Solomin, in Jerusalem, for centuries
like a two-edged sword— it cut* both feelings. God’s spirit bears witness flock of God which ia among yo«, write, by inspiration, and by whom commanding the admiration of all
way*. Those that have settled down with my-spirit I am sure of it, in taking the oversight thereof, not for revelation* wer* made. “ But when nations, which was simply a type, a
in this state of indifference, have no fact, says another, I do not consider it filthy lucre, but ef a ready mind; they shall lead you, and deliver yo« mere shadow of the foundation under
interest in the matter* or subjects of ia necessary at all to observe all of neither of being lord's over God’s up, take
take no thought before hand what consideration, which temple would
the kingdom, therefore they «ay or do these items as enumerated, in order to :heritage, bat being example* to the you shaHufieak,
neither do yon pre- have been standing to-day, yea, even
nothing concerning them. This leads be translators from Satan’s kingdom flock. And when the Chief Shepherd mediate; but whatsoever shall be to the end of time had it not been
those professing to be subject* of tb* into the kingdom of God's dear Son.^ shall appear, you shall receive a given yon in that hour, that speak superseded by a temple more glorious,
kidgdom, to indifference, and soon
As science has shortened methods of erown of glory that fodeth not away.' you ; for it is not you that speak, but K e., the “ temple ofQieLivingGod.”
their influence for the spread of the communication and hastened transpor­ 1 Peter v. 1—4.
What was this foundation stone
the Holy Spirit.” Mark xiii 11.
kingdom is lost.
And that whatever they did
tation. So the transition stat* is
“ Unto the angel of the church of that God was going to lay in Zion ?
That we begin to feel the dire influ­ shortened. We are now translated out evangelists, evaagdiato should do Ephesus write : These things saith be Paul says in the text, it “is Jesus ,
ence of this indifference, on this coast, of the kingdom of darkness into the nOw.
• •
that holdeth the seven stars in his Christ"
is a fact and that eveiy true lover of kingdom of light by faith only, and
Is this foundation good enough ?
As prophets, there is no one to right hand, who walketh in the midst
the Lord desire* to see the spell of in­ that faith is not dependent on hearing prophesy now; “ pjfiphocies shall of the seven golden candlesticks. He Yes. The prophet says it is “ a sure
difference by which the people are the word of the Lord, but it is the gift fail.“ I Cor. xiii. 8.
that hath an ear, let him hear what foundation." Do you need an’y other?
A* apostles; they were to do three the spirit saith to the churches; to No. The apostle savf," Other founda­
bound, broken, is no less a fact. But of Clod.____ . *
Verily if this is all true, what dark­ thing* (d) To testily of Christ. “But him that ovcrcometh will I give to tion can no man lay.. From the fore­
how this can be accomplished by the
means that has. trought the "spell ness covered the minds of the ambas­ when the Advocate is come, whom I eat of the tree of life, wliich is in the going we conclude that there is but
bound ” into that condition none will sadors of our King. O, says a third, will send unto you front the Father, midst of the paradise of God.” Rev. one foundation and it is good enough.
contend, but other means must be re­ do not pretend to doubt this, for I have even the spirit of truth, who proeeed- ii. 1, 7. ' Howbeit when he the spirit
Now we have the foundation,
sorted to, but what are these means ? known too many good people give Ahffeoni the Father, he shall testify of truth is come, he will guide you and what is it for. Was there to be
Here is the trouble, to find what we their dying evidence in favor of its of me, and you also shall bear witness into all truth ; for he shall not Apeak a building erected Upon it ? Yes.
must do. Past experience ii useful, if being true. What shall we do dear because you have been with me from of himself; but whatsoever he shall „How many ? When we lay a single
properly used. Our experience has friends, for if we take such evidence as the beginning.” John xv. 20, 27. hear, that shall he speak ; and'he will foundation, do we erect more than one
shown that when we actively engage in it introduces to prove the truthfulness “ And you are witnesses of these •hew you things to come ” John xvi. building upon it ? by no means. Well
the work of the K ing, that this has an of the arrangements of the five item* things." Luke xxiv. 48. “But yon 13. No one can thus spexk, and then, did God erect or authorize to be
influence on others to engage in it also of the commission as arranged by the shall receive the power of the Holy write, or receive revelations now: erected more than one building upon
and thus the work spreads aad widens. two first named classes, then we are Spirit coming upon you, and you shall U Knowledge shall vanish away.” this foundation ? ‘By no
But some say we have been engaged bound to take the evidence that will be witnesses onto me both in Jerusa­ “Lova never faileth; but whether the apostle,,“ Ye are God’s building,”
all the while, but our labor seems to do away with at least three of the five lem and in all Judea, and in Samaria,
there be prophesies, they shall fail; not “building*.” “ Ye are the temple
items, and if we disprove of that many and unto the uttermost part of the whether there be tongues, they shall of th* Living God,” not "temples.”
•mount to nothing.
Hoar what Paul say*, Heh. ir. 11 : why not with all, and stand out full earth.” Act* i. 8. “ Wherefore of ccaae; whether knowledge, "There ia one body,” not "bodies.”
* Let u* labor therefore to enter into and complete infidels on the subject these men who have eompanied with it shall vanish away. For we know On thia Rock (the confession of Peter.
that rest,” Ac. But I am wandering at onoe.
us all the time that the Lord Jesus in part, and we prophesy in part ‘Thou art the Christ1) I will build my
One great trouble with good and went in and out among ns, beginning Bui when that which is perfect ia church,” not "churches.” “On this
What are the terms of admission ?
Look at Matt, xxviii. 19 ; Mark xvi. honest people on this subject arises from the baptism of John unto that eome, then that which ia in part shall Roek I will build my church,” not
li and 10 ; Luke xxiv. 46 48. Here from want of distinction between the same day that he was taken up from h* dons «way. And now abideth “ have built it” But say* *>ne, “ Was
we have the second commission given present and future kingdom of God. us, must one' be ordained to be a wit­ frith, hope, love, these three; but the not the church built in the days at
to th* King’s ambassador*. In it there That many person* who have never ness of his resurrection.” Acts i. 21, greatest of these ia love.” 1 Cor. xiii. Abraham F In reply, I will ask did
are five distinct items to which arttrlyi (been in the present kingdom, will be 21. “But ria* and stand upon thy
8—10 and 13. All else done by them God build the church before he laid
all of those who recognize Christ a* in the present, without complying with feet; for I Have appeared unto thee
waa done a* evangelists, elders, deac­ th« foundation ? The laying at the
King agree, vi* : repentance, frith the five item* aa ret forth by the third for this purpose, to make thse a minis­
ons, or Christiana, and all that wa* foundation was yet future in
preaching, remission of sins and bap­ class, who will affirm I will venture to ter Mid a witneso both ef thee* things done in either of there positions by day. But aay* another, was not the
tism. In the arranging of these item* state that there ia not an intelligent which then, beet seen, and of those inapintfoa, was inspiration in them
(Concluded on page 4),