Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, July 12, 1877, Image 1

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• T
zzar— l :
JULY I-?. 1877. /
Modern. Church Service?
NO. is. •
V" --------- - -------- -
the Father hath life in himself, r.o hath were thought not t »be orthodox, and
i <»!’ one ftei-ord jn one pine-,” diti their
'singing by 7puntette? Is t likely
hv oivei'to fhe Son to have life iir
in' at a meeting of preachers,
preachers,, committees
V> ■ Ju m i think see overetate ,it 11
!..'m v,
'... g-7
apj ointvl
“ to labor with
hi..'--If." John
I» ■ l invili
be* 1’ w<iv
wira them,
that the e;i:!y < hristiiin»« assembled in
yirig t/i/o éir-íilths oi the parse 1 s
-ihtf. giJOiuy
io', ».. c ..Iteauail
Messenger Publishing Co., .
iug i is ., m.t,
nnt' ■ ■' apnlird to the csj^amt—Brn7-Afttft4n*w t'lrtji»/. brother- who att j.ih d the oratorio last 1 hiiir ■ r.ttnrcmhx, rwiitminni thi|n>.<‘.tv.l?r>wtth—-
mt living
... j, ; day cveidug were m
,<-.-sed Uy-
V(5iQÎÎ f.pV,. <T
()f (Jl?, afuhwH
;htG “toSIarvU i:o. at tins. fof’iiFdaw" of Bio.! A’, ^‘auipbell. wii
1.« devote 1 t«» the Citili«** of Pii Ul il« VC
! Ixisso and t
I the hour is coining, ¡future,''in the commi1 tee of o:i • to wait upon
■, soprano and contrai­
«.UrlMt ta nit y and the ililftisioii <»!’
t(i< Idle, orchestral jierfonnanees iv< r «to'. Don, ¡-«g
ma t i o ii.
which o// that are in the gfraves sjialL Mo/ s.
li i.ryl'dy know that .
Price Per Year, in Advance, $2.50
livar his vojye. ' AVI is laikcai eX' < p- ! tra-vU and preach together for two I ^’’¡y good the solos excellent—KOnte however much inodora » church music
Al’ business letters tdto&icI l>e addressed to th.
weeks. Bro. .Moss having heard, of 'd' 1,10111 y-uperb-but the ¿ncr.trst I may exceed, the ancient in ait, it- is
ting none. “A’it’r shall come forth,’j,weeks,
Messenger Publishing (’<». Articles intended i<>
appointment to labor with / etieet was produced by
■ the c* gigantic
c- » i va»ttv inferioi r to it ;n feeling : Ami
i shall ciime forth implies action, a liv- i Brother •
Publication, should lx) addressed to the Editor,
_ indurii»- j w¡!ft¿ t ¡ is s e11ureh
bend muuey by Bank Draft, llegisterud LeW< r, ing principle.
churel ¡ music worth- if it lacks. ■
they that have done I him 'i. det-rbiined to preach about any-
- -
, . ,
- or Money order on Ihdltte, at <mi- risk.
good unto the'resurrvvtTon rd life, ’ i tiling Into tie---Spirit.- -Ihe- itist day
, .* •“ .*.
t ìat su'tie pew
wh.vh .m■»•.•< s th
Advertisers w ill find this one of the best mediums
on the Pacific Coast hn making their BV-sificss i perfect ion,; and they that have .donyj j together hail arrived, ami they 1
last ' 1 ,'v can
' lH . , su
SU l P1'L'
‘l'^' ■ * 4 !-
evil, unto tile resurrection, of damna- ' ■thirty miles before tliMa ti$ their-
Let us n..t !«• misundtnfood. Look­
‘nt, and, early in the morn- ' b011
hUl1 ' ’ kocA °'
u- more
nr;iv vr.bily
easily, amt mounts ing a! sacred stiighig from
tion. ’ John v. 2fi, 29. Jhuniu.tion-is appoh tin *nt,
-O ■ »
■ •« introduced the subject. J I to a higher flight, on ft flood of vocal’ •“
A Short Sermon on Life.
radical, is givdn to imperfection, to ¡llg, Br<>. (
a secular stand-point; not a word can
[dilution. It is a truth, that there I Bro. Moss stopped htin, and «aid, *‘Brij. ; mi lody that: on the shallow stream of be said against it. We know of n<<
[a single voice, however rare that
more_ agreeable , than
■*‘<And the Lord God formed man of Hie is. not a food, except there is an appe- I Matthew, answer me four questions,
d««t cf the ground and breathed into bis tite for that food, nor an appetite, ex- ! first, and-then 1 will talk .with you ■ voice may be. This is especially true listening to a well-trained quartette ■
nMteils the breath of life and man became cept thefe is a food for its gratification- i upon this subject.”.... Bro. Clapp con- I of that class of music which aj.peals doing Sunday duty, it i»'the next
a, living soul..” Gen. ii. 7.
Sleep is unconsciousness, and who has j sents. and Jji'othy i r Moss p'.iiCeeds, “ 1. [to the deeper emotions. Take f 'ætliing to a fine operatic'»concert. It /
. • .
n *
( IV.-l
___ -- -A.u.l
Let delights th* ear, gratifies the intellect
jfiiwt, let us understand that Uefeire ail appetite
for unconsciousness.. The ; Did Gixl over command any one /io l^/Mai-seillaise ’ for ' example.
“Tlie»breath of Life" was given to reverse is truy. Death if we defiue it i lieve in the Spirit !" Aftil- ridino Patti or Nilsson sing it with all the an«l spurs the imagination. It softens
nuui jt is unquestionably true that liis to be annihilation, who has an appe­ I balCan hour, in silence; Bro. C!a[q» ' i , art riwUzis In them, and the. most" ap­ the fall of a heavy prayer. ¡pVl sugar-
bady.«vas as <lea<i matter having no tite for it, but when we understand I answers, " I, can’t think of any teNt.'j preeiative audience would . rot is- coats a dry sermon. It is a powerful
power, not even that« of animal life, its ti te meaning, namely, its birth in­ ■ r -2. Is not tlie Sjiirit one of the (♦it mi- noticeably liniVed thereby. "Let a I attractitm to outside.str Tiers, and fills ‘
but .¡was ‘.as à machine constructed to a, we find its terrors aie ised blessings of the Gospel ?” ' Aus."' thousand Fri’tit'lmien sing it with no ' many a.sent that would otherwise be
witbout the power of/¡acting, without dispelled, and with the light of reve­ “A’es,” and Bro. Moss obsirves " That - art at all, and the «lullest blood would vari n :. Iii slmrt,-it »’»»ex-etyt-eytbirg—
the.power of answering the purpose«! lation -shining through it, sooner than is the reason wiry it is not command- ! leap quicker through the veint. Take lex.ept the one thing which church
itaAXUKiructioiu WeJtnow of no pow­ jiart with the enjoyments of that Sife, ed, but we must, necessarily, believe [ ‘‘Old HumlrejLj. la-t the ; best quar­ music, - as wc have been taught to be-'
er except that given by the Spirit and we would part with this earth, and in the Spirit, if we believe in God and tette in the world render it in their lieve—-Was designed to ,do: Quicken
—itepr-ovince is to give life to whatever its treasures were they ours to give. t'hrist, but it is promised, riot rortt- ! best stile, ami nobody’s heart -would that spirit of devotion without which
it ermte“-m ermtact with. Tltiase mr- Armihtiation ? W here is the“ appetite manded,’’ and then asked,I pon f— xTerecptiblA' stirred.—Let tlje con?. worship is a sa ■rih'giotis!.—A7.—
what eomlitimis are all the blessings ' .-regatUm of a Country church sing it. /.oeis /¿»'ymA/o'ii-ii.
tice.I iqj«ak only in the. radical sense i for it, or the law by which it can
for all scriptural arguments if wo wish ; brought al>out upon anytliing however promised
.Ans. 1 |s>n t’fo cond'- ' !^|l‘ that heart would be hard indeed
— ———
to arrive? .-it. tlfe truth, am st reach their I minute.
■ (ions nf faith in'iJtrrist.’isjid'“trtR‘di<*rtFF' ’ wlu*ili_Ai»l uol i*el a thrill of suoiime-
Feeling is net Religicri.
iiltimatuni, their extreme. Notice too |
*to Him." “1. If 1 truly ItelieVe ¡n j devotion.
In times <>( special religious-interest
that it .war the bodj- ilia! was formed, j
Christ and obey. H hn ,• jjcili-¡»mt God, Now we. nssuine tliRt the juns*c.aJ
The Holy Spirit.
attention of many is turned ex­
and «»nly.llie
and that the breath J
give me the Spirit, whether I believe j portion of pul^fc whrsliip is primarily
of life, (nqr the aîi- which we breathe ! (TFS OI’EUATTOX, INFLUJBNC«, OAÏTISV AND in it just as you do or not ; whether i intend»«! to arouse and stinmlnte the clusively upon theVtate of their feel­
into our Jn igs, for if this >was the life |
, understand it as you door n<At” Ans. religious emotions. It i,s, indeed,. cne ings.. ; They look for aq ^experience
spoken of,dheq we by finding air into j
Yes." Brw. Moss says. "I will talk of the forms of worship; and qjdcss solely in the emo^fons, They lose
the lwngs,would give life to a dead |
with you all day about the Spirit, now it can and does touch these emotions sight of the truth that the real (‘liris-
btsly^ but it was that which gave him
if you wish." Bro. ( I have nothing ' fails to fulfill it« npj>ointo<l mission, tian experience is related to the
superitrrityc- >vcr the Iwasta of the field ; iir. In the foregoing number, we have • ! more to say,’ and that/¿was the last i no mat»t r how much of a success it emotional nature solely as cause to
and , Bro. Moss e-ver heard aliout^Ms want | may lx- in other respects. In the effect, *» as e'd’eet to cause. For ii
It wan the likeness of ,his Creator j «lily been looking at the
which .was!.breathed into his nostrils hawe learned nothing ahout the' ¡»>u\ of orthodoxy upon the Spirit. Yes ! widen t-imc, when religion was less of person to endeavor to feel miserable
and this lika ieas, this »mjsfiîiority con­ That the how of the Spirit in word, that is it; understand that tlm Spirit i a faskionable amusement than it is or to feel hapj»y without any special
stituted .by-emnection withithe body or the bajnisri of thh Holy Spirit, or operates ujhuj matter, in the prophets, Tiow, the singing was done eif r^ix^n. reason for it other than such, as lias
A “ living.soul,’’ capabk- of answering the.Spirit in power to confirm that Christ, and trie Apostles! »«peak God’s “ Ia-t the people praise The#, O Lord; i been the conventional way of entering
the purpose <jf his creation. ¿Life was th»it word, for,the convensiwn <*f a sin­ word, whether I comprehend it or not-, yea, let "/Z the |>eople praise Thee.” I ulH’p
( i**tians life .is iis-alisurd
one should feel called np< n
.only trassiniUed, not created, trans­ ner, will not reach the /»»»*<• of .this iu-. understand that the Spirit operate s j'Ve <lo not expect the olden time
mitted by .the-Almighty to uxin and dwell’ng of the Spirit, in th»» heart hi j upon matter in fhr- baptism of the i return, mu- do we anticipate that w, jto laugh without provocation, or to
... ! i weep without cause for madness. Our
¿hen thromghidre parent* to tite child ; one who has lxr n made a Son «of God, ! Holy Spirit ; in mighty signs and won- i Antiquated a relic of by-gone days as
Now lei us-truly refled : it .was the I by the Spirit it word and }» owat , is , de-s, by the power of the Spirit of congregational singing will ever be feelings follow natures laws, as con­
body that waaformed, not created, and j sol ^evident. I-know there are some J God, and in its gifts, thereby bearing revived iii those sanctuaries set apart stantly as the mercury rises and falls
it is the body that perislws or keeps who claim that the earnest nf the Spir- ; testimony with those that spolro the for the pious proclivities of “ our best in the tube. For us to attempt to
jfp-ou plea«*. Ji was the * breach of it—the .Spirit olt< ’hrist dwelling .in us word, to demostrate and eenfirm that society." Nevertheless, one can not regulate the temperature by rising or
lifv ” that was .breathed, into man and | —is the temper £>f, or disposition of ward, whether 1 understand its teach­ help wishing that the church music depressing the column of quicksilver
it if this life, that can .never ('hrist ;’i'ke a man who manifests a ing, 'nearing it, believe, and being in­ at ¡»resent in vogue waajess scientific would be just as sensible as to attempt
perrh or become still only as stilled ! good tamjier, disposition, or spirit : , fluenced by its^notives; obey» and as and more of a devotionil tendency. to regulate our lives by lifting or de­
.as the
like the
Lz »'Iwtnictious,
---------------- - —
. < pure stream . i —
— - .spirit
, — oi seventy-six.
-j or - of - j eertoin as it, is that Gori casnot lie, ~Say what you will, it is impossible to pressing our feelings. We are res­
,«f water is stilled ly obstructions,.and i liberty, xr patriotism. This is all I Heh. vi. is. so sure is is tit« God’s draw much spiritual milk from the, ponsible for what we do. not" for how
,,l<_ stflt
,ll’r feelings
then dike it, it becomes polluted and right and w hat every citizen should ! pnMU:st> w;;] be r fulfilled to Bia. and performances of two men and two
like it there are means provided for t manifest. Bat is thw the earnest «of I that He will put His Spirit in our women with an organ accompaniment. may indicate in sonic measure what
its purification. “ -And breathed into , the Spirit ine our lieasts, the circuincis-1 hearts, ns an earnest of our inhiwitance 4fhe basso, the tenor, the soprano and our actions arc or have been. Thev
nostril*.the breath nf life.” Not fife ion of Christ, the toksn of the cove-^ whether we undcrrttuul it orinot. to the contralto may each la- perfect; cannot, in the least, affect their moral
itself, foe life is radical and can never ! nant to us? Tlie
»„.»i.:,,., ,.r
,... the organ may lie a masterpiece and. quality. The religious life is l>egun
Flic hmr.of
how. -of this 1 have ( any nothing
of c/auprohcndi^g i. how
■be anything but purifieation. Butthe i never learned. If any .ooo has f««md (
Spirit can dwell in us ; whether manipulated by a master’s fingers; simply by a surrender of the will to
■*' Breath *'f life,” and nan became a it in the word of God. I wish they j the indwelling of the Spirit is tlx- bap- the «election« may be made with the God. It is needless to go through
living sold Not a live «oui, for live« would tell us where it is. j tasni nfXhe Ho y Spiret or not? If it , most exquisitely refined taste—and any preconceived process marked by
1 ‘
is radical and must necessarily lx* per- •will say, it can be felt, not told, ami, i ji the samc.-I pray God we mai have yet, after all, it is only praising God startling exj.erience. It is needlea to
foet. But a “ living aaul," capable of therefore, it is not told ie the Bible.-
f — » a rebaptimn,
Ik’.lc. —what
re baptism, a, a decaer
deeptr bap-i by deputy, ami never can be that look for an ecstatic vision breaking
*jiproaching nearer and nearer, to that But this is too uncertain, for every tiren, a »ore overwhelming U?
genuine and general praise which be­ in and dispelling clouds of darkness
#tato of puriigr of perfection existing
his bdief.
Mudi I pray ? ! There is 4
<t great
great ! i longs to religious worship. A
/_ first- nnd despair. A liappy frame of mind
How sliafi
and ¡only existing in the fountain of 11 iuan believes a firisebood, his feelings j liu-k ; how .shall it be made up * There i class quartette is simply a first-class may lie the result, it can never be the
ill never
11 » » \r < » r* 1 make
1 i o I» » * ^hat
a . I1 ji r. falschoH
v ; i I *, i*» » 1 1 / u 1 a u. truth,
i. j 11 ■. lì » »_»
« •■ * h w r c »» t * I », , o» ■ x <» I i » e. ._k-—»———.
, <1 > > ■...
I e
J. . z*., « a. «
. .» . .1 «
cause, of an acceptance v. ith God.—
life. But obstructions hare been w
is a » great
want; how shall it-dfc «up- I « musical machine.
It. . dom»
it« work
ihrown in the way of the progress of anil the Catholic, and the Mormon, plied { Is the failure on God’s part or well, but v. hat di*» that work do for Fcz*mont Chrnnide.
this * Jiving stall” and the means and the hetrodox of all kirula, have on ours I I mn sure if praying for the the hearers ? Does it lift them any
Jonathan and Paddy were ruling
provided and the only means for the 1 just as good an of an 'inher­ baptism of the Hedy Spirit ondfte part fiirther from earth, mly nearer heaven?
one day, when they came in
¿Musing, for the removing of the ob­ itance in heaven, by their feelings, as of man is necessary, the fault lira not Does it. kindle iii any soul present a
an old gallows. “This sug­
structions is through Christ and per­ the orthodox. Wlial, then, is the test ? there, for there has been earneat, fer­ spark of that divine fife which is the
the American the idea of
mit the inforence if the means are not How do we know we have the Spirit vent, sincere, honest prayer, and pray­ esaeneo of religion ? Does any wor­
at the expense of h’g
accepted that *'living soul," will only dwelling uh ’ Matt. vii. 20, “ * * by er in faith and fasting enough, to Itring shiper go hoine feeling that he or she
gath er the more and the more filth, their fruits ve shall know them and it upon saint aud sinner the world has been made bettor by that }>ortion Irish companion. "Yon aee that I
yet still retaining its existence and “ the fruit ot the Spirit is love, joy, over. Has God ibrjotten to.fulfill His o? ^he service ' Dm's any worsliipcr calculate," said he, " and now where
A Abiding in death.” "Verily verily/ peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goo.d- promise,’or have w*if misinterpreted the delude hilnrfelf or herself with the ide® would you be if the gallows Lad it*,
Riding alone^” coolly reyLi»Mi
J say unto you, the hour is coming ann n?ss, fidelity, meekness, teniperanc*» Scriptures, and our ’nayera are not that he or she has lieen praising God due ?
now is, when the dead ¡ ball hca^* the • • • ” GalV 22. The fruit cai on! ,i Mwwered because waVhave asked . | irough the instiumentelïty of the
T t T
___ ■
. or'¡m and its nnle and finiaî<; «tt^.nw
voice of the Son of God, and they that grow without the tree to grow. upon. >• a,n’*s?
hear shall live.4 Not living, not the Forty years ago two of our pioneer
uoujt- . ftmighw
nmignm that
that I ni0I]
'¡\'f,lnur''ere’' by-fais hired ,
The Goape! is dispensed in <vurelm<.
Decs anybody
participle but tip* verb, ¿it« "for as brethren, Wm. Hayden, and J. J, Moss.'and dispensed with iii «altx^ns.
¡be «PI~,