F • • * ' * J /I V I » t / A * V I V ? f ' V I è I •V .» .Ñ •V ■ ? .A- L_. c J: ’N .r r ] X U-l. •y r* 0-. î en : A « •FT fZ * M i L.-- ....i... 'V ' '.'L- T 7 *! ■1 •i • " " ' “GO. YE, TTTKltEFOliE, TKACH Af.I.XATM>XH. . V* X- -V void. y ii. r- . MON MOUTH. Gli IÍG GN. „> I vE 14' h ; ;. '• " *■ rr * 1 Î \ ( • . 1 V, . -,-A- I --------- te. esse x (; er ——■ -rr- -n-r —, - ; seventh, Saul, their o iori;-; But. some ¡i¡; í .» :1 ep -tWf'lds- • g'-' U;'T.i.*'.< i i, i N q Honor tn ->U Sira Acta lx. 17: s.-.ilea fell frem his eyes: in tho ruts, and to LciminL *d,-Ibnl 1 C • •I..;,m-r' ?, ilr, . Vcf - ; *7-T"? . * rUBLI-hlitl* EVERY Till StSDAV- BY THE eight, Hull/ Aew xto P: Eiymy.s, am ateiid ii:; ... \ * ai.iiot !; . . A • *. ■ ; , ! ’J< r . nii gim T T ” y~ ' * 7 £ rumen tal m ¡.: o *^Messcnoar Publishing Co., f 11 Kim,.- •: I,.»»... ‘"I ..¡j t-i•.* *.’, *• 1 . ' MONMOUTH, l'OLK (¡to., OREGON, I I Falling, figurative, thrfe times; first almost the i nly pLac. . v her ■ tli«y ar Lis , .kA , »„ • ; tì ■ fi- < II Is* lire** <- to the^ .-iiiiw of Primitive. Samaritans, Acta viii. Id: second, Cor- doing am thing at nd tl:>y have an.<•• d Christ iaii11> «>»1 i!ic 1 Laud sriii' t’r.dy enn b<* tfJ t nit* Ö!2.56^ef rni-Mh. re :■ 15p rnbliPaLioii; i-hoiiri address Utg the Editor,' ih 21 ÿc.-irs w< i’d tuimynt ¡ "’»Miled. ■ JiL tl . OU Ti¿Lament or New uijj&ii^Jo scarcely.uiv-e. (Bid the ;.'re’d liiajor* a V ......... that . j Vidiii. .* i , Semi moi«.? B»’- Draft, lUMetMtllO Spirit ill ‘ Word, ' but with ‘1 one-, ex-"1 . ity itr mu-ing forward, to tbi’ work to .43,I T;. , Ix'Äidi’fl all thè ilitçrist. ' bh r -'iglit < ¡retb. sh'• !.. was. r. or Honoy order oulMlhs, ar our ruk.c | , AdvfiU^H uill lind thl» oneot Un? beit HU\liuiii.s ( ; cvption, i anil ’JKt tliAt xi'Jhd Xu that is Tid'd with the , grandly, I toHyeu si mething ' 1 ' ■ ■ ' „ . nobly. . . t least: nd ■;< !. 4 . Jix - • ’ I - ; :F.(l . ( • on the Const for bu.jiic-t Spirit. Ej4) v 18* al’ the oHic ¡*r$ v.i‘e i about the r. oûrth’bf add -tious in the ten per. 1- nt, and nt th.?' Would : neh u'd in ■ ;ep _ j Holy Spirit/” ■ . Pour, fiigumtivo. aj'pli- freni «iX-lOtweh? hundred i.dimbl • «bi.ut * m*. in • n .i y. .u-s? " So p<>“ - hi; mimi ;wr.s diwri *d ‘ • je. Flo Spirit in word in the t>!d Tes- a’wrCnf fob srêeraI weekn. The fsti- that the Avhçle sum amoimti-.d tumore ir ,l’1 re'-: - T» div.re'fdm: !f. h.-' Communications i tament, but not once in the'New, but ( niated_toii|l,fiir theyenr«N about 60,-: thru v'20'/t'M)' That v.- i:M F: a fille-lC'd1” d.o.r Ji- tii.- Ji. f.k of tlif r.-rCyds id ” ; is applied to Spirit in ¡lower three 001) addition ;. . Ini t domvfcody "work- hotiw* r.nd h't in"nfiv rit . ¡t w/ulri ! t’i*; chroni* h. . v. hich.wi i rew -I ’.s '' i.- wo Tho Hclÿ Spirit —, times, first, Joel ii. 28: premised; sec-'...^, ........K, , iirca-idn»y';inhi ...... . .. vravin-z páy fora l^g-firfm ?ù ik • ' ¡ «untrv 1 ing, , [irtriifg;- •v ktLppreù i L.4.h<*i... Hart ■ pm* Áxn lónd undre^t . ¡i. 17 anil 18; .pronmes .ill- * (*» r*'!l tip ■ 't'’h"itn-r.Trrrrf • - !k.;i' ’ ■ ’ ^Tr.;TTÿ^r- iT_.- .,r, AL. Tra . . orauWox; isri.vrf.'T, baptism »e..- ■ •-*ru —-- “J wr„s opehed to which, fiLed upon the Apostles, or JeWBpj If irvery apparent that the grunib ’i ’Mlle grui:d*'yr¡» avî *-. ha .J.»«h.-, nimte * ij tir-': ’.. oi’what Mordeeai had ' - NI MBER ¡V. thjrd, Act- x. 4.>, iulfilhd upon : did ; not do the work, fi.r.tla ‘were* t>>- “ Wlww ; I giH - í you BKrtiynv . f r ! , 'were . ' nd now . a t length-he Cornalyis, or G-.ntil.-s,. Re­ »»iii; y , 1 ' : Jil‘ i I. d < I lt.'dm ss. . busygrumbllug. There.iün.imrinamJi I have ¿moked 'more tlia-n twenty BY A. P. aroXE. ceive, figurative,- applied. t<> bofli Spirit ! in the -w identify the bajitisìn of in werd and ¡xnver, but to neither in l . 'ii h U limili to .Vou hCai-for ’ I cannbt refrain from quoting it Here > rLat and I haven't a- I .■». <»f nA the'Holy Spirit, wi,h this ojieration >f : Hie < Testament. Unquestionably, ! is truth in its most 'e*>n*l»ai . l'fre*.i. *■.•.*, ’ \ \ ■' ’ ' ’ ' : mg i:.!’h ri .t then- ' the Spirit in *!.*< d. or action. <+r to Spirit in power six times;. first, ‘‘Nearly all churche« are eeu’ujiosed of ' F was t eii-lm l, wrtii power frotu Sre tht* Epheritfivs; 1 Cor, ii. 12 - Oli that every cliristian in tlic-stat wluc't <-<»Sso n'liw-h.andwliHJi. tlù»u bî p ••er: ■: i\ii 1- i L omi .in lugli «.yiti’ns, to .... .......... | . .. ..... on high, ..lets i. ,4, 5 :“ And being the Apostles (1,jjne, figurative, appli- may anmsi-. tn a, united art. >■( in ihU. •■,i»ily .¡¡ut <’*i(L L yÿt \ m .- Iik<-l\. ¡1 71.- . ansi i nb!rd —t*>g»'iln,i iiith th<;ui mm-, ed iii fhe OH Testament JvnwMIIVIll iin(I ,ew causo of the Lord, fog the •‘aita^imi of mice kindled. : * keep burning all their i *i'g*'t^u-se in mon: hur'ille ebeti and x New stances, who have dotï'- tTfgmTonic !&• ' jiian.li-l th<-np that -tiny -lù-'dd not . til4 souls is the. tlie.prayer grayer of your ' / .‘ livt-e— r p.r. ' j v.nA ekd'F'.y, Bum f- pa-2 imjriyZ” ‘ depart from Jerusalem, but wit for? ; never to Spirit.in woST and used gin •>_ Sister.- V " 1 '1 't: EC W the / i .' oiíuw - of the Father,which, »aith the Nfw Tpstamcnt four Times : first, Salem, May 31, 1877 Aka*.;!: i an.; ,p(. , ■■ _ ì . . ,.r ,.<■ , Useful Factk He, ye ba ve heard fivflii mr, for John Luke : 35 : to Maryj second, John xv k ' ~-Rt*W * ¥■ tr t tt - rr-$-~! l, 4!”h fr prr-v 4- * From'yTsfer T’iiyue. xo. xvi. x, 3, 13 : A iinHurt' r, to thé ! tyuly baptise»! wun «'in waipi, i>m ft. I — ■- - -< ‘ j eiNoi-ized l,y adding t<> it a little Hy- s'.n-.i-n.- i.u* ¡'e.-tk ss night, wh.-n lin­ shall l><- biptize.I with lin) th»,- Holy . Apoptks "third, Acta i. 8 ; to the Apos­ Bro. Stanlf i/: po.su' pl q >itc of Sod in m and a. little ai»! ■ to ch-<* flu ir evi s in sleep, to set tles ; fourth, Acta xix. G : to the Ephe­ Spirit lmt many h n< 1 received my Ml-nsEXGEi: thiseveii- I water. Die ScMliuin makes the li.piid th ins.’vis io diiekiiiL' ‘ f M'.< »: a.- m;.v Now, it is evident that the. promise sians. Give, figurative, applied in -of the Father, and the baptism out of 1 Old Testament and New to. Spirit in i irig. I have changed my homeland , as cl'.ar as w, ter, and of < ot:r:-e. stain»- baie bs frimied them in some way, the Holy Spirit, is the samcy-th.1t to rword,.and in power'only in the New, neighbors, but it e<*m. .- like-aalenr old 11-ss. In.this form it i> us* d hu.ludi«s lioù ij.any n pi < : end ln nible indivjd- m’ m :Fl coinè to rem. nibrance, to v.xiit for the promise, mid furé//till en­ fand four times, first, John iii. 34 : .to acquaintance—a welcome visitor. The i to remove pimples on the face; dued with ¡xiv.'fr, is the same ; and i.-i 1 Christ ; scretui, John xiv. ,16: to the Annual Meeting, Evangelizing, and I Doctors have lately discovered that wböm no Lem i <.r dignity or- recqm- fhe same as ver. 8: “ Ye shall receive Apostles ; third, Acts, viij. 1*9: to the best of all the- county meetings, are 1 it is dangereua to giv»- < ombiued dc.ses ¡iinsv Lad b.'t-ii rendered fot- favois . yowor, after the Holy Spirit is come Samaritans; fourth, Acts xv. 8: to subjects that interest me. 1 wish we of < 'lilorate of Potassium and Iodide of , slb'WI could have a meeting in t'veiy county Potassium, though either cipi be taken > . - upon yoti. Act» ii. 3- 33: • Jesus * Cornelius. Eight words used figuratively for in the state*. The best meeting I eyev alum* in reasonable dos. ^with perfret » Sj’ii itu&Hsrn was nearly triumj hant being by the right hand of God exal- I ■ led, and having received the Father the same thing—the baptism filled attended was a county meeting; . it j .safety; These two salts, though they at Itenison. A tinciip moved/ill about the. promise (baptism) of the Holy with—-falling upon—shed forth—pour gives more an opportunity to attend. < will not combine in solution outside of a table, withot any c< nne^tim what­ Spirit; He hath shed forth this (what I) out—receive it—come upon—and give for many couldgo a short distance that ; the Isslv, have I hh * u . known to w.ro - ever with insulated wires, triggers, to. ■ ’ could not go so far. _ bine within the body, forming Iodate trap-doors, or other etcetera», and the that J’e now see and hear;' ver. 16: I wish a meeting could be held in tlf Postasaium, a fatal poison. * . attent>i ngcr. “ Jones have you heard of* that because the Gospel is a failure ? .No --- preaching, anl«l in the head with ir- the Gosp.*L I rejilied : You missun- , * * ’ fulfillment of Joel’s pmphecy, and was ; i.lamati« n :..of the air passage-:, will I 80 per cent of'population.. The Pall cierstood me alsmt the cgiise of the 011c for any family.” the Comfort -r's testimony tor Christ, “ What a pity 1 How did the fire j sometimes Ibe speedily Ixnefitcd by Mall (juzitte says: “TheresveniHlift’« Lord going back. For that is not sj take?” ■ ' '. . * that confirme.l and demostrited the j st Vend i'ljet'tior.. tip the nostrils of a reason to doubt that the MidianTtnedans aiyl was not what I meant only in truth of the Apostle’s witness John this state. I “ The man ¡>layef tlieh Holy Spirit, is figurative,. I think no “ How silly !, Did you say the kt . Mustard pla.st is should le mois ­ they dul not grow in grace and the rrtie will deny; surely, all rm. scribes ! . knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. was binned too i” tened with water instead of whiskey (>wn supivmacr. admit it Tlii-- figure is us«d butthre? ? ; and g>; on to perfection;,and neglected “ Yes, lot and all, 4II gone, slick and or vinegar, because spirits and acids Two friends were pawing a church times; first, by John the Baptist, ye- clean. ” prevent fermentation, and the plasters ther duty in supporting the teachers one evening, when a- strong smell of QOrded Matt. iii. 1!; Mark I. 8: Luke “ That is singular. It must have are not as effective without fermenta­ of the Gospel and in a' unite«! effort to bmiiing leather pervaded the air. ift. 16: and John i. 33 : second,'by­ tion as with. , hold the ground and extend it still been ft terrible hot fire, ami then I T e» ” , ' • » ■ ' " J woudii if that is the, odor of sanc.- Jesus, Acta i. 5 : and, third, by peter, it yMir hollow totdh »chw, fill th? farther. , Of course if they diihnot go don’t sea i>QAV it could have burn- ’ tity. ’ oid óne. " I thlfik ;* musi.t 4a-/’ V Acts xi 16: Filled, figniative, nine forward thejr would soop licgin io go' theloC - , cavity with .a mixture of collodion and times ; first, John the Baptist, Taiko e back war J. -l'ïîo, it was not a Virÿ hot fire, carjsdliç acid I. Take alamt five dreps wax fhtrqiiick reph 'for it smelt?bf 15 and 41. leaped in the womb; second, Most of the churches thiuk'shey are Indeed it was sq small that it attr«Ki- each, and sth Uaui»,-together, 'AH' ■ -a “• EUzalx-th, Luke 1. 41; spoke liy ip- doing thtir duty to meet onpp in four., gud but little nttMftTon. and did not when the lulxtma hfifl *u*»4anr l ifito | apiratioii; third, Zacharias, LiAe i,fi7 ; weeks, or wlmn some ¡ueacher cornea hai-m anybody.” a heit^bofif V min- ’ A^csicrn editor Met a well educa­ ■prophesied; fourth, Apostles on Pente­ along an !'•' irit; sixth, all the company, Art« iv. duty and arouse them tn »a s nsc oc J "It burned a Ityig tirue-w ro than |cuwecr. pig and abcrjfrd 1 'Bl ?C 7* f« r it. . . fi ii.-; ' “*•□’-... ! ’- :U ;1 • ■ ^-^en, ■Ì % , * e» ■ Y. * X . a * : *1 % ' / <* I r Í. 1 : .-V-