PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, ,1877 8' piews of the Week. 1 Thus far we have been highly favored with an abundance of rain, but we think we are safe in saying “ quantum aufffcif," as tbe spring grain will now make a good yield, and the fall grain is so rank that much of it would be to the ground should precipita ntinue much longer. these rain Sr. Louis, Majr 2^.—A project is on foot here to open a direct groin trade with Liverpool. Tbe plafl ia to center here the Elevator Co.. Mississippi Val­ ley Barg^Co. and ocean steamers to pool their risks by a combination and send ckTgoes of grain, especially corn, The idosiri literary exercises of tbe of Christian College from New Orleans through jetties to pre ace next week, on the 11th, Liverpooliand other European» ports'. The prospects are the plan will soon be 12th, and 13th inst. We desire_to see carried into effect An ocean steam­ as many patrons of tbe college and* ship company has alreaby named- sev­ friends of education present, to witness eral large grain -carrying steamers, these exercises as can conveniently at­ which can be put qg berth as fast as tend. Siuce tbe annual meeting is to be held at Dallas, immediately suc­ .cargoes are ready; ceeds our literary entertainments, we Oregon. J. H. Foster is^nlarging the Magno­ assure our Iriends that they cannot lia Mills at Albany. He wants more spend the time of a few days to a better advantage than at Christian College room for this year’s crop. ~ Hyde Park, Vt. Feb. 7, 1876. Messrs. Seth W. Fowl* A Sons, Boston. Gents—You may perhaps remember that I wrote you several weeks ago in regard to the use of the Pruvian Syrup for my wife, who was suffering from general debility, the sequence of ty phoid Eisentery. I bad tried the most noted physicians in this State, and also in Canada, without relief. At your recommendation she commeno«l the use of the Syrup, the first four bottles made but little impression, but while taking the fifth'Ito* began to improve rapidly, aud now, after using six of the dollar bottles, she has regained her strength, and is able to do most of the work about the bouse ; and I feel that I cannot,spent to highly in praise.of the Peruvian Syrup. 1 fqye prescribed it to several of my patients( and have pro­ cured the sale of several dozen of it hare. Yon can make any use of this letter you see fit. Yours very truly, H.. D. B elden , M. D. . Sam. L. Simpson will write a poem previous to attending the meeting. for Pioneers' Reunion at Salem on the The following is the programme for u It’s Only a Con^h ” 15th inst. Of course it will be a fine the Annual Literary exercises of the has brought many to untimely graves. production. I Associate Ahimni, Monday evening, What ia a Cough ? The lungs-or bron­ The General Association of Congre-* June, , 11, 1877 : .......... chial tubes have been attacked by a cold ; nature HtiundaaHyliitm-bell, tell­ gationalchurches for Oregon and Wash, Music by M. 8. C. Band ing where the disease lies. Wisdom ington Territory, Mill meet at Seattle, X Opening Song, “ Chiming Bells.” suggests “ try Wistar’s Balsam of.JVlld ‘ ■ Invdoate by Pres, Campbell. W. T., on Thursday, June 21st. Cherry it ba» cured, during th# last Introduction of new class by Pres.'ot the A mo . ’ A Eugene letter states that the con­ half of a centnry, thousands of persons. Address,"by F. L. Bell (A. B. ’76.) As long as yon cough, there is danger tract to build a bridge across the coast Song, •• Ivy Songs.” for the cough is a" Safety Valve. Use fork of Willamette has been let Jo S. S. Essay, by Mirs Mary Bidwell iB. 8. ’75.) ** Wistar” and be cured. 8old by all Miller Ji Sou for 85,000,. Tbe work is Address, by Bobt. Bean, (B> 8, v?^) druggists. ' Song. to be finished by September 1st. Address, by Robt. Hutchinson IB. 8.‘ 73.) The Albany De>>$erat haa**een Jirdg$‘- Hislorical„G?£. Wolverton, (A. B. ^2.) • ADVERTISEMENTS. Ki-rr4rem (iontea Costa, Cal., ■boj?. " ~ Closing song, “Wili spirit Tight.’*"" *i disgusted with that State and is in Ore­ 4 i. . Benediction, 1,000.000 BOTTLES gon " spying out thejand.” His sheep ' Deors open at 7q r. M. • „ % OF THB 6,000 nead, are on the way to Oregon. , . The following is a programme for . I k “/ the ,itert‘ry entertainment to be given Coos county awaiting settlers. The-i by the Philosophian and Vespertine .Veir.s- directs attention to that part of I Societies, Tuesday evening, 12th inst'. : the county known as Ten-Mile. TtJiSa M, 8, Q. Band. | Music .... . , between Coes Bay and- Umpqua river. I Greeting Glee- Full . Opening Address ...,. Miss Jossie Wolverton. Last Monday, N. Richardson, who ! Declamation................................. Mr. C. Adkins, bare been sold last year, and not one complaint lives on the lower Tualatin, in Wash­ i Song—Duot .. .Misses Mardis Shelton and luw reached us that they have-not dose all '• ' Ella Holman. ington county, was struck in the face I that is claimed for them. Indeed, scientific I Oration, ” The used key is always bright.” by the iron lever of bis sulky plow, I : ’ Dr. J. M. Powell. »kill caaaot go beyond th« result reached -in I Comic Recitation.................... VMiss A. Butler. the»« wonderful prep arat i ons. Add e d to Ca r- which lie • was • . operating, and bis nose . I I Song ’VIlfc-- IV _______ __ of _ k child.” — Vqjuax Quartet-*" Laugh bolic, Arnica, Mentha, Seneca-Oil and Witch- was cut clean through on a level with ! — Recitation .................. ... .Miss M. Bidwell. .Mi»» M. Powell. Hazel, are other ingredients; which makes a hi s fa ce . A s er gee a fin e d hi m q p .Miss 8.1 .Meas. fàmïiy liniment thai -defies rivalry, l^ienmaK pretty good shape. ; C»mic Address.................... ..... Mr. J. Adkins, lc and bed ridden cripples have by it been ena­ Miss M. Butler. ....... Salem Statesman : One of the largest , song?”111....... . ........... bled to throw sway their crutches, and many i) . '.1. . farms “ over in Ptilk.” -tbe propeKl*^x>f “ Cultured Women.”-.. Miss K. Lucas. who for years have been afflicted with Nenral- xt ai l r - a t *1 Dialogue... Mr. W. Craig and Miiw L. Br.tler. gia, Sciatica, Caked Breasts, Weak Backs, Ac., Gen. Nesmith, hosier an item of the-ontfon-.............. . Mr. O. Shelton, have found permanent relief: make up of thia year’s oro», 800 .acres Song-ttolo—'• Mv Mdther's Prayer,” Mr. Josiah Westlake, of Marysville, 0., 1 » A t \u« u i unn Miss A. (Mf Iron, in wheat. Only think of it, 800 acres, - closing Address................ -........... Mr. W. Craig. writes : , 3b bushels to the acre, 81.50 per bushel, | Music by the Band, " For years my Rheumatism has been so bad that I hâve been unable to stir from the house. Exercises to commence at 1% and you have enough to start! a bauk, 7% P. p. m . I have tried every remedy I could hear of. Fi­ £36,000. Who wouldn’t be a Granger. A cordial invitation extended to all. nally, I learned of the Cantiasr Liuimeut. Tho first three bottles enabled me to walk without The dedication of the Baptist church my crutches. I am meadiag rapidly. I think Female weakness cured without med ­ your Liniment simply a marvel ” at Turner took place Sunday, May 20th, This Liniment cure« Burns and Scalds with­ A large audience wafe in attendance, icine. Trial Box free. Address D r . out a scar, extracts tlie poison from bites and and a subscription amounting to $300, S wan , Beaver Dam, Wis. stings. Cures Chilblains and Fro«t«■?. Persons desiring to purchase paints return mail by addressing with stamp, HvfwHnp n«iia of Copper and Tin, nnming this paper. Dr. W. C. Stevens, mounted witf> tit« Rotary Haxiff- r.ndoils, either by tbe wholesale or re- 126 Powers' Block, Rochester, N.. Y. Ijlgfl, rintrrllrt. Sehontt. Parent. ' ^, vmum «. «e. Fully Warranted. *. _ mouth Drug and Prescription Store, 11. umi Maxi Catalog«« not Free. QITUI I Q Perfnmod Sheila. Everybody VAMJH XKN 4lr TIFT, wuere they are being sold at tho lowest dlILLLd pUsed. 26c. * for Wc. A. H? in ..i i < m tut st .,cu>.u»U, ■6-18-ly I Fuller, Bfockwn, As. possible rates, for cash. qentaur ^INIMENTS Local Matters. ADVERTISEMENTS. From a Physician. CHILDREN. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE.- -7"»»----- CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, lÆoxxxuontlxi - ■ COPER & CRAIG, POLK COUNTY, OREGON. MONMOUTH, CXEVHJG-OHSr. The College is under .the c»re of a Board of Trustees, Who will spare no l' pains to make it eqnal to the demands gies and Saddle Horses, at any time ' of tbe age. f and on reasonable terms. * The members of the Faculty are Also, will buy and sell horses, sup­ competent, energetic, and devoted to plying farmers and teamstors on abort the cause of education. notice with such stock as they may need. THE LOCATION OF HlE COLLEGE YTTE are prepared to furnish to ™ tbe traveling public Hacks, Bug­ Patronage guaranteed. satisfaction - 6-l;ly solicited, , IS CENTRAL, ACCESSIBLE, AND BEAUTIFUL. DO ipU WANT LETTER OR NOTÉ Everv^ candidate for admission into HEADS? any Of Hie departments of thia Cpjlege, must present satisfactory evidence of good moral character ; if be shall have been connected with any other college, lie mnst produce a certificate of honor- » able standing from the-Mthoritiqs of that college. w We will furnish them to. yon hand­ somely printed for less than you can buy the blank paper at retail. PR’NTKD ENVELOPES -- of 1be Best Quality also furnished for less by the box than you can buy the plain ones at retail. * Address, D. T. S tanley , Monmonth, Or. J. M. POWELL, M. D., -PHYSICIAN ANB SURGEON, MONMOUTH. I l I OREGON. The Session consist» of two Terms of Twenty Weeks each, witt^a races» of on*-week for Christmas holidays, and an Intermediate Examination and Renewing Of Classed at the end of the first term. TUITION PER TERM. OFFICE IN DRUG STC^RE-. Primary Department)—Th is em­ 7-1-ly braces the studies prescribed . J------------------- ---------------------------------- — by law for District or Com­ mon Schools.............. ....... 8 9 0Ò ’ "bo YOU WANT ANY KIND OF Preparatory Department.-High- » Arithmetic, Algebra, Geology, BLANKS PRINTED ? — Botany, Zoology, Astronomy, We can get them up for y*n in nice English Grammar and Com­ style and at low rates. Send in your position, 'Latin and Greek orders. Grammars aud Readers. 15 00 Address, D. T. S tanley , . . Collegiate Department. —Full “ Monmouth, Orz College Courte.............. Colle ge Courte. ,........... )• 20 00 Janitor Fee .... t 2 Ô0 Tuition strictly in advance,.as fol­ lows :— É. —F o r t en w eeks, o r h a lf term , m u st b e . MONMOUTH, OREGON, paid on entering the school, and like payment» be made at the commence- - DEALER IN meut ôf each half term to the clDse of ' the „session. Board can- be had in private families at from j-3 to 83 50 per v^eek. Sctc9.c3.lo8, THOS. BERRY, Wliipa, Spurs, And everything that is kept in a first class HAPNHSS SHOP, . And vili «eli cheaper than anybody for cash. ' All work warranted to be of the best material and bv the ftest of workman. * e Also repairing done on the shortest notice and reasonable terms. Give me a trial and I will guarantee satisfaction. 6-13-tf DISCIPLINE, a Tbe discipline is mild and firm, ad­ ministered on the principle that virtue brings its own.reward and vico it» own shame. The highest incentives to vir­ tuous actions are impressed by precept and%xample, while vice and immoral­ ity are restrained by all proper means. Students are taught rather-to govern themselves than to lie governed. Moral power is tbe principle, an appeal to the head and heart, self-government from Christian motive. Hence no student can be permitted to remain who indul­ ge» in card-playing, intemperance, pro­ fanity, neglect of studies, or any other vice or impropriety. Daily moral in­ struction based on the Bible, leaves but little else to be'dune in government. MIXED SCHOOL. MONMOUTH DRUG AND PRES- RIPTION STORE M KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANDS A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Fresh. Drugs, Medicines, ♦ Chemicals, Raints, Oils, Glass, Fancy and Toilet A.rticles. A FULL SUPPLY OF Stationery, Common School and College Text Books. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOB CASH. Dr. J. m . Powoll, Proprietor. STOVES AND TINWARE. Having just received an assortment of 8T0VE8 AND TINWARE the undersigned Is enabled to sell any­ thing in his line cheaper than ever.. Repairing also done to order. Shop-on Main Street, first door south of Kramer and Hoge's blacksmith shop. Gall afid examine before purchasing your supplies elsewhere. 7-3At WM. CHURCHILL. DO YOU WANT CIRCULARS OR NOTICES J OF ANY KJND PRINTED ? •>' Send ns your order, and it wilt be done neatly and cheaply, and sent you by return mail. Address, D. T. S tanley , Monmouth, Or. Experience has 'demonstrated con­ clusively that mixed schools, under proper regulations and restrictions, possess decided advan'ages over exclu­ sive institutions. Young gentlemen and ladies ajercise a refining, restrain­ ing, yet stimulating influence over each other, when associated in the same school and in the same class, which nothing else can supply, They vie with each other for tbe wreath of honor, as they labor side by side in a common cause. THE-BIBLR. Cod haa gii ¡ven man two great volume. __________ —Nature and 1 Revelation—suited to bis physical and spiritual constitutions. These are full of facts addressed to tbe understanding. From Nature, we learn the principles which minister to tbe wants of tbe body, giving food to eat and raiment to wear. From Revelation, we receive those principles by which the spirit is fed, and clothed with truth and right­ eousness. Any system of education, which neglects either of these volumes is incomplete. To train the intellect in physical science and neglect the moral nature, is dangerous to society ; for it imparts powfir which, without moral principle to guide, may be destructive to the peace and happiness both of tbe individual and society. TO THE FRIENDS AND PATRONS OF CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. .The prospects of Christian College are most flattering. Tho institution is increasing in reputation, and its iuffu- ence and popularity are rapidlyevtend­ ing. Ito friends may anticipate a career of still greater-usefulness. The patrons of the school will do well to begin no* to shape their business so as to send their sons and daughters at tbe opening of next session. One full, term, taking the classes in order, is worth more than double the time, scattered over several Sessions. Ws hope to Welcome to the halls of Christian College on the first Monday in September next,- a larger number of students, and to, inaugurate a more lUccessful and prosperous session than the one soon to close.