r r o <* 1 -4 ~ a ■RH-B—— PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER THURSDAY, ♦ i ‘ 2J . ■ MAY 31, 1877. JT'T- ■ Evangelizing. Our New. Dress. . . i*«- ‘to the California bre^hrtn Aid to Public Improvements. humble efforts and the efforts of The organization of the church Religious papers, like preachers, tine of their own tried Veterans to CHRISTIAN MESSENGER. Tlu^ enterprise of the City of sl.iows the purposes to be accom­ will get a new suit once in a great furnish them a .home paper of Corvali^fis very cbmuiendable in D. T. STANLEY, E ditor . plished by it. Elders and deacons while, and when1 they do it makes which they maybe proud.“ her effects to( secure the construct- to minister tit the wants of the them feel rather proud, in spite’ Of Bro. Warren, residing in Wash­ ■ioii of che Willamette Valjey and ’* • ASSOCIATE EDITORS : body materially and spiritually, and aH their expressions of deep ington Territory, will look after Coast railroad We hope they ipay T. F-.CAMPBELL. evangelists to spread the Gospel in huniility. the interest of the brotherhood in succeed as the road would benefit ■ L r: ROWLAND. the world. So we feel highly gratified to be that country. We have many not only Corvallis but the entire t- I, That congregation which has its able to send forth the M essenger good brethren up there, though valley; G. O. BURN FIT. ’ < I- “ officers, in number adequate to the this week with a new «Iress of type somewhat scattered in the western M. N WARREN. At the meeting 'recently held, a wants of its members, and its evan­ for the reading matter, new head, part. We believe they will appre­ cdhnnii4.ee was Appointed to wait THURSDAY, MAJY 31,18774 gelist, one or more, in the field is and. such other additions as will ciate our desire to_make the paper upon the Governor and ask him to _ _________ ~ in good wording ^drMition, filling make it one of the neatest pajiers of special interest to them. I Olili AIMS. call a sjiecial session of the lrgisla- '*»- itg mission. This is the liafipy sent forth on the Pacific eoast. ' Bro. Rowland, our efficient State ture to so amend the State con-' 1. To fc*rle»»ly »dvocate the teaching» of the condition o’ noicongregation known ■ We were in' great need of the Superintendent of Public Instruc­ stitucion as to allow counties., cities Bible, in the apirit of kindneaa. cliange, for. we were using - some of tion, resides, nr the city of Salem, ■ ...- ** 2. To earneatly ple»d iur Uui anion of'»11 to us. and towns to aid such enter|>rises. ChrietiMM on the Bible alone. . g A church may do vejy much in the worst material in the Slate, and the beautiful «apital of our State. ■ 9. To point out evil» in the church »nd sng- We desire to raise a warning propagatilig the Gospel in its im- it was only by the'gi^test care But his official duties calls him ge»t • remedy. voice against any such amendment. 4. To keep our reader» pouted dnJEe mot»- raediatc.vicnrity through its officers that our printers were enabled to from home a large part of the time, The history of other states, need menu of the brotherhood in tlii» state knd- and member^ without an evangel­ make the pajier ¡»resent a passable arid as he travels ov$r the different elsewhere. * - only be referred to, to show the ru-. . • ist. ' But distant anti destitute apjiearance. 5. To entertain auAiustruct the young. parts 61 the State among the breth­ , > 6, To give » brief summary of state news and localitiesvcai1TFHH>e reached with- But we have not fulfilled our ren, j|t.will be intensely interesting inous results following such previs­ the latest telegraphic dexpa'ehes. expectations at this tifiie. We pur- to all of us to learn from* him the ions “in state laws---------- */ - i. yo make this -the loading religious paper dut one sent for that purpose. As an illustration, we ivi II look <.n i U P mu I b ro a s t, e it lmr i t t h e sa me nr an y ---- It requi res-rrmre nu n ivy to bi i s- - chased a r powe r profe^^ïï/Two condition ofl affairs, and what are other prici. “ at the state of Missouri, .where wo weeks ago, and' expected to have tain an evangelist than any one the prospects. v ’ - ■■ - ■ ' ■ have'seen the workings of this sys­ 'congre^EToh in our iiew country had it m jilhee and lohave enlarged Brother Campbell and ourself TO OV* CWfTRIBl’TOBS. tem of aids for sòme years. So soon can furnish. Hence the necessity the paper and almost doubled the residing in Monmouth, cheerfully 1. Article* inujpde® for pnMicetioS «lionld as thelaws provide fw subscriptions——— of cooperation in’,this work. The space for reading matter, this week. take the heaviest of thfflatiof in be written with ink, legibly, »nd on one mde of of county- and city aid, the rail- . combined means and' effqrts of We were delayed in getting the the editing and management of the the p»per. . road companies Ixigin demanding « 2. The Editor claim* »nd will eierCvle Qie several congregations can accom­ press, and shall not be able to make paper. ' We do not design to lighten right to (eject »ucli ... mnmweript, ... ... »». from »liy 'J plish that which no .single church thé enlargement for some two our work 'by the increase of Assis­ large subsidies from the counties will not, in bi» judgment^ S>ul»erve the weeks yet. could do. bo*t interest of the paper and it» reader». tance, but working on the same, to and towns through which the road 3. We-do not'bold «urselve* re»pon»ible for The two iiriportant.items in the . We have always carefully guard­ increase the efficiency and popular^. niav pass, and threaten to put the * thé sentiment» of coQnributers. or the truthful- road elsewhere if the aid is not ' nos» of advertisement», without our persoual work of evangelizing are, first, the ed againgtjnaking promises for the ,ty of the M essenger . money, then the man. future of the paper, lest we might endorsement. * But these five are oply the con­ given. The people excitedly rush 4. Contribution» on all matters of interost We have had much talk at not be able to fulfill them, but now ductors of the work, and we hope forth with thpir baljpts'in Lelialf of to the cause of Chriktiauity, are invited. previous Annual meetings and but we feel safe in saying that with our contributors and correspon­ the aid asked for, and soon find = little done. Can we pot take with 'the addition of the poWer' press, it dents will at once. , redouble., their themselves groaning under a detitj the interest of which alone/is a us a few «Tolliirs io tTie approaching is our intention to enlarge t^ six f effort-wto fill oür columnp' with the The camp meeting season draw- cth nigh, and announcements of the meeting for this purpose, and make columns to the page, thé same as Ablest -^discussions of important grievous burden. Many coiqiiies times and places pf the various a fund which-will put two or three ' I our eastern weeklies. With such to,lies, and the' spiciest and most i^re bankrupt as the result ami Can • material as we now ha Ve, ami, our interesting news items. Particu­ never pay what they have thus meetings are . numerous in ' the evangelists in the field at once ? From one •to ten dollars, accord-' list of able ct'sklitoi-s and contri­ larly let every reader see if lie -can agreed to ¡»ay, and have lost their _ ’ papers of the state. ing to their several ability, contri­ butors, we feel assure« 1 with the not send us at least one new sub­ credit accordingly, so that their bonds are now almost worthless in Can’t.you secure one or more new buted by every Christian attending enlargement, we will take the front scriber.® market. subscribers for the M essenger be­ the meeting would make a salary rank of religious papers on this coast, and verily believe that our Christian Advocate Suspended.. But what is worst of all, many fore the Annual meeting ? make for two evangelists many months. If the money can lie provided, brethren and friends will give us' counties and towns have thus bur- the effort, show the paper to your The Portland Standard of May the support that such effort as is we can secure the labor of compe ­ dened themselve^infiT are compejl- frîéridsand ask them to subscribe, and success will attend your efforts. tent, zealous and efficient men to necessary to build up such a ¡taper, 23d has the following: ■“ The Sher­ ed^to pay their obligations and still do the work. demands. .* - ■ ' . iff has taken charge of the -office of hayejffj railroad. They have ex­ We have now in our midst ample Let every one who reads this, go the Pacijic Christian Advocate, and pended prolnably a quarter of a mill­ It is very gratifying to see such no paper will be issued from that ion dollars to grade the road, and talents ami attainments to evangel ­ to work at once to . send us new a uniformity of sentiment in favor ize the State, if the parties could naines, and those in arrears, try to establishment this week unless the the work is still only begun. There of some definite action at our com- i lie sustained. Indeed we know make payment as far as possible sum of $300 is raised to satisfy the are hundreds of miles of road bed ing annual meeting, to have some evangelists put into the field. We several preachers who áre doing during the stringent times, as we claim of Mr. James. We under­ are graded, ujion which there are no earnestly hojie such unanimity of much evangelizing at their own need all the money we can get at stand that friends of that journal irons laid now and probably never sentiment may prevail in the meet­ charges, employing, for this pur­ such a time as thia It costs several are exerting themselves to obtain will l>e. ing that a strong united effort may pose, time much needed by their hundred dollars to enlarge the the amount by subscription.” Re­ As a general thing land has de- * ferring to the above the Oreffori'ian l>e made in this much needed di­ families. These would gladly give paper. predated in value, until it is not of this morning says: “ Such a their whole time to the work fot rection. worth more than half what it should statement, we have been informed, moderate remuneration. Our Editorial Staff. be on account of the immense bur­ r was premature. There was some den of taxes that is l»earing down The demand, judging from the Bro. Williaip Huntington of As will be seen, we have in- trouble between Mr. James and the on every acre, in counties who have Castle Rock, W. T., writes us defi­ pressing invitations we are con- creased the editorial force of the managers of the ¡taper, of a finan­ stantly receiving, is very great. voted aid to railroads. nitely that he has a written agree­ M essenger , by the addition of cial character, but all differences ment of the Superintendent of the From every quarter the macedon- brethren Rowland, Burnett and have been adjusted, and will in no . When too late to save most of the N. P. R. R., granting all jiersons ian cry ” is sent up, “ come and help Warren. These brethren are known way interfere with the regular is­ counties, the* constitution of Mis­ who attend the W. T., Annual meet­ us.” souri has been so amended as to for­ The church should not be deaf to to a large number of our reader^as suance of that journal/' ing half fare over the road—full bid the ruinous business of aiding men of ability, zeal in the cause, The above we clip from a daily fare going and return free. Bro. H. this demand. It should seni^Jbrth successful proclaimers of the Gospel, exchange, and regret to learn by public works many of which they has obtained half fare rates as above, the Gospel to gladen the heartand v and intimately acquainted with this that our cotemporary is in never get. for four successive years, and thus make happy the life of those who It may be thought that |>eople editorial work. By this addition, trouble. It is an easy matter for a has greatly aided the success of the are anxious to know the way of will have to much judgment to do we believe the interest and useful ­ printing office to get in debt, and meetings. We hope the attendance life. It is to be hoped that some that which is contrary to their own ness of the paper will be largely in ­ not so easy for it to out, these hard may be all that is desired and that material aid will be furnished, and interests. But the experience of creased. times. As the A dvocate of the 24th the meeting may be greatly blessed some efficient action taken at the eveiy state with such laws, shows These brethren residing in differ­ has reached us, we presume some approaching annual meeting to in doing good. that people act under excitement in ent parts of the country, will make arrangement was made, by which meet this demand. T. F. C. these matters —act in haste and re­ the editorial work more of a gener­ it resumes, though we find nothing Our readers will miss our Wash­ pent at leisure. Our only true al and less of a local character. in its columns on the subject ington letter for a few weeks, but Linn County Annual Meeting. freedom lies in Hbt giving ourselves Bro. Burnett, residing in California, bur correspondent asks for a leave Personal. two much liberty. ( The Linn county Annual Meet­ will take especial interest in fur­ pf altseiun to recuperate and. will When Oregon farmers and busi­ ing will be held this year with the nishing matter, of importance to the Bro. Peter 8huck, of West Che- resume correspondence soon. brethren at Harrisburg, commen­ many brethren of the golden state. halim was with us in Monmouth ness men are ready to have their cing on Friday before tile first While wq have had to lament the last Lord’s day. He seems strong property taxed from five to ten Correction, Sunday in July. failure of their efforts to establish in both mind and body for one of cents on the dollar to encourage improvements that they may and The place selected is near the permanently a paper da their own his years. In the C hristian M essenger of R. R. bridge. Persons may not get, they can then encour­ going to state, the M essenger will in*a May 10th, there is an extract from Bro. Warren has been preaching the meeting by rtjl can get off the age such a constitutional amend­ very great measure, meet their re ­ Bro. Warren's letter, stating that down the valley. He was at cam near the grounds by notifying ment as the one proposed. quirements, and we hope will .re ­ our annual meeting will commence Amity whCn we fast heard from the conductor in time. ceive their support accordingly. on Thursday 3 p. M., before the! him. We hope to see him again at P. R. B crnctt . We almost consumated arrange­ the Annual Meeting. third Sunday in June. This is a A movemint is on foot to have ments with brothef B., by which «> --------- the proceedings of th * Annual State mistakeit was so changed last Bro. Wafier is at Brush Prairie We welcomt again to our office the M essenger was to be published year as to begin at 11 AM., June and Vancouver, W. T. He will Teachers’ Institute published in the C hristian M essenger , of Ore­ simultaneously from Santa Rosa, and embrace the second 8,^1877, return home this week, but will be pamphlet form for distribution. Sunday, The M essknoer please gon, has resumed publcation and Cal., and Monmouth, Or., which at the W. T, Annual Meeting next That is as it should be. The pro-_ which promises to do a good work would have frilly met the*1 demands month. ¿correct. ceedings and some of the princijml on the Pacific coast Long may it of the brotherhood of this coast for ' ' M. W. W a I son , Old Bro. C. T. Davidson and addresses of pur Annual Meetings live- to plead the ancient Gospel.— a paper of their own. That effort wife are visiting relatives in '.¿’elk ought to lie so published, and dis­ W F. L enar K. Texa» Ch riot ¡Mil, . JEW, Cintali* Go., W. T, was a failure, and we now present county. tributed throughout the state. 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