PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, THURSDAY,. MAY 31, 1877. *» t I Tragic Death of Smith Peterson ing heart, he gave evidence of his Divine Worship in a Kalmuck knees, arrayed in bright-colored Temple. vestments, overlaid with »gold and incte;uring hive, and knowledge of, Correspondence. T* | M ound R anch , J ackson C o ., O r :, God and his word, while the latter A recent traveler thus describes silver embroidery, and comprised of ■ , May 12, 1877. in simple eloquence;us with afigels i a scene which the artist depicts a large tunic with open sleeves and Bl- J.-B. M'CLCBS. Bro. Stanley•: . w-inga, swept us along up, toward with singular skill ami accuracy : a kind of camail. Their headdress It is with sorrow’ ami sadntiss the mount* of God, by giving an “We. now were ushered into the resembled that of the ancient Pe­ I have often seen with pleasure. thatd-take my pen to write yoq assurance of her increasing strength part of the building set apart for ruvians/ Pictures drawn by master hand. What ama^&l Us most, were the of the death of my son, M. Smith arid growth in Christian character divine servicer;'it was, a good-sized Drawn in poet’s rhyme knd measure, Peterson.. He died at 7 o’clock and work, although deprived almost room, capable of. holding twq,-or instruments of music, Bisjdesenor- Of some far off beauteous laud. Landscape scenes of hill and mountain, P. M., on FridaA, the 11th Inst., at eiitirelyat hoinb, <>f the privileges three hundred people; curii ions were mous tymbal.-vand tamtams, were And of raie and dell between, the Grave Creek house, in Josephine of congregational and sdcial fellow­ laid across it in parallel "rows for huge conchshells, anti two immense Lake and river, brook and fonntâltf; county, Oregon. He and others ship and- instructions. the congregation to kneel on, and tubes, ten or twelve feet along, and Dressed and girt with Verdure green, were on their way with freight Brethren and Sisters do not fail 1 the officiating priests, to the nlinu each resting on two supports. Each -ifhen have turned und looked around from Roseburg to Jacksonville, and to attend yóur own social meetings j oj f;fteen or twenty, sat in rows seems to endeavor to make all the me, And beheld with wondering gaze, put up at said house on Wednes­ when at ho^ae and -when abroad, (jn cushions raised a little abqve nbise he can,.foi- there -,m no meas­ Real scenery clothed in beauty, day evening, the 9th inst., and lifter do not failvisit others ; and thus ure, accord, or method.- The con­ floor:- Lighted by tlie sun’s bright rays. y1 tlieirlvhgth —- Liie-d with walla of flinty rock, „ _ 4 We and,the friends- did all in em­ — however the Hebron congregation 1. were alone visible jhe performers forced to la-lievc-th+It either 11N Which have stood the wenr-of-ages ministration of the Gospel ■ is unac- .* power for his relief, but to uo effect.-p 'is in the best condition now, it ever And th® mighty earthquake's shock, being seated in a dark—cloister be­ ceptable, or that the ordinances' of . Smith was . born in Trenton, ' was. " ———-—— .. Carry off the boarded" waters yond. This appeared to be the sig­ Grundy county, Mo’; Aprijl" 11,! The congregation on Day’s Creek thusajactujuy .theniselv vsjire uaitt: ^. .. With a never ceasing flow, nal for redouble*! exertion, mid the ’And uniting form the rivers, 1858, and was 19 years and one ■ numbers 15; with -two elders, two. ■ intoning', the clashing, the. tinki' ng, tractive Either inference ia pain- Which run through the {-Uiuabclow.- Tnonltf “deacoirs and one clerk.-- Bro. An­ the druming, the braying pealed" iiih' an l cripples bis usefuItiwSi. ’ I have stood npon tbefoilltop. youth, but .he is gone, ami we are drew McCabe and Dillard-Strode louder and louder An a rapid i/cs- I Then agaift/if you stay*.away; from . Near the valley of the w< st,’ ' left .with but one son, n.ow in his were elected elders. ‘ Brethren J." cemt’o. Blit thc pace.was too good 1 chpi-i h, y<.u." aii.-i nr.e wiH exert an - And beheld its varied scenery, » - . , , • . c i- 4 unfavorable inffuence. Those per- Hi th year—“ midst of life Hurii.^m.d J.- &. iaffiisia. 4o-ktd; sympttma e.f distress. TO ............ Vfitiie io greenest verdure i, the Presidency of the Univeraiiy of From tlie many vexing barriers, East Tennessee. , liaptized into one body,' and having and when he came home to supper or master of cerenionie«. Which impede its onward tide, Madame de Hell thus describes a Ground was broken recently for An»l tho walls of mountain vastness, that spirit which is “gentle and he found her reading away, hair Rising steep on either side. easy to be entreated ” there is “ no down, slippers on, all the fires out temple scene, portrayed in the other the Livingstone Hall, Fisk Univer­ sketch: “As we entered,, a din trt sity; Nasgviile. It will, cost 850,- schism in the body,” “but the but one, ami no sign of supjier. Other scenes as grand and lovely, In our fair yonng state are found ; members have the same care, one “ Why, how’s this ?” he inquired ; which the clang of a hundred liells 0(K>. The funds for, its erection Many, which ®re for their beairty for another.” Those who are of “ are you sick ?” would l>e Jiarmony,. stunned its . have been given on condition that Unsurpassed the world around. Tins was produce by the rows of it shall be-dedicated to the training ’ the same mind,”, whether residents “ Sick ! no. ” But I cannot now find language, or "visitors, often meet with us. Well, where ’ s my supper ? ” musicians facing each other. The ' of missionaries for Africa. Jubilee. “ To unfold each lovely sight, “I don’t know anything about Iiigh-priest knelt at thei^ head ,ofi Hp.ll,- which was «dedicated* last At our Vast meeting we were Ho must leave the pleising subject, Though the scenes be e'er So bright. highly favored and blest by the your »upper,” she replied as she the altar-side, on a rich Persian car­ ;yeiir, is now so crowded that more presence of.Bro. I. M. Johns, of I settled back in her chair, “ but I can pet, and behind them, near the doAr, -room is needed. r — —- — If yon want to get rich, give; if Walla Walla, and of Sister N. E tell you all alxmt the first discovery stood the gheji, in a scarlet robe,, The West Point Graduating ' you want to get j>oor, grasp ; if you Worse, of St. Helens. The former, of Florida as straight as a string f with a yellow hood, and bearing class this year numbers seventy­ That history hasn't been opened his staff of office.. The other priests seven—the largest class ■ ever want to be happy, deny yourself made our hearts to rejoice and wax for other», stronger, as from a full and glow* since that evening. and the musician» were all on their gradua t -d. ———j——- Scenery in Oregon. a T :1i I • «