“GO YE, THEREFORE, TEACH ALL NATIONS. MONMOUTH, OREGON, MAY 31, 1S77. THE MESSENGER plentifully with the wisdom“ which is like unto the serpent's, knows that we being a power with the peo­ ple, it will not do to leave us out However this may be, we are invi­ ted. Should we participate ? I am constrained to believe that we can­ not consistently do so. The follow­ ing are some of my reasons, for so thinking: / 1. It is not the apostolic method of converting men. To think . of one of the ajMistles, or evangelists in the role of the modern revivalist is enough to make one ashamed of the comparison. I have yet to known of a revivalist who does not resort th. schemes and tricks that are shamefully out of harmony with anything fouipl in Acts of Apostles. In these meeting« tfiere is nothing of the dignity and power of the an­ cient preathey. The truth is, there is very little that can be called , preaching at all. The eflbrt to get men and women to do, hot what the Gospel says, but something pre- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE Messenger Publishing Co., MONMOUTH, POLK CO., OREGON, Id devoted to the ca«*e of PrtWfltive Ctir tut (unity and the dUTa^ioM of (ieaet** *1 Infoi nmtioMn, bride l’er Year,.in Advance, $2.50 All cotniuiuMc*tions reh'..ing*<> tl>® p«qer iu any way, should be adthvwed to the Puhiiaber, aw above, -bend money by Bank Draft, terud Letter, or Money order on Dalian, at our ribk. Advertisers will find thM one of tire beat suo- dhims on the Pacific Queat for making tlreir bnsinea« known- • Communications. Sinlesshess. Salem, Oregon. ITS OPERATION, IKTLCENCK, BAPTISM AND INDSKLLINO. y A Short Sermon on a Short Text. 1 the modern revivalist^ rather than ' — after the preaching of the apostles. In our great anxiety to make con­ vert«, we have built in wood, hay, stubble, which, is a shame to the - - church now. and will' be finally burned; and should the builders be saved, it will be ar by fire. I am tqld that many who are con­ verted in these revivals have joined the Christian Church, because- the Christian preacher waft co-operating in the meeting; Well, possibly, I should not feel anything but joy at x this; but I will say that the preach­ er whpse church has received a large addi tiort of th is kind, may ¡-x--------- pect hard work to prevent the ne- • cessity for a very large exclusion very soon. Have sucK converts any idea of our movement other than it is on<$ of the sects ? Have they joined the church from principle, or somer __ . thing less? We already have top many who cothe in untaught; and j t is thi s element t h at ia- rewrintf ~ ~ trouble in tlie'eongregations by an effort to run the Reformation after thè model of the “ other denomina­ tions.” They are ever a sensation­ al, unwise, restless, and troublesome set. I would not be understood to that the additions made to the churches the past winter are this _kindof mate rial,. but that here is- Y tow <1.‘Trej>eat three [»iter nintern one of our dangers in such meet­ an«l three ore maria» and your ings. People are told to join “ the souls will lie instantly pure as they were at your baptiSln.”’ The spel, when the tles, prophets, an