AGED PIONEER t P1 JL Calloway Osteopathic Physician PASSES AWiY Oraduate i. id Aiiictfun hi IiimiI ol OvtMijiathv. Klikrlllw, M, Uiir (r. A. T Mtil, (uhiiiI r of I ha Menr. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY William (irant, a pionrn-r f diid at Itis lioma in Uallaa, Hi'ptoinlifr Z7lh, at tha advancd age ot iity ev- PAom 191 Room f 4- S COOPER BLOCK INDEPENDENCE, ORE nil y-t, death iK'ing due to envping imralyaia. lie was torn in Jackaon ciiutil)', Miuotirl. Following liiigraiii'sl aki'teh is from lIU OlMMrvfr: JOHN BRAMBERG I'laatrrii'K ami yriiMal miiMin work. None, I'rlc k ml t'oncrrte work, iNim:MKNCK, on rtlinli free- mi application. I.W. Dickinsons LIVERY and FEED STABLE (liMkl turnouts ami careful drivers ej I R. E. DUGANNE, D.M.D. di:ntist Oradimta of N M. . C PHONE M 303. INDEPENDENCE r )!!) ff!ii(illf Tha Scales Tell the Sfory Whan the buyer opna up your clip and tindi It aofl, long, strong and white puts It on tha scales and finds It maximum weight for wool-stock. Diva you mora fur It that's the etiect of Healing your flocks with ciiLono- HAPTHOLEUM DIP Permittee1 by ths government for ths official dipping of sheep for scab. Antiseptic and healing for shear cuts snd barbed-wire wounds; insures clean skin, free of ticks, scab, lice; eradicates foot-rot, prevents all sheep diseases, promotes growth of staple. Raises Quality, Incroaaoa Prloa Omm eallna Ohloro-Nnlholeam Dip mkM a b.m.1 fit w.luttoa. Hold bj mmuy mufanmoum tr rHi for uuh a auei.)r. 1 al.t 11-aUf i aal.. ta 7i 10 !.. til tO-f rtbl Mid. Th Inm(. nwt uwtlcl. .Wf hook wir writ ten on UiU lubf-rt "Making SAf Halt hp and .trpintf rim flu miyni ui 1 la your nuna. 'rv,ntinn I lnrtt.r than cur. Our tiook bows how" for bota. Mead fur It bow. M mI Ol.tafKHni (XIm L lit It. knTwt Clt iNtultM IlrMt Ihlc.r. 81. LM, Ofntb. DOVE & WILLIAMS INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE FROM INDCPCNUCNCC FOR DALLAS Train N01W leaves Indcjmiirtence dHlly U:(X) a. m,i leave Monmouth 11.10 a. m. hi J)nl iuii 6:411 11. 111. Train No UN leaven Independence dally livttl h. in.; leaves Monmouth, 11:1)5 a. in.; arrive JHilliis, ll;m. 111, Trul n Nil 711 leaves Indeneiidcnne dully 8:16 r. in.: Ii'iivn Monmouth B.IW p. in.; arrive D11I- Iiih U.-fift p. III. KOIt AIKLIR . Train No 73leaves Independence dully 2:30 fi. 111.; Icavi-H Muiimoiilti i:M p. 111.; urrivea AlrlleS ii p. 111. FROM DALLAS FOR INDKPKNDKNCK Train No ir leaven Diillns dully K:.'n. in; leaven Monmouth (tifjfiu. in.; arrive lndepuu deuce II: 1ft u. 111. Train No Ml leaves riiilbis dully 1:00 p. m. loaves Monmouth l:Siu. m.; arrived lmlcneii deuce 1:1(1 p. 111. (This train connect" at Mon mouth for Alriiu) Train No 71 leave t)nl ns dully 7:.' p. in.j Jon "en Monmouth 8 p. in.; arrives Indepeiiil. euoeSMfi p. m. ' FROM AIRLII Train No 72 leave Ali lla dully 4:05 p. 111.; leuveH Motiiiiniilu i:W p. 111.; urrivea luuo- pendence -l:i5 p. Ml Notice of Final Settlement. lu the conntv court of tlie Btate of Ore- koii for I'olk county, in the mutter ol the entatu of J. M. M Notice is hi'ivu.v Kiven that Weulth, Mitchnll. executrix, of the pwtate of J M, Mitchell, deceased, has rendered and presumed for nettlemunt, and filed in sulci court her html account of her ilministi'Htion ol said estate, aud thnt Friday, the 30th day of October, 11108, at 10 o'clock a in. at the county court rooms of Baid couri lu the city of Dallas Polk fionutv. Oreiron. nas been appoint- ed by the incite of said court for the eetlleuient or ail accounts at; wnicn tine and place any person interested in said eBtate may appear and file ex ceptions in writing to said account and contest the same. WEALTHY MITCHELL, Executrix of the estate ot J. M. Mitchell. deceaHed. B F. Jonea. Attorney. 10-29 liis 11 rt etlni'stion was oiiiirMl un der William 8nydir, 0110 cif tha iio ftwr U'airliers of Oregon, and Win! founder of 0110 of Ilia first schools aver etul)liliel in Tolk county. loiter hf completed ij( education in the old I.aCrtMilc Acailuiny.of a hii li liis futlmr was a trustr and one of the limit en- liUkiiinlio supportera. Ihirin' the years of JNC1 and 18(12, Mr. (ir.uit triivl hia fortunea in t)u? tninca of Klorcnco, Idaho, lteturning to (iregon the latter part if the sec ond year, he married Ileutrice Aureliu HoU-rlson, the daughter of William IhiUmUoii, who had come to Oregon in 1N.V2. In 1 8 1 fi lie was apointed deputy county clerk of folk county, but soon n-aiguiHl in order to enlixt in the ranks of the Oregon voluntwrs for service agatnNt tlio Indiuns. lie remained in the service until IHfifl, during which time lie was elevated to the rank of lieutenant. After leaving the military service he kept a hotel in Dallas for a short time and then moved to Linn county, where he resided for about ten years, work ing as a carpenter and building con tractor. About 1877, he returned to Dallas, where he continued hio trade until about ten years ago, when he re tired from active work. Mr. Orant was a member of the O. A. It., being a past commander of the Dalian Pout. Fraternally ho belonged to tho Order of Odd Fellows. He wan 6 member of the Christian church, under the auspices of which his funer al was held yesterday afternoon. The remains were interrod in the Odd Fel lows' cemetery. Mr. Grant is survived by his wife and five children: U. 8. Grant, a prominent breeder of Angora goats in l'olk county; Glen 0., who is one of the leading carpenters and contract ors of thia city; N. M., who is lining on the old home farm near Dallas; Ilchlon II., a traveling salesman, of Portland; and Viola Estelle, (Mrs. C. II. Lane Jr.), of Dallas. Pre-eminently a man of action, Mr. Grant' whole life in Dallas has been potent for the progress and upbuilding of tho city, and in his death we lose a man to wIiohg influence many of the present valuable institutions of this city can be directly traced. As the hearse bearing his mortal remains passed through the streets of the city yesterday on its way to the final rest ing place, thoso who knew of his un ceasing labors for the welfare of the commonwealth, were constrained to lift their hats in salute, as they would for the passing bier of some staunch soldier, who, having fought a "good fight" and "finished hif, course," had at length laid by his sword and shield to enjoy a period of slumber, the rightful respite from the hardships of life's combat. NEWS BUDGET FROM POLK (Polk Correspondent of Dallas Observer) G. J. Eempel of Eickreall, recently cleared $190 from the sale of the pota toes raised in a four-acre patch. P. G. Kempel has removed from Kickreall to Black Rock where he will he employed in the work of surveying for an extension of the railroad The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Eempel was badly scalded in the face with hot water Sunday. However, it is thought that the injur ies will not cause permament disfig urement. Irresponsible boys in this neighbor hood have been causing much annoy ance by tearing open and otherwise damaging the mail boxes along the rural delivery route. Unless such van dalism is stopped, the persons who have been most troubled purpose ap- V. "V : ""V- 7' i: :.'' r ,.' : ''.I-'. Of Cocmieht 1908 Ths Houm of Kuppeoheuaer Uncago - f f.-T-., ; I , f ... -i ' eg w . w "YHEN hundreds of young men in the county buy their Clothing" regularly from us it's a fair indication that we're handling the right kind of goods. When these same young men pay us $15, $18, $20 and $25 for a suit it's good evidence that they think it worth while. The young man who buys one of our new Fall suits of the "Kjippenheimer" make gets out of the crowd of just fairly dressed men and is distinguished for the good taste, style and swing of his clothes. in immense stock of Suits and Overcoats now ready for your inspection. THE BEE HIVE STORE BALLAS OREGON jf ; eioihiiio Cleaned Pressed and Repaired next door to City Restaurant, on street Independence Oregon ' SCHEDULE OF RAT-8 HOME TELEPHONE CO. Business Main, . . v $2.00 per month Business 2 party line 1.50 per month Residence Main 1.50 per month Residence 2 party line 1.25 per month Residence 4 party line 1.00 per month Desk set 25c extra per month, furnished only on business lines. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the nnder algned, aa administrator with the will and nexed of the estate ol John Loy, deceased, nan filed his final acoount In the Connty Court of the Mtute of Oregon, for Polk ounty. awl tlmi. Hnt.nrilHV. the day of October, in'of th.' P3aIinS t0 the wthorities for the pun- the said bounty Uouri in uie i;ny oi nana, j iment of the Offending parties. A.oin.n Viuo Kuan a iinril n t oil hv IB In ( nurt HI ! iha tltYa anri ri I u f fVtr l.tlA hfRrlnir Of flb- jct!ou to the HHid flaai account and the Wanted To rent ft farm. Will pay "" : john R. LOY cash rent. Write NOW to Chas. E .estate of John Lov. deceased. Hicks, Real Estate Broker, Indepen- Ontednnil flm iiiI.kIii d ' ept ember 17. m denci l)regon. V II' When You Sit Down To a Meal in this restaurant you are sure it will be excellent aa to food, coo kin if and service. The surroundings speak for themselves, and the bill of fare tells mutely of fine eating at little prices. Come in and bring a friend or two along. You . will all be be pleased. White House Restaurant Wm. McGilchrist & Son, Proprietor SALEM ... - OREGON . . Your Attention Has Been Drawn often to some home where the inmates seemed to be having fbe time of their lives. You have, doubtless, wished you could have such a jolly good time at your house. Vou can easily enoiyja Ono of our talking machines wnl furnish aoy kind of entertalument you desire. Stop in and see what a wealth of enjoyment it will afford. L. F. SAVAGE M7 rnmineroiHl Ptreet, KulJirrt. Ore. Vl" ' tot wpot eaah. 10 to aa man I anil U borne. I 4 IV And interest has to be paid on it every year or two for painting or coating. The principal also has to be paid over again in a lew years by buying a new roof. When you buy J-M ASBESTOS ROOFING all expense stops as the first cost is the only cost. The REASON-made of Asbestos, an , indestructible mineral nothing to rot, rust or wear out. Requires no coating or painting- no expense for maintenance. Will protect your buildings from fire. Asbestoside is an Asbestos Sheathing, and is uie most economical, durable and easily appueu Bluing Known. Ask for- samples and prices. W. JOHNSMANVILLE COMPANY 576-lst Ave. S., Seattle, Washington. SsIHliES noney for rem to ship Raw Fun ud Hides tow than tt 1st. Msrknt KMdnrt fthinninar Taua-L aintt Arum v HUrjTEnS'&TnAPPERS'GUIDE.XrSi P5T 'ettl8r bL Bert thtnf on tht vubjaot crar writtan. IllaatnUlof H Far iDimntfl . AB about Trmppen" SocrsU. IWotb. Traps. Oaim lawi How snd whern to trap, and In bccrwie m mir Mnf ol tra-wier. ItiarHniarkiiraekinarfi. ao nn. ai u.j beaotiful Robaa. Oar JUcati Baitand Daor sttrscta aoimaJa to trap. H OO rr ba4lU. Ship vfar BMas aAd ran loaia4n hxihext prireaj. Asdcrsrh Brat.. Pent. TT, 3)!tt r-.Pof!a.Mi.av