Mm1 topi Im mm mm litll ill nmB r lit1 1 - M ' SALEM OREGON Greatest G? 3 I i J czlb of Clotlhing and Furnishings We have placed our entire stock at your mercy, without regard for former prices amerciless sacrifice on our part. CAHN BLOCK COMP. Don't fail to attend this greatest sale of Men's Goods ever conducted in the Willamette Valley MONMOUTH Mr. M. M. Long nml wife of Cor vallirt, were tint guests of Mrs. Iiurk head, Sunday. Mr. ond Mm, 1'. Chase visited with F. H. IhMry and family Sunday. Hanker Ira C. Powell and wife vis ited with relative8 out at Cochrane Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haley and little goii Harold, nuide $74 in fourteen dayi at Fitchurd A Wolfe's hop yard at Independence. Monday evening a banquet and a special business meeting was held by I. 0. 0. F. oflicers in W O. W. Hull. Rev. H. E. Ilornsehuch, of the Evangelical church of Portland, con ducted tlie second quarterly confer ence lor the yeur last Saturday and Sunday at the Evangelical church of this place. I)ougla (iilliam of Bridgeport, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. M. Dressier, wore railing on friends in this place Tuck! ay. Sam Davis, formerly of Luckiamute is moving to the Georgo Whiteaker place north of here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Angell of Tort land, will make this their residence. He will have a position in T.A. Riggs' grocery. Mrs Susie Stanton started to Onta rio, Malheur county, Saturday, to re sume her school work there. Her mother, Mrs. J. II. Powell, accompan ied her as far as Portland, where they will visit for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Martin visited at R. F. Lows, near Rickrcall, recently, t being; Ihe firnt carriage ride- Mrs. Mar tin ha hud for nearly two years, bar ; ing been confined' to her home by sick ness. She is post sixty years of agw, and we- urn very glad t make not" of her recovery. T. 'A. Biggs- was a passenger to- Port land Monday on. businessi II. L. Crider of Dallas, in head clerk in the store during his- absence.. Mrs. C. K. Teats hoe- been visiting her mother, Mrs. Eva. Butk, fop fche past week. Miss Nellie- Link came- dlown fcam Falls City and1 will be tA guest, of Miss Lillian Bogart for a few days. While in Monmouth she attended Miss Maud Hawliey's wedding. Mis ILoiura Mallory formerly of Michigan, will teach the Airlie scltool which bt-xarr Monday. She is visiting Miss Li'Biun Bogart. The Christian Endeavor Society gave a raieptKm to the-student b-wly of the O. S. N. &r at th Christian church which was- favorably reoeiTed, Saturday evening.. At the-home oc the- bri-ite's parents at Monmouth,, Sept. 30,. '08, atr 10 o'clock ai m., Frances-,. the third dawgh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.. Pettit,. was united in. marriage to S-. ClAy Taylor, Rev. G. W. Pewtheret ofliiatingony near relatives and special Amends being present.. Mr. anili Mis.. Taylor went immediately te their hnwne at Oak Grove,, where they will be- at home to their many friends. A miscellaneous shower pasty was given Mins Maud Haw ley last Friday evening by a few of her friends at the home of liar parents, on College Ave., in honor ofi her anticipated marriage to Dr. II..A. Buaucliamp, of Stayton. Th--3 proccr.t wore: Mrb. J. II. Htw ley, Eva Butler, Fwd Hnber, Peter Schreuders, T. A. Rgs P. E. Chase, John Doughty, Misttes Etfa4 Newman, Myrtle Stearns, Eiiaa Guthrie, Olive Pettit, Ina Murphy, Eifie; Shore, Orice Hawley,. Agnes Clarke, Olea Shore, Lillian Bogart, Paradtite Doughty, Maggia Butler. A delightful evening was enjoyed by aJ3V and the presents were unique and ueeful. Mie Mae Traee of Junction City, is a pleasant visitor in town. yks. B. F. Mwlkey of iledford, ar rijel Monday to be present at the wedding of her sister, Miss , Maud Hawley. The Monmouth cannery closed last Monday, having finished a good sea son's work. $25 BEWA8D. I will pay $25 reward for the recov ery of one- Moline wagon, 3J in. axle, which was taken from my place about three weeks ago. Compliance with this notice will save trouble to the party who now has the wagon. The law will be invoked if reduced to the extremity. II. WONDER, 9-24 tf MONMOUTH, ORE. ( PolkN Gazetteer. business directory ofeuch city, town and Til lif In OreKnii and Washington, giving a descript ive afcetcb of each place, tugetlier with the loca tion and ahippinff facilittea and a classified direc tory of each business and profession. K. L. Pollt ft Co.. Inc., Seattle. o f mmmmmm 0 ) J L i LJ J J S Ijr t 1 v., ..-J I vj 3 S YOST cm muss l-fv ! MOTOR WHSM ; " w it Why Do You Work Like a Slave all day long, when you cani get a Yost Gearless Washer to do the work. Buy a Yost Gearless Washor and you will say it is the best machine you ever had in your home. The Yost Gearless Washer is one of the finest machines that has ever been put into any home. The Yost Gearless Washer is operated by a water motor, and requires practically no attention. Connect the hose to your faucet, turn on the water and the machine does the work. Try one and you will never regret it. We have just received a shipment of Floor Rugs of all kinds Axminster, Cambridge, Body Brussels, Middlesex Rugs, Roxbury Tapestries, Metropolitan Brussels Imperial Tapestries, Oxford Brussel Rugs, Bigelovv Brus sels and Wilton Velvets. These rugs are in all sizes. We have also received a large shipment of Ingrain Art Square Rugs. We now have the largest line of Ruga ever introduced in any store in Salem. Call and see them. You'll find our prices extremely low. (3q So