v . I CharlcsJESHicks "" " nt1 "mi. LMesr-oar ea EstatclBroker lndepndtnc9 t.::V'V Oregon r,. V" PA.... I.I " uiur iir n - FA, V is v.... :- I nor "ucm 'a -Hi Hill,.. .11 ,r:4 A A tttd ton 7 A': 7 -v tncn t iMn tf-'"-f 1 - ' '- - v i r .-J .i " s. t. m i b.'I r-: ... ! I Monmouth Laundry i Vw 'Th llmtof (lin Linen." ' E. T. HENKEL, AGT INDEPENDENCE V OFFICE. MAIN STREET. MONMOUTH 1 V :Ksmrri f- L.- ess Bice & Calbreath everything in FURNITURE for the hom WESTSIflmEKPRSB Loading M-et-kJy .W)IlJ)tr ()f . I'OLK COUNTV Average more than 20 , i "ding nutter each JMue Vamw D. A. HODGE Mioufacturcr of FIR LUMBER gfefps Dealer In Lath and Shingles J.,R. COOPER' IS; Soft Drinks m malt tea Beer m ASD 1 . wf Mil siS fei Bii,,ard par,orJ S i raw.. :Ai INDKPKSDENCKJ OREQON liliili;! li! liiTiil J I .1 J ii It' ' jl .III gilSl! II iH! Mi BOQERT & SON iiiqh QKiDE Furniture CARPETS, WALL l'AVElt, GLASS, PAIXTS, OILS, VAltNISHES nONflOUTM, 0 R E Q O N : Are now ruovrd Into new anil large quartwr with biff DPw stock Plione Main 24 0l .;n .ot '' Staple aail Fancy Groceries ';.',?... I ' M I 11 Vmm I c, UiiKey, waiKer oc penman . i 1 f 4 "V r V"' ' fwfVv Fruits in Season. Aijent for WWM'WAM ! , -a. r- " to AV'mzm tio" 5?5 c UNDERTAKING Day or Klgbt Calls Promptly attend ed to. Fine Parlor io Connection. An Experienced Lady Assistant. Phone, main 273 Res. 73 W. L. BICE Umoaiffler and Funeral Director. Licenced by Oregon State Board of Healtn. BICE 6 CrILPRElTH COTTAGE HOTEL Mrs. J. F. Staiger, Proprietor Special attention to Commercial and College Organizations. Salem, Or. Telephone and menenger acme at hotel. 160 Court Street Telephone 209 Mtio. PALACE MEAT MARKET LONG & CHAMBERLIN, Proprietors. AH Kinds of fresh and cured Meats. Game and fish in season. Independence Oregon V4C j'ialW'lWj OBEOON i "1 1 II 9 MBKDHNOI m.