1 w r- West Enterprise VJXJLJLV I N I ) K I'K N D KN C K , GKKUON, TIIUl'SDAY, K TulU It 8, i'JOS. KII-TKKNTII YKAlt. XUMHKK 10 FORG E I R. PASSESlCASE 10 COME TO A HEARING TWO ltUTMM M:M A!IHITK! I V MAN HUM IHX ( II IIUiKI) WITH HTKW.INU HI.AMiH. tliarl.s Tlialrklll and 1. I. MonaliM ActuwI of Korglng Itallrusvd OmriaJa' Kami lo lamra. Kan Franrlaro. Oct. . Chariot Thairklll and J. I', Monhan, former clerks In railroad offlcrs In Portland, wore arrested Sunday on Irlngraphle advices from that dir. charging then with the (heft of blank railroad pasaos and tha forgery of name of official. . Tbalrklll and Monahan are exceed Ing wall-drmuMHl young mn, and ac cording to their statements, bar boon ni ployed In railroad clrclns throughout tha Northwest recently. For ao m weeks railroad detectives have been engaged la trying to trace a number of forged panada that have come to light In the Northwest, and It la believed that the two men have operated extensively. When aearched at tha police sta- tlon two blank Southern Pacific and two blank Oregon Railroad Navl gallon Company's passes were found on them. They admit coming to San Franrlaro on aases which they bad stolen and forged, but deny that they have been guilty ot other of fenses. According to detective, somebody hat recently been doing a large bual neaa In forged passes. These passes were aold to ticket scalpers, who dis posed of them to travelers. Tho forg erlea have been good rnougb to dofy detection unttl the passes were re turned to tho general ofllcea of the roads. Thairklll and Monatian have agreed to return to Portland with out extradition. When arrest od they had but a small sum of money on them. ItEVKXt'K CTTTKIt TA1IOM A TO UK LAINCIIKI) SAT I' It DAT Washington, Oct. B. Tho revenue cutter Taboma, named In honor of the City of Taconia, will be launched at the yard of the New York Ship Building Company, Cumden, N. J., Saturday, October 10. MIbs Grace Clark Kahler, ot Tacoma; will act as sponsor of the vessel. The event will be especially notable as It will form a part of the Founders week celebration at Philadelphia. The Tahoma takes the Indian name In stead of the present spelling of the City of Destiny, because a naval cruiser has already been named In honor of Tacoma and It was neces sary to avoid a confusion of names. The Tahoma will be one of the crack vessels of the revenue cutter service, especially for long distance cruising, as she has a coal capacity of 225 tons and a fresh water ca pacity of 65 tons. MAY CHANG E MAP war ctAtvm ixh)m ovi:h nAL- K KSn IMlKrKM'EXCK OF niixaitiA. It now mh'iiis probable that the rum- plaint of II. K. Jones, legislator, attor ney, and farmer of l'olk county, against the Well Fargo F. press com- Miiy, will hve a aM-ly hearing be fore the atats raiload commission, not withstanding the protest of tho com pany' attorneys, that Mr. Jones' charge of unreasonable rxpreea raU-t are too sweeping am! should lie dis missed. Trlnre Kmllnand lo Pit Ulin It, Taking Title of tsar -Austria Kelat-s Mates. l-ondon, Oct. 8. Events which threaten to change the political face of Kurope are crystallising with llghtnlng-IIke rapidity. Almost over night the tor I ton of tha Near East, which seamed gradually assuming a become i:r.i,ilv Mr. Junes flint with the Peaceful appearance, has . : . 1 I..., .1 - ... I crowora wnu war ciuuus. CUOlllllSSIUIl V'llllllllb in uv isin of tho express company were too high snd skod that the matter lie investi gated by the commission. An an swer was lilcti Willi Hie commission yesterday by the company's attorneys I and by General manager Iks k with of I the company, asking that the com plain. )o dismissed on the ground News ha reached here from sev eral source that two definite strokes are Impending which cannot fall to bring matters to a crisis and perhaps force an Immediate war. One Is th proclamation of Prince Ferdinand of the Independence of Bulgaria, which will Include Hou mella. taking for himself the title of Cxar. The other Is an announce- BREEZY NOTES FROM NORMAL practical annexation of the provinces of Bosnia and Ileriegovnla as ap- panges of th Auatro-Iiungarlan crown. Either actios will be equivalent to the tearing op of the treaty of Berlin, while Prince Ferdinand's course that no particular rate is specified and tnent by Austria-Hungary of the that the company should not be asked to go to the exiwiibe of demonstrating that it rate throughout the state are reasonable The answer states that the company maintains 122 offices in Oregon, that each has a general mer chandise rate and a general special seems almost certain to precipitate rate and tlmt the toUl number of wa' ,WT "i'""" "ttu"T . . The Bulgarians have faith in their rates now in force in this .tate is ap- ,rmy whcn hg, rea.hoJ , hl?n sUte proximately 20,000. Owing, tho at- 0f efficiency, although It is perhaps torueys state, to the impossibility of lacking in officers, and the war for proving tliut each and every one of wnlcn Bulgaria has long been bus- pt-ciea oi preparing wuia uq iuuui with more advantage for her now than when the Turkish government has had time to reorganise Its forces. While Austria's action with re gard to the two provinces may not technically be called anr.ojrntlon. it Is believed It will amount to that. Apparently the Emperor Is deter mined that the destiny of these prov Inces stall be Austrian, not Turkish For 30 years they have been admin istered hy Austrla-Hunfary, but they have always remained theoretically Turkish territory, and Austria pledg ed that her administration should not derogate Turkish Interests English public opinion is with Turkey in the Bulgarian dispute, as all the powers except Austria seem to be, and it remains to be seen what the English attitude will be toward annexation if that becomes a fact these rates is reasonable, it is urged that the complaint tiled by Mr. Jones In) quashed. (Secretary lioodull of the railroad commission, suid that the hearing would bo held in the near future and that the statement of tiie attorneys, .Messrs. fmiow and McClamantof Port land, will bo taken as the basis of the defense of the defendant express com puny. The date of the hearing has not yet iceli set. Got Into Tough Saloon. Reno, Nev., Oct. 6 William Rock efeller, accompanied by his two sons, while viewing the Bights at Carlln, quenched their thirst at the Gem sa loon. This incident alone was not re garded with much Interest by the few Inhabitants of the little desert town, because they did not know who the distinguished visitors were. The Gem Is regarded as one of the toughest resorts In the state. Hole Inch Deep Burned. San Francisco, Sept. 6. While sit ting at the receiving instrument of the wireless telegraph station on Russian Hill, L. T. Crow, an opera tor, received a shock cf electricity that burned a hole an inch deep in the marble top of the table on widen the instrument was resting. Crow escaped with slight Injury, and esti mated that 30.000 volts passed through his body. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Club, 88c; red Russian, 85c; bluestem, 92c; Valley, 90c. Barley Feed. $25.50; rolled, $2728. Oats No. 1 white, $30; gray, $29. Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley, fancy $14; do. ordinary, $11; East ern Oregon, $16.50; mixed, $18; alfalfa, $lx. Butter Extra, 34c; fancy, 32 c; choice, 30c; store, 18c. Eggs Extra, 31 32c; firsts, 28 29c; seconds, 23 26c; Eastern, 26 28c. Hops New Oregon, 6 7c; 1907, a4c; 1906, 11c Wool Valley 14 015 He; lb; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, lS01c. AMTIOCII. iSeverul from here attended the county fair at Dallas Thursday and Friday. W. A. Snyder and family of Rick. rcall, were guests of tne Fishback fam ly (Saturday. Israel and Albert Marks mado a bus- ness trip to VV hiteson Thursday. Mrs. Chute and Mr. and Mrs. lief Hey of Montnouth, were in this vioin ity Friday. Dick Ogel has moved into the Ru fus Smith house. Mrs. Orra Marks of near Dallas, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Allen Towns, the past week. C. C. Titzer is building a new wagon shed on his farm. A. J. Shipley returned home Sunday from a visit in Ronton county. Grandma Ilerron visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Simpson, of Monmouth, Sun day. Nathan Enimett of Falls City, is moving on his farm which he bought here. George Clarke of Portland, Dowl and Retta Ilarmer of Salem, and Geo. Sullivan and family of Kails City, at tended the funeral of Lee Clarke last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter of Falls City, sary, were in these parts the first of the week. FLEET IN HEAVY GALE Hurricane Sweeps Over Manila Bay and Much Damage Done Ashore. Manila, Oct. 5. The Atlantic bat tleship fleet outrode a hurricane which swept Manila Bay for 12 hours and did much damage ashore. Typhoon signals were displayed early Sunday morning, but the storm broke over the bay suddenly and un expectedly at noon. At 8 o'clock at night the storm had reached its height, and it then gradually tapered down until at midnight it was com paratively calm, although heavy seas swung. across the harbor. During the storm the battleships had steam up ready for an emergency. The vessels steamed down close to Cavite, where they anchored. At ttanes the wind blew at the rate of 100 miles an hour, and all communication ashore was cult .off. On shore it was dangerous to go about. Several carriages were over turned !by the wind, trees were blown down, electric wires were prostrated and several buildings were unroofed, Among these was the depot commis THIRTY SALVATIONISTS ARE ARRESTED IN LOS ANGELES JiOTlCiS TO HUNTERS. Notice is herebv riven to all hunters Los Angeles, Oct. 4. Determined of Polk county and elsewhere thatlto cA&r.ry t0 the'r, avowed intention , , , . t . I w uoioai uio vimuauvo Ul tliC City Mng.u.lu.m..vu "" which prescribes certain districts in premises oi tne unaersigneu. ah which openair meetings may be held, former privileges are hereby revoked, and forbids them in all other places. People shooting along the Stewart memners or tne salvation lane are especially warned in this no- J- tice. arrested tonight and hauled to the J. II. Collins R. Springer Central Police Station in police vans, W M. Fmrate Harrv D. Hit? singing and praying as they were W II Cockle Chas. S. Iliff hurried down the down-town streets. nra Tllff M. W.Mix V""1-" was ae- i J"" manded in each instance as bail, and Peter Kurre some of the members nromntlv de- . m . .,ro 3 posited the sum. Over half of the ForSale.-Twenty-sixncksofwood,l mh,a womnn ,mnnD. thom mixed, ash and hr, one-tnira nr, at determined to become martyrs to the 1.25 the rick. At the F. A. Patterson cause and spent the night in Jail. .... . . MPL. 1. . ILL nnttatre. Household lurniture at Dar- OT- i-wiiiuiuuuuus possiuio gain prices, because I am leaving were Provided for them, but In the p'vwi " case of the men these wera nn hettnr town. J. M. ven, inaepeiiuenc. than thc cel,g ,n whlch common crIm, Phone 2511. tf inals are placed.. The student body of the Normal ia tlwdily growing. Among the olJ student who returned last week wete Mia I'rarl hiiimmiis, Kr ill Montague, and Archie McNeill, lh-siih-a the, several new student have bwti en rolled. Silas l.llrn Ijiwrence, 07, who is again to b-ach in the Kast school in Salem, was the fctnnt of Mr. L. A. Robinson a few days ago. Mia Lucy !. Hopkin wa a visitor at the O. 8. N. 8. for several days this week. Mis Iloiikin succeed Mis Gage in V. W. C. A. work in Oregon and Mi Gage leave soon to take up duties of the association in Seattle. On Saturday evening the young ladie of the Y. W. C. A. gave a reception at the Not niul Assembly Hall iu honor of Mia Hopkin. Pleasing number on the program were a piano solo by Mr. Ilurton Arant, a vocal solo by Mis Lor Craven, and an address by Miss Hopkins. The remainder of the evening was tnjoyably spent in an in formal social time. The local Y. W. C. A. is interested in plans for attend ing the district convention to be held in Salem the last of October. On Monday morning Miss Hopkins pleased the student at assembly hall with a talk on the work of the Y. W. C. A. at Oberlin College. The Normal extends sympathy to Miss Anna Wickman of Marshfield, who has been called home by the death of her little nephew, and the ill ness of her mother. Mks Wickman may return in February. Friends of David Campbell will be pleaned to hear that he is enjoying his course in hitman College. Mr, Campbell and Miss Lois Powell, for merly of Monmouth, figured promt neatly in a concert at the Weston Normal recently. Miss Powell now has churgo of music in the grades of the training department at Weston Miss Agnes Campbell, '08, who now a student at O. A. C, visited her home in Monmouth over Sunday, Classes are organizing. The Fresa men are a bright lot of over thirty members, and will give the other classes a strong race for supremacy, The Seniors have elected D. C. Henry president , T. M. Stroud vice presi dent, and Mary Whitney secretary. On Friday evening Mr. Briggs and eleven other "innocents" were initia, ted as Vespertines. With great sol enmity ten wierd witches with peaked hats and flowing robes stirred a boil ing caldron, and foretold not "bubble, bubble, boil and trouble," but many prosperous years if they be faithful Vespertines. With twenty-six new members the Delphians have bright prospects for the new year. The Normals organ ized on Friday night, making D. C Henry president ior the first ten weeks. The teachers and pupils of the Nor mal training school enjoyed a holiday and trip to the school fair at Dallas on Thursday, October 1st. Among the prizes received by the pupils were: Dwight Quisenberry, 8th grade, 1st on sled.; Lucien Arant, 6th grade, 1st on tomatoes; Ray Grounds, 6th grade, 2d on popcorn; Francis Arant, 4th grade, 2d on asters; Lucien Arant, 3d on birdhouse; Delphia Hartzog, 8th grade 3d on shirtwaist. Principal L. R. Traver is attending the Annual Teachers' Institute and School Fair at The Dalles this week The three counties of Wasco, Hood River, and Sherman combine this year Many will be glad to hear that citizens course of entertainment is being discussed. A meeting will soon be held and definite action taken. is NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the part nerehip formerly existing between ihe firm of Dove & v imams is, this 6th dav of October, 1908, uissolved, bv mu tual consent of both parties All out standing accounts due tbe firm are due nd payable to Dovt & Williams, and and all accounts owing by the aaid firm up to and including October 6, 1908, will be paia Dy tne saia .Dove & vv linsms, on presentation. Dated mis bth day or October, rjos. D. G DOVE. M. C. WILLIAMS. WONDERLAND Moving Pictures of Merit and Illustrated Songs Only Theatre in Polk County Performances every voning at 7;30 and Matinres Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons MIRTH AND PATHOS ADMISSION lO CKNTS Pianos Organs Sewing Machines Talking Machine Records Piano and Organ Studies Sheet Music Extras for All Makes of Sewing Machines Ilitsia of success of Old and Relia ble House of Geo. C. Wills Good goods, right prices, osi tive guarantee, and defecte (tbe fault of instru ment) repaired Ire of charge. GEO. C. WILL, 121 Commercial Street Salem, Oregon. J. A. PATTERSON Houss FuraitKingt, WB Piper A line oi Hardware, Tools and Kitchen Utensils, Stoves and Ranges Telephone 947 Main 285 N. Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON UOlUMU uiUfifU SALEM, OREGON Salem's Up-to-Date Store Is Here With the Goods The grandest assortment of Beautiful Fall Merchandise that was ever seen in this city. You can see style, fashion and beauty in every ready made garment and piece of goods shown. Remember we are the makers ot low prices. Dress Goods ant Silks Our assortment is great and our prices cannot be beat. Fall Suitings yard 25c, 35e, 49c, 65c, 75c and up, Dress Silks In a grand assortment of styles and patterns. Yard, 25c, 35o, 49c, 65c and up. Hosiery and Un- derwear in Fail and Winter-weight at special Low Prices. 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c and up. If you want the best values in Salem in Outing Flannels, Blankets, Comforts and Flannels come to the CHICAGO STORE. Trimmed Hats now selling for $1.50, $2.50 $2.9 S $3.50 and up. Women's Tailor Made Garments and Millinery at Wonderfully. " Low Prices. SUITS: $8.50, $10.50, $12.50, $14.50 and up.