local m rusoM MIS Dr. Alll. DntUt, Copr WJ. U Yrrh br4 every morning at Wil ton's tin-. Wey Vvtry of Palcm, i iriMtinj a thi. city. tinuln Soiur Noi bread ! Irvine' ewcn. tl4-2 Ir. lhiiianii". dcntUt ovwr Inde pendent Nationul Hank, Kniprmin lrtvt viftitnl over 8un day with friend in lalla. Kan Wood, lio dler o( Portland, u in Indejiidonco Monday. Thrt cow for !. Froth thi winter. Enquire at thi office. IUly biiguy Rocrt " iic put on at H. M. Kdpr' bicycle alum, tl Mr. A. W. StaimU-rry loft Haturday lor Pendleton, where h will nd the winter. Roy McFadden left Monday for Portland where he w ill enter Columbia University. Mr. and Mr. C. William Waited the Utter part of the week with friend in Portland. Mr. Charles Irvine ia viniting thi week with her rarenta who reside in Oregon City. C. W. Butler made buainew trip to Portland the lutter part of the week, returning Monday. Portland bread freh ver aa at Irvine' c rocer?. tM- Hector (!ii)grMi made a buttm trip to Portland tuiiday. f . A ,(o..l pair of Reading g.( m e (I 00 at Kreamer . Mr. IWn)amin Whiteaker and aona Ml tnrd.T for Portland. Ihey wi reile there thi winter. For Hale Feed table In liuleeii dene. For information tall on New Joiiee, Indeettdiio, Oregon. tf Furni.hed and light hotiaekeeping room to rent. Enquire of M r. J. W Kit -liardton, 7th and Monmouth tt. tf I. r n-11 of Haler City. viited a the home of hi aiMer, Mra. J. W Kii harvUon, in lira city, TuwJay and Wedneeday. T.ie family of Pr. Hewitt have Ml ioined him at Independence. I ney are welcome addition to Inderal donee aticiety. Wanted To rent a farm. Will pay oxh rent. Write XOn to I ha. Hick, Keal Estate Broker, lndeen donee, Oregon. Ed Wallace wa in Indeix-ndence over Sunday, the guet of lna mother. Ed i back in the Oregon Agricultural college thi year. Harry Patterson ha returned to Portland where he i a student in the t'nivenitv of Oreiron. It ia hi second year with U. of O. Mrs. Will Dickinaon and Mrs. Ward Miaa Helen Cooper returned Mon- 0j dnistota, South Dakota, the gueat lv. after visiting several days tith LiM, .n, I Mr. John Dickinson, left iriends in Portland. Tuesday for Vancouver, Washington l Misses Alma. Grace, and Cora Miss Lewis, one of the teachers of Walker left Tuesday for Portland. I, k nuWv achool. was taken ill sud- They w ill attend school in that city. denly last Monday. She was removed Mr .n.t Mm f!arl tf.rlina rotnrnMl In Knlvrr Tuesday to the home of to their home in Winlock Saturday, her parents. alter visiting several weeks in this city. Clarence Henkle visited over Sun Vnr Rain Itnrm. rmwer hv hiW L.u.nlm home of W. II. Walker. For information call on S. Muhleman, Independence, Oregon. Fhone 665. tf Mrs. Willard Ireland of Portland, is visiting at the home of her parents, He was accompanied to Portland by his son Clair, who will visit w ith him for several days. Mrs. Ella Dickinson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Taylor, in this city. Shirley, and little grandson, Johnnie Sewing machines, needles, oil and Dickinson, the guests of Mr. Oicltin- Independence, returned home CAtiBSi a v wis. tm cuvviwjij . u . H. Jasperson, who will try his best to Saturday morning. t,1ph8a vnn. tf Mr and Mrs Will Charlton enter- X I - Wood for Sals Sond erowth at tained delightfully with adinner Mon 13.50. old rrowth 4 (X) rr nord day evening, in compliment to Mrs j.i: a a t.i 1 Ward and Mrs. Will Dickinson, of Phone 143. ' tf4-2 Canistota, South Dakota Ad a Ketch urn has cone to iue iufit uj lur uepaucu iiiciius, i nrovide them with the best robes and Portland to reside permanently, hav caskets. Jasperson keeps them at ing taken up the studies required to reasonable prices. tf Mrs. ill Lanceneld returned to ber home in Amity Monday after sev eral days' visit at the home of her father, C. D. Walker, in this city. Estrayed to my farm, one black sow, weighs about 140 pounds, owner can have same by paying for its feed and this advertisement, G. II. Harris. 10-1 E. L. Baker and Mrs. Lillie Wilson, both of Independence, were married recently at McMinnville. They began their honeymoon by a trip to Port land. W. S. Hall, who resides near this city, recently returned from Sherman county where he spent some time look ing after his farming interests in the vicinity of Grass Valley. For Sale A second hand 14 hoe Van Brunt drill in first class condition. The price is so cheap that if you want a drill you can not afford to let this one go by. Inquire of R. M. Wade Co- 10-8 G. W. Dunn of Silverton, accom panied by two of his sons, was in In dependence the last of the week, on their return to their home after a fort night spent in the hop fields pf this ectionj William 6raht of Dallas, says the Itemizer, suffered a stroke of paralysis Wednesday of last week- 'I he stroke paralyzed the power of speech and muscle. Physicians hold out no hope of the patient's recovery. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Skinner, who have been residing it Sandy for the past two years, have returned to make their home in Independence. Mr. Skinner will run on one of the launch es which ply between this city and Salem. For Sale Good Jersey milk cow, will be fresh about the tenth of October also yearling Jersey heifer calf, three-year-old filly, 14-inch two bottom Canton gang plow, and quantity of baled clover hay. Apply to Chas. Iliff, Independence. 10-1 G. C. Bolter, an old resident of In dependence country, was in the En terprise office Monday. Mr. Bolter was feeling good over the success of the auction sale which was held at his farm last Saturday. The receipts of the sale were far beyond his expecta tion. . He is moving to Salem 'to spend the winter and perhaps to re main permanently. Mr, O. I. Ihillrr U lUiliiiK at tl: home of Mr. Miller, of NelrK, thi wrk. Llothinc cleaned, prrnwd, and re wired. Located nel door to rtlt rant on C street. Fh.Ucii fUit a tla ty, ro pro- rtng to vint talent chapter nei Tuewlay evening. It.L. Oaino ha reiiiovttl from Fall. Citv to TillamiK'k. lie will hav the Enterprioe follow him. Mr. L. H. Fter. former resident of thi county, aend fl.M from Van couver for the Enterpri. Mr. W. H. Allin returned Saturday from few week' visit with her r tnt, who reside in l urtianu. M. W. McGowan of Barton, Oregon, Uthegucut of hi parent, Mr. ami Mr. M. L. McUowan, of Hop I):. Mr. and Mr. L. Miller are moving thi week to Black Itoek, where Mr, Miller will work in the mill at that place. Chart? Homtwck and wife have gono to Albany to reanie. no w formerly nronrietor of the City K- r taurant. Miu Pearl McClain returned to her home in Portland Sunday, after sever al week' visit at the home of T. Hart man outh of town. H. H. Jasperson i the latect to fall victim to the auto-mania which i roinir the round of the valley. He c o drive a splendid runabout. The Christian Sunday school of thi city will observe Kaiiy iay, punoay, October 11th, at 10 a. m. A program will be rendered by the children. Ev erybody welcome. A. H. Strong lost bottom of auto bras lamp and nickel burner on In dependence road, during state fair time. Reward if left at Monmouth drug store or thi office. Vetch and cheat seed for sale. For nformation call at my place -three miles northwest of Indrjiendence, on old Dave Whiteaker place. Charles O'Brien, Independence. 10-8 Asa Taylor has sold his livery barn to Chauncey Mulkey and Allen Clark, both of Monmouth. The new pro prietors will take charge of the busi ness the first of next week. C. L. Masterson, a former resident f the IndejK?ndence country, was a pleasant caller on friends in this city the first of the week. Mr. Masterson is now a resident of Deep River, Wash- ngton. Prof. George Murdock, who was principal of the Independence public schools last year, will take the law course in the Willamette University. He departed this week to take up his work in that institution. O. C. Bostwick, recently here from Dallas, has bought the City Restau rant from Charles I lorn back. Mr. Bostwsck is a man of experience and will no doubt keep up the good repu tation of that eating joint. Beginning Monday, October 5th, the stores of Independence will close at 6 o'clock, as is their custom during the winter months. The people of town have plenty of time to do their trad ing in the day time and it is only a matter of neglect with them that they do not do it early. Dr. W. R. Allin returned Saturday from his summer outing on the Mc Kenzie river. He looks as if he had an enjoyable vacation, but it is a well settled fact that he did not get any venison. This office was to have been the first to share in any that he become a nurse. bhe begins ner studies in the Good Samaritan hospital. For Sale. Twenty-six ricks of wood, mixed, ash and fir, one-third hr, at $1.25 the rick. At the F. A. Patterson cottage. Household furniture at bar- t i : gain prices, oecausa x am 'curing town. J. M. Craven, Independence. Phnnft 2511. tl F. S. Powell, a resident of Mon mouth, was a pleasant caller on the West Side Enterprise last week. Mr. Powell is one of the sturdy pioneers who crossed ihe plains in 1851. He has lived at or near Monmouth lor the last thirty-eight years. We have several parties who are looking for homestead locations or relinquishments also some timber claims. If you know of any good homestead or timber claims it will pay you to write to us. Address. Aenta Realty Co., 225 iaihng Bldg. Portland, Oregon. " We have just received a shipment of the latest styles in Ladies .Hand bags. We carry the largest variety of any store in this county. We guar-1 mjght bag on his trip. an tee our goods, as the manufacturer j Guarantees same to us. Come and be o - convinced. Our prices are right. Geo. Dunham, Leather Goods Dealer, Inde- rwndence. Oretron. 9 24tf f 1 - - Geo. I. Reeves, government eto mologist of Pullman, Washington, has been here- the last few days in specting clover fields. His researches have been, for the purpose of ascer taining the cause of shortage in the clover seed crop. Root bores is one of the causes attributed by Mr. Reeves as a cause for the shortage, together with climatic conditions which prevailed during the past season. While in the city Mr. Reeves has been the guest of Charles Iliff. E. Clemens Horst, the hop king of New York and London, was in Salem a few hours one day last week. He re mained but a short time in that city, all of which time was given up to a consultation with his local representa tives concerning the outlook of the 1908 crop of hops, after which he de parted on his way to Portland. Mr. Horst did not visit his Polk county hop yards. It is said he entertains an optimistic view of the hop situation and has left orders with his local rep resentatives to buy hops at the ruling price, which is about eight cents a pound. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McRae and Miss Florence Shanklin of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mer win last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. McRae is a buyer in the dress goods department of Lipman, Wolfe fe Co. Miss Shanklin has charge of the ad ding machines in Fleishner-Mayer's wholesale establishment. SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY. The public school opened last Mon day with an unusully good attend- . . . n ' i 1 ance. Aireaay over zoo nave ueen en rolled, and several will enter later. Miss Eunice Lewis, the eighth grade teacher, was ill and unable to take her rdace in the schoolroom. She was taken to her home at Newberg, Tiies day, and her place is being filled by Miss June Seeley. The school is having a holiday to day as a large number of the boys and erirls are in attendance at the school fair at Dallas. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kins) You Hava Always Eoughl Bears the gigaatur of k Bridge & Beach "Superior These heaters give you satisfaction. They warm the apartments better than any other stove, because they are made to throw out the heat. You know that with some heaters you are freezing when the stove is red hot. Those are not the "Superior"; wood eaters. The La Cross The La Cro Dik m th iieartt to perfla tion. We y thai it ia the bent dik plow on the market. If there wer a hcttfr one we would I (filling it. It i roeriy eormtructed ami imulf to do the work uih-iiIh1 by any other make, J lift a coiu bination of gixid quail tie i the I.a Cross. 8-ply hop sewing Twine and spring eye hop Needles HAHNA IRVINE Independence Hardware Merchants I; HAM MMTM4) 1 If Your Form is Hard to Fit lon't worry about it any more. Come to our custom tail oring department select your preference of 600 new and nobby cloths, and your style from 28 original fashion de signs, and have us take your measure. We'll send the order to Ed. V. Trice & Co., Chicago's fam ous exclusive merchant tailors, and they will make express-. ly for you a suit or overcoat that will equal the finest product of the high priced local tailor, but cost you about half the latter's price. Reason-benefit. -these tailors do an enormous business, you get the ..ymi.HT 1IM U. V. NM M. Ask to see fabrics 4755, 4759, 4844, 4920 and designs 516, 517,618,619, 522, 540 on our exclusive fashion plates. Leave your order today. Don't wait and bo the last man in town to wear a new Fall suit. O. A. KRAMER Exclusive locJ repreenttive ol Ed. V. Price & Company, Merchant Tailort, Chicago. MONUMENTS Monuments carved from soundest and handsomest of natiye and foreign granites and marbles. The highest quality of material and workmanship is my fixed policy. I have on hand a large stock finished ready for lettering of which I can make quick delivery. I have, besides, on the sea and coming by rail many others that will arrive in time for Fall delivery. Prices uniform and as low as any reliable house on the coast Salem Granite & Marble Works ' ' , i . ' e-i cat TTiur fiDrr.fdj W. W. MARTIN, Proprietor 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 II WHINOTON AND TENTH T. I If PORTLAND. ORISON i. E-l WRITE FOR CATALOG Ths Sehool that Plata You in a good Potitia Dr. Gv E. Mills Umrinary surgeon Telephone Main 153. Office at Newt Jones' Livery Barn. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON A. C. MAGERS, Proprietor TELEPHONE MAIN 175 Standard Liquor Co. ' ' WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS 148-156 S. COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM ' OREGON J