TOuHSBLF Why lias PlUCE the larg est shoe business in Sa lem? Why do Price's custo mers return after once wearing their shoes? Why has Price's shoes more snap and style than other shoes you see? Why can you get more for your money than at other stores? Buy your next pair there and SEE WHY SO 02 7 444 State Street, Salem DISC PLOWS A Disc Flow to do good work should run a depth of at least six inches. The Oliver will do this and even deeper owing to the fact that it has the weight with it and is so con structed that it runs lighter than any other Disc Plow on the market of lighter weight. You can turn either to the right or left as easy as with any walking plow, owing to the fact that it is all handled with your team. We are going to make you a special price on one of these Double Disc Flows while they last. The regular price on this size of a plow is $70 and you can now have it at $59.60. If you want a Disc Plow buy it now, as this offer is only 1 good until the 15th of October. Mail or phone orders will receive prompt attention. R. M. WADE a CO. W. E. Craven, Mgr. Independence CITY RESTAURANT O. C. BostwicK, Proprietor SHORT ORDERS AND REGULAR DINNERS- MEALS 25 CENTS AND UP MEALS AT ALL HOURS DAY POSE SAVINGS BANKS MecMaery Coairt.s Alrea.y Surl J tar Pul Sata. iUnk Law. A if end Con vaolenro of tha ropU and tn Encouragatuent of Thrift. Independence, Oregon -:- Opposite Little Palace Hotel "We favor' the eMtIItimnt of rtal Mviiik- baita atem for the fn veitkw of lb it aud the em-our- si'UH iit of thrift." Tula li the declaration of lb Repub lican wallitiial platform, ami ptal sv tnsa tiiks will ultlunit ilmibt tm afr thorlml by law ami wtahilahtM aa nmrt of our financial SyaletM bT the action of Cnnarra at It cumin al.m. which will be In lkx-m- ber. ItitWil. mu.h ha already bran ammiplii.lii'd toaard the enactment of (hi law. At tba last session of toa gmt a bill carefully pivpared M.h nirt with the approval of the Postmaster tietierat. ami irrtad uiwn favorably by the 8e-tmte Commit ti on lt Oirtcea ami rwt Roads, Tbla bill la now on the frusta calendar and can be acted upon aa aoon aa Con reea la convened. The ikxih" of the proposed law la art forth lu tb committee reiMirt, which ll In part aa follows: oaaaltt Rar. Tha puri' "f tbla bill la to place at the dlmaal of people of amall means tha machinery of tba Postofflce Department to aid and encourage them to (are their earning. Tba subject of poatal aavlnga banks or depositories la not new lu tbla country and It umy be truly aald to be quite familiar to the people of Europe and tbe British colon lea. Tba propriety of eatabllablng poatal aarlnica banka became the sub jct of discussion In England aa early aa 1807. Every objectlou to auch ue of the postortice facilities urged In thla country was vlgoroualy pressed In the long-continued Ulacuaalon of tbe subject lu England. For over fifty year private Baring Institutions waged bitter opposition to the growing aenttiiient in favor of postal aavlngs banks, but notwithstanding aueh opposition In IVil an act of Par liament wax parsed entitled "An act to grant additional facilities for de positing small aavlngs with the security of the government for the due repay ment thereof." That the alarm of pri vate institution was ill founded Is amply proven by the recorded fact that the private savings bunks increased their capital by more than ten millions. of dollars In the flrnt fifteen years fol lowing the establishment of postal aav lngs Institutions. That tbe postal savings Institutions proved successful Is satisfactorily at tested by the fact that no backward step has ever been taken lu England on this subject and by the farther fact that in rapid succession the lead or England was taken by other countries. The primary purpose of these Insti tutions is to encourage thrltt ami a saving disposition among the people of small means by placing at their dis posal in every part of the country ready facilities for the depositing of amall sums, with absolute assurance of repayment on demand with a low rate of interest on a limited aggregate amount. Postal Saving Bank Needed. In certain parts of our country sav ings Institutions are sufficiently numer ous to accommodate the people, but auch areas are quite limited, being con fined to New England and New York. It is alleged that by reason of the num ber and location of savings banks there is one savings account to every two of the population of New England, where as in all the country outside New En gland and New York the average is only one savings account to every 157 of the population. Taking such figures to be approximately correct and recog nizing the fact that the people of all sections of this country are pretty much the same In habits, inclinations, and purposes, It must be obvious to the most casual observer that the people of the South, the Middle West, and the West do not save their earnings aa do those of New England from the mere want of secure places In which deposits may be made. To those who feel inclined to balleve that the establishment of postal Bar ings depositories will involve an ele ment of paternalism it seems quite suf ficient to suggest that the machinery of the Postoffiee Department is now In ex istence and will continue to exist with-' out diminution of expense whether auch depositories are created or not and that the establishment of these depositories for the benefit of the people will not involve one farthing of loss to the Post-OfBce Department, but will probably, on the contrary, prore More than self-sustaining. Very alight computation will clearly demonstrate that the postal aarlngs depositors can not burden the Post-Offlc Department with any additional deficiency. If I am elected President, I shall urge upon Congress, with every hope of success, that a law be passad requir ing a filing in a Federal office of a statement of the contributions reealved by committees and candidates in elec tions for members of Congress and la such other elections as are constitu tionally within tha control of Congress. From Hon. Wm. H. Tart's speech ac cootls Presidential aomlaatloa. ESEXT OF TARIFF. labor World Danger la Brya rtaa of Tariff for Revenue Only Froui th lir World ) Wi.rkliigin. n and prodmvrt generally should not delude themMlrre llt the Miff that. If Mr, Itrjan ebll to rd l'rbliit. hie plane fr rerlalon tb urlff will pro-witt no nieimca la In country. Mr. Itryait la thw pruft-wxil r.riiiy i f the tariff ajati'M. lie would lmHuM tluiba, tr at all, for rrrnu iiutiHUM-a only. Oil articlrs competing with what Iik i'Ihioms to cell trust luadu smmIb ho would ha no duty at all, Any apitarviit In Ituitort dutlce arUIng from rrrlM-d schedules ha etl mates would Ih mure than made up by ImTraaml ltiiNiiia. Of emirao, his hop Is to strike at tha great protection Mm tin. which hnpiH'U to I Republican In i-'llil'-a. like IViiiisylvanla, New York, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, West Vir ginia, etc. It dwa not acem to matter to him that every dollar's worth of for Ign good In the inuipctltlve rlasa com lug Into tin) t'lllted Htalee on a revenue or free trade basis necesnsrlly by so much reduce tb demand for home good, thus displacing Just that much American labor. What he wanta to do Is to rebuke and avenge himself upon protected manufacturers who do not agrra woth him lu politics ami who will hare uona of him at the polls, aaya an exchange. But while Mr. Itryan la gunning for protectitt Industrlea and Republican States, oiica his propowd tariff law should be lu force It would full alike u turn all auction of the country, the only difference between one fttate and anothrr being In the degree of hardship Impoaed. We bear of worklngmen saying that thla time they intend to rote for Mr. Bryan, because for the past ten months we have had bard times. Rut what good will that do? flow la a tarln for revenue. Ignoring the protection Idea altogether, going to open the ahopa and mlila? How will the eloctlon of Sena tora by direct rote start tbe wheels of Industry? Or the publication of cam paign contributions? Or the further harassment of the railroads? Or the reorganization of the House, so that the Speaker niny be powerless? by open thla country now to the markets of the world when we have not suffi cient demand to consume what we our selves manufacture? t'ndcr Republi can rule we have Just had ten years of unparalleled proserlty. I'nder Dem ocratic administrations we have never ad prosH?rlty for any period, long or bort. Can't Dissffect the Farmers. The failure of Bryan's desicratn st- empts to curry favor wltlrthe farmers is illustrated by the manner lu which he was received at Crookstmi, Minn. According to Congressman llalvor Stev enson the event went off us follows: "Rryan'a speech at Crookstou was a great disappointment. Ho actually lost ground there for Democracy. Thous ands of people were there to hear him, and waited till ten o'clock in the even ing before he appeared. The address was a narrow appeal to farmers, a harangue, trying to prejudice them against Republicanism. It didn't take at all. Only once was there the slight est symptom of applause. He spoke to a silent, disappointed audience." Caanpnlg-n of Education. In the great battle of 181 Ml the Re publican party again stood for the maintenance of the Integrity of the na tion. The fight was against odds pro duced by a great Industrial depression, and against the mosK sophistical argu ments. The Republican party main tained a campaign of education among the wage-earners and the farmers, which ultimately led to the complete defeat of this second financial heresy which has threatened the integrity of our business structure). Hon. Wm. H. Taft, at Kansas City Mo. Lumbermen to Combine. Portland, Or., Sept. 21. At the monthly meeting of the Oregon and Washington Lumber Manufacturers' Association, held in this city Satur day, the announcement was made that the Southwestern Washington Lumber Manufacturers' Association and the Pacific Coast Lumber Manu facturers' Association have decided to unite with the Oregon and Wash ington Association in a bureau of grades and patterns on all lumber shipped by rail from the Northwest. Lumbermen regard this step an Im portant one, believing that It will work to the advantage of both, the buyer and seller In making for uni formity of tha lumber product. Ths threa associations that have Joined in the proposed bureau represent practically ths entire cut of the Pa cific Northwest. STATE TMRE8HERMEN COMBINE. Portland Pacific Coast managers of the loading threshing machino manufacturers of the United States met in aeaaion in this city Saturday, which was largely attended, and formed the Oregon" Stats Thresher men's Association The object of the meeting was to form an organidation which will be turned over to ths throahermen of the state next May. following a convention of farmers In Portland from all parts of the state. The new association is similar to those of nearly every othsr grain growing stats in ths Union and has for Its purpose the prevention of n falr competition on the part of un scrupulous operators, the bettermsn of ths roads and bridges of the stats and ths regulating of frslght rtsal on threshing macnlnsry and snnsUos. IJk krtlUe l CCNUINC l7? OHUS NUttU W ter V, jVJ aVCl all tUrsM Poi the Wat Y T "" n4rwt4 at'wa, Vef . a 1 Ym, mui bevt the bett (ueranited la be hnluulr pyre tl ia mA ami We bucVRl'S NOniB dirvet from the diMiltera have botUhl UluC tvt. IWl let Ihtm Mil rem omeihini le "ul iuMl." Kur k tw.i tn ike chiti ia the lonf run. Honied by Ike dmitler. Ouaranmd ike l:nuel butt Uoveraaxat ami w ywa la euniwa sMMnf eieepl pure trhl mgti hk. . . , ... For the arei urn. xnee 14 (i year.) la tut eeMioae ae Ike aiibhe le aiwhle to purrh.. C Kl IS NOIU.B we ill kII yom d.r1 4 yjerl bHlU. f 4 0. No denser ol tvWIed buolre but tbe tiKM'INU OKI'S NOBLfc ike beet W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. 105 107 Second Street. Portland. Or..,! cut T VMta uf eaa awi ra-eur a W. J. Vu Sckurw A C, M.t Omm. Eadwd pU, bd M M b atjia pU mmi M el I CXNUINE CYRUS NOBLE. , pne4 fa aaarts Cm me' Willamette Valley Company Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rate9 WATER RATES(Vater by meter appliee to resi dences only.) Kesideiico rate on meter applies to cus tomers only who pay 2.00 and over at the rate of 20o per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per mouth. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER RATE Keeidenco, 15 cents per K. W. Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 5 cents per K. W. Power, rates on application. OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE MAIN 41 She Court Resort ar?d German IiU9ch Place Fit A NK II. COLLINS, Proprietor 357 State St. Salem, Oregon Phoi?e 117 LONG'S MEAT MARKET C. U. LONG, Proprietor All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats Game and Fish in Season INDEPENDENCE OREGON WAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS Bf USING SK1DOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed or salt Proper dose In tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the lop rnce Fo Horeee, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from tha active principle or tha a.r! of the drutf. Thev don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop teed or flrm, Are low aa ood when 10 yeare old aa when 10 days old. They comply with all pare drat laws. Ask lor and try once 8KIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic, rieave. rever, nog i.noicra, viBieinpcr, jtu i.ui.i.w . Soavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE OO.i Incorporatca; tapuu mock iow.w; vvaierumn 9uu1.11 uukvuii wa a n 'or sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon R GOOD WEIili OF WATER la Indispensable to every farm. We have had splendid success ia obtaining water id all our boring operations, We are prepared to do water and oil well drill ing and all kinds of prospecting. SliOPER BROTHERS Telephone 40x2 INDEPENDENCE, OR- Citilc Palace Hotel Independence Satiaafal aftafft aft aft afsalaM J. W. CrMttor, Proprietor i i ( i i i it virttMv uoM ZMtu Special flttextloa to Coaicrc!l tttiu