West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, October 01, 1908, Image 4

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laul wwkly fnoii Imlriwiolrnee Ore
gon CliM. V- HH'ki, 'ulilt.irr and I'W
.r or.
tfmnl at Iitlixiiiliii, Of., pml
Office at Hni1-rl nmtivr
,1 rTTHTTT Jim v)
West Siae merpme
au'ouul a rut ir.
ling or Muaa&i aalikds i I
IVomoif s DiA-sltmfWi,
vss and lirafonl.tuu nraw
OratmuMorptune (wr.'taaL
A perfect Remedy for Omsfl
lion . Sour Stonarh.Plarrtnw
iu-ss and LOSS Of Sleep.
FaCSimilr SihfW of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho X,
Signaturo Am
For Over
Thirty Year
11 mm
Subscription, $1.50 Per Yaar
MadetoOrder Clothes
Jjsr-r-r&f are not expensive when made by
Chicago's famous merchant tai
Iors, Ed. V. Price & Co., of whom
we are exclusive local represent
ative. They operate on such an
immense scale and have such
perfect facilities that a
In the cm of O. 1. Hyers, accused
of ' Unit Waging," liinm c caun ii
for (rial lefor Julioe Wilaon tli tlrl
of tli week, there ia every reaauii to
believe front the relation of the young
man's story that there never the
lightest ground for suspicion. It
would be tlit) list crime on would
suspect him of committing. A boy
a carefully raised a it upjur young
flyer wa, hot ImluU lercnk yours
and years of ert and watchfulness no
the part of hi parent, would suggest j
Mil xtiiii.lt whicli might well be emu- j
latcd iy most young '' of !' lr-a-
ent day. Few of tlii'in poaacen the
ijualities whicli raie young Dyer
above suspicion f tlie act for which j
he was brought to account. If you
glory in l icnii young men posnewed of
higli anil elevated moral attribute.
one to tour aw,ay the scarlet letter
from hia breast.
I r
House Tiiriiisliing
Salem, Oregon
1 w'
tomrnmrr ism w. . mmc oo.
Very Reasonable
sum will purchase as fine a tail
ored-to-measure suit as can be
made having high quality of
" cloth, beautiful shape, perfect fit
1 A? A . 1
anu unquesiionea siyie.
Mrs. Cyrus Huell jmnsod away at her
home near Sheridan limt Hundiiy, Seji
tenilxT 20th, after a lingering illnena
of many yeii.s and much autTering, her
ailment lieing caneeroua alllictions.
KHen Carney-Buell eanie to Dregon in
1847, and was united in marriage to
Cyrus Uuell in 1S.VJ, Their entire life
has Uhmi nHnt in that vicinity, re
spected and valtieil residento. She in
tuirvived by her husband and four
children: Charles V., of Vancouver,
Washington; M. II., of Falls City;
Frank L., of Tillamook, and Mrs. A.
J. Cooper, of Sherid.in. Tho remains
were laid to rest in the I'leHsant Hill
cemetery last Monday, and followed to
the grave by many life long friends,
who respected and loved her for her
many virtues and estimable qualities.
You oviht to Imv from your liino nuTrhant. Hut tlicio a re Iiiuh
uln'ii it boeoiiit's iicct'fhaiv to o abioinl fur tliinD you t-uiinot in.ii
at bouio TIi'.h i tho chiKH of (nolo for wliirh ar loukiiiL'. If
you want Miuift liinj; out of the onhuary vt cad ititcifft yon. y
have a larue liuu f fxciunivo iloinn in
Ciigs and garp
a:xl fully proparctl to ext'cuto any nnler, laro or hinall.
The House Furnishing Co
1 77 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon
Get something special, personally
selected from the Price "exclusive style plates and
500 beautiful Fall cloths. We invite your atten
tion especially to fabrics Nos. 4657, 4734, 4755,
4848. 4920.
Fined For Selling Liquor.
Diligent work on the part of Sheriff
Grant and Deputy Horatio Morrison
caused the arrest and conviction of a
couple of parties at Indeiendence Sat
urday for dispensing an intoxicating
beverage illegally. Their names were
It. E. Uibbous and Ed Kebbert, and in
trial before Justice H. Wilson Monday
they were fined $50 each. Itemizer.
I will pay $25 reward for the recov
ery of one Moline wagon, in. axle,
which was taken from my place about
three weeks ago. Compliance with
thia notice will save trouble to the
party who now has the wagon. The
law will be invoked if reduced to the
extremity. II. WONDER,
Editor Enterprise: I beg to be in
dulged space in your paper to place
myself in better light Leforo the peo
ple of Polk county on account of tho
unfortunate circumstance which let!
up to my arrest last week, and which
was trumped up against tne through a
spirit of malice rather than civic
righteousness on the part of olliciuls
who pari!. !j-( d ii, tho nrrot and
Notice of Meetlit of Itoiinl of
i:MitliZitt ion.
Notice is hereby given, that on
Monday, the lUth.lay of October, IWH,
the board of etiali.at inn w ill meet at
tho county court house at the city ofi
Dallas, in the county ofl'ulk, state of
Oregon, to examine and correct the
assessment roils, to correct h!1 errors
in valuations, descriptions or qualities I (Itoiii I-alla ( Ity New,)
fl,.,l I,,!. .r 0,.,r ,.r,.,u.ri. ,tr -irCUIl JUIIgO IHirilftl OVI'milOU
"""t .........
correctly assessed as to description or motion for a new trial in the A. J.
quantity, or where assessed in the Hembree case and pronounced the
name of a person or iktsou not the ,iMf i. m,.,,.!,
, - 1 1 i .. ..... i .....i... ... i... i j.
youd tbeiu'tuul cash vnluo thereof
and to assess all lauds, hits and other
property appearing to have been
omitted or that was not assessed. .
Petitions or applications for the rc
.ii,.;..,, ..r t;..a.i..i. ....... ..j,.
trial. I have hesitated to go into J niH(,o .fJ wrjting vi,rjU by
print, believing in the sincerity of my tho oath of the applicant or his attor-
When You Sit Down To
a Meal
in th'H restaurant you are eure it will be
excellent as to food, e.ooklnir and servic.
The Hurraundiiijrs speak for themselves,
and the bill of fure tells mutely of fine
eating at little prices. Come in Hnd bring
a friend or two along. You will, fill be
b? pleased.
White House Restaurant
. Wm. McGilchrut & Son, Proprietors
lour Attention Has
Been Drawn
often to some borne where jjlhe
inmates seemed to be mviug the
time or tnelr lives. Vou nave.
nVnbtless wished yon could have
such a jolly good lime at your
house You can easily enoub
One of our talking machines wnl
furnish any kind of entertainment
you desire. Stop in and see what, a
weallh of enjoyment it wjll afford.
247 Cumuiercial Street, Hakem, Ore.
Business Main, $2.00 per month
Business 2 party line" ...... .. 1.50 per month
Residence Main 1.50 per month
Residence 2 party line 1.25 per month
Residefice 4 party line 1.00 per month
Desk set 25c extra per month, furnished only on
I; business lines.
(From the Observer.)
County Clerk E. M. Smith issued li
cense to Roy W. Comegys and Kath
erine Simonton and Roy Newbill and
Loisel Blair, Tuesday, and to Arthur
II. Meyers and Mary J. Stengel, Wednesday.
Miss Grace D Black was married to
Mr. Arthur M. Jones, of Salem, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Black, of Rickreall, Tuesday af
ternoon. The ceremony was per
formed by Dr. C. A. Mock, of Dallas.
Mr, arid Mrs. Jones will make their
home in Salem.
J. C. Hayter, former editor of the
Observer, writes us that his new ad
dress is 421 South Third street Albu
querque, New Mexico. He arrived in
that city last Saturday, and will pro
bably remain there until after the hol
idays. He writes that he is enjoying
the best of health and that he antici
pates a pleasant winter's visit in the
New Mexican metropolis.
Not ice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership formerly existing between
the firm of Chamberlain & Long is
this day dissolved. All unpaid ac
counts due the firm are now due and
payable at the office of the old firm
of Chamberlain & Lone. AH accounts
owing by the firm will be paid at the
said office.
friends who know so much better of
me and whom I am weak enough to
believe will exert themselves to see
that my character does not suffer in
what they have not hesitated to pro
nounce "case of persecution." I will
simply map out in as few words as
possible a skeleton of the truth of the
My .arrest last Thursday was made
on the complaint of the sheriff of
Polk county, who failed to appear in
court at the time of the hearing,
which came before Justice B. Wilson,
who, before the trial, advised me to
plead guilty and pay a fine. In the
absence of prosecuting witnesses the
case was dismissed on motion of the
prosecuting attorney. In his zeal for
civic righteousness tins tiiniinuiive
muckrakcr, the justice in the case,
went out upon the street in search of
witnesses to follow IJ) tlie prosecution.
I am engaged at this time conduct
ing a grocery store at Ilorst Brothers'
hop yards. I come to town every day
for goods and supplies. One day last
week I was asked by Earl Gibbons,
one of the hop pickers at the yards, to
bring him a bottle of ginger ale. This
I did as a matter of accommodation,
and for which I received no com pen
sation. ji tne Dome contained any
thing but what the label purported it
to contain, it is not for nie to say.
This is the truth and the whole truth,
and positively all that was possessed
by the prosecution upon which to
make a case.
In extenuation I wish to say, and
tho truth of, which will lie borne out
by my parents and brothers, and my
friends of Polk county, I have never in i
my life tasted of liquor of any kind to
my knowledge, and neither do I chew
or smoke tobacco. This I can say of
my brothers and my father, with the
exception that he sometimes indulges
in a cigar.
ney, and be tiled with the board dur
ing the first week it is by law required
to bo in session, and any petition or
application not so miule, verified, and
filed sh .11 not be considered or acted
upon by the board.
Assessor of Polk County, Oregon.
Dated September 21, A.D.,1908.
Plans are maturing rapidly for the
.Live Stock Exhibit to be field nt
Grange Fair, Gresham, October G-.jO,
The sheds are well 'aong mw for j,ie
9took exhibit, gtali8 jiave been con.
stru6teci to card fr ,i0 lleftd f stock
already, and the material will be ready
for the erection of other Shllls If the"
entries demand it. It in fully expect
ed that there will be need of over a
hundred. The pens for sheep and
hogs will be put up thia week. The
next issue of the Beaver State Herald
will contain a large part of the pre
mium list, it copy of which may be ob
tained by writing and the complete
premium lists will be ready to go out
by the hist of the week.
The county roud roller steumed into
town Monday to finish the approaches
to the bridge. The first thing it did
was to venture ho near tho edge of the
fill that it came near being ditched.
When the dirt began to slip the en
gine was shut down and horses and
blocks had to be used to pull it awny
from tho edge of the grade.
While drying hops at tho F. A. Link
hop house on the Luckiamute Tues
day evening George McDowell sus
tained injuries that are very serious.
After dark ho was out on the approach
to the house and in some way Ml to
the ground and injured his spine and
was unconscious fo; a long time, and
it was thought that ho could not re
cover, but at present he is improving,
and is expected to got well.
Notion of I'liiiil Settlement.
Notice Is lierliy ilveii tlmt II, e nndor
lineil,M nclrnlnlKtviiior wlih tlm will unci
Hexed nl I oMati! u1 John I iy, leoPnw(t,
lUH filed lilx tll iioomint In the Conuly
Vori of the Mtulu nioniKon, for Poiu ''nuiay.
mid thatHiturlH.Vi Hut I7tli ,( October.
IWW, ill Hi" liii"'' of o'clock In the niu-r-nomi
of tlm mild day, nt tho cmn t room of
tliflwiltt Cui'.ety .0Uil In lliecity of ouilai',
to1., has tCon M,.j;!::!rr h.v ? him
the time iind plan for tlie hearing ot ob
jection to Hid wild Haul account and the
ett It-incut thereof,
Administrator with will annexed nf tho
estate or John i.oy, deceased,
Osonr Haylor, Attorney.
lntod tind first published September 17,1008.
Dated this 1st day of September,
1908. .- .
Polk'it Gazetteer.
A buslnem directory or each city, town nd vll
lse In Oregon and Washington, giving a dencrlpt
lve gkptch of each place, together Willi the loca
tion and shipping facilities and a classified direc
tory or each business and profession, ft. L. folk
A Co., Inc., Seattle.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the county court of the stute of Ore
gon for Polk county, in the matter of
the estate of J. M. Mitchell, deceased.
rvotice is tiereoy Kiven mat wealthy
Mitchell, executrix, of the fstate of.
M. Mitchell, deceased, Las rendered
and presented for settlement, and filed
in said court, her final account of her
administration ot said estate, and that
Friday, the 30th day of October, 1908,
at 10 o'clock a. m. at the county court
rooms of said court In the city of Dallas
Polk county, Oregon, rms been appoint
ed by the judge of said court for the
settlement of all accounts at which
tine and place any person Interested
in said estate may appear and tile ex
ceptions in writing to said account and
contest the same.
Executrix of the estate of J. M.
Mitchell, deceased.
B F. Jones, Attorney. 10-29
I The Scales Tell tisi Story
I When th buyer opens up yotff 1f
and finds it soft, long, utrong and wfiit
puts It on the scale and finds It
maximum weight for wool-stock, pays
you more for it that'll the effect of
treating your flocks with
Permitted by the government for the
olficial dipping ol sheep for scab.
Antiseptic and healing for shear cuts
and barbed-wire wounds; insures a
clean skin, free of ticks, scab, lice;
eradicates foot-rot, prevents all sheep
diseases, promotes growth of staple.
Raises Quality, Increases Price
One gallon Ohloro-Naptholenm Dip make a
barrel of solution. Bold by many agunoU-ona
near yoa for quirk supply. 1 gal.. 11 fiih A aal
8.75i 10 gal., 112.80-f reliint pafd. '
The best, most DractlcL .Ju.r tww.fe -
tan on thia subject Making sheep HealtSv and
Keeping Them Jto"-ouht to be in jour hands.
Prevention Is better than oure. Our book
"shows how" for both, bend for It now. Wiu
Wnl DlilafKllrti Ca., lac, S9fh II., In Tort City
Dittrlbutlnf Depot.: chla.o, St. Louli, Omaha.
unmet aaa uuougnoai Wyomlsf aad Ariaooa