West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, October 01, 1908, Image 1

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Mad Peitlbl by Recent Robust
Constructive- Republican
Convention Between America u4
England in Effect Oct. I It
Blessing to Terelga
i Bora Cltiaena.
) OltDKK NO. 1(W7.
tlio Toetal Administration of Greet
Britain having concurred therein:
It II iK'rrhjr ordered. Tlint, commence
Ing on the lit day of Ortolwr, lOUft,
the atage rate ainllcable to Irttrra
mailed In I'ultrd Htalr, adilmuwd fur
delivery at any plsc In the t.'nlled
Kingdom of Croat Ilrltsln and Ireland,
ball be two (2) ceut an ounce or frac
tion of an ounce.
letters unpaid or abort paid aball bo
4lstctiHd to definition, but double
tbe deficient postage, calculated at aald
rate, aball bo collectible of tbe ad-4n-es-s
uiMin tbo delivery of tbe un
paid or abort paid tetters.
a. v. u MEvna,
Pout muster General.
Hehlml tnla simple statement la
Tast amount of ItTutilUnn construc
tive Ivglxlatlon which resulted In the
lgnlfkiit accomplishment, art forth
ty tlw IVmt miii ster tit-ui-ral. It la elo
quently prophetic of a world-wldo pen
ny pnatnite, fur which tbo credit will be
due to a Republican administration.
Ink t'niveraal Pnetal I'oatrMt
The Slitb rnlverxs.1 Postal I'ongrea
convened In the city of Rome, Italy,
April 7 and continued mil II May -M,
11MK1. Klxty-flve count rlc. Including the
Tnlted States, were represented. Tbe
assembly whs for the purpose of (lis
ensuing t ho poNtnl systems of all tuitions
and, If poMsliile, agreeing upon measures
for tbe Improvement In all practical
ways, of the regulations governing In
ternational Intercourse through the
mails. The .first congress of this kind
met lo Uerr:', Switzerland, lu 1S74.
Tbo United States I'ostnfllce Iepart
mcnt waa represented In this World
Postal Congress by two delegates the
Stiicrlntcndent of Division of Foreign
Malls, as In previous postal congresses,
ml tbe Hon. Kdward Unsown tor of the
Oinnha Roe, who hnd also served in tbe
preceding postul congress.
Mora foe Universal Pnnr Poi(xs.
At this I'nlversal Postnl Congress
representatives of the United States
proposed a universal two-cent postage
to all nations. Tbe 'lion. J. Ilennlker
ilenton, M. P., who Is the father of tbe
two-cent Idea In England, speaking of
America's action at the Rome conven
tion, in standing out for a universal
two-cent postal rate, aald:
"The British members stood coldly
by. They did not recognise that this
was a great historic occasion, a worthy
parallel of that solemn scene on July
4, 1770, when the Declaration of Inde
pendence was adopted; for If the
Americans are willing to adopt a penny
postage to all parts of the world, It fol
lows that they are willing to establish
It to the British Empire and form with
us a Restrictive Postal Union.' "
The Hon. Whitelaw Reld, America's
Republican minister to the Court of St.
James, praised the work of the Ameri
can delegation and solicited tbe friendly
co-operation of the British government
t a Fourth of July banquet speech In
indon la 1906. Mr. Reld Mid :
"The American people hoped for
closer and cheaper communications
with all other nationa as the best means
ef promoting better acquaintance end
perpetuating friendship. They were
gratified to And that the British apostle
of penny postage (Mr. Ilea ton) at tbla
moment focusing his efforts on what
ought to be the easy task" of persuad
ing the authorities on both side of the
Atlantic, that It was as cheap to carry
a letter from London to New York as
from London to Calcutta ; or from New
lork to Manila and quite as useful."
American Republicans Lead the War
So it baa come to pass that tbo Unit
ed 'States, under lta Republican admin
istration, has finally succeeded In en
tering into a convention with Great
Britain whereby after the 1st of Octo
ber this year, a two-cent postage rate
will obtain between this country and
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
We already have such an arrangement
with Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Panama
and our colonial possessions. This great
accomplishment Is universally recog
nized as the proper beginning which is
to result in a universal two-cent postage
rate aroand the world.
tribute to
X fool' that the country Is Indeed to bo congratulated upon tbo
nomination of Mr. Taft. I have known him intimately for many year
and I have a peculiar foellaff for him, because throughout that time
ho worked for the same object, with the moi purposes and Ideal.
I do not believe there could bo found la all the country a man
o well fitted to bo President.
Ho to not only absolutely fear lees, absolutely disinterested and up
right, but ho hoe the widest acquaintance with tbo nation's needs, with
out and within, and the broedeet sympathies with all our cltiaena.
Ho would bo a emphatically a President of the plain people aa
Llnoola, yet not Lincoln himself would bo freer from the least taint
of demagogy, the least tendency to arouse or appeal to elites hatred ef
ny kind.
Ho has a peculiar and iatlmato knowledge of and sympathy with
tbe need of all our people of the farmer, of the wage earner, of the
bualnoea nan, of the property owner.
He matter what a man' occupation or nodal position, bo matter
what bin oreed, hi eolor, or tho section of the country from which ho
comes, If ho la an honest, hard working man who tries to do his duty
toward hie neighbor and toward tho country, he eaa rest assured that
he will have la Mr. Taft tho moot upright of representatives and tbe
moat fearless of champions.
afr. Taft stand against privllegee and ha stands pre-eminently for
tho broad principle of American eltiaonahlp which lie at tho founda
tion of oar national well being.
gress through Its representatives, must
not be lost sight of. One was the adop
tion of a universal return couin
stsnip, in eicbsnge for which, upon Its
rescntatlon at a postofrlce Iri another
country, tho person presenting It shsll
receive post a go stamp of tbo value of
cents, good In any country of the
world, thus enabling people here to
repay pontage at regular rate upon
reply letters.
The other significant concession wss
that In 11 World Postal Congresses to
be held In tbe future, the I'ulted States
te be granted an additional vote, la
view of Its island possessions ; so that
at all future congresses our country
will lie entitled to two votes, as against
one vote each cast by every other na
tion In tlie world.
Praelloal Reneflla tt Ins People.
No doubt the IH'inocrnts nuiy Inquire
to what nil this tins to do with the
el fare of American citizens. For
their enlightenment anil information it
may be Htatcd that, uccordlng to the
United States census of 1!KK, the for
eign born population in the United
States nt that time was 10,4(10,085. The
population, born of foreign parentage
(one or both parents having beeu born
In foreign countries) was 20,lt)8,l).'10,
or a total foreign population of H6,-
(150,024. The report of the Immigra
tion Coiiimlhn:oncr by years since then
shows that fl,fi(i.S,(;0G have since come
to America, thus eking out the total
foreign population at the present time
to 4V'l-,7(SO. This doc not take any
note of Increase since 1900 in American-born
children, one -or both of whose
parents nr of foreign blood. Estimat
ing that only one-half of this number
21,00,1,810 write one letter to foreign
countries every two weeks, or 20 weeks
each year, we hove 120,083,040 letters
written annually, which, at the present
rate of 5 cents postage each, amounts
to an expenditure of $0,490,152 annu
ally. Under the present postal law
foreign correspondents may send let
ters to the United States "collect," but
when they reach their destination the
recipient must pay double postage. Fig-
Woi-14 I Reaar fee Rrdaetlea.
It will probably be but short time
fter tho convention between this coun
try and England goes Into effect, until
the dream of a universal 2 cent loiter
postage, championed by tbe Republican
party, will lie renlixcd. Australia, New
Zealand and Egypt have already called
for the 2-rent rate. The Emperor of
Germany lias wild that If Engl a ml es
tablishes a 2-i'cnt postage rate with
the United States, be will have Ger
many do the same. Krnivc, Itrt'y.
South Africa. Japan, r.elglum, Hol
land, Denmark aud Swislmi would i.
little more than an Invitation to fol
low suit.
- A -2-cpnt postal rate would bind all
the South American republics and tho
United States still more closely togeth
er into a peaceful, reciprocal, progres
sive, civilization, which would mean a
more rapid development of both Ameri
can continents and a new application
of the Monroe doctrine. With these
countries agreed, on the ofoject desired,
the continent of Europe alone would
then bo wholly outside this compre
hensive postal union, and then the
continental power would not long
stand aloof from It.
It has remained for tbe United
States to take the initiative in a move I
to reap the great glory of being the
pioneer of a world wide 2-cent post
age. Mlll'inp of our citizens wil' feel
almost ns grateful for this beneficent
art as millions of slaves did, when the
Republican party broke the shackles
thai bound them to perpetual physical
Republican States Mat Boa Lib
eral In Legislation for
Democratic Hates Have Done ilttl
to Make Labor Condition Bettor
Within Their Bound.
Mr. Taft Compare Republican and
Democratic Platforms.
(From Mr. Taft' Speech of Accep
The chief difference between the Re
publican and the Democratic platforms
i the difference which has heretofore
been seen between (the policies of Mr.
Roosevelt and those which have been
nrlnr the double nostaee on the same advocated by the Democratic candidate,
basis, the forelirn nomilatlon of the Bryan. Mr. Roosevelt's policies
United States pays during each year, been progressive and regulative
for wostaee under the present system, i Mr. Bryan 3 aeatruetive.
Under the new and cheaper postal
charges advocated by tho Republican
party, should the 2-cent rate become
Mr. Roose
velt has favored regulation of tho bus!
ness In which evils have grown up so
oa to stamp out the evils and permit
the buslnesa to continue. Tbe tendency
universal, the foreign population in ! of Mr. Bryan's proposal has generally
the United State, to their direct cor
respondents, would only pay $3,249,676
annually for direct postage and $9,748,
728, for letters sent to them from for
eign countries "collect." In other
words, this Republican measure will
save the highly esteemed adopted clti-
cens of our country, and those born
been destructive of the business with re
spect to which be is demanding reform
Mr. Roosevelt would compel the trusts
to conduct their business ia a lawful
manner and secure the benefit of their
operation and the maintenance of tbe
prosperity of the country of which they
sre an important part; while Mr.
here of foreign parentage $12,998,254 j Bryan would extirpate and destroy the
annually, in the necessary correspond
ence with their loved one abroad. But
perhaps the Democrats do not think
this is worth while.
laipertaat Talaare Aeeampl!ehe4.
Two other Important things that tbe
Republican administration accomplish
ed at the Rom Universal. Postal Con-
Sone Glaring Inconsistencies.
At present an American can send a
letter 5,000 miles by land ay from
Mexico to Alaska for 2 cents, but
must pay 5 cents for a letter of half ,
the weight sent 8,100 miles to England, j
An Englishman pays 5 cents on a let- I
entire business in order to stamp out
the evils which they havo practiced.
Two Englishmen on a holiday in
Prance were dining together at a Paris
restaurant. Mr. Smith would order
and ask for everything he wanted in
doubtful French, while Mr. Cross
would offer explanations that were in
the nature of criticisms. At last Mr.
Smith's temper rose to explosive point
'Will von." he snld tn TCne-ltah this
ter crossing tho Atlantic, 3,100 miles, ome-.-be B0 gooi M not t0 interfere
and 2 cents on one crossing the Indian ! wlth me jn the nse of my French?"
and South Pacific Oceans, 16,000 miles, j "Very well," retorted Mr. Cross. "I
to iNew Zealand. All this Is to be rem- simply wanted to point out that you
edied on October tho first next, thanks were asking for a staircase when all
to an enlightened Republican administration.
you wanted
Mail. - '
was a spoon!" London
It Is fact that every Important step
for tbe benefit of American labor ha
been taken either by Republican
Coiiree and admlnlst ration, or by tbo
Legislature of Republican tate, of
Course with tho consent, and ooiiietlnte
by the advice, of tho Htste exrcutlvo,
Itomocratlc CoiigreMes have ben no
tably negligent In tbl respect, and
Ieuiix rstlc fits tee have either done
nothing to nuke labor condition bet
ter within their bounds, or have slowly
and reluctantly followed at distent
In the trail of Republican reform.
State Leslelatlen.
The (Mates hsvo control of labor leg
islation within tbelr respective bound.
federal authority being confined, so far
a Isbor la concerned, to tbo District
of Columbia and tbe territories, federal
reservation and federal public works.
Tbe story of labor legislation shows
that nearly all labor reform originated
in Republican States, aud at tho pres
ent day the Republican are far ahead
of tbe Iiemorrat In the enactment and
enforcement of laws for the welfare
of men and women and children wbo
work for living. Twenty-six out of
thirty Republican States have labor
bureaus, and only seven out of sixteen
Democratic States have similar bu
reaus, without wbkb labor law aro
often dead letters. Twenty-threo Re-
ubllcau States have factory Inspectors
to seo to the enforcement of the factory
laws. Only six Democratic State have
factory Inspection sen-ices. Fifteen
States thirteen Republican and two
Democratic have free employment
agencies. Eighteen Ktatea have laws
on their statute books prohibiting labor
on government works or public con
tracts for more than eight hours a day.
Of these Mates sixteen are Republican
and two Democratic. Four Republican
States and one Democratic State have
aws declaring eight hours to be a legal
working day In tbe absence of a con
tract Twenty-seven States prohibit
tbe employment of children under four
teen years of age in factories. Of these
twenty-three are Republican and four
are Democratic States. Laws limiting
tbe hour of the employment of chll
dren in factories or stores have been en
acted in twenty-four Republican and
thirteen Democratic States. Eighteen
Republican and ten Democratic States
prohibit night work by children. Twelve
Republican and three Democratic
States prohibit the employment of chil
dren in operating dangerous machinery
or cleaning machinery In motion. Fif
teen Republican and six Democratic
States limit tbe hours of labor of worn
en. It should be noted that twelve of
the Republican States which limit
women's hours of labor have factory
Inspectors to see that the law is obeyed,
while only three f the Democratic
States make such provision. In twenty-
three Republican and ten Democratic
States employers are required by law
to provide seats for female workers.
Twelve States have enacted legisla
tion intended to effect the extinction of
the sweatshop system, with its degrad
ing and revolting accessories. Of these
twelve States ten are Republican and
two Democratic. Seventeen Republican
and (five Democratic States have laws
requiring the payment of wages weekly
or fortnightly, or, in some instances,
prohibiting a longer period than ono
month between pay days.
Trade Union Labels.
Fourteen Republican States and only
one Democratic State Nevada have
laws in force prohibiting employers
from discharging persons on account of
membership in labor organizations, or
from compelling persons to agree not
to become members of labor organlza
tlons as a condition of securing employ
ment or continuing In their employ,
Forty States have passed laws allowing
trade unions to adopt labels or trade
marks to be used to designate products
of the labor of their members, and pro
hibiting the counterfeiting of . the use
of such labels or trade-marks by un
authorized persons. Of these States
twonty-elght are Republican and twelve
are Democratic.
Won Id Restrain Unlawful Triad.
Mr. Bryan asks me what I would do
with the trusts. I answer that I would
restrain unlawful trusts with all tho
e&elency of Injunctive process and
would puniah with all tho severity of
criminal prosecution every attempt on
the part of aggregated capital to sun
press competition. Hon. Wm. H. Taft,
at Columbus, Ohio.
Moving Pictures of Merit and
Illustrated Songs
Only Theatre in Polk County
Performance! every evening at 7 150 and Matinees
Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons
Sewing Machines
Talking Machine Records
Piano and Organ Studies
Sheet Music
Extras for All Makes of
Sewing Machines
Dni of success
of Old and Relia
ble House of Geo.
C. Will
Good good,
riht prices, posi
tive guarantee,
and defect (the
fault of instru
ment) repaired
fre of charge.
121 Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon.
Home Furauhingi, WI1 Paper
A line of Hardware, Tools and Kitchen Utensils, Stoves and Ranges
Telephone 947 Main 285 N. Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON
PfffPjpf) WARP
Salem's Up-to-Date Store Is
Here With the Goods
The grandest assortment of Beautiful Fall Merchandise that wag ever
seen in this city. You can see style, fashion and beauty in every ready
made garment and piece of goods shown. Remember we are the makers
ol low prices.
uress uooas ana
Our assortment is great and our
prices cannot be beat. Fall Suitings
yard 25c, 35, 49o, 65c, 76c and up
Dress Silks
In a grand assortment of styles and
patterns. Yard, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c
and up.
Hosiery and Un-
in Fall and Winter-weight at special
Low Prices. 19c, 25c, 85c, 49o and
If you want the best values in Salem
Outing Flannels,
Blankets, Comforts
and Flannels
come to the CHICAGO STORE.
Trimmed Hats
now gelling for $1.50, $2.50
$2.95, $3.50 and up.
Women's Tailor Made
Garments and
at Wonderfully
Low Prices.
SUITS: $8.50, $10.60,
$12.50, $14.50 and up.