J. i w EST YJ lull H VI JL JUJLVJL JLVJLVJJLa INDKl'KNDKNCK. OltKdON, TIIUIKIMY. SWIICM IIKK it. NUMHKK !7i YKAK INTERFERES psnienAL oniiKH aijaixnt fish WAIUKN LIMIT AflllKHT TO OHMiOV. MeAlUeter Feree Ielral RltuaUoa hi Kafnrrlng NlaU tlulr I'm til Jurtadlrlloa la Bellied. Fortliod. Or., Sept. II. federal Jaage William B. (Albert has laaued an older restraining Matter Flab Warden McAllister, of Oregon, from Interfering with any person or per aoni engaged In Ashing under tha authority of tha Btaia of Washlng ton. Tha order means temporary cee aatlon of hoatllltlea between the Ore gon Flih Warden and Washington harnien on tha Columbia. How ersr. It only Increases tha dlflcultlaa of that official and Intensifies tha Ill-feeling on tha part of flahermen on tha Oregon aide of tha river. Tbay threaten to move their belongings to tha Washington aide, where there re no state restrictions Aa soon aa the Federal restrain ing order wii Issued, It serred upon Mr. McAtllater and he In turn Immediately notified his deputies, who hate been petroling the lower rirer, to desist In their efforts to atop the operations of fluhermen on the Washington aide. He also dla pensed with the sorvlces of the Urge number of special deputies. The duties of the Master Fish Warden will be extremely delicate as a result of tho order of the Fed eral court. There la only an Im aginary boundary Una between tha two elates, courts havlnp differed aa to where the Jurisdiction of one state actually ceases and that of the other benlns. He will arrest any persona who may bo caught nUlng on the Oregon side and In order to aocure a conviction he must c-Htabllnh a boundary lino. Those on the Wash ington side will be Immune from In terference as a result of the ordor. FtiAMKS It (iK O.V-TW7-t54 -MAIUM.S 1 I)KAI; 8 I.NJL'IIBD Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 19. An explo sion of 250 gallons of ganollne on board a barge moored abreast the submarine boats Grampus and Pike, at the Mare island Navy-yard, yes terday afternoon, resulted In the death of Chief Machinist Teddy May and injuries to Lieutenant J. 8. Tovrnsond, Chief Gunner's Mate W. H. Leahy and Chief Gunner's Mate Morrin. Both submarines were bad ly scorched. The explosion occurred without warning, throwing the flamea in all directions. It was the most spec tacular fire ever seen in the navy yard. Men were forced to Jump overboard to escape the flames, but the majority of them were rescued. After the explosion the flameB spread down the hatchway of the submarines, catching men like rats In a trap. They escaped only with difficulty. CALIFORNIA NEWSBOYS BURY THKIK COMRADE IN STYLB San Jose, Cal., Sept. 19. The fun eral of Clarence Mason, the 15-year-old newsboy, who met a shocking death at the Market-street depot last week, was held yesterday afternoon. All of Clarence's fellow newsboys gathered to take part In the last sad rites. A special oar was engaged to convey the boys, to the number of n tho cemetery. The boys employed in the different newspaper offices in town and on the outside newspaper routes, opened their hearts and purses with gener osity and contributed liberally to the fund for defraying the funeral ex penses. They paid a minister to con duct religious services and secured the donation of a beautiful cemetery lot ' PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat-v-Track prices: Club, 88c; red Russian, 86c; bluestem, 92c; Valley, 90c, Barley Feed. 26.60; rolled, ,2oSs-No. 1 white. 29; gray, S28.60. Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley, fancy $14; do. ordinary, 811; East ern Oregon, $16.50; mixed, $13; lfBuUer Extra, 32c; fancy, 27 c; choice, 25c; store, 14 15c. Eggs Extra, 28 29c; firsts, 25 26c; seconds, 22023c; thirds, 16 20c , . , jjjjpg 1907, prime and choice, 34c; old, lltte; new crop, 6 7c. Wool Valley 1415Hc; lb; Eastern Oregon, I 16c, aa to shrinkage. Mohair Choice. 18 19c. EVENTS IN OREGON j MAKE TKMTH WITH MI.MOJf. Astoria During the month of July the United Htale Fish Com mission commenced an experiment to learn how long It took a salmon to rearh Its natural spawning ground after entering the Columbia river from tha ocean. A number of sal mon were caught la the Government trap In Baker's Hay and a email lead button on which was Inscribed "l'. B. Fish Commission" was rivaled through the tall of each and then re leased. The first ef theae to be caught was one delivered to the Megler Can nary, at Brookfleld. last week and gave no outward evidences of hav ing been Injured by the button. The distance from where the aalmon was releared and where It was caught was about 16 miles In a straight line and the time consumed was about two months. The cspture of this Individual fish does not necessarily teach anything, but nay If others are caught. WOMEN AGAIN SEEK BALLOT. Salem The Oregon State Equal Suffrage Association Saturday filed petitions with the Secretary of State for a new woman's suffrage election. The principle upon which the peti tion lis based and upon which the campaign will be carried on Is that the right to vote should be given all women paying taxea on either real or personal property. Thla pro cedure was undertaken for the pur pose of opening an Issue for an ac tive campaign of reorganliatloa. The matter will be submitted to the vot ers at the November election in 1910. In all previous womsn's suffrage elections the effort has been to ob tain the suffrage for women under the same conditions as Is enjoyed by men. Tho present petition Is unique In thnt It asks for the suffrage for women taxpayers only ana is me nrsi time that such a measure nas oeen presented In this state. GOOD ItOADS MEETINfl. Hood Hirer Undvr auspices of the Commercial Club two good roads meetings were held here taturaay that are expected by Judge J. 1 Scott, of Marlon county, and Judge L. It. Webster, of Multnomali, to give tho movement throtignout mo state a vigorous boost. Tinlen Webster explained the vart Oils measures which the legislature will bo asked to make laws, sucn as providing for a state appropriation to each county or iu,uuu, wun ui r.t l ni. lnt Inn that the county recelvln It must also approbate the same amount; a law providing lor tne em ploynient of state and county prls ,mro in tlio construction of roads; n low nrovldina for the organization of local rond improvement districts, snH nn amendment to the state con d It ii I Inn em nowerlng the several counties in the state to bond for the purpose of constructing permanent roads. TS IT CASK OF Ml RDKR? Portland In a lonely, secluded nr.nl In Macleay Park, the ctecom posed remains of a man were found by two small boys last week, and ex amination by the coroner has dis closed evidence that points strongly to murder. In the right temple of the skull fhr u a laree hole. Inflicted by a ponderous blow, and fragments of the bones, which were snauerea oy hoaw trmtrument. were found Inside the skull. Evidences of the man's Identity have been destroyed, ana further evidences of the crime have been obliterated by time and the ele ments. Physicians say that the man has been dead for not less than six months and perhaps a year, I ney also say that the wound in his temple could not have been self-inflicted, and have accordingly eliminated tha possibility of suicide. BUYS OREGON MINE. Albany One of the biggest min ing deals In many years In the San tlam district was consummated Sat urday, when a bond for a deed was filed here by Don A. Smith and T. J. McClary, transferring the Portland group of mines to E. G. Borden, a mining engineer of San Francisco. The purchase price is $50,000. Borden has two years to accept or reject the property, but must do $6000 worth of development work each year and take no ore. This property is in Linn county, 80 miles south of the Gold Creek district, on the north fork of the Santiam, the scene of present ac tivity in the Santiam country. Man's Dull Attire. Britishers are constantly becoming duller and moremorose in the matter of their clothes. Their carelessness In this respect seems sometimes to amount to affectation. Chambers' Journal. BARK ASHORE WK.UKFR - HAD THAT KHir caxkot iik iti;.um:i BY lUX'l'KK. Majority of ThiM Aboard Are Ori ental laborer Vl Has Halmon Cargo. San Francisco, Sept. 11 The Mar chants Exchange received a dispatch today from Fort Wrangell, Alaska, atatlng that the Americas bark Star of Bengal, Captain Thompeoa, had been drtven ashore and a total wreck. The newa was brought to Fort Wrangell by the ateamer Hatlle Gage, a tender to the Alaskan fish canneries, which reported that tha ateamer Kyak was standing by the stranded ship to render whatever aid was possible Nothing Is aald In tha message received here of the fate of the officers and crew of the wreck ed bark, but the presumption Is that tbey are atlll on the vessel. The Star of Bengal Is aa Iron bark of 1694 tons register, 262 feet long, with a 40-foot beam. She Is one of the vessels of the salmon fleet, be longing to the Alaska Packers As sociation and sailed from this poet on April 22. The bark has 12( men aboard, of whom 100 are Japanese and Chinese. The cable ship Burn side has gone to her relief, but may not be able to reach the wrecked ship, nad weather Is prevailing. The Bengal Is on the west side of Coro nation Island and the crew has no chance to land. The vessel has a cargo of 45,000 cases of aalmon. Rcvcrldge Will Visit the Northwest. New York. 8ept. 21. Announce ment was made at tho headquarters of the Republican National commit tee that Senator Albert J. Beveridge, of Indiana, has been selected to make a tour from New York to Portland, Or., and make political speeches tn reply to William J. Bryan. Demo cratic candidate for President. The Senator will speak In the Da kotas, Montana and Oregon and make an address at Portland on "The Navy and Oriental Trade." A speech on the same subject will be mado at San Francisco. Governor Hughes was here last week and conferred with Mr. Hitch cock. The Governor is to give a part of his time to the campaign In Western states. Senator Borah, of Idaho, who has made 30 speeches In the East, left New York for Chicago, where a Western Itinerary will be made up for him. POSTCARD PHOTO BRINGS WALLA WALLA MAN BRIDE. Anaconda, Mont., Sept. 20. A pretty romance, brought to the story book ending, was told In the final chapter here when Miss Ida Char ley, of this city, and R. R. Hubbard, of Walla Walla, were married at the residence of Rev. H. O. Svare. The beginning goes back two months, when the yong woman sent a postal card photo of herself to a girl friend at Walla Walla. The friend showed the picture of her chum to Hubbard, with whom she was "keeping com pany." He fell In love with the pho tograph. Then followed an introduction by mail, and "Just in fun" a corre spondence began and the mails were soon overburdened with letters that flew back and forth. In a month Hubbard threw up his job in Walla Walla and came to Montana to woo In person the fair daughter of Ana conda. Careless Nurse Poisons Patients. Ran Dieeo. Cal.. Sept 19. Four deaths have already resulted from the carelessness of Mary Arthur, a 1 9-vear-old nurse, at the county hos pital, and four others are seriously ill, though their Illness is not ex pected to be fatal. All were taken sick yesterday af ternoon and the evidence of poison was so great that an investigation was started, ending finally in a con fession bv Miss Arthur that she had neglected to throw out some water In which there was a quantity of atronine. and that these patients had got hold of It with their medicine. She realized her mistake as soon as they became ill, but did not confess her error until the investigation had brought the deaths almost home to her. "Mrs. Sourmug, who thought she had mission to look after suffering hu manity, is married, isn't she?" Yep." I was surprised to learn that she had given up her mission in life." 'She hasn't Her husband is going to be suffering humanity hereafter." Houston Post OREGON BRIEFLETS Over 26,000 ixxtpla attended the date Fair on Portland day. breaking all previous records. Juhn Temple Graves. vlr-prl-d'-ntUI candidate of the Indepeu der.ee party, spoke In Portland Hat urdny evening. Heptember 26. The fourteenth annual a-lon ol (lie general association of Congrega tional churches and ministers of Ida bo (ll be held at Ontario, Or., Oc tober and 7. The question of voting for and against cows running at Urge will go upon the November ballot In Wah (niton County In all preclncta where the petition la regularly Bled. Mrs. John Hanaa died at her home near The Dalles last week of tuber culosis. Mr. lianan purchased a cof fin for hla wife when she was first taken alck. about two weeka ago. The court at Eugene last week disposed of the Lucky Boy mining properties In tha Blue River district to Cord Sengstake and E. A. Lynun for $131,847, they being the onl bidders. W, W. Vercival took down first money once ami second money twice with hi lioriMf, Bill Hiort and Ht. Balvauia, at the state fair racos last week. The stulile of race liorses of Mc laughlin & Calbreath did not reach Salem in time to be liatl tip for the races, however, they Rot inside the jiiipm's on two ditTt rent events. The Stale Normal School at Ash Isnd began the new year last week with a new administrative head and new Instructors in several depart ments. The attendance at the open ing week was the largest In the his tory of the school. Frank Freeman, of Tillamook county, while attending the State Fair in Salem last week, was held up by two armed robbers and re lieved of. $35 In cash and a gold watch and chain. It. Is the only case of robbery that occurred at the fair this year. Hiram E. Mitchell, a son of the late Senator John II. Mitchell, and a former officer of the Culled State? ai-my," was last week granted a di ut nrecon City from Silnnette Mitchell. They were married in New j York uuy in uvt. ch ills wife with desertion. Mrs. Mitch ell made no defense. James Conlan, a rancher in Juni per Canyon, in the northern part of Ur-atllla county, has discovered gold on his farm and filed ou 40 acres as a placer claim. This is near the cen ter of the wheat belt and it Is the first time that any one has discov ered any Indication of the existence of the yellow metal in that vicinity. Suffering intensely from an ab scess of the stomach, and with no doctor near, Wesley Harrymen, of Long Creek, was conveyed 80 miles to Heppner for an operation. An Improvised ambulance was manufac tured from a spring wagon and a feather bed. The long journey was over rough roads and the boy suffer ed great agony. His condition is critical. The rangers of the Wallowa Na tional forest have just completed a count of the sheep on Wallowa range. They found there was not an overplus, as reported; if anything, the bands run short of the number allowed. The count ran 60,000. The rangers report the range Is improv ing, and that many more sheep could be grazed. Zia Bey, the head of the Turkish secret police, who has had to fly for his life, is in fcondon, England, un der the assumed name of A. R. Gray. He admits that in his official capacl fir Via QflTl rtioned horrible atrocities and that he dare not ever return to Turkey again. When interviewea as to his future plans, he said he In tended purchasing a ranch in Oregon and living quietly. Tk oiortinn contest proceeding filed by ex-County Clerk T. T. Vin cent has been dismissea ami Moses declared elected clerk of Ben ton county. The decision was hand ed down last week by Judge L. T. Harris. The trial developed that there was more or less carelessnese on the part of Clerk Vincent, who was custodian of the ballots, but the Judge makes it clear that he found no evidence of any ballots having been tampered with. The representatives of six counties which entered the county exhibit competition at the State Fair filed with the State Fair Board last week a statement that the judges of the county exhibits were Influenced by an official of the fair management in awarding first premium to Benton county, and they assert that they will oiiHco tiiotr counties not to exhibit at the State. Fair agaip unless th management ' of the pavilion be placed in other hands. The counties represented in the protest are Mult nomah. Clatsop, Lane, Yamhill, Polk and Columbia. ij v t. "i c i &y msf wwm ! COTTAGE HOTEL Mrs. J. F. Sulger, Proprietor Special attention to Commercial and College Organizations. TdrpKoM and 160 Court Soert. TeirpKoa. 209 Mmu GET BUSY and Contract PickiUHop3icaLoaf Fresh Bread, BaKed Every Day MONMOUTH BAKERY, - MONMOUTH FIRST STATE BANK Independence, Oregon. O PITAL, S25.000 A GEX, ,L BANKING BVSIXESS CONDUCTED 1 Officers and Directors: IV. A. Meaner, t'ren. E Hofer, Vice-Pres. C. C. Patrick, Caefa VV'to. RidcMl F. N Stump. J. P. Rogera Wonderlaii Moving Pictures of Me .t and Illustrated Songs Only Theatre in Polk Coumy; Performances every evening at 7:30 and Matinees! Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons MIRTH AND PATHOS ADMISSION IO CENTS SCHEDULE OF BATS 8 HOME TELEPHONE CO. Business Main $2.00 per month Business 2 party line 1.50 per month Residence Main 1.50 per month Residence 2 party line 1.25 per month Residence 4 party line 1.00 per month Desk set 25o extra per month, furnished only on business lines. When You Sit Down To a Meal In Oils rralaurenl ou are ture It will ha ecHlrit a to IhmI. ralna' anil aerfien. The urni'iii-lt'ie teak for I Firmiw'f e ami lh bill if fare mnU-ly l floe etlfi(f al Utile rrl.ee. ('41111a In anil lrioaj a fr i-tiit it two aloii(. You will all im be p'enwd- White House Restaurant U . M.CJUn & Si. Pxf-xon SALEM . . . ORICON Salem, Or. lour Attention lias Been Drawn often to eome home where ti Inmate set-rued to be rmviug the time of I heir liven. You bava, doubtlere. winded jno could bare eoeh a Jolly (tod time at your honee You ran f sully enouj One of our txlkfjtf machine VPI furnlfh any kin'l of entertalumenl von li-ire. Slop in and ee what a wealth of enjoyment it will afford. L,. F. SAVAGE 2-17 Cnminerclal Stree CsSS . : H.