TRYING TO HOOD WINK NEGROES DISC PLOWS Everybody Interested in Knowing What the Authoritative Styles Are for Fall in Men's and Young Men's Apparel is invited to sec the r.uul display of our exceptionally larue and superb collection of new models in noted tVmacraf Purtulnf TMIr LW1 toubl I ted Polity. Upholding Dlfriichlmnt In th South Willi forming Color4 Uryu Clutt in WL fiti ill I if I MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING aictoci. tc co. M(ll'. Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM AUCTION SALE Saturday, Sept. 20, 11)08, at 9 a 111., the following property: To be sold at the Dr. Davidson place, one milo Kast of Varker; two and half miles northwest of Kncna V is4a. Five how. 3 Kl'ir. 2 lro.1 mure, 1 sj.rins:, f cow, 1 two year old Hi,M-r, 21 alloalx. 1 how and llOslieep, 2 hiixlei-soue nearly new, I lllovr, 1 lu.rS(.rak.., 1 w-on, J Iti.iHiock disc i.low, o wa Ikm plows, No r.O (ilivci' cliilh il, - .No. 10, 1 garden -.low. 1 garden .ul( iv.itor, 1 ;llul roller, 1 r.miiiti-,' mill, .lalf..rm soal.w, lei.le.r dl. 1 ).oilaMo I.Wk-mitli fo., 1 l.a-k, 1 1 .W H. 1 1u,.ad rast so,-.lor, ,.,,,! drill and hmml east seeder, I fom-hoivc- .lraK lnuif w, 1 llnve-hnrso tlni? l.arrow, 1 ..-inK tool!, harrow I disc harrow, and a haUsols work l.arno., ono net. hack harn-ss I s.njjlo iimie., 1 slddlo, I lientiu;,' stove, .'i chairs, -10 turkeys, several do.en ehiekens, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale. All sum, under ten dollars cash. All suinw over ten dollars bankable note, six months time, at S per cent, per cent dis count for cash. K1UCK Ll'XCH AT NOON. K. H. IKMNK.H, Auctioneer. D. & W. CHILL CURE A wife and reliable remedy for the cure and ri-lief of Chills, Fever, Ague and all Malaria . Conditions. It contains no harmful drugs and ono or two bottles will entirely remove the ma laria from the system. Sold under a positive guarantee. 1'i'ico 75 cents. Dove & Williams, Druggists CITY RESTAURANT Chas. HornbacK, Proprietor SHORT ORDERS AND REGULAR DINNERS. MEALS 25 CENTS AND UP MEALS AT ALL. HOURS DAi Independence, Oregon -:- PPsite Little Palace Hotel BISHOP'S READY RAILORED A viit here will prove instructive, and j.rolital.le. Wo will t-limv you what t wear wi ll, what will wear well, and how to do it economically. All the new Htyles in Suit and Over jjarineiits are here distinctive m ;deln of advanced fashion not to he wen eNi-where. In hoth HuitH and Ovc rc aN the falric are unusually prettymostly hrij-ht color iH'. ( t in distinctive stripex and shadow Htripen f self and contra tin: colors, and in an cxtrarodina-ily lare variety for pel ction. Come, it will all'ord us pleasure to "H)st" you, though you are not ready to purchafe. Hut if you are ready you will ho Fatisfied that there aro no values that compare with those we oiler you in our New Model Suits and Overcoats This is clothing with a lifetime of "doing ht-st" hehind it. Bows' School Suits, $3.50 to $7.50 Suits especially designed for hard serv ice, hut dress v and smart enough for "host." Douh'le-15 roasted Jackets in beautiful fabrics of quality. Everything New In Fall Haberdashery and Hats OREGON G. C. BOLTER CLOTHES 510 - The Scales Tell the Story When the buyer opens up your clip and finds it soft, long, strong and white puts it on the scales and finds it maximum weight for wool-stock, pays you more for it that's the effect of treating your flocks with NAPTHOLEUM Permitted by the frovermnent for the official dipping o sheep for scab. Antiseptic and healing tor shear cuts r.nd barbed-wire wounds; insures a clean skin, free of ticks, scab, lice; eradicates foot-rot, prevents all sheep diseases, promotes growth of staple. Raises Quality, Increases Price Ono gnllon Ohloro-Nnptholeum Dip makes a barrel of solution. Hold by uiHny aiii'iu'ii's one near vou for iiuick supply. 1 lilll., jU.SOjD gul.. J.'iSi'lO(cttt., 12.-frmKht nntd. The hest. most pnietirul. phttrt hook over writ ten on this subject "Making Sheep Heatthv and Kivaina rlitm au" ought to 1)0 in your hands. Prevention is hotter than oure. Our hook "uliawB how" for both. Bend for It now, free. Wost Olslnfmilng Co., Inc., 9 E. 89lh St, New York City Discributtnsj Oipot': Chicago, St. Louts, Omaha, Ltenver ami iiirout:i'uui "yuwK uuu DOVE & WILLIAMS I'uy Swift's Pride Soap a:id your Groceries from R. Irl. KJSTOX, The I. "il'm' (iiwr. WANTED Teams; good wages, steady work on railroad construction work between Dallas and Salem. Apply or hone Salem, Falls City & Western It. K., Dallas, Oregon. 1 1 loin tin l;.i!ltii...rf nn. I-m.) : r,.l Win il. 1.1 S. !h.ii.,li. h' ,m I'm- I i en. ml iimii'I ii i- f'-r r'r l il. iii lii ls, il.- !..r.-l !!: tiirlfT p.'li 1 1 ...'.( n "h-ill ipii Ihat I lii wy, a f.-niiMhaiilii I h'liiwnit mlifht l e n iri.l. i'tniii I prii!i'liiir nnkr, veuU n I vim rat In iJeuri;! or In I.iuu mi;ht liuM fiim I" I h ihirli. f liiio'T f ir n-vi iitir only. 'I'lie Miinrt- itinol'K l i rut niliihl In- ii fr.- tr.i'h'r ill'i '.it r"'rvtliii f liny Wlm!, uhllf tin. Wit Virginia t.'in-MTiit uilk'hl I fr.i- trader only with r-jk-i lo iiiiiixllil' K whli li wr not priMhinil l.y hlii oll Slate. (Jeiwrul IlaiHM'kn pr'iiiiinmi-iiM'iit wan eoiill rre.l mi Iiii-hJouh vh!uii of th tariff lKiie, hut It illil not iroilmi harmony In the lii iiKH-riille parly, anil the gi'ti--rnl wiih ilcfi iili'il. Twriitv-Huht .vi-nin luivi iinxmil fill'- OeniTiil llaiiioik ileflnii! tin tnrlh (if) iiiih!.iii iijh.ii whhh t!i Ifln rratH of vneh Stun ir fn to net Alth rrnnl yhii-liy lo hnal Inten-Ml. 'Jlii' prhn Iple whli-h he then f.i.e to have heeii oiloptml hy I i in m rn t h In the Went In n-Hii-.-t to the relatlui of the DeiiiiM-rntlc party to the lii-cro. IjimI week the Went Vlr iMiHHTatlt tunreiitloii einlMHlleil In It pint f. nil plnnUH di inaiitlliiK cer tain qniiUflcatloiu for volem, denlKiied to (llHfr.'im hlw many necr.M'M. Their platform aim. ontahm a declaration Jn favor of iinrate romhes for white ami necni pawn'inrer1 m rallroiuls. The Went Vlrciiilu liuoT:iti not only re fuse to liol'l out the olive branch to the negro ami Invite him Into th.-lr fel.l, hm thev lire iletennlneil to limit hi pollMn-l inllvlty by n .lisfranchls ; : law .: i to Lrlt'i? him un.ler the ,v,-ei:'li .:i of ! "Jim Crow" law when he travels on f.'e railr-.i.!i of that State. V.?.; no tha PromlsesP tin! in l)e:norr:ilii- r..-.k:i ami hi Kansas the -nai!aIg:i !ii:'liaj;ers are iii'L-ro vnu-rs Into IV.T"1 flm s. In Ohio no eP irt will 1 spareJ lo hiemv the mipM.rt of tlie netfio voters for the Keiiiocratle nntioiiai ti. l.i t. What p!eil;:e have been given iin.l what iiiilnceiiieiils have Ikcii of fereil lines' not appear. Hut il is a fair Irferciiie that the iniinaK.'rs have promiMil to ilo "Ko.-ieihlrs fo.' the ne no," pirhaps to reco;.'. I :e him In the ,UM i'.eilon of oHi.'- s, If Mr. Cryau shoiili'. he eledeil. nml also to take such action as the negroes may de mand la resp.s't to the reinstatement of the tic-Rro battalion dismissed from (he armv hv l'resld 'iit Uoosevelt for (be attack on Ilrownsville. Lrst week wlun the West Virginia DemoeraU were declarins for a disrrancliiseinent .w mid for a "Jim Crow" law. the Democratic convention In the Twelfth Ccr.Ki-essh.iial district of Ohio adopted a pin i form fnvorins "the enactment of laws which shall accord to all men accused of wrongdoing, whether sol diers or civilians, a fair and impartial trial mid opportunity to lie heard he fore conviction or punishment." This apparently refers to the Browns ville incident. It may also have a broader meaning and a more extended application and may he susceptible of nu interpretation which will make Southern Democrats open their eyes with nimiKement and possibly with ap prehension, Sac8 Question "Local IssueP" There seems to be no ground for rea sonable doubt that the Democratic campaign malingers in ihe West, in the effort to secure nesro support for their n.-iiieual ticket, are ncling upon the principle Ihat the race (iiiestion is only :i -local Issue." U is evident that the South does not approve this plan of campafjm, hut is powerless to check it. The Democracy of the South is in full accord Willi the position taken by tho West Virginia Democrats last week. And yet it. is assumed by those who are tryiiifr to get negroes to support Mr. Ilryan that the South will act in hearty o-opi'ration with the Ohio. Ne braska. Kansas and Illinois Democrats, who are welcoming the negro into free fellowship lu the Democratic party tuid probably promising to annul the decision of President Koosevelt in the Brownsville matter. The theory of Western Democrats that the race prob lem is merely a loeal Issue Is calcu lated to give the South much concern. Many Democrats In that section may question wlxther it is worth while to i'lect a Democratic president who may open wide the door of political oppor tunity to the negro. Mr. Bryau criticises Mr. Tnft for adding to the Republican platform. In the meantime the number of "para mount issues" which Mr. Bryan sub tracted from the Democratic platform would fill several large volumes Omaha Bee. Honors are easy again. Every dine Mr. Taft buys a new horse Mr. Bryan mounts a new hobby. Omaba Bee. . Dire I'luw ti)l.H )o lioal'l iuii a lpth of at l'a-t x inclii's. Tin Oliver will ! thi an-1 cvt'ii le.r owing to tho fit l il:tt ".t ha tht wt i'it witli it ami i n con- f-tvitttfl thai it nu.s li!it-r tliaii any other li' I'l'.w i.ii tin- market of lijilit-r weight. You can turn either to the riht r left a ea-y a with anv walking phm- owinj: to tins (act that it U all handled itl your team. Wo are oinp; to make you a uptvial price n ono of these DmihU Disc Plows while they last. Tho regular prieo on thin pie of a Plow is $70 ami you can now have itai $fy "U. If vou want a Dic I'low huy it now, as thi- oiler ia only iruMil until the lotli nf Octoher. Mail or phono orders will receive prompt attention. R. M. WADE CO. w. i:. CRAVEN, M'g'R INDEPKNUENCE Independence Billiard Parlor IV, J. K'rkland, Proprietor Confectionery and Smoker Supplies Soft OrinHi independence: ... orecon A good school none better. Well craduates. fikiutui, painsiaKin Many other advantages. Let us tell logue. SALEM, OREGON - GET BUSY and Contract FresH Bread, BaRed Every Day MONMOUTH BAKERY, - MONMOUTH INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE FttOM INDEPENDENCE FOR liAt.I.AS ......... i 1 1.,!.. ,,.,,, I,. ywu ,1,1 il - 11:1111 i r;i I n .-.out i, iv, . , ii,., n. m.; Ii'iives .MonimuiUi ti.l't u. jo.; arrives nanus b.w a. m. Train No (! lenves I inli'twndeiire dully in-:Mi it. in.; loaves Motimoulli, IIM a. in.; an ives liallas, 11. SO a m. Train No "il leaves liirlppfinilenee daily h:is P. in.: Lave Mou mouth 6.0D p. in.; arrive Hal las ti iio ji. in. KOH AIKL.1E . . T . .lQnnC Hnllu O.-ln Traill .no ! ieaes i:i-iiui,h - p. in.; leaves Moiiinomli 2:50 p. in.; arrives Mi ne km p. in. FROM PALLAS FOR INDEPENDENCE , i...o li.,ll, Hnllv K-:yi,i. m: 1IHIU.MI 11-, l.-.i ................. leaves MonniouUi 8:55 a. m.; arrives Indepeu deuce H:1S a. in. Train No llil leaves Dallas dally 1:00 p. til.; ,. x. I. i.'K.. ..i . arflvcQ TflileOAn- leave! .iioiiin.'u.'i I "' r deuce 1:40 p. m. (This train cimnects at Mou- IIlOlll U IOI .O ll Train No 71 leaves Dal ns daily 7:S5 p. in.; lea-es Monmouth 8 p. m.: arrives Indepena- enoe8:lo p. in. FfXOM AIRLIC jraiu io . ....... .- . leaves Monmouth 4:tl) p. ni.: arrives Inde pendence -i.iM p. Ml 1 I. W. Dickinson s STABLE Good turnouts and careful drivers , 4 vmmm ' Ttour Attention Hai Deen Drawn often to fome home where th inti.ate (teamed to be hnviug the lime .f their live. You bave, donbllecfi. wished "ould ive nub a jolly kok1 lime at our Iioiih You chii easily enouith . One of our talkiiitc iiiachinet will furnlh any kind of enterlalun ent yon desire. Htop in and ree w bat a wfulth of enjoyment it will ffra. L. F. SAVAGE 247 Commercial Street, Kalem. Ore. established reputation. Successful lc.iv.u-.. ... you about them. U rite for cata W. I. STALEY. Principal f Dr. J. L. Calloway I Osteopathic Physician 1 Gniauate of tlie A nierienn School g of 0"tei putliv. Kirksville, Mo. B muler Dr. A, T. Slill. foumi- tj er of tlie seiutn-e . I CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Phone 791 Rooms 7 & S COOPER. BLOCK INDEPENDENCE. ORE 1 R.E.DUGANNE, D.M.D. DENTIST GradiiHte of N. P. P. 0 I PHONE M 303. INDEPENDENCE t JOHN BRAMBERG Plastering and general mason work. Stone, Brick and Concrete work. INDEPENDENCE, OR. Estimates free on application. Polk's Gazetteer. A business directory or each city, town and vil lmte in Oregon and Washington, giving descript ive sketch of each p'ace, logether wuh the loca tion and shipping- facilities and a classiHed direc tory of each business and profession. B. Lu folk & Co., Inc., Seattle.