1 M mi"' M " The Part You Don't See ...... i . . ....i a! SUE A"D TAHTY EECOr). nf a suit-more particularly thc! coat is the most important! element of fine tailoring. - i In an Ed. V. Price suit or overcoat J it is the basis of neatness, durability, honest construction and superior workmanship, which means the garment is as .1. K Hu ll., I'm! I trr I'W ,1 . l-i-. Or (kMH ritoUUinua Kill f BloW.) 1 .lu rvall ir Hull l :" I ,4 l i,..l. i,l .. iU ! j i.i.!, ii-il a pirty of he rat Subacnption. $l.0 V-t Ycat ,w . ' Good As Can Be Made Tkrrv-nnltM Nfhy Overcoat, N. 40 BCM 4r Cet from your cobbler f ! I J . . piec ci oruinarj cneap TJiiV?! co!o leather and bend it j .c.rt nrA frirfh ten timet 1 ttf?f llicn eo if you blame your 'fy tirtd feet, which do the f? 1 tame tlung thouaandt of time daily, f jr kicking at cheap (hoe. jj Tho genuine oak tole uted il ia BOSTON IANS bend without !': rKiiiinra as the foot benJi. n i n g neither mu.clc nor (iVi.llutiol from lit ", ' ) K'.i I Wi lli t'.i'i M ini. -I Il.i .1 ll.ver Ifl '4. whete ' ""' v in .i Kink. i M:-. . Iim and M iry Mi' .y haw out of high grade materials and r.ii.riif.l Iiiuim after f lie h world's best tailors, workincr ! Milliliter ill i. i i ! n.U. .ih th most un-tO-datei i l.m.i..- i- h.diii.K el,.vcr for ' oi.d ...m . Jl,i .-tump ilh l" equipment. miit u ltirllilia ,lHl ,,,. . - , V.. .in-.l.:iM-.l In n I .'it tint Mi Suit or overcoat from your choice jMu h II(,iaiv j,,,. of 500 fine cloths, according to I'lolll tll-r t'l'. cl.t HiVl'IV llllli '. direct or modified style, made to Ml I'dlll tillt lirti HllOtldol tu' fit and satisfy you perfectly, for indo-tn.,1 si i I'-ir ..f n.-i.t..n . 1 i....;.. .1., l,...r i .! i.i. rrv limHi'iite of tho lllll t. Illli .!aT an li "Hi- .U'lit-s rrtiini t. tlu n.iinml m Ii.m.1. Mi t tul, l,i Miliums li;n l ' ii uiT'i-. i ij; uith ii f. lon uii lu-r liiiK'T. it i mm li iiii.r..vi.. luil U' v. ry painful. Mm. Cut null l r U .1 it tin r. Milt of m-vw illno I ,rv llt. We llOlK' t HOOtl in.ikc miti'of lirr ri'i'i'ViTV. Mi- liut.y Sli.-.iivr f I'orthmil lian ri-tiiriii'.l to rniiit' lur .-itioii im t '.u U-r in the . S. N. S. We are . . ...i il a lu.rtailtl ilfii-isl id iiavi-soii'ii-. i th im. Mr. and Mr. J- I- Murphy Im'o any local tailor. FOR MEN matani SI atraini j tiitche. I". Tk!. f ; mado on a new lat, roomy and fciJc, fuUofityle. (..r wit c.iu'1 iiuu it l iiU.iM In ri ;-' ! L.tu.X or il.i ilu h. Ii j.n-tiT t. irul ihi it" t.-i ti. tu mi . .;r' '"" " i j riHH iii jil umii'. i.. i i 4 t-i... r U:, wiiiw only -Ui.il in a UIi'- i a I'arty iiiiim llii)' jili.i.'t? j MHi a rwil of fur i!, nl f .. U;lfl.iH.m; l ..i "t niKtilul admliiUttatloii i i.lt. iH'it li fiiliill.Hl .Ut.. a giiiruiu.v i t ,i..i!,l.a f..r llif fuluif, ll It"t'l :u.ii .rl' ! lh" -'U liti full o'ull.li inv In tti' lr !!. i tl limn, nvuiia tlm ii-l.lnl"U vt tlw .o'iii' r ti-rilitl j DENIES THAT EIIYAN j "could ro ko hahm." Burke Sjya Ornco of l'rvaldent la Innuitely Male 'u j erful Tlian Congrea. j toiii ruiau Jauim r ram i" lint-. of I'lu-Liiiif, lu an Mr-w u Hit .Vwfra or tin- iTrahli'lil." "llu. Aim rlian h..I. ii iuiiWu no grmt'T iniHiaki Umu In ul,v'' r Hryiill on tin- iiiiinpll'U Hint li" u do no Uiirm In nil" fa l'i'r Sfiiute. - . bvuvifii tin fHHUtlvi ami UylHluthe Ot'l'u rtiiifiit- of Hie a'ovru iu.ul. tin former Im luflulti'ly uri-uti-r lN.wer to ruin mid ru!u luuu Hie lat ter. "Mr. Tuft iiiul Mr. liryau lire wholly ditrer.nt t.vie of nun. Km- lo nw a airoiiiS liiillvliliiat -linretr. whl.li would eiTtHlnly awtert Itwlf lu the White limine. Wbut either of thiie men would do durliiK a four yenra term In the White lloiiae a c.iiikl:tf ii iiiueh uuxiity anioiu aa the im-i .11 I . II 111! I I . . . .... ii i thoiuitrul Ameileima r,ti.riil from the ana,-, ... . , ( they K-nt the suiniuer. 1 hey. r.-H.u , f ,ilf, HVt.r of uiuneya the Trea .lavinj: had a I'lentiful Mijiply of tr.ut j ,(,ut (J ttl;,11(llt a riVHi Hie world. I .... . . . i ... .... I !.! .-.ii. I T1IK TOGGERY Piiletn, "? anil v.'iiioti j M,s. C.NKlniyht un-l ehildreii r.- turned to their home at Vaneoiiv, r. 1 WVhinton. after peiiilin:.' the Mini Imerwith Mrs. (i.HHlnihfs parent.'. ' Mr. and Mr. K. M.Smitli of thU laie. Mrs. Kli ilx'th IVreivul "f Ma.lra, i ( hvoti. is visitinir her sl-tcr. Mrs. II. Tiiiiai-h the nireiiele umler IHa -i- trnl l.e IH fii- year dlch.irte a l inimi .1 liars. fhowniK' the Kinit tliliiC! ,re th lnu In ail.Hnii to the unparalleh -.1 !i:t of the World' inlileeliiei:!K. In iev of the f.iet that during Hie liH. 'en years' of Hryiiu leiulershlp i he S.ate.s eoutrolled hy hi party have d.-. naxed from S'. to l- the liuiuher of ."-ViiHtor troni is to Itl. the iininli. r r it i .-i-iiiii... Cotliri.. and Monniolith frifll. ....-., sU-,hi In ('ollL-reHH fl'olil Mrs. 1'ertival recently underwent a oo,,,,, Urii ami t!ut time the th - se-ioiissiiruioiloperatioii at the North ;e,.aiit. party was In eonirot or the ... ..l.i ,i uI...i-.mw It Ik now. aa a eolise- i.,. .ml irumi at 1 uniau.i ji '.'"". . . ,ii 1 1 1. , . - - .iiw fefe r V L , t 1 - T t-m f . . d.. ...... !,... - "i tit iVc l"!kT i A r eJ I r I nl c GLNJ L 1 r d c I'l (J'T'll-.lLtMl 10 111- Ij.i C'.i .J.i ex t t r 1 S :.rl I c ia..i.. xi-j a-l c''.'i-,r- nf C-?''JIM jj ;LS .i-M-.-; in joj i j "V:.-: I i 1 M P J fi whii'h fhe lias fully roeovored. 1'or i Spriiine.! Ankle. A Hpri.in-J ..iiHe may 'e eared in atMiit .,:.-tlnrl the t'-ne liwiiliy re .pilrr.l. "V .plyin.' ll illil. rlalll'8 I'alu litl'H !'' y. an I vi'ijr "I hIi lulere-t. I'o 1 -ile tv 1'. M Kiikutinl. IF MOUSEGOES ililom-e of hln t.a.-hln-s. a hopelessly lieteroyelieoilH Iii.ins of l'oiu!lstle ele liivlits. tiie Anu-rli-all people '' re lit; le proh-peeta of a eoiisirurt Ive policy If Mr. Ui-jun should Hil.vecd." OF INTLAMES: ad .o to conisin notion, H ob!e almost cxclu&ivuy. in hoiel. ',1 .uupcn io dues ncsr.y cvs.-y O'd t:ivti !, ...in-, u ... ...ire. . SSSihrf: delicate, palatable flavor of .ho riped roin. often meatio but rareb fftund. W. J. VAN SCHUYVLK 6c IM 1117 C 1 Cmrf Pr Established 1604 iuj-.w CUT T THIS LINE 4NO MAIL TO-OA i f town helonK htirui'd to tin; Tuesday moniinjx about. 11 The lioj) house was rented to Slverliiit: who had nlmut of hops in tin. hottsu when )t Tim loss is estimated at uhotlt !?'.!( )!). ! 'i'l. .iri.'i'i of (he litv is a iny.-tury. The lirst iiotico t the flu tin's was when the whole o:lt end was on fire. There was an insurance on the hops. A ho; house north ini: to II. llirschhei'K ground i ci' n-k. C. 1. j'OtlilllS ixirued LABOR WCELD FO TAIa. Characterizes Him m True Fvlsnd of the Wor'.:inr;inan. (I'rom the t'ottcoiil ( N. II.) Monitor.) T'ie I.ahor World i-onien out Hlroie;ly In it i.dvoeuey of fv. Tuft, it eliarac terli'H him ti true friend f hibnr r.t.d i! -elurcM that the unfair attach nl' Mr. Houiia-rt will have little or no ell'c l In alienating from him the labor world, irsavs: "That Swrutiiry Tuft in u true frlenil of labor Is certain, und all the niiiriie. unu'i'iierouH. vicious attacks that Pfcsldent (lompers or any "' else may make on him cannot prevent him from coiitlnuiiiL' to he the lrleiul or I no wiiii'.' worker. Organized labor cannot aiToi'd to have II Keif split P ''' lions on this polltlciil iHsue. That I'n s iilcnt (iompers In wronj? In forclmj this ncist ominous tzM Is certain, and lu lelii'.Mit wae workers will certainly oonie to this conclusion." I' -'. - W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Portliu.il, Or.eon. Enclced picas, find 54.90 for hicb pUa wd me l once by expr, PrcpA four quart, GENUINE CYRUS N0ELE. Num P. O. Add. Cntfr -Ship v LE I ... ... t- r,.irr,....l no the Daliaa and I wll Heli at my tann v, nines w in o. "' " ,,, ,he Indepeudence road, on Saturday, eSfptenimr vm' 'lt 10 & 1,1 ' '"e following property : JH-Witl's J.i'tly K-irl.V Ki.set !ii;ll ilts, easy to take, stent, ure. .Sold by 1 'Ve it W'iMtauis iv i e and Don't In-afraid to eive Cliambarluui's C'out contains Ii n-uieilv to your clubber, it 10 opium or other l.armfol It, al.vavs cures, bor Kilt) by J. M. KiiUland. r)eVi!t's (.larb ili'id Wilo'n Hazel Salve is the best thiiiti to use fm' pilef. Sold by Dove & Williams. NotUte ofl'iiiiil Set I lenient,. AUCT 1 -Vveir-old fillv, 12-year-old colt, 2 yearling; colts, 1 imgiry "" V cow vea -md heiTer. lvearlina heifer, lb head ot sb..a, 1 broo, J Zs nn l plitH, 1 Mci ormick tdN.iel nearly us Uoil an ne, 1 mower nearly X 1 rake nearlv new, 1 diso plow. 1 s.xteen tnch P w 1 'tve'tnclf pZ potato plow, 1 eu. ti vator reed JJ & u&?X lli. Household pood- loo nmnerouH to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE-All kuiiih of $10 and under, cash. All . nm over IW.hrnLblereonayear'B.imeatS percent .nt.re.t. .1 percent discount for casn . MILLARD WHITE. Auctioneer. OLIVER WEBSTER N.a Kijini Kodol will, without doubt, make your B'nmach strong and will almost instantly telieve you of all the symp tomsof IndigeBtioii. Get a bott le of it today, It is sold here by Dove & Will am a. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are for weak laek, backache, rheumatic pains, inflammation of the bladder fend all other annoyances due to weak kid neys. They are sold by Dove & W lll-iaais. Is liiMtliy iriven ttiat tin- im'ier- i ... ..riM.l.iiuiriLlnr wll lliu Will una '...Tv ,..i i i,i. aiiit.H ol .toll ll lioy. iliii.f-HSeil. ha'i 'filed tils liiial account in tin- County I '.,r,rl, of the sinteot urcL'ini. for folic ouiit.v. h.hI that Hiiliirday, tlio 17th day of October, inns at I he hour or one o'clock in Hie alter noon or I he "aid day, at the court rco n of tl.cHiiid County Court in theCllyol Ualhe. inc'iai. has been uppoinled hy mod Court as the ttnie and place lor I lie heurine jection to the said Ileal account and the sell lement thereof, JOHN It. I..O Y. Administrator with will annexed of trie estate or John hoy, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. , i, uated and first published September 17, 190H. HowV This? We offer One hundred Dollars lteward lor b-i.v case of Catarrh that, emmet be; cured by Hall's Oatarrli ure. K. J.CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perl'ecily honorable In all business trunii-acti-.ns "'"I financially able to carry out, any obligation.-, made by his firm, WAi.niNo, Kisnan 4 WabVIW Wholesale DniUk'ists, Toledo, (J, Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally acting directly upon the blood nd mueon surfaces or the aystera. Testimonials aeut ree. Price 75 ceuts per bottle. Sold by all Drugiilsis. Take Hall's Family Pill for constipation. Campaisr. Funds. "We welcome Mr. Te.il to this n1 viiuc'd Kfouiid," Kiibl Mr- liryan in " i' of bis numerous Inlerviews since the Denver convention. The (round refer red to Is Mr- Tuft's Hlaleine.'it Hint no canipalKii contrilmtioiis would be re ceived from corporations. Mr. liryan Intended to convey the Impression that Mr. Tuft had come to that determina tion after tho. Denver convention, lu that the Democratic "peerless oiie" Is not honest. Mr. Taft. is a law iibidin.? citizen. Such contributions are unlaw r,.i niii ile so by a law passed by a Re publican congress at the instance or a Republican administration of which Judge Taft was a part six momns o.-foi-e'the Denver convention. Be hon est, Mr. Bryan, if you cant MEW FALL SHOES- The Latest and Most Exclusive Designs to be Shown This Season are now onExhibition W'v !mi' iln-i-lav tin larpM ! 1 f Nw Ich l.. hliown l.y any kIi.h f.tir in Silnii M'Slfllll. In llu- Li'lu-f' lin' tin iIomiht M-t-iii to )' parii tl t i linltm.H. .TIihv lavi ui- l"iv..rcl lli.-m wilh j:rcat many fati 'iy li'tle t liaii-.'H wlm-li -e.i t iitlly aj.- .e;ll to t)l' l.lilit'K. Thf Tain ami Wine Leathern aiv t lu tin-fav..ntc thh m-a-tm with 1 1-t 1. tp very nnuh in t vulciin-. Tin Mon'ri Line a total eeli.se .f our p:it hiktcs in the iiii'ii'si ilepar.iiu'iit. 444 State St. SHOE V7 442 I'hone WE JUST RECEIVED An extra fine line of FLAT1I0I eta IT ' I f 1 ' i t f . JflMh 00 Extra fine Dress Fants P. S.-And' don't forget we have a very fine line ol u p -1 o - d a t e G O R- DON HAT k5. O. A.' Kramer Bryan's Precinct Republican. At the recent primary election in Ne braska Lancaster Precinct No. 4, in which is located Falrvlew. the voting precinct of W. J. Bryan, cast thirty-five Republican votes and twenty-six Demo cratic. The same precinct last fall cast forty-three Republican votes and thirty-five Democratic, a Democratic loss of slightly more than 1 per cent. When Mr. Bryan lived In town he reg istered in Precinct A of the Fifth Ward, polling ph'.e.! which usually could be d.-icniled upon to vote about the pro portion of three Republicans to oae Democrat. At the. time he removed to i.-..i.i.w he remarked locularly that lie was gclna to a community where the nolltical dA'ision was more even, and he hoped in time so to reform Lancaster So. 4 as to make it veer around to hi wny of thlnklnf. And interest has to be paid on it every year or two for painting or coating. The principal also nua to do jmm over HKaiii in a ic jcoio by buying a new roof. When you buy J-M ASBESTOS ROOFING all expense stops as the first cost is the only cost. The Reason made of Asbestos, an indestructible mineral nothing to rot, rust or wear out. Requires no coating or painting no expense for maintenance. Will protect your buildings from fire. ASBESTOSIDE is an Asbestos Sheathing, and ia the most economical, durable and easily applied siding known. Ask for samples and privet. H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE COMPANY 576-lst Ave. S., Seattle, Washington. 1