I will sell Real Estate H)il lil ll.l only I I I X I ' IM rail Ut aol.l n a H-aeon. Ily nv. J Hurt ak m li Iiol )"mi if jruii until itie mill ..r il, ll ill ini. mi l jiiur -ri- i riiihl. HIDDEN JNGERS (Wgf0 V Chas. E. Micks The Scales Tell tho Story When Hl till)ef OpeS up ycMlf Cll nil Itu.le II Mill, lung, eiiutia. and hit -I'UH II on Ih luale an. I Inula II maiimuni i;til fir wool etuck. pat Jrm rii.ua f.r ii that lti alUil 4 Healing your flotka ilh CIILORQ NAPTIIOLElin DIP Permitted bf th f mrrrtimtnt for I ha tillltlal dipping ul aliacp lor Mtb, Antleeidir ait'l lirallnn lur aliaar rula and barlieilu.ua woonda) Insure. Clean akin, fiea of titka, acah, llirj eradicate, foot rot, pravrnt all aliacp dieaaae. promote groarlh of staple. Raise Quality, Increase Prlo Oaa aeltna efcUHe?Uitlmle.ui fl maaaa a ,el of .lutioa. a4 tf aei ee-.--. ee ),viai., i! Um irr I h. Bx ratl..l. aW-l bent eeee wrli e a Ihl, eul" I' 4r..iy "J, Sfruo,, a4 ra a..'-.,!,, u l ! ., ket. ritmillM la n-v.r ttiaa ere Out bouS 'ekowe Iwnr" (of uk. am4 . II a. Am, nl UttalwHai U. ha, I I. MM II, Bee Itrt Cf DtttMlMM-f m"i I 91. ft..,, a UuM, Ovate, i Htaik lneMi aa4 lhWMahwN alee ee Artaeee OREGON SlIOHjLJNE AND .Mature ilra Tllnrl Warning llml No Intlrpernlenre CHI en rnu Affnrtl tt Ignore. aiigrr eifi.al S I failure frmn l-s kldne aerrrlloHe, They Kill Weill you wlirn lbs M-liieye aia atrk. Wall klilni'va en-Mi erleer, atiilar flulil tfirk kiilurya aeii.l out lliln, aia .! I'Miiiy. r ii Ihirk, rr.J, III amrllii, urine, full of eadiu.alil ami insular of rsgo. poaii. Mirnl aWplitf sr dally J I.i Kaicaa ( In ; llifmikli Pullman lour. lunger riatil N't, t mine from Ida tack. Ilu.k aln, dull and tir-avy, ft UiION PACiriC ITIUIMI KHOM ITlUTI.AMi IMII.Y TIi'oukIi I'uStiiiait Ui.lar. ami tor 11 alrrdiiiK lall)' I J Omtl'l, I'M- INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE ' MOM INDCtNUCNC( run IMI.LA Train Nn M leavra Init.'iH-nili'iiiw dally a, ni.; Iraava Mniiiiiuulli a.14 a. in i arrlvva jMtllaa a:u a. in. Train No w leavra lurlrprndrnra dally lo-'ai a. ni ; lrava Moiimuuili, ll;UA a. in.; arflvia liallaa, ll.wia m. Train Sn 7" Iravra liiili.piiiti'nr lally . I6 . in.: Icuvo Miiiiiiioiiili . k) p. in.; arrlva 1'hI laa Vi p. in, KOK AIKI.IK Train No Ut lenvi-a ;iicIph inliirc ilallv 7 Ht a. in.; Ii'uvra MiiiiuiiiuIIi ',), in.; arrlvra AlrllrKlSa m. 1 nil ii Nil 73 Immvm Iii.1rwnil..iio dully X V p. in; I. ii v. a Miiiimutitli a m ., m.;urrlvra Air llu 1 1. p. ni. Kill! .MONMOUTir IINl.Y Imvh liiilrpi'nil. nce dully i: p. m. MOM DALLAS KOK IMKCK.NHKN('K Train Nnft'i Irnvfi Dulliia lnll.vrKM.pt Hun. 4lny H:,Din. m;. Ifavra Mi.iiiikiiiiIi M:'i.)a. m.;ar rlvra Imli'iM'tidi'iire :IA u. in. Train No Ifl Iwivra 1'iilUa ai'Niiar M.r 8:fl a. in.: arrlvi a .Miiiiiiiuiilh 7:Jla. in. nr- flVfa iidi'Miitl'nriT 7;HU a m. Train No iw li'avra liullaa dally l:'n p. ni.; Ii.av'a Miililnoiilh 125 i. III.; urrlvra lililrpiMi dnniM lai p in, (ThlM iralu rnuniM'la al Mon liioiilli Ii ir Alrll.'l Train No 71 Inivi-a iml aa dully 7 p. in.; la"a Monmoulli a p. in.; arrive JiKli.pcnU ?w H I.', p. in, MOM AIHUC Tralii Nn IMI Iravra Alrlln dally U a. in.; Uiavra MiMiiiiiMitli tl:;tS a. in.; iii'rivia Ihili iwiiili'ina. M ill a. ill. (Till" triiln t'oiinrcln ul Motiniiiiith fur IiiiIIhh) Train No7'J Iriivpa Alrlln dally VOj p, ni.; Iav. a Monmoulli a lu p. in.; urrlvi-a In The HOtive iKlviTticing men of Tort- lkndi.lli'l, II. Ill I Train No no leavi-a Alrlln i:i.'ip. m. hum- I .ml rhvo a complimentary dinner At DAY ovi.v arrive Moninimtli (i,M p. III. a' .. ,. i .. , i ii.,i. t ,.t ri..- I,. ,., i. ...... a:ui i. i... tho rortland ( oinniercial l.lub lust r lidM . monmuiith ONLY week to that veteran advertiner, Mr, J.cn via M.ioinoutli fur IiHlupcuiliiire claliy , , v,, ,, rr., ;..,.. in. Cliarlt'H II. r uller, of Chicago. or Hbii ami anir, irll jrim of ark kl..fta an. I aaill you (if Ilia B..ioai ll i.f irom-,illala li-aalxl lri(lil a rtiaa-aat" , Ihwn'a Kiilncy I'llla cm al k kl.lnra ml cm llirin h.iiiiiii-iiIIv, llrra'a Iinlrinli'iica irMif. Mra. J. A. Hiinliiuiia, living mi Ism C'alilli l., llnli"Mlnli'm, )rKOll, aaia: ''My liii"ainl wlm It In ailvaiinil )ara, ufT.ir.l fur a l"iiif lltno f".in hlilni.y a til l.la.l.li-r v niiluhil. Ill a'i(tloia (lava 1 1 III) a great ileal of Iroulilf, rap dally al hUlit. lla 1011 aultfd liyirlaiia ami I day lalrl llial lila ooml lion was ivilnua. At lira Urns liai'i Klilnvy I'lH liappr-nud to t I.Mnuht to Ina aitfiilloa and ha prooiir. s boi at P. M. KlrkUnd'a lr u a? hiorr. II la now in latir ' healih than tafora and llirrs U great ' Ituprovitiiirnt nollcaMa in till con 'Jit Ion." For Hal by all d-alrra. Prim 50 ctinla, Foalrr-Milhurn Co., Iiufl'alo, Nw York. Hole aiifiiU for ths Uuitrd Htalra. KciiicinlHr the nnine Dosn's and lake no oilier. The I'reniili'iitiul I'oKtmaittera' A0' eiation of Orpuou will meet in the convpiition hall of tli I'ortlund Coup mercinl Club Auguat 7 and 8th, and have invited the fourth cla pout manteni to meet with them. The com mercial Illicit of the Htute have joined with the jioatrnantera in inviting Tout macter (ieneral Meyer to attend, and arraiitementH have Ix-en made lor meeting in Wanhington and Califor nia no that the Potuianter General may atteml all throe with tho leant jiodfililc Iokm of time. A'oifc-e to Creditors. In ). Tonnly Courl of tin. Htt. of OrKn, for folk (anniy: In ili inaitrr of Ihe ilat of levlna IVrry, di'.N'aHl, Nnlira la Imrnliy alveu thai W-py IVrry loaa I. w n duly apiMilnlt'd ly tliu I'oanly l oiirl ol I'olk fiimi' v. oriK.in. aa adnilnla Iralor of tin. hhIhIi. of Ivlnit IVrry, dm-iaafd. All xrona ImvliiK rlKlina aKHlnai aald tm litui are hi'rt-liv required to preaeiil Ihelr elalma dnly vprlftod aa by law required with In alx monllia rrmii the iIhIp hereof ul my reKliliiuwiu Indepandenee, oreiron. Vk KH,i:Y I'KHY, AilinlniHl rulor nl tlie eHlalo of . I a' Ina IVrry, dewuaed. II. f. JON KM, Attorney. I I.I Bli.ifta .'ill t Id. lattiiMtlv ,4ilnlllflMll arekK . ( l.tcaa-o Slid Kanaaa Cm ; r , l.'i'nrf ilialr ran (.aata frtm) to the K.aal ilalltr. hours: Portland to Calctfo No rhanga of rara 70 70 REPORT or TM CONOITION or Tut Independence Dank At lmle.iileiii-e, In III State of Ore- goo, at tlie rliM ol liiiaineaa, July 14, IUO. II svM Ml Ml. Bi Bargains at Our Removal Sale We Are Going' to Move Val I ill aV i I a k riii lit n jr.. f if .-aVi' iialo by 7 'iaM& 35 MMJONA Ttm-'t.KANt.C.tCJKC.W V. .Looks I ike beer! Tastes like beer! The pioneer temperuioa beer of tliu Pauilio Coaat For sale at all loading temperance drink stands. Guaranteed NON-lNTOXlCATINCr NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ASTORIA, OREGON I J.R.COOPER, Independence (ivanlrafta. aveurad ana anaa, urad I' M Hoada lu aarur earmlatlua H..tlt, aararlllea. ale. - - -lUi.aina houM, lurnllur an4 lilarM iMI.af lUml autaya4 !u from N'allunaJ liana a (nui raaarva aaauia - Due frwiaatiaie na4.ka au4 banker Due from afipruvad rrarrva aaaoia Chakaaudutliercawia Iterua fractional par ourranry, alrkela and ovule - - Law mi. Moaar Haaaava la Raaa, via: aifMM'le - IHiai-ierider aula ndani.llun fund with l llnronlulelrvuUillou Tolal i.iaii.iTtka. Capital auirk paid in Surplus fund . Pndlvluarf proAu, Irae eipanee las aa paid National hank nntea auuiancllna -Olvuianda uiiMMd - -Individual dfixwlia ault)a4liichark lu-inanil ivrf m.ta uf ilapuall -1 lii.e.vrtia.-atea i.rdriHMiit Cuuilrra rearka vuWIaudlna IIUJCI 7J e, M It.xa as M.aal oa IT.au XI loa lAal II I1.M a 04 7o7 III M I Ha eg It W U.HTt Ol a. Treaauiar, (2t ki kjri.lM a. f io.ow at lano oe Our new building will soon be ready. Every effort is be intf made to reduce stock to aid us at removal time. Nov? is the time to buy your house furnishings as a great saving can be made. I .JFak aad .7I l ia 40 ot in im ii TIO Tl aaa-.'i at l.l BI Total ... fJIJ.i; 04 waia or llreann, I t'ounlv of I'olk. I. O, W. Irvine, taahlap or Ihe above-named bank, do eolrmnly aeear that Ihe atiove alalriuent la true to the beat of my ki.owllKa and brlir. Nurevrlned and learn Oibefore uie tbla rkb Oar or July, iwas. ft. wiii), raotary runnc. Coaan-T Atteat: 11. lllra. libera, A. aelaon D. W. Hara. J, M. Hall lout a valuable horse ThtirHtlay night. The accident which leu to ine ueatii ol tho horse waa moat ix'culiar. The hornea were turned out for a frolic in the orchard after the day'a work on Thursday. They brought up in tho north-east corner of the enclosure with so (Hidden a stop that one of them mixed with tho wire fence. Iiin shoe liecaine entangled in the fence so that aa the borne came hack with a lurch he was thrown a complete nuniniersuult break ing his neck. It is one of Mr. Hall' most trusty horses and the loss can not be replaced. Twenty-Five Centa is the Price f Peace. The terrible Itching and smarting, la cident to certain skin diseases, is al most Instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 ceuts. For nale by I. M. Klrkland. I Notice to the Public. Mill not be responsible for ary debts contracted by Mrs. M. G. Govro, 8-! W. A. Govro. Mrs. Nora Dome of Pulo Alto, California, is here guest at the home of J. S. Cooper. Mrs. Dome comes from the Stanford University city, her lmsbnnd being connected with 1 1 in t institution. FOR SIGNS THAT ATTRACT P. Albert Sperling Sign Pair'er INDEPENDENCE OREGON I HOTEL MONMOUTH Monmouth, Oregon Under New Management Rates $2.00 Per Hay Free Baths to Guests Mrs. May Howe, Deceased. Mrs. May Howe, wife of James Howe, who died at her home in this city Thursday afternoon, was a resi dent of Dallas during the greater part of her life, and was well known to nearly all of its citizens. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ogle, and was born in Marion county, February (i, 1857. On No vember 211, 1875, she was married to James Howe in Dallas. To this union were born four children Bertha(now Mrs. Henry VanMoss,) Charles, Kay and Ethel. Mrs. Howe is survived by her hut band and children, her mother and several brothers -and sisters, residing in and near San Jose, California. The funeral was held at the family home Friday afternoon and was largely attended by friends and relatives of the deceased, the Hev. A. C. Corbin preaching the sermon. Interment took place in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Howe was a woman of many admirable qualities, and her sad death is a source of deep regret to those who knew her, ifll of whom extend their heartiest sympathy toward the members of the bereaved family. I'olk County Observer. Our Carpet Department ia a htmy place. Wh? Henauae we have the brut atock of,carpc( In the Willamette Valley and our price are below thoeeof larger citlea, hence we (ret trade from other towns where price? are high ant,etork mailer. Special Sale of Iron Beds Offers the Inweat poaaihle prices. Our No Mi:j at I.!'H Is s great value Other bed al cut price. .ccRv.o3"lf, I r ffl V All Our Go Carts are red .oed from 10 per rent to 25 per rent. The beat line of foMiti rail to te found anywhere can be wen here. See the wonderful Hturge cart with 'oldlns hood and folding body. It fold flat with ens motion. WE PAY THE FREIGHT I J BUREN & HAMILTON SALEM, OREGON Mrs. J. R. Miller, of Portland, is visiting at the home of her father, L. M. Hall in Monmouth. dilif 6 We will offer for the next 15 days a 10 per cent dis count for cash on any vehicle that we have in stock. Now is the time for you to get your buggy. Do not put it off. E. M. WADE & CO. W. E., Craven, Mgr. Independence, Ore.