West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 23, 1908, Image 2

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    West Side enterprise
Extraordinary Clothing Bargains
Ismim! werkty frwiu I oilin.ti'm'' Ore
gon Ch--. K. Kick. Iubli.hrr swl I'w
trt4or. .
Subscription, $1.50 Pet Year
Hora.-e AJJi. rrMKttinj5 I lie
lturnl Spirit. 'K'nt cllr t
the Knlerprimj ollictf ywlenUy.
Mm. C!. A. Htark n ml ton Johnnie
and tUtiglihr Ailfiie, of Eugene, are
printing llie week lure viiting
Mm. Willie Shafor and little
lUKliter, were guesK at "The Fin."
Wt week, while Willie. -ml "tlip" the
fvnrii house est. twM hoarding
Iiomm) life.
The little girl of Geo. Conn, of Airli
country, while ruling on load of hay
one dV lat week fell off, siwUining
m. hrokon arm. Dr. Butler was called
who reduced the fracture leaving h
resting and on the way to
Ira C. Powell chier of Folk
County Bank, vu a pleasant caller
At the Enterprise office Tuesday
.Mr. Powell it preparing to move hii
family to their summer home on Nyc
reek at Newport. The family will
pend the warm months of the season
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Murphy, who
Sias been visiting at Oregon City for
some time, passed through Inde
pendence yesterday on their way to
v.:. . m.rk Rock. It was
burn -
during their sojourn at Oregon City
that their little son, Ralph, took
suddenly ill and died, the death oc
cutting on the 8th inst.
While opening the gate to allow his
lather to drive through with a load
of hay last Friday, the little son of C.
8. Cooper of Airlie was caught under
the gate which fell from its hangings,
resulting in a fracture of his left leg
near the thigh. The injury is a very
painful one but under the care of Dr.
Butler he is convalescing rapidly.
This is wnat Hon. Jake Moore, State
'Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol for
Dyspepsia: E.' C. De Witt's 4 Co ,
Chicago, III. Dear Sirs 1 have suffer
ed mere than twenty years from indi
gestion. About eighteen months ago
J bad grown so tnacb worse that I could
not digest a crust of corn bread and
-could not retain anything on my
jitomach. I lost 25 pounds; in tact I
made up my mind that I could Dot
live but a short time, when a friend of
mine recommended Kodol. I con.
ented to try it to please him and was
better in one day. I now weigh more
itban I ever did in my life and am in
better health than for many years.
Kodol did it. keep a bottle con
stantly, and write this hoping that
humanity may be benefitted. Yours
very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlania,
Aug.. 10, 1904." Sold by Dove
& Williams.
J. J. and A. M. Kaw, of Falls City,
visited with M. N. Prather Monday
and Tuesday.
The ice cream social Saturday
evening was a decided success. The
total amount taken in was $14.75.
Mrs. Nora Criderman of Winlock,
Washington, is visiting' at the home
of her mother, Mrs. E. J. Anderson.
G. E. Harmon has purchased a new
Peering binder.
J. K. Neal was a Portland visitor
last week.
Cleve Prather made a business trip
to Salem Tuesday.
J. S. Reynolds has purchased the
Winn property.
C. A. Kaw returned to Carlton
after spending a month at the home
of J. M. Prather.
There will be preaching at the
Evangelical church next Sunday
The Salem Mill Co. are repairing
their warehouse at this place.
The Kennedy That Does.
"Dr. King's New Discovery is tbe
remedy that does the healing others
promise but fail to perform," says Mrs.
E R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre, Ps."
TtiB eurine me of throat and lung
trouble of long standing, that other
treatments relieved only temporarily.
New Discovery is doing me so much
good that I feel confident its con
tinued use for a reasonable length of
time will restore me to perfect health "
This renowned cough and cold. remedy
nd throat and lung healer is sold at
All druggists. 50c and 1 1.00. Trial
"bottle free .
There will be no home cooking at
Wilson's store this week.
This e. k the lnd eiHleiu' Cannery
fimlied their run on eherrie. It
njHi ted that no more than 2H) owe
would l put tip but the management
decided that they would I able to
bundle a Urge amount, 8ueriit
tendent Johimou think lie will have
about three hundred and fifty nine
when the work of cunning herrie U
completed thi week.
During the next ixeek there will
l little doing at the cannery. It will
t along alKiut the tirt of September
In-fore ar U-gin to come in and
that will I the next work for the
A llevelatlon.
It l a revelation to people, the sever
rea of lung trouble that have been
cured hv Fo'ey'a Honey and Tar. It
uoi only atop the cough but heal and
trenytheii the lung. L. M. Kugglr,
Ileaatior, low, write: "Tbe doctore
aid I hd consumption, and I got no
better un till took Foley's Honey and
Tar. It topiied the hemorrhnge. and
I In in my lung and they are now a
sound a a bullet." Dove A William.
Nature) Given "Timely Warnings
That No Independence Cltl
ccn ran Afford to Ignore.
Danger Signal Ke I comes from lbs
kidney secretions. They will wsrn
yoo when tbs kidneys are sick. Well
kidney excrete a clear, amber fluid
8ick kidney send out a thin, pale and
foamy, or a thick, red, ill-smelling
urine, full of sediment and irregular or
Danger Signal No, J come from tb
back. Back nains. dull and heavy,
or sharp and acute, tell yoit of sick
kldnevs and warn you of the approacb
of dropsy, diabetes and Bright disease
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidney
and cure them permanently. Here'
Independence proof.
Mrs. J. A. Simmons, living on L.og
Cabin St, Independence, Oregon, says:
Mv huHband who is !u advanced
years, suffered for a long time from
kidney and bladder ccmplalnt. His
secretion gave him a great deal of
trouble. esD'ciallv at night. He con
suited physicians and they stated that
his condition was serious. At ; tb
time Doan's Kidney Pills happened to
be brought to bis attention and be
Drocured a box at P. M. Kirkland'
Drug Store. He is now in better
health than before and there is a great
improvement notlcable in bis con
For Sale by all dealers. Price B0
cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, Sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Twenty-Five Cents Is the Price
of Peace.
The terrible itching and smarting, In
cident to certain skin diseases, is al
most iostantly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 cents.
For sale by P. M. Kirkland.
Leisure Hour Club Entertainment.
The members of the Ladies' Leisure
Hour Reading Club were most pleas
antly entertained by Mrs. John Dick
inson at her home last Thursday
afternoon. Games were provided for
the amusement of the guests after
hich all repaired to the dining room
rhere luncheon was served.. Present
were Mrs. S. B. Walker, Mrs. P. M.
Kirkland, Mrs. W. Charlton, Mrs. D.
Taylor, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. W. R.
Allin, Mrs. R. H. Knox, Mrs. E. E.
Paddock, Mrs. K. C. Eldredge, Mrs. J.
1. Hubbard, Mrs. S. E Owens, Mrs.
Sarah Irvine, Mrs. G. W. Conkey,
Mrs. D. A. Hodge, Mrs. G. A. Wilcox,
Mrs. T. J. Fitchard, Mrs. W. H. Walk
er, Mrs. J. Dickinson, Mrs. 0. D. But
ler, Mrs. Gertie Bullard and Mrs. Belle
Kev I. W. Williams Testifies.
ftnv I. W. Williams, Huntington,
W. Va , testifies as follows: "This is to
certify that I used Foley's Kidney Rem
edy for nervous exhaustion and kidney
trouble, and am free to say that Foley's
Kidney Remedy will no all that you
claim for it." Dove & Williams.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Cosnty Court of the State of Oregon,
ror rout luniy; mw ,
In the matter of the estate of Levlna Perry,
Notice U hereby given that Wesley Perry
. i -nnintH h thA HnuntT
nu roeo uutj opp.uv v. ----- :
Court of Polk County, Oregon, aa adrnlDU-
i - nST .ulna Pirru rlaAB mttr .
Ail perauiiB unviuB -7-7.
tate are hereby required to present their
claims duly verified a by law required with
. i v. 4n a1i ia oa i rial an in as
in mODim irom ine ui- hw-ji j
residence m 'l" VV uf? v
vr C-rJiJ a a
Admlntntrator of the estate of
LeviB ferry, uwnwu,
B. F. JON ES, Attorney.
Fashioned Apparel
Salem Woolen Mill Store,
136 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
Dallas Steam
Best Work Guaranteed
Basket leaves Tuesday opm anu reiuu n.v
Olee Robinson 'Agent
Independence, Oregos
In the circuit court of the state of Ore-
onn for Polk COUUtV.
J. N. Jones Plaintiff", vs VV. FJ. Lan-
dreth, W. O. Lanaretn, lizzie .
Landreth, Mabel I. Landretb, J. L.
Landreth, Walter Landreth, and E.
R. Landreth defendants,
To W. E Landreth. W. O. Landreth,
Lizzie B. Landreth, Mabel I. Landretb,
J L. Landreth, Walter Landreth and
E. R. Landreth, defendants;
In the name of the mate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear aud
answer tbe complaint filed against
you in tbe above entitled court
and cause on or before the 3rd
day of August 1908, being more
than six weeks from tbe date of the
first publication of this summons, and
if you fail so to appearand answer, the
plaintiff for want thereof will apply to
tbe court for the relief prayed for In
said complaint which is as follows:
that plaintiff be adjudged and decreed
to be tbe owner In fee simple of tbe fol
lowing described real property, to-wit ;
Don't let another clay go by without
seeing the astounding values we're of
fering in this clearance of summer ap
parel which includes an exceptionally
strong collection of famous
Now you can choose, and without re
serve, at cost and less. This is a rare
opportunity to save money on high
class clothing. You can take your
pick of our
$10.00 suits for .......$ 6.50
12 to 15 suits for 8.50
13.50 to 15 suits for 10.00
16.50 to 18 suits for ' . 13.50
20 to 22.50 suits
25 to 27.50 suits for 18.00
Young Men's Suits
Now $5.00, $7.00, $9.00
Boys' Knee Pant Suits -
Now $2.00, $3.00, $5.00
n.,inr.t tha couth wpHt. nrner
of fractional block I in Hill 8 town of
Independence, folic cnumy, ureguu,
running thence north 162 feet, thence
east 200 reel, inence Buum i"
thence west 200 feet to the place of
beeinuing, and that it be decreed that
i rlVt.Htl0 mtermL or
estate Id -aid real property, whatso-
ever, ana inai yu uo imcvci
precluded and enjoined from asserting
any claim or title to said real property.
This service is served upon you by
nn William nnllftWRV.
oruer u ,
Judee of the above entitled court, which
orner is oaiea uie loin ujr
1908, and the date of the first publica
tion of this summons is tbe 25th day
of June, 1908.
7-30-8 Attorney for plaintiff.
'J he Home Telephone Co. does not
want to tie patrons up with a con
tract; they will rely upon superior
service to retain subscribers. 4-lltf
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass
Perfumery and Toilet Articles
Filling Prescriptions a specialty.
Painter and Paperhanger
I have recently located la this city and am prepared to do all kinds of House,
Sign, and Carriage Painting, Paper Hanging, Glazing, etc. My prices are
reasonable and I guarantee satisfaction. Estimates freely furnished.
Leave Orders with Bice X Calbreath
or telephone Main 4A9.
Frank 1. Cox, Proprietor
Fine Candies, Cigars and Tobacco
Soft Driokt, Confectionery. Fruiu. Etc"
Phone Main 243
Independence, - Oregon
Plastering and general mason work.
Stone, Brick and Concrete work.
Estimates free on application.