West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 23, 1908, Image 1

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    Orrmn I!itJrI( fWlil,
Will Meet in Portland Decern
bcr Tint.
Superior Fruit Production over
Other Sections of Wil
li mett ValUy.
Tim On-iron Htate Horticultural
- r -
Society will meet in Portland, Orison
rhTcmber first, in annual seaston
It will lilcewico introduce the sixteen
th annual convention of the North
nest Fruit (irowera Aaaociu'.ion
m-hich orifanuation will deliberate
duriiiir the three following; aays
Tho "Horticultural week" in Port
land will be the hiKKwt mid-winler
fruit growers packers and shippers
a ii . ,
mooting "ver on me coaai.
Representative horticulturist from
),, 1'mp fie Northweat win w in
attendance, while eminent teachere
experimenters .and authors irom
variotia sections of the continent will
f.vF Dim convention with addresses
lecture and demonstration
An eiiccially attractive feature of
the occasion will be ine very mrKe
display of delicious fruiti including
pears, apples, prunes ana nms in erwi
commercial pack anil piftie uispmy
The Oreiron Htate Horticultural
Society will offer an exceptionally fine
selection, jol crois for best displays,
mnwcial pack. This i itself will
bring out a lively contest and many
splendid exhibits, besides, there will be
'several most excellent non-coinjwtitive
diHi.lavs from the leading orchard
There are a dozen first-class fruit
crowinff sections in the norm west no
one of which is much better than
Tolk county and this is her chance to
show superior products. At this
meeting these sections promiso to
outdo all former displays of winter
fruits, thus assuring a rare treat to
our visitors from the OHst and over
the seas, for this is really an inter
national event at which consumer,
buyer and producer will meet for
conference, discussion and good
This announcement is for the pur
pose primarily of enlisting your sup
port in behalf of the display. It is
time you were thinking about what
part you will take on this feature of
the convention. Do soiiieiiung;
Jnat a much ns vou can. Exhibit
standards in commercial packs or
new or little known vnriteies on plates
or otherwise, for the good name of
your district, do something, the best
vou may to keep the community
credit at the top.
In a few weeks the horticultural
and farm papers will have a full list
of awards together with the conditions
of competition. Do not lose sight of
the fact that this is one of the very
best places at which you can do work
for your locality.
Thousands will visit the fruit
A-riiihii-. nd will cather from it a far
bettor opinion of your products
than is possible to obtain from any
amount of printed matter.
As an educational event there has
never been any occasion in the
northwest to approach it in compre
hensiveness. The association had a
grand time at Vancouver last year,
the best up to that date. This year
the association is a year older and in
consequence must be bigger, better
and entitled to greater respect. This
is the most comprehensive organi
zation of its kind on the continent
and Portland is going to entertain
the visiting delegates in a style befit
ting their glorious occupation.
of Kmer. who will moil nturn to
Portland Mho received many U-mitiful
nwiiU ainonir them a unld watch.
l.icht rvfnwhmmiU were rvrd in
the afternoon oii.iMinK of lemonade.
ice cream and cuke. TIkmo prewnt
were: Mr. and Mra, Hurley, Mr. and
Mr. K. J. Heele, Mr. and Mrs. J. I.
MK'ready; MuM-a Lillian Jonea,
MiiUd Hrown.Nina Met 'ready, Kdytha
ItKgh'y. Lillian McCready; Mewra.
(.l-iiii llillibrand, I'arl IArmond.
Krle Ilrown, ltoyal KruU, lleirhrl
Steele, Waller Kerr, Itobert Uteele,
and Kd Hagley. The nwtt departed
at an early hour wishing Miaa Joiiee
many more audi happy birthdays.
Hoy' Lire Mtated.
My little boy, four yeara old, had a
aevrre atuek of dvntery. We had
two phyaii'laiisi both of tbrin iiavehlm
up, Wt then gave him Chamtrrlalii'a
Colic-, Cholera and Diarrhoea Krmedy
which curd liltu and believe that
saved hla Ufa. William II. Mrolin.
Carbon Hill, Ala. There la no doubt
but Ihli remedy aavra the Uvea of many
children each year. (live it with castor
oil accord I of to the plain printed di
rections and a cure I certain. For sale
by P. M.KIrklana).
Equal to Independence Uni
William Peacock haa an LH-acre
garden tract near Albany for which be
has been offered $15,000, It is a id to
be the best garden land on the I'ariiic
coast. Ktrange to aay, he did noteell.
The urice offered la over J au acre.
- a
It Can't He Heat
The best of all teacheri la experience
C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North
Carolirta, savs: "I And Kleclrto Bitters
doea all that's claimed 'for it. For
Btomarn, Ller and Kidney troubles
it can't be beat. I have tried it and
And it a moot excellent medicine,"
Mr. Harden is right; it's the beet f all
medicines also for weakness, iame
back and all run down conditions,
Beat too for chills and malaria. Sold
under guarantee at all druitglsts 50c.
Polk County Win Many In
dividual Exhibits.
Ill Hdll'
Friday and
cherry fair
K. H'Krt and daughter, Lillian,
was in our vicinity Wrdiieoday.
Julili humpd r and father of Full
City were Aiitiorli vinitora Hunday
Kd Wimi. Iit and wife of Iixh ii.
deuce vixited ailh his parenta, Mr.
and Mra. Iferren Wumler, Friday
William t inliliack, who haa occn
worklnitfor Arch My it of Kuknull
returned home Holiday.
Joe Hmiacman of Monmouth haa
leen hauling hay for John Hlunij
Mra. Koita Hamar of Hulem fa via
iting her mother, Mra. K. Clarke and
family, thia wk,
Ceo. Watkini of Dalian, the travel
ing talesman for Watkina Hemediei
was here Thurmlay combining busi
nen with pleasure.
Clarence Bruce recently got kicked
on his knee cap by a horse, but he
All thing" united to make the w eiuaiy improving.
cherry fair at Salem one of the really Monroe Hingham and Henry
irreatwents of the year in the willa- Lehman of Monmouth were in our
tnette TaJley. The parade and shows vicinity Sunday.
It a I .. I 4 1. MKnM I... . a - l
were oune nra onior iiu iuu vucii Vanieiiian, Jna and JUennie Hsu
a-. 1 - I a. : 1. I . . .... .
exftitjii tinexeeueu. n waa in npp back were Rickreall visitors ISuntlay
contrast w ith the celebration of Inde
tndenoe Day. On that day people Over ThirtyFlve Years.
came away diapiointed. n 1""2 H're waa a srreat deal of dl
t ,.tv vivi the ehemr fair is arrhnea l aenierr ami cholera iufant
considered superior to last year,
Exhibit Considered Superior
lo Cherry Fair of
Last Year.
A Birthday Party.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. J.
Bagley in. Suver, Sunday, July the
nineteenth was given a birthday
party in honor of Miss Lillian Jones
State co-operation with the
National Conservation Commission
seems to be an assured success, if the
action of the governors thus far can
be taken as an example of what is to
follow. Both the commission and the
White House are greatly encoura?ed
at the responses of the governors who
tteuded the White House conference.
Seueral governors have already ap
pointed state conservation commie
Bions.' juanv ouiere nave written to
he president declaring their in ten
tion to do so at an early date, while
still others promise to recommend
vigorously in their forthcoming mes.
suges to their respective legislatures
the appointment of state commis
sioners and active co-operation with
tho national body.
Within loss than thirty days after
the appointment of the national
conservation commissions, four
governors had advised the president
of similar state action by themselves.
Governor Folk, of Missouri, who
announced at the White House con
ference his intention of naming a
commission to deal with the natural
resources of his state, has carried out
his intention ana Missourrs com
mission is soon expected to be at
Montana and Oregon were among
the first of the state in the field with
conservation commissions. Under
date of June 15, Governor Edwin L.
Norris, of Montana, wrote the presi
dent that he had appointed a com
mission "to suggest to our next
legislative assembly proper ways and
means to conserve and protect the
forests of Montana, and I anticipate
that the commission so appointed by
me will make valuable recommenda
tions." ??!
On June 19, Governor George B.
Chamberlain, of Oregon, notified the
president that he had already appoint
ed "a committee on plans and pro
gram for the movement of the con
servation 1 of resources, and that
this commission is to be enlarged and
will act in co-operation with the
national commission."
Cherries this year are considered not
up to averago but good quality and
quantity was in evidence at the
fair. A beautiful exhibit of flowers
uni. It wan al liiia niua mat mainuer
lam'a O.lie, cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy waa first brought Into use.
It proved more aucceasful than any
other remedy or treatment, and haa for
thirty-five yeara maintained that record
added much to the attractiveness of from m pruai beginning It sale and
the y.avilion. Boyal Annes were the use haaexteoded to every part of the
predominating variety. United Slrlea and to many foreign
In the awarding of prizes at Salem'a countrlee. Nina druggists out of ten
greatest cherry fair Saturday morning,
Yamhill county carried away the
grand 150 cup for the best county
exhibit. Lane county was second
winning a $25 silver cup and Polk
third with a $ 15 cop. Wasco county
took fourth and Linn fifth in the
exhibit. As the prize was put up by
will recommend it when their opinion
Is asked, although they have other
medlcinea that pay them a greater
profit. It can always be depended upon,
even in the most severe and dangerous
cases. For sale by P. M. Kirkland.
,Jf you Jiave property for sale I am
now ready to list it. Chas. E. Hicks,
Marfon county, this aounty waa not Enterprise office
allowed to enter for the grand prize
Of the individual exhibitors the
Polk andiMarion county men carried
off the most of the prizes, all being
awarded to the Willamette valley
Scars-Eoll Nuptials.
D. W. Sears, of Independence, for
four vears clerk of Polk county, for No meeting was ever called in Ure
eicht vears chairman of the Demo- gon whicn. has auractea ine universal
cratic State Central Committee, and enthusiasm that has been created by
candidate for the office of Secretary of the Oregon , Good Roads Conference,
State at the time George E. Chamber- which is to be held in the conven-
Jain first ran for governor, was mar- tion hall, oth Hoor, ot the i ortiana
ried bv Judee Thomas O'Day, Thurs- Commercial Club Tuesday, August
afternoon. The bride was Mrs. 11th. An etlort will be made to can
Elizabeth Eoff, the proprietress of a the meeting to order promptly at
ii ii;r.,niisp Tho wfiddinir 9:31) a. m. so that mere may De a
4UVIM 'WVif, " ft ' O
ceremony took place in Judge O'Day's morning, an afternoon . and an
chambers at the courthouse at 2:30. evening session. The railroads have
Tha lv norsons nresent. besides the a rate of a fare and a third for the
" j i i ' I
Ti.,W und the contracting parties, round trio for this occasion. Dele-
were trie witnesses, iMeuie i-.a isiiup- gauuiis repicncuiiug '""S1
Afutt.in Mr.Tnd. the commercial bodies, and the
. . ....
Mr. Sears came to Oregon m 1874. different counties, to be appointed by
He has interested himself in all pub- the county judges, are already report-
lie matters affecting the state, and ing that they will be present. Every
especially in Polk county affairs. At editor in the state is a delegate at
present, he is one of the directors of large, as is the mayor of every city,
the Independence National Bank, and every county commissioner. A
Although he is 58 years of age, this is program is being prepared, but every
tho first time Mr. Sears has been effort will be made to get rid ol the
married. His wile is 43 years of age. long winded speeches and to get
Thev left Portland Friday and will down to actual wont wiat win pro-
make their home in Independence. duce results
Mr. and Mrs. Sears returned to Inde
pendence yesterday morning, and are
C. & JS. Time Card.
The following train service is in ef-
home to their friends at the residence feet on the line of the C. & E. railroad
on Kailroad street.
Geo. Boothby of Monmouth was in
these parts Friday.
Mr. Bruce and family of Indepen
dence moved into the Murnas house
the first of the week.
' William Bressler of Monmouth
spent Thursday with his mother,
Mrs. Bressler.
N. A. Hewitt of Falls City passed
through here Saturday enroute to
Mrs. McNeil and children of Mon
mouth visited her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Allen Towns last week.
Mrs. Henry Lewis and son, Pern, of
Lewisville, visited at the Fishback
home Saturday.
Robert Fishback attended . the
between Albany and Yaquina, daily
except Sunday: Train No. 16 leaves
Albany 7 :45 a. m. and arrives at Ya
quina at 1:30 p. m. Train No 2 leaves
Albany at .12:40 p. m. and arrives at
Yaquina at 5:30 p. m. Train No. 15
leaves Yaquina at 2:15 p. m. and ar
rives at Albany at 7 p. m. Train No.
1 leaves Yaquina at 7 a. m. and arrives
at Albany at 11:55 a. m. Sunday
service as follows: Leaves Albany at
7:35 a. m. and arrives at Yaquina at
11:40 a. m. Leaves Yaquina at 6 p. m.
arriving at Albany at 10:30 p. m. 7-9
Best the World Affords.
"It gives me unbounded pleasure to
recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve,"
says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N.
C. "I am convinced It's the best salve
the world affords. It cured a felon on
my thumb, and it never fails to heal
every sore, burn or wound to which it
is applied. 25 cents at all druggists.
rim as w m m w -m m r m
brilAJIAL, TKIUIL liN 1'A 1 -
No. ) Hs;i a l.u 11 on Oxford, very laleM atyla, inado of the beat patent eolt chin
Uood War wvli, Klnu oak aol. with cm mi tliiiati top It-- t0 S
ular 1160 Clirf out price J
No, 1741 la a hull. hi Mine, extra quality roll akin with aatin top. Good Year
welt, rock oak aula This ia beautiful dreaa Hlioe--Ku- O ft
ularfl.M)Hhoefor OOtiO
No. 150 full patent leather bluchcr Oxford la regular 3.M (0 "C f
hhoafor 0ZOJ
No. 174S la full patent leather Oxford, extra quality colt akla, Good Year wait,
rock uak sole This la an extra flue drea rihM lUgular O 1 PL
H.&oa-uoefor OOt f 9J
Theae are all Finllh-Wallace make of fhoe except one number and are extra
Kood value from aiart lo finlah. 1 am pulling lu a new brand and waot ;o close
out all of tbeae number.
Youra for GOOD SHOEH
Independence, Oregon.
CAPITAL, S25,000
Officers and Directors:
W. A. Messner, Pre. E. Hofer, Vice-Free. C. C. Patrick, Cash
Wm. Riddell P. N. 8tumj. J. P. Rogers ! ;
Moving Pictures of Merit and
; Illustrated Songs
Only Theatre in Polk County .
Performances every evening at 7:30 and Matinees
Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons
of single and double harness. My
harness is all made from oak tan
leather and warranted to be free,
from flaws.
My prices are light.
G C Dunham
Before Buying Your
Binder Call and See
Lightning ice Cream Freezers an the best
3 qt., 4 qt. and 8 qt. sizes