West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 16, 1908, Image 4

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Ir. Allio. IVnUrt, Cwnvr KUtf. II
OKI ,-r t tl.U oifi'-. 2 V' Uun-
I I hi I'tf .cf.
(itmuiit Hulwr Nul bread
Irvine' (srocurr.
Or. Uugauue, iiiti, ovr ImU
;tHlne Naitanal lUiik.
ltrinit vour !.! lr. l i"S' I
.-Hit. ull yy.m the i' for ,1,;, vity
lUl-v l.ucsv anl K.H-art tir a
l on at II. M. Wear' luycle
hl. 1
Mi Ua tkd.lmari f lVrtUn.l via
ItJ at lite home o( A. lirowi tin' Ultr
part of l!i tvk.
Mi LuoU On in i -Ml of F.us.-n i
'miting at the home of Mi. iVcile
Wilcox in thi city.
Vf lvWllt'i 1ju! Early Rlwr
pleaa.nl Utile pill, that areea.y U tk.
Hold by Pov A William.
L. O. liuhardaon of McCoy, aecom-
iMkni.nl by Mr. Kicliardon, '
IiuicMiili'nce visitor Thursday lat.
For Hale Hon power hay baler
For information call on f. Muhleman,
Independence, Oregon. Tlione 605. tf
If you need a good pair of glove
go to lieo. lhinham a and get a jair
of Osborne ' glove. Tliey are tne
ht 6-21 tf
Mr. Chat. E. Smith and daughter
of Kansaa City are visiting at the
home of Mr. Smith brother, I. I.
Rev. A. Robinon of HilUboro will
fill the pulpit at the Tresbyterian
church in thia city 8undy morning
and evening.
Mis Dora Cooper who baa been
teaching the pat winter in Centralia,
i viaiting her parents. Mr. and Mr.
J. 8. Cooper, in this city.
J. S. Wyant, a linotype man from
Eawhide, Nevada, is iu Independence
visiting relative and friends. lie is
relative by marriage of the Irvincs.
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo I good
ln mta )nrn bruiaea and scratches
It i especially good for pile. Reo-
N. lino l.t. and md ivi.h i J
in mI Mi-m r, tN'iikr) A Vilr.
, Ilrkini'l of Snilln U iltl'
t the home f hi f'tli", I. I'i-k-inaoil.
Mr. Henry hlailtJ, of Kuhm. iitd
thr hut of the at tlm homo of
C. N, Tharjs i' U'i. eiiy,
Mr. I Un-u.-e Ireluid ! IVrtLnJ
Jii iitiuc at the home of hr Mrnit,
Mr. and Mm. J. t. lir V't Un uy.
Mr. and Mr. l. V. Hoiirt.r
VtUa, vi.ile.1 the Utter part of tl
I . ... . r ...I .. i
The new switchboard for the Home
Telephone Co. will be installed within
the next few weeks and the Company
will then be ready to install tele
phone promptly. 4-11 tf
A dinner was given Sunday, July
12, by Mr. and Mrs. George Dicken
eon in honor of Mrs. Wm. Xez of
White Bluff, Wash., and Miss Vena
Goff of Independence.
The stray ten young ducks which
were advertised July 9 found their
owner last week, two days after the
Enterprise was issued. Even the
duck read the Enterprise.
Sawed oak pogte for sale. All kinds
from 4 inches up; large anchor posts.
Also square timber for building blocks
at 2c foot, at T. A. Riggs, the grocer
whose prices are right, Monmouth, tf
Lost In Independence on Thurs
day, July 9th, a gold watch and pin.
On both watch and pin was engraved
the word "Lillie." Finder leave prop
erty at this office and receive reward.
A party of .friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Layton Smith and Bon, Mrs. Bice and
daughter, Vena, and Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Kurre, left Tuesday morning
for an outing of a couple of weeks on
Slab creek.
Wm. Falconer, who was operated
on at Spokane some time ago for
etomach trouble, is now in Indepen
dence but has not recovered and his
case is still precarious. He is con
fined at the home of C. W. Butler.
John Osborne was a caller on the
Enterprise the last of the week. Mr.
Osborne, whose farm lies out north of
Independence, recently returned from
an extended visit in California. He
is one of the early pioneers of Oregon.
Harold Fitchard and Bob Roberts
made a trip to Clear Lake last week,
with Mr. Fitchard'e automobile. He
has the enviable distinction of being
the first to drive an automobile to
Clear Lake without the assistance of a
team of horses.
The function of the kidneys is to
strain out the impurities of the blood
which is constantly passing through
them, Foley's Kidney Remedy makes
the kidneys healthy. They will strain
out all waste matter from the blood.
Take Foley's Kidney Remedy and It
will make you well. Dove & Williams.
While at work building a porch on
his residence in the west of town,
Chas.Huntley met with a fall from the
ecaffolding which came near breaking
his arm. Some of the rafters came
loose from the anchorage and pre
cinitated him ten feet to the ground
He is considerably crippled from the
j tv.li .-..ih n at t"uvu A
I.. It land hraJ rrh -r
I I rv I !.' jtriHry. f'
A !od pair of leading a
(jj? - U at KroaiurrV
tlisi. iHiiihum I. a pi nvn.l
tin liin'of ununir and plnh l'
Mr. J. H. Miliar of I'nriUnd U i
Hill illi rvltn and frimd. in thii
city thi k.
M.tiv arv hawui! iheir order in ad
. aiict for (! home c.H.kinn on h.tur
u iihwirr. m. i.
liitali Un and hiiritt
OrtW In Cooler HulMmtf. rin 5
an. I X Ortli I. ..ma: V a. lit. I w in.
alt I 3 to . III. fall BliarlHl MitM
at.-1 tlay.
It i. MPecal y good hor pue. ee- Gaj8tone Papk thig BUmnierJuly Ross Nelson, county fruit inspector
ommended.nd eold by Dove A Wil- 16ththe Southern Tacific is taking an active interest in ecur
. k .t th home of Hoi. C.mkry in d at WilnV. Try it.
Mi l.oia tN'rne n-tiiriuM iroin
.iii: inachinc, ii.IU-a, oil ami IVrlh.nd the Ult.r ,M,rl of Ihe a.Hk
(lr, rfpi.ii ins a viaHy, g t II
II, JrtiHin, ho will try hi Ut U
pl,'rt you.
W.nhI for fale S.von.1 growth i
tl.i ol.l rmwth IOt ix'r cnl
d.-livcnnl. S. Cox, Ind.j-.'iiden.e
IhonelU f
Mr. Homer Woo.1 and chiUIn n of
(oldcndil. are viaiting at the home
of Mr. Wood' parent, Mr. and Mr
A. Kohiiuon.
Mr. W. H. Craven and children re
turned the latter part of the vk
from I'ortland where they viited n-1
ativc and friend.
The lat to do for deimrtM friend
provide them with the Ut robe and
casket. Jap.ron keep them at
reasonable price. tf
Good Second-hand buggies and
litht buninc rig for ale cheap
Call at shop near depot and V. O.
J. ( W. Miller. Monmouth. 7-16
Mr. Ivan E. Oakes, nee Herron, of
Zillah. Washington, aad her mother,
Mr. Al Herron of Salem, visited at
the home of M r. C. L. Fitchard of
this city the first of the week
Mr. and Mr. Jno. Dickenson enter
tained at luncheon Friday afternoon,
Mr. and Mr. Vistu Lund, Mr. A.
Gaee of Lyon, Iowa, Mr. J. Graham
and Mr. M. Graham of Monmouth.
Mis Vena Goff returned the latter
part of the week from Butte, Montana,
here she ha been teaching. &ne
ill spend the aummer with her par
ents, Mr. and Mr M. Goff, in this city
For the benefit of all who desire to
ttend the Chautauqua. Assembly at
after an rxl.ndiHl u.il Willi Iru-mu
ir...i..l l-ariv to haul ! t'orda of
wood. For iiifornialn'ii apply
Little Palac Motel, ludel-ndiiuv,
Mi France To n nd viitertaine.1
a numU-r of her little friend at her
home Saturday afternoon in honor of
her aeventh birthday.
Foley' Ofluo Illative, th new lax
alive, liimilaie, I'ut doe not irritate.
It U tli let Uxttive. Uurniel or
your money hack. Dove A William.
The Home Telephone Co. doe not
ant to tie jmtron up itli a con
tract; they will rely hii ujH'rior
service to retain ulerilr. 411tf
Attention Farmer We have a com
plete tock of Binding Taine. lo
not place your order until you get
our price. It. M. Wade A Co. 7-HUf
Mie Quindaro Wilcox of Pendle
ton and Gaynell Baldwin of Salem
visited several day last week at the
home of Mr. R. Baldwin in tin city.
J. r. Tark and daughter, of Texas,
who have been vUiting here for ome
time, left Tuesday for Fresno, Califor
nia, for a visit before returning to
their home.
Lost In Independence, check book,
Black Morrocco cover, on Indepen
dence National Bank. Of no value
to anyone but owner. Leave at this
office. Reward.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kutch and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Taylor left Sunday morn
ing for an outing in the Cascade
mountain. They expect to remain
until the hrst oi August.
Ross Nelson, county fruit inspector,
,- HUM Kit I.OIMJK S.U K ? V
u r A Mret every Mon. i.;hl
In K. I. Hall.
W. It. Kl,!i. l i
i, W, Ul. l.i.l.n. K.H and H.
sorAiir vviihtv
tU1i(H iilalr ln,l .T lllk
The Beat to te I'MMlnrd.
Nt duor lloiel and Itear Cooper Illo.'k
W. R. ALL1N D. D. S.
fKlulaM KitnuMliw UMr Halldlai,
Udtpemlunoe, Ureiroa
McMlnnvllU, i : t i Oregon
Cha: Crtgory, i$t., Dallas. Or:
California Medicated Soap
The bwit ftraor.elialt '
Undrun,luaaulatliaaad polaua
Mrs. d. W. Richardson, Sr.
Monmouth HL, Indepeodanc Or.
Launch Independence
Plv betweeu ludepemleuee nd 8al-
em daily except hunday. Pasaenger
and freight bumaaoiicitefl.
Leave Inilependence : w;.oa.ni
Leave Blem : 3:15 p.m.
Geo. Skinner - Skipper
will grant special rate on the certif-
iontA nlan. 716
' l-" - 1
The DeVarney Waggoner Co. re
cently completed a plant at Edmonds,
Wash., similar to the one being in
stalled for the Home Telephone Co.
here. The system has given entire
satisfaction and the business is stead
ily increasing. f
Just a little Cascasweet Is all that is
necessarv to five your baby when it is
cross and peevish. Cascasweet con
tains no opiates nor harmful drugs and
is highly recommended by mothers
everywhere. Conforms to the National
Pure Food and Drug Laws. Sold by
Dove & Williams.
Mrs. E. M. Stroud has gone to San
Francisco to study styles and select
fall millinery goods. She will return
about the middle of August with a
full and complete line of everything
up-to-date. The store will be open
and in charge of competent help
during her absence. 7-23
The little child of A. E. Calkins of
near Lewisville fell and severely
sprained her ankle one day last week.
Little attention was paid to it until it
rfpveloned into an abscess when a doc
tor of Independence was called. The
abscess broke Tuesday and the little
girl is recovering rapidly from the
Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says:
t liMvs onlv taken four doses of your
Kidney and Bladder Pills and they
have done for me more than any other
medicine has ever done. I am still
takine the pills as I want a perfect
cure." Mr. Barher refers to DeWitt's
Kidney and Bladder Pills. Sold by
Dove & Williams.
M. Mettler of Lewisville, while haul-
ine hay Tuesday from his field, met
with an accident which came near
costine him his life. He got off to
open a gate and the team followed
him through when he was caught ana
crushed between the gate post and the
wagon rack. Three ribs were broken
near the sternum and one next to the
spine. Br. Butler, who was called,
set the broken ribs and left him rest
ing easy Tuesday evening.
James Huntley met with another
accident last week which was a close
call for him. A harpoon fork caught
him just under the eye and inflicted
a painful and severe injury. Dr. But
ler, who attended the injured man,
said that if the prong of the fork had
not not been warded off from the eye
by having encountered the cheek bone
it would have undoubtedly killed him.
Mr. Huntley recently suffered a brok
en rib, caused by a glut flying out of
a piece of timber which he was splitting.
ing a creditable exhibit of fruit for the
herrv fair which will take place in
Salem today, tomorrow and Saturday.
s. ran White horse about five
years, weighs 900. branded on right
houlder, shod all round. Owner
call and get him and settle bill for
keep and this adv. Jones' feed
barn 5
Col. E. Hofer, editor of The Daily
Capital Journal, was in Independence
Saturday attending business connected
with the First State Bank of this city
of which institution ho is the vice
Grandma Simpson of near Airlie
has been poorly for several weeks, hav
ing been confined to her room for
some time. She is reported to be con
valescing this week. Mrs. Simpson is
the mother of Hon. I. M. Simpson, of
There is one preparation known
today - that will promptly help the
stomach. This ii Kodol. Kodol di
gests all clashes of fcod and it does It
thoroughly, so that the me of Knd.il
for a time will without douht help any
one who has stomach trouble. Take
Kodol today and cont nue it for the
fchort time that is necespary to give
you complete relief. Kodol is sold by
Dove & Williams.
R. E. DUGANNE, f).M.D.
m (Graduate ol H. r. I). U y
GL Hawkins
VfS'AM. D"as, Ore.
viarDie ana
W2z&- Granite
iAki Monnment and Head
tC.Wtt : atones Cemetery
Train No 64 leaves Independence daily 6:00
a. m.; leaves Monmouth f:16 a. m.; arrives
Dallas 6:40 a. m.
Train No 68 leaves Independence daily
10-flO a. m.; leaves Monmouth, 11:05 a. in.;
arrives Dallas, 1LS0 a m.
Train No 70 leaves Independence dally 8:15
p. m.; leave Monmouth 6:30 p. m.; arrive Dal
las 6:55 p.m.
Train No 67 leaves Independence daily 7:80
a.m.; leaves Monmouth 7:40 a. m.; arrives
Airlie 8:15 a m.
Train No 73 leaves Independence dally 3:30
p. in.; leaves Monmouth 8:50 p. m.; arrives
Airlie 4:25 p.m.
Leaves Independence daily 2:30 p. m.
Train No 65 leaves Dallas dally except Hun
day 8:30a. m;. leaves Monmouth 8:55a. m.; ar
rives Independence 9:15 a. in.
Train No 101 leaves Dallas SUNDAY oShY
6:55 a. m.; arrives Monmouth 7:20 a. m. ar
rives inuepeuueuue ;w n in.
n. i v.dQin.,... rtolluo riallv 1 "OA n. Tfl
leaves Monmouth 1:25 p. m.;;arrlves Indepen
dnace 1:40 p. m. (This train connects at Mon-
moutnior Ainie)
m i T ti I..... rtollaa Hall. n m
lea"es Monmouth 8 p. m.; arrives Indepcnd.
eoce 8; 15 p. m.
ou alRLIC
Train No (16 leaves Airlie dally 9 a. m.;
leaves Monmouth 9:35 a. m.; arrives Inde
pendence :50 a. m. (This train connects at
Monmouth for Dallas)
Train No 72 leaves Airlie dally 5:05 p. m.;
leaves Monmouth, 6:40 p. m.; arrives Inde
pendence 5:55 p. m
Train No 100 leaves Airlie 4:45 p. m. suh
dat only arrives Monmouth 6:20 p. m. ar
rives Independence 6;80 p. m.
Leaves Monmouth for Independence dally
1 2;50 p. m.
Pr.J.L. Calloway
Osteopath ic Physician
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy. Kirksvllle, Mo.
under Dr. A. T. Still, found
er of the science.
Phone 791 f Rooms 78
tv. TnCanta and Children.
JtUi -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
... BY THE ...
Folk's Gazetteer.
. .-. .,..... nr ..wh ritv. town and vil
lage In OreKon and Waslilnifton. Klvli descript
wfsketch of each place, toother with the loca
lTo and shaping fadllties and a classl direc
tory of each business and profession. K. I.. rolH
A Co., Inc., Seattle.
The School that Placrt You in a Good Ponition
Buy the Gordon
Hat and you
have the best $3
hat made.
Yours rPHjiectfully,
0. n. Kramer
CVl Albert Sperling
JcP Sign Palrer
Cruahandmlxlnfeaaortalt Proper do In tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price
- ... . . . a tr i Tv.. ... (mm lha adlT DriacloU Or lb
For Honta, lama, aoacp, own,, am, rm. -" 'c.t , Hn. Ara lust
c0ndnd .nc.oMh.dn.t. The, do.'. conUi. S.wd. A.b.. CIP-r B. At.J
U iood when 10 yeirt oia ai won iu u.y. uiu. ' r:;,i.. fk,,r,.
and I try one. SKIDOO Conditio. Tablcta. or 8KIOOO Woam. Kidnty. Chicic. "ol.ra,
BU.t7c.ic H.t.. F.r. Ho Cholera. DW.mp.. Pink Eyj. Co.ij "J
Spavin Cur. or Barb Wir. Liniment. Diitnbuted by THI BLUI BBLL MBDIOIN
lacorporatedi Capital aloe jiai,uvj.uu; nawriuwn, ouum wb.vum v. -.
For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon
la InillBpeiiHable to every farm. We have had
apleiidUl euc!en in obtalulng walnr iu all our
boring otmrRtiona.
We are prepared to do water and oil well drill
ing and all kkudu of proHpeuting.
Telephone 40x2
Independence Billiard Parlor
W. J. Kirkland, Proprietor
Confectionery and SmoReri' Supplies
Soft DrinKi
The Place to Spend a Pleasant II
LONG & CHAMBERLIN, Proprietors.
All Kinds of fresh and cured Meats. Game
and fish in season.
I Independence Oregon
Mrs. J. F. Staiger, Proprietor
Special attention to Commercial and
College Organizations.
Salem, Or.
Telephone and menenger atrvice at hotel.
160 Court Street. Telephone 209 Main.