lilcsi Side enterprise 8u CIim. K. tin fen. 'utluli.-r "l I'm l.rlrlnr. Kntarw.l at In .ntnrs P"1 Subscription. $1.50 Per Year Tint " CoihI i;.m! Convention, l cuiivfiii iii the riKium of the IVrtluiwl OiniiiiH'tvitil Club, Tuowlny, Aunut 11th, will l otu of llii nit impor tant Kt'''rini;s ever lxld in Orvpm. lVmandit f..r tins nuetinir have t'iine from every wet ton of the utatt ami it i iietdlo to ay that tho uljvt uf 41 UimkI K.wilit," which will I taken up Httl diaousMtl in all it I'lntsc. U one of the moot iniortant t tho Utts. Oregon' foremost men will W there to work for hctter highway. The time act for thitt convention could not have leen more oiortime when every city and town of the atate iaof a mind regarding j'ttllie thor oughfare. If you area public apirit el man and are interest in seeing the highways of your neiglilxirhood improved you will I constituted a delegate to attend the "Good Koud Convention." The railroad, realizing the need of letter highways in Oregon, liave granted excursion rates for the lenctito! all delegate who will at- lend the convention. It is the duty of every business man to keen in mind the comfort of pa ,l rons who come to town from their 3ountry homes to trade. These warm (summer days are trying, indeed, on the men and women and children when they come and find no place to sit down in a cool room and rest. The stores do not afford these accommoda tions for the reason that they do not fill the requirements. Neither do the confectionery or drink parlors. A public library with a rest room might fill the want. But this is not all. A public feed shed should be provided where the teams of the fanners may be sheltered. If these provisions are made they will be glad to come to In dependence to trade because of the ac commodations they will meet with here. Business men, you owe your prosperity to your customers. Pro vide for their comfort and increase your prosperity. Charles E. Huntley, who rejides near Independence, made a pleasant all on the Enterprise office Friday. 'In talking of the West Side Enter prise and the recent enlargement he ;eaid, "The paper is the best that has been published here in a good many jears and I believe you have the best. The condensed news of the state is a great improvement. So far as I am concerned I could well dispense with all my other papers as the Enterprise gives me all the news, local and state." These words sound good to the pub lisher and are much encouragement to him. Oregon communities, as represented through their commercial bodies and other agencies for advertising, should commence at once to take advantage of the one-way colonist rates which will be in effect fom Sept. 1st to Oct. 31st. No state in the Union has recieved greater benefit through these colonist rates than Oregon and at no time in the history of the State were more people expressing a determination to come here to make their permanent home. The West Side Enterprise is in debted to the North Pacific Brewing Co. of Astoria for a few bottles of Maltona, a temperance beverage, in vented by that company. It is the latest delight for temperance people. It is pure, snappy, tastes like beer and looks like beer but is non-intoxicating. Everybody likes it, even the .children. This is wnat Hon. Jake Moore, State Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol for Dyspepsia: "E. C. De Witt's & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear 8irs 1 have suffer ed mere than twenty years from indi gestion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse that I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. I lost 25 pounds; in fact I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I con. sented to tiy It to please him and was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better health than foe many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle con stantly, and write this hoping that humanity may be benefitted. Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug., 10, 1904." Sold by' Dove ,& Williams. HIDDEN Nftttir :te TIhi.Iv Uwrttlitua TltiU X lu.lept tt.Ii no t'ttl ten nut Alton! ! Itiurr. Duller No I eoine frm th. klduev ferrll.m. Tltf 'HI want yotiwlrn th M.lni) r iek. Well kidney xcrrt arlear, mnla-r fluid 8nk kidney, wild out thin. pl niitl f.Mitiv. or Ihifk. ml, ill iiiellimi urltis fulluf "rdhneiil and irregular tf pi:. hauler 8inal N". 8 eme front tha Imek. Hack palms dull tnl heavy, or nharp and aeute, tell yt of alek khlnej and warn you of lh approach of dnpay.liala-lealil Itrignt diaea rWn Kidtiey IMUm cure- lok kidney and our them KTinaueull.V. Hens' Iiidetetidetief proof. Mm J. A tNiiiuioiiN, living on I .ok Cabin t.. Independence, Oregon, )': "My htihliand who i ill advanced yr. uffered for a long lime from kidney and bladder o niplalnt. W neereUona gave him g""at deal of trouble, ep eUlly at night. Ua con Hulled hytii'lan and they Haled that hia eond-tlon waa wrlou.. At Una time Dan' Kidney Pill happened I tie brought to his attentlou and I uro.'Urtd a box at P. M. Kirklattd Dttiif Store. H ia now in Wtter health than lfon an 1 there in a great improvement nothahle In hi ton dition." For Sale by all dealer. Price fiO cent. Kosler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Sole agent for tit United Htntes. Rememler the name Doan'a and take no other. MONMOUTH The attendance at the normal sum mer school this year is the largest in history if thia institution, 131 stu dents living enrolled at present. In about three weeks another course in methods begins, which it is expected w ill bring many more students. Mrs. E. W. Strong made a brief trip to Portland Saturday. The Monmouth Hotel w ill be va cated August 1st by the present pro prietor, Mr. Burt. Work is to begin immediately on the new house to be erected by Mrs. Eva A. Butler, whose home was de stroyed by fire a short time ago. Last Sunday one of the Loe Broth ers was painfully injured by being struck in the face by a horse s hoof. The horse had become entangled in some wire fencing and was down. In trying to free the horse, which became frightened, Mr. Loe was struck by the hoof and lay unconscious until found. Dr. Crowley pronounced the injuries. to be not serious. Tbe Kentedy That Does. "Dr. King's New Discovery ia the remedy that does the healing o'hers promise but fail to perform," says Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre, Pa." It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I feel confident ite con tinued uee for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health " Thia reuowDed cough and cold remedy and throat and lung healer is sold at all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free . Council Visited Salem. Members of the city council visited Salem Tuesday for the purpose of in vestigating the sewer system of that city. The members were Messrs. Bice. Hubbard, Williams and J. N. Jones. The investigation was made for the purpose of assistiug the council in its deliberation respecting the establish ment of a sewer system in Inde pendence. Itev I. W. Williams Testifies. Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington, W, Va., testifies as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Rem edy for nervous exhaustion aud kidney trouble, and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for it." Dove & Williams. Mrs. Douglas Dies at Woodlawn. The wife of Rev. W. J. Douglas died in Woodlawn last Thursday night. The Douglas family is well known, in Independence, Rev. Douglas having had charge of the Methodist church here last year. Rev. S. Snyder, pastor of the Independence Methodist church, departed Friday for Woodlawn to be present on the sad occasion of the funeral which took place Saturday. - Just Exactly Kight. "I have used It. King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them jiiht exactly right," ays Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harnsville, JN. . iNew Life Pills relieve without the least dis comfort. Best remedy for constipation, biliousness and malaria. 25 cents at ail druggists. ffl ST t Extraordinary Clothing Bargains FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN w mrfwi Washington Fashioned AppareH THI WASHINGTON CO. mtm M Salem 156 mm fflflf It DOVE & WILLIAMS Druggists Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass Perfumery and Toilet Articles Filling Prescriptions a specialty. Cittlc Palace fiotel Independence T. 01. Crcanor, Proprietor 11 Mi vi Mil y v p. ' v vhii r Don't let another day o by without seeing the astounding values we're of fering in this clearance of summer ap parel which includes an exceptionally stronc collection of famous BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES Now you can choose, and without re serve, at cost and less. This is a rare opportunity to save money on high class clothing. You can take your pick of our $10.00 suits for 12 to 15 suits for 13.50 to 15 suits for 16.50 to 18 suits for 13.50 t 20 to 22.50 suits for .... . 15.00 25 to 27.50 suits for 18.00 Young Men's Suits Now $5.00, $7.00, $9.00 Boys' Knee Pant Suits Now $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 Woolen Commercial Street, First j I 6.50 8.50 . . . . . 10.00 Mill Store, Salem, Oregon. HOW TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS Is the main objecit of all our efforts. , To do tliis we believe it necessary to handle the best goods wo can for the price afked, and it is our firm belief that the merchant who does not apprecia e the " patronage of his customers enough to do this will not he able to please aud keep their trade. Relieving tiiifl, we will do all we are able to do 10 please our old customers and (rain new ones, so we ask you all when in Inde pendence to come to our store and let us trv to please you. F. S. WILSON DRY GOODS GROCERIES SHOES corner north oflnd. N'at. Rank. J. A. PATTERSON House Furnishings, Wall Paper A line of Hardware, Tools and Kitchen Utensils, Stoves and Ranges Telephone 947 Main 285 N. Commercial Street, SALEM, OKKGON Independence, Oregon.