Ei INDKl'KNDKNCK. OKK(i(N, THUIJSDAY, JULY 10, VMH. NUMIiKK 7 KIITKKNTH YKAU. West Side GOOD KOADS CONFERENCE Call (or Heeling frcni All Over State MADE III PROMINENT MEN Leading Citizens of Every Section Will Attend Good Roads Conventia "(JimmI Iloads" seems U have be come in roce it times lii subject of general conversation when a group of ciliiens got tK"tlur. During the last two weeks there haa lan more diacussion of good roads aaoog leople generally then there he about the greet politicel campaign tbat is before tie. When dairymen fret together they discuss good roads; it m the same with fniit grower, while automobile owners have become veritable cranks on the subject. An insistent demand, twining from every section of the state, has been made upon the Portland Commercial Club to call some character of repre sentative meeting to discuss a prac tical plan whereby all Oregon may have better highways. President W. K. Newell, of the Htat Hoard of Hort iculture, ha written to the club ask ing that action be taken without de lav: a similar request alsooomes from i V Hnilew Ktat Uairv and Kood Commissioner, on behalf of the diiiry interests, and the bankers of Portland and other Cities and towns of the stiite are of one mind on the subject. Many of the cities through out Oregon are building high class hard surface pavements, and every where you go you find men talking "Good Roads". As a result of all this it lias boon determined to hold an "Oregon (lood Roads Conference" in the convention hall (nth floor) of the Portland Com mercial Club, Tuesday, August 11th, with morning, afternoon and evening sessions. No interest in the state seems to bo more anxious to have a part in developing the good roads sentiment into a realization than the railroads, und as a result a rate of a faro and a third has been made for this meeting; tickets will bo good the day before and the day after the meet ing, so that it may bo extended over the second day if necessary. An interesting program will bo pre pared, but there will bo no long-winded theoretical speeches practical men will ho secured and practical questions discussed. The good roads associa tions of Oregon and Washington will bo asked to co-operate in making the meeting a success. The basis of rep resentation will be announced within a few days, but all commercial and industrial bodies, county judges, county commissioners, editors, and mayors, will be authorized to appoint delegates and urged to have a good representation present. Boy's Life Saved. My little boy, four years old, had a severe attack of dysentery. We had two physloians; both of them gave him up. We then gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured him and believe that saved his life. William H. Strollng, Carbon Hill, Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy eaves the liyes of many children each year. Give it with castor oil accordion to the plain printed di rections and a cure is certain. For sale by P. M. Klrkland. Composition on Pants. Pants are made for men and not for women. Women are made for men, and not for pants. When a man pants for a woman and a woman pants for a man, they are a pair of pants. Such pants don't last. Fants are like molasses they are thinner in hot weather, and thicker in cold. Men are often mistaken in pants; such . i . i There ha ! much diM'iisaion whi ther nuU i singular or plural. rWin t' ' when men wear puiiln it i plural and when they d.m't wear any it m singular. Men go on a tear in their punt, and itUall right; when the punt go mi a tear it I nil wrong j If you want to make pants l.wt make tli coat rirt. IMTLD rUHUAVU. Married in Portland, Saturday, July II. I'.KW.Mw. Ktta M. Stroud to Mr M. Merwin, Rev. K. H. Mow re, pastor of the First M. K. Church, South, of Portland, officiating. The ceremony was e rformed at 7;3 a. in. at the IMirwolinge, in the presence of a few se lect friends. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin departed immediately after the cere mony, aboard the Steamer State of California, for San Francisco where they will spend a fortnight prior to returning to IndejH-ndence to take up their residence. Mrs. Stroud Merwin is the accom plished milliner whose store is on C street, and Mr. Merwin is the pout taster of Indejcndence. They are prominent residents of this city and have a host of friends who will join with the West Side Knterprise in ex tending congratulations to the happy couple. . It Can't He Heat. The beat of all teachers Is experience, - - m a a nil V..k J. M. llaraen. or Oliver vhj, unu Carolina, save: "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for It. For Stomacn, Liver and Kidney troubles It can't be beat. I have tried It and And it a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden Is right; it's the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back and all run down conditions. Rest too for chilli and malaria. Sold u uder guarantee at all druggists 60c. STOCKHOLDERS ARE SATISFIED The demonstration meeting of the stockholders of the Independence Cannery which was called for Satur day at the cannery plant in South In dependenco resulted in a feeling of satisfaction to all who visited to wiew the plant in operation. It was a matter of astonishment to some the magnitude of the plant and its superiority over almost all other plants of the state of Oregon. It is not boast ¬ ing when it is said that Independence has the best that can bo bought in cannery equipment. There were some sixty visitors to the cannery Saturday and all came away stistied. 1 1 is more than can be said of most institutions. There are few canneries which are able to observe the cleanliness strikingly noticeable Saturday. People were heard to observe that they would not be averse to eating fruit canned in the In- ilependence cannery. The equipment is there to not only do sanitary work but to observe cleanliness to a fault. The product of the Independence cannery is destined to find a market which will expand each year and grow more and more popular. The Indepen dence country has the soil near by which will supply the best fruits that can be grown. Surely prosperity dawns for both the producer and the cannery. Best the World Affords. "It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. U. "I ana convinced It's the best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it Is applied. 25 cents at all druggists. Mrs. . E. Paddock and children are visiting friends and relatives in Albany this week. War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white olaeue" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar oures concIiB and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk vour health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honev and Tar is safe and certain in results. Dove & Williams. HEROIC OIRL SAVES LIVES Former Well-known Residents of Polk County. MILDRED LONG IS DROWNED Friends Co Swimming at Wash ougal and AH Are Near ly Drowned. Fourteen-year-old Mildred Long of 445 F.ast Ash street, lost her Iffe by drowning in a slongb connecting with the Columbia River at Washougal, Wash., Saturday night, while her cou sin, Cora Hosford, also 14 years old, proved herself a heroine by rescuing her father, Captain Pern Hosford, and her uncle, H. K. Patterson, from drowning. It was only with the greatest diffi culty that the little girl sucoeedod in rescuing the two men, and she risked her own life in frantic efforts to rescue her cousin. Having aided her uncle to reach the shore, she went back to the rescue of the others. Her father was sin king when she reached his side. Seizing him by the hair, she held him up un til she reached shallow water, and her uncle, having recovered sufficiently, aided in removing him to the bank. Then the girl swam back into the river to aid her cousin. She succeed ed in bring the body of Mildred Long to shore, but not in time to save her life. Physicians and experts from Wash ougal were summoned by the crowd that gathered on the banks of the la goon and made desperate but vain ef forts to revive Mildred Long. How ever, they succeeded in reviving Cap tain Hosford, w ho was unconscious for over twenty minutes. Mr. Fatteraon also required medical attention, but both he and Captain Hosford will suffer no serious results. Little Cora Hosford was uninjured. After vainly trying to resuscitate Mildred Long for more than half an hour the physicians abandoned their efforts. The remains were brought to Portland yesterday and the funeral will probably be held Tuesday. As a result of the death of the child, the mother, Mrs. H. It. Patterson, is prostrated and physicians express ser ious doubts of her recovery. She can-. not weep, it is said, and her deep and ilnnt irrief niav have serious etiects o upon her heart. Twice, almost within the year, have the waters of the Columbia exacted cruel toll of tle woman. And with the death Saturday evening she is ihildless, having paid the tributo of two children to the great river. June 13, last year, her 16-year-old son, Harold Long, was drowned in the Columbia, and her grief is consequent ly two-fold. The boy was returning to Portland from Washougal. He was making the trip in a canoe, when it overturned and he was lost. In their course across the lagoon Mr. Patterson was accompanying the Hos ford girl and Captain Hosford Mildred Long. They were separated by only a short distance. WThen they had reached the middle of the lagoon Cora Hosford called to Mr. Patterson that she was tired. He swam close to her and told her to place her hands on his shoulders. She did so and together they quickly reached the other bank. They had hardly reached their destin ation before they were startled to hear cries for aid from Captain Hosford. Turning they saw him struggling in the water with Mildred Long, who had become completely exhausted. Patterson at once went to their aid, leaving Miss Hosford on the shore. Reaching the two struggling swim mers, Patterson seized Captain Hos ford by the hand and began to tow both swimmers towards the shore. Soon, however, he lost his grip upon lliwford's bund and went under the Witter. While It low the surfaeo lie rau jit llm hand of the girl, who thing frnlir'.ly to him. Then Cap tain llonford found them and the three were vtroggliiig in tho water, when two of them were n-M'Ued by Corn llonford. Si-eiug the danger of her father, uncle and coimin from her jMwIn.'ii on the bank, she plunged fearleraly into the water and with great skill ami ran) presence of mind aucrtw-d in reeiiiiig her father and uncle. Mr. Patterson, step-father of the girl who was drowned, is chief weigher in the (iovernment Cuatoin-IIouso in this city. On July 4 he and his wife and daugl.tr iii law went to Wanhougal to sK'iid hi vacation at the home of his brother-in-law, Captain Hosford. Cap tain Hosford is well know n in maritime circles along the Columbia, and is now in command of the steamer Jesse Har kins. Almost every evening since their arrival at Washougal the two men have taken the two girl swim ming in a lagoon which is caused by the Columbia. Roth men are good swimmers, and the girls were also adept in that sort. It was 8 o'clock Saturday evening when they went into the water. Many times they have waded across the lagoon, and on that evening they started to swim across. Evidently they did not follow the course they had followed in wading, for when exhaustion over came them neither of the men could touch bottom. Portland Oregonian. H. R. Patterson is well known in Polk county, having been a resident of Independence at one time. His son, Harry, and daughter, Frances, who are sending the summer with relatives in Independence, went to Portland yesterday to attend the fu neral of their step-sister. stoleIrse AND CARRIAGE Al Brown, of the Salem Water Co , has been minus a horse and buggy for the past 48 hours, but if all goes well, he will be in possession of them in the course of the next day or so. Sunday morning between five and six o'clock he heard some one drive out of the stable, but thinking at the time that the matter was a legitimate one he paid no attention until apprised by the night watchman, Bennett, that the rig was really gone for good. Mr. Brown had caught a fleeting glimpse of the occupants of the rig, and had noted that they were a couple of young fol lows who were rather thinly clad hereupon he jumped to the con clusion that they were from the reform school. Hence, promptly telephoned Superintendent Looney'of the institu tion, but was answered to the effect that there were no missing boys from the place. However, after acquainting the pol ice with the theft it turned out that he was right in regard to one of them ina certain sense, for one of them, Clifford DeBord, has been in the school, and has been out lately on parole. The other, Robert Ilillard, comes from Independence, the same town as DeBord, but so far, has escaped the Reform school. Needless to say, he stands a good chance now. Yesterday, just before noon, Chief Gibson received a telephone message from the sheriff at Hillsboro stating that he had the boys and the rig, and that they would be held until the arrival there of an officer from this county. The sheriff here was thereupon communicated with, and this morning Constable Hamilton will leave for Hillsboro to return with the young scamps and the rig. The boys had been loafing around the power house of the Water company the evening before, and about 4 o'clock Sunday morning they asked the watch man to allow them to get in near the boiler, claiming they were cold. As they were both lightly clad, he allowed them to do this, but like the farmer's snake in the fable, they re paid him illy. FIRST STATE BANK Independence, Oregon. C APITAL, .S25,OOG J OE.YKRAL IUXKIXO BUSINESS CONDUCTED OrriCEKs and Directokb: W. A. Messner. Pres. K. Ilofer. Vice-Pres. C. C. Patrick, Cash Win. KidJell F. N. 8lump. J. P. Rogers YOUNG JONES The Real Estate Men Indtpandmnct, Orm. Farmers, List Your Prop erty Now! Farm and City Property. Farm Property is Our Specialty We are going to sell real estate and are now in touch with peo ple in the east and some who are now on the ground and want small farms. They have the money and are going to in vest in Polk county. IF YOU WANT TO SELL, NOW IS YOUR TIME A FULL LINE of single and double harness. .My. harness is all made from oak ta leather and warranted to be free from flaws. My prices are right, G, C Dunham : Independence, Oregor, . sv 4 "5av 55- vs7 -Z7 vs7 f FARMERS Please note that we have installed special seed cleaneis at our warehouses at Independence and Monmouth and are prepared to clean your wheat, oats, barley, vetch, rape, clover seed, timothy seed, onion seed, Lettuce seed, and any other seed that is cleanable. At Monmouth we have the largest and best equipped seed cleaning plant in the state. We guarantee to do you the best possible work with the smallest practical waste. Your interest is our interest. Won't you give us a trial ? Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co. w POLK COUNTY BANK MONMOUTH, - OREGON. PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00 Transacts a general banking and exchange business, received, Loans made, Drafts sold. Deposits Officers and Directors J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier J. B. V. Butler, F. 8. Powell, J. B. Stump, I. M. Simpson.