CUcsi su: enterprise !.ii. fr. 11 l.iitf'n4fiH' Or i n. ( itrU l'ililihtr mt Pro. ii" Su1: t":,, ':n $1.50 P.' "''car W-.i - Ii.' M-i.IH.rm.( ihf M.ih f n j i ! i' ll i' I'-nli it!i n '."fiu'i- Ja ' ii. mI N "!' when !i i' M t il;' . I M.ili M'li.. I at .. . ; J...u .... I ':). ! iii.hi .Hgni'i.- it wit i., ii , .iti...i a !'. : i.i - i oiiif i t' fi villi tin ii.tii 'Mii.isj imniia'.l. ( Miiiii;: a ! .j ii .l,. .in liv-''!"' ' ri'l1" t lt (!'.!" !' lank i'f tin .l.'ino r.iU vi" arc inclined to U'luvo til- li-Mic will Ik- MXiTti'il iu '-.nun manner. It tin already t iinv.I t.i tlu- fMMtjilf that t Iit-y huvo Ihvii "mil of i.i.I.t" in the manner in which Sutftiii'iit No. i 'tie linn carritol in.v iU ad.i-li.n. M.iUuient No. Ono is nothing in.un th ill ii oill);ir nomination, m-.d n uih it h i no rilit to pl.iee " tin' regular eflfect iv lullot. This '! violation (.liooM lo MiitufIi to render iu work inoix-rittive ut hi tinu'. It cannot bo r.'cirdod k unylhinK hut uncon stitutional for the Sate uient t.i have come, into nix-ration at the Juno ohrlkm, tin- constitution of the V ut till St ite providing that Unite! itiil"ti f , :iii(.rii shall In' olvtel I'V the '.vtlr.urv t'f ti e sever, 1 st Willi (M in view it is evident that M itiMii-nt No. One coiiM It voted only mi the nominating ballot at the April primary election. If it in inn-ontitiititinal for Statement No. Oiio. to i-aiiy on tlio regular elective ballot then it is equally cliur that r republican could not Uvoir.e pledged to a democratic candidate for t'uittxl r'lilrn Mumloi, (or the further tv.iiMiii that theih'iii.H rlicean.liilte' name iliouhl not le entitled to place on tlm rf'iil.lii-m ticket. It Wiiitf Mflxtrnil Hint HnUment No. Om u pim ly iiil imply mean tit iioiiiinatini! candidate lr M-tttttor it u urpniiiK that o RTat in the law nhoiilil luv Uvn maile to allow nomination to tpeitr on tli ehs'tive tit lift. Th law in wrong in o nuny ! it i .toiiii.liiii) that it honl.l liae fit r Ui n Uln eiiolilv hv the niple. lt' rt cot.vl thiiivj if t oiiliiif.1 to it upheie th tt of iiomiiiiititii: on the ptinmiy lullot. year Sonorn county, t'al.foinia raiMtl Ill'.lKHI lule of hope. Thr Jeiiler ilaiiii that the crop thin M-a.on will not ixo.i-a hal' while the mow em place the estimate rtt ".M.IHKI. More than rleven ucre have Uvn ihi'4 up anil many other yar.U not Nen workeil ai formeilv ami will, therefore, produce liglit crop. In that county there are alniiit 2HK) hule of la-t year crop on hand. Independence country uiTer the lu'st opporiimity for home luiildem of any place iu the Willamette valley, because land value are more reason able and because the noil is more pro ductive than unywhere else. liny 'small tract here ami you w ill have u better living with les laKir und wor ry than any w hero in Oregon. 1'i'lk is the tanner county of Oregon. For the amount of attention und expense expended upon them, the street of Independence are the bct of any city in the country. More in due to the liberal oiling they received lat vcar than unvthing else. Another guod dosing and our streets would not i;rov dusty in two jr three years. The "Malheur Uooster" i the latest bum; for Malheurcounty, vol. 1, No. 1, having just reached our table. I'rint ed on hook paer and profusely illus trated with Imlf tone, it i a indil hie odd ion. Ilurl.y A Hurley are the publisher mid the w r i itie.l froiti Vale, On K'n. A MI'.MOItY. Tlirlimif. !! Uam l liH'.-n.'-r Ti.. II- i ..I lili W bill A-UiU.. .l ilm i In ("LI VV Umthitl la Jir' liil' mllivr. r litntlir.l. ror Itrl.U wrrr 1.I tif rtovrr, Vii I'lnuJ Iml tins inul Ii.iimI mliilil oi, Vrt .i ! ili r 111 luilit li'itr. Ami li.l linrn "! "I nir tlil mrliikli it r. iii Imir i.Ihk, ll mini Inir rt MiiniliiK; I i' ..'.! II IIh-iv itnliial iu l.wlr, ,lul no . iu I'Ut'T.I II Unit Iiiii Mimniiif. ..I K J ti n lllMtm III July l.l.ln.s.ll NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Orecron's Matchless Beach Resort The Place io Go for Pen'e -t Rrst and Every Conceiv able Form i'f He lthful ;id Delightful Recreation P.- FWIEH'IES A R I '2 COMIM.KTE r.eHof food and plenty of ii. I' .- sli w 'ter i'ioiii ! inn. modern necessities, such as tele yiuph telephone, niMket- freshly provided every day. Fuel in H'liiiiilanee ntlau'- I" t'y furi.isbed or urifiirmslied to be had eheiip y. t rit-t in'. line p it s.nitary regulations. NEWPORT i rt-achwl I v h mv of the Southern Pncifin to Albany or (;..rvlli. theni'f '.vvul!w t4 Eastern R. B. Train service daily and lb.- trip a pleii-u e t iirmu' h-ut. RATE FROM INDEPENDENCE Season sixmonths ticket $4.20 Saturday to Monday ticket $2. 0 i r la'iorin-1 ii- "'in ' Hook p1vp a eotieise lr Hi; T 1 1 tlo'l -I N:- I'" lllfl'I' IMU 11 list of lllltuls, l:o ir uapac i.v ..ol nues t all yi or write VS:. McMURRAY, Gener.'l i'.imskuvit Agut, I'OKTI.AXl), Vl'.K. G. A. Wilcox,. Local Agent. $100 Iteuar.l. IH The rrmlrm l II. In r will Iw I-mmI Io Until IIihI ll.rr l l I. l oil .lr.lrl tll pmm' llmi .'l.'lire lino Ihvii !! Io eiii In H IU niiiufk, "! llil ' t'WUrrU. lull' tH ImiiIi I'm- l lti only mIUv cult, now known l II.K inrdl.Ml fi-nlrrniiy. t'ularrh Iwlii ...iii.IUutl.iiml ill'tuw. rrii.iln- niiiklliiinoiiiil Inntiii.'iil. HtM' lulurili Cm,. U iwkfit InipriiHily. -'Ian .lliwlly lip on il. IiIinkI unit iiiihiii miriKiv nf llm y Irin, llier. liy ili'Mmyma Hi lmu'lall.m i f llir ill.i'iiM', und ilt li'K Hi"' Ill. iil ln iiii liy liiilltllnil up Hi.' riillliitl.ia mid .lllii UHtnrt in iloltiil lt work, Tlw r.ipn.'l..r hive s.i imi.-h lullli In it" emuilvr fNiwrr lanl Ui.'.v iim-rv..? Ilnii.l.v.t toliMr '..r n IIihI II ftilln l rnrf. Hpii.I lor lll l U Ml I IIIOO III l. Ariilm K.J. CIIKKY Ctl T.iuhI.i, II. m,ii t,v nil lirtmcUi", " Tk Hull' FmiiiIIv I'iII" (" minsili'iiiuir. ANTIOtll. The straw U-rry crop is about over for this year. A. C. Kwinjr and Jay Clarke siciit Sunday at Airlie. Russell Fishhack ami his mother, were Falls City visitor Thursday. Mis Fav Shipley ia staying with her aunt, Mrs. Lizie Elliot of Perry dale. Charles Osborne of lilaek Hock was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. Russell and Clem Fishhack, Elbert Peterson and Hill noginsky celebrated the Fourth at Salem and report an enjoyable time. Leonard Rogers and wife of I'allas spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Towns. Mr. Hart of Dallas preached at our school house Sunday. Mr. Tuttle of Independence passed through here eurotile to Palls City the first of the week. Roy and Jess Johnson are helping Ri.ltlcll brothers with their hay this week. Mrs. Relic Sullivan of Falls City is visit in", her mother Mrs. E. Clarke and familv. INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIMC TABIC fnOM INOINl.INCI Mill I'M I AM Train N. lrvmi li.anH...rlns (iU ' a. Ill ; !.. m M..iim.iIi 11 . . io. Imilu fc Mi . Ill Imln Niiw IriiVN ii.t..H..1riiMi 1U1I1 In at a. in; Im.. Ii, II Hi mi r.iv ii, II a in. Train N.iMU-nvea liiti.pu.lnr ilallv ' b. in : liavf. Monn.oiiili p. iii.,a.n bat' la Ut p. In, roll Allll IK Train N B? Irra ...'Hrtii.'rilllv T-' a in ; l.m Mn im..iiIi 7 W a. in ; aril- A li Hv H in llalll S't't l v I .,is il l, nr. .lali p, ti ; li-a.m Moiiiii. ulli 1 ' p. ill ; i.iiiv.' Alma I . p. hi. Ml It ihlXMiil'IU .NbV l-avv IiiiI.-i nil. ... ai.i; V ip m FROM OfcUAS Kiill IMiKI'IMiKM'K I'm I II S...U l.'UVr lll.. ili.lU rl.-.'1'l Nun. tltt s . 4. in:. I- a.4 .,ntn.i.ii Ii Vn. in., mo rivra I nlt'(M.t.t..iit IN a. m. Train Nil I 'I Viivim. I olli.a l'Nl,r nN I "o a in.: an !. .Moi.i.iuiiili T..iik. hi. hi riv.'M I'pcn.l.'ii.i. . fti a in. fniin Vii.i l. avr tN.lUa .lullv I : p. h i I, .,. Miiliino.illi I i.p. Ill ;'a.llv.' lil.l, mMi il.'int" I' Hi p in. 1 1 lil I mill niiiiinl. l Mini tniii.tlt h.r Ahllel Tnon Noil I'HM'ii IM.t na.l.illv 7 ' : in.; I. a' f Moi.iii.mili a p. in.; iinivrn Iml. h-ii.I. rn. I i p. in, mow amuc Train Nnial Irivo A irlle tUv II n m.; Ira v. M.nin.ili 1 ii. in.: arrlvM In.l iw.hI.'I.. I. .m a, in I Till" ll i.ln rlil..M'la ul Slciiiliiiiiilli IidIIiii.1 Tmlii NuH I. v..a A Irtla. ilnllv .MW p. in.; Ii iiv. a M um Ill i in p. III.: airl.' Iml." H'ii.l.'H.H. 4. .6 p. it. Train N.i li Imv Alrlls t I'm. m. I'K IM ul.V airlv.'a Mx.i.iidiilti ,Jn p. I.I. A Hv.'N lnl.Hnil'mv a. p in. rilOM MONMi'l'TII ONI.V l..'rtvra Xlomnniltli Tor lllil..H'llilnr. .liiliy 'i ai p in. DOVE & WILLIAMS Druggists Drttus, Medicines. Paints, Oils, Glass Perfumery anil Toilet Articles Filling PrcMirllloi pe. lalty. CITY REvSTAURANT Clias. Ilornbftcll, Proprietor SHORT OftDE RS AND RCGULAR DINNERS. MEALS 25 CENTS AND UP mi:.i,s at a i.i . nouns day Si.i ial liates to Io K'llar Hoarder Independence, Oregon -:- OpposUe Utile Palace Mold I'xeiirnloii ICikli'M .lime 1st. (in und fter the first of Jure the Southern 1'iieilio Company will sell sunnuer excursion tickets to Va.piiiiM and Newport at the following rates; Yaipiina, se ison, $11.70; Saturday to Monday, l.r0. Newport, season, l.20; Saturday to Monday, 1,2.50. ' Season ticket are good six months from date of sale, t Before Buying Your Binder Call and See McCorrnick FOR SALE I5Y HANNA & IRVINE INDEPENDENCE Lightning Ice Cream Freezers are the best 3 qt., 4 o,t. and 8 qt.. sizes WESLEY EDWARDS STEAM CARPET 'U'AX1NH and FRATHEK RENOVATING Orders nmountmir to $25 or more carpus will be taken up and relaid free of elianri-wlirii elnaned. All work thoroughly disinfi led and guar anteed. Address. SALEM, OREGON Help tor Those Who llavu Stoiil neh Trouble. After iloetorinis for admit twelve year for a had stomach l run hie, ami spending nearly five hundred dollars fur medh'ine and doctor's fre. f pur chsHt'd my wife one lx ot t hauiber Imn's Slomtch arid Liver Tiihlets, which did her so much iro.xl tlmt. she con i in tied to use I hem and they have done her more cnod than all of the medicine I hoii);ht before. Samtiel Unyer, Folsotn, Iowa. This n.eiiiirine is for sale hy P. M. Kirkland. Samples free. Kev I. V. WillhunsTe-tifieH. Ilev. I W. Williams, Huntington, VV. V"a , testifies as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Rem edy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble, and am free to say that. Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all thai, you claim for it..". Dove & Williams. "Alexandria, Egypt." All correspondents with Egypt in all parts of the -world should be warned that It Is necessary to put the word "Egypt" on all communications ad dressed to Alexandria, as a great deal of trouble and annoyance has been caused owing to communications ad dressed to the Egyptian city being de livered to Scotland, Canada, New South Wales, Cape Colony, Italy, the United States of America and other countries where towns of the same name exist. Egyptian Gazette, Alexandria. Just Exactly night. "I have used Pr.' King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exactly right," pays Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least dis comfort. Best remedy for consMpatiou, biliousness and malaria. 25 cents at all druggists. D. TAYLOR Barber Bath Room in Con nection C STItEET SUM. MOSS. Iu lh circuit court of the Btate of Ore- iron f.-r Polk county. .1. V, Jo e Plulutllt. v V. K Lali- .Ireth. W. O. Landreth, LizZ'e H. I.Kudreth, Matl I. I.HiiilreUi. J. I. I. in I ret h, Walter Landreth, ami K. R L'lndreth defendants, To W. F. Landrelh. W. O. I,nnlth, Lizzie H. I.andrelh, Maix'1 I. Lnndrelh, .1 I, Lm.dreth, Walter LHiidreth and K. R. Liudreth. defendsntH ; In the nainenf thd state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear mid answer the complaint tiled Hvalust in the above entitled conn and cause on or before the ;V.I day of Aunuft it ( S. Uint: more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, mid if you fail bu to appearand answer, the plHintltr for want thereof will aptily Io the court for the relict prayed for in said complaint which i aa follow a: that plaintiff be adjudged and di eret-d to be the owner In feealmplp of lite fol lowing descrltied real property, to-wit ; commencing at the south west corner of fractional Mock I in Hill s town of Independence, Polk canny, Oregon, running thence north Hi-' feet, thence east 2(H) feet, thence south ll2 leet, thence west 200 feet to the place of beginning, and that it be decreed t list you have no right-title, interest or estate In Paid real property, whatso ever, and that yHU he forever barred, precluded and enjoined from asserting any claim or title to said real property. This service Is Brveil upon you In order of Hon. William Oallaway, J udge of the above ent it led court, which order is dated the 13ih day of June, 1!I0S, and the ila'e of the first publica tion of this summons is the 25th day of June, 190K. P F. JONES. 7-r,0-H Attorney for plaintiff. The ARCADE CIGAR STORE Frank 1). Cox, Proprietor Fine Candies, Cigars and Tobacco Soft Drinks, Confectionery, Fruits, Etc. Phone Main m Independence, - Oregon JOHN BRAMBERG Plastering und general inasoti work. Stone, Brick and Concrete work. INDEPENDENCE, OR. Estimates furnished free on application. Farmers Feed and Hitching Shed Jones Big New Bar Teams 10c, Saddle Horse 6 Rigs as well as team a kept in the dry. Horses boarded bv day, week or month. J. N. JONES. L'gjPff Dallas Steam Laundry Best Work Guaranteed Basket leaves Tuesday 6pm and returns Friday Clee Hobinson Agent Independence, : ' , Obegox HOW TO PLEASE OUR 1 CUSTOMERS ! ! ihi main object of all our lh iM. To do tin holleva It nece"nl v to hanilli- I be best tf.Mn's we i fur the prien a-kcil, and it I our linn Indii'l thai tlm iiifii'hant who doss liul iippievln u the pin r"lisg nf bis ciistonieri. enough lu d.i I bis w ill Iml be aiile to please ami keep their trade. Helieviug this, we w ill do all are able to do io plrae our old cnloii i-ra and train new ones, so we ask you all when In liuhi liuiencp to coino to or ftorc mid let " try tg please you, F. S. WILSON DRY GOODS GROCERIES SHOES First corner north of Iml. Nat. Hank. Independence, Oregon. FOR SALE 6 Jersey Heifers, 25 each Second-hand Wagon, $25 Second-hand Hack, $60 Second-hand Double Hack Harness, $20 GOING QUICK .SKK J. S. BOHANNON or E. W. WALLACE Attention Ladies! STP1 "Boye" VUr Needle 1 Threader jC Slmpls. rturnble. automatic It threads any needle Itself even In the aorK. Most viiluuble of ull uttuuliments. No twtstluK, biting or cutting thread. them to you cheaper than anybody else, and will save you two or three week's time .in waiting for your mail orders. Do not send away for your sewing ma chine Needles, for we have extras for them and can sell Needles. Shuttles and Bobbins) for use in All Makes of Sewing Machines. R. M. WADE & CO, W. E. Craven, Mgr. Independence, Ore. Cinlc Palace ftotcl Independence 1. U). Creancr, Proprietor Carefully SupplKd Cables. Special Attention to Commercial Cradi. Independence, Ore.