West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 09, 1908, Image 1

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    0n !IUt ni. t R.plHt
Mr. and Mrs. Lougliary Cele
brate Golden Wedding.
Mr. Lougliary Was One of the
Elrsl Comers to Hie Or
egon Country.
The K"ltl'ii vl.lnit Miiivciary of
Mr. mid Mm. I.. W. Longlmry
-clflrntil ut l'ir f'iriii home on the
Lu.-kiiimiiti', ni niili-H iiitli of Mii
mouth, mi Hutur.lay July . HHW.
Tlit' following hiMnrii-ul iiii-moir
wits mid while the kim! wi're gatlii-r-l
around the fttl Uard, l.n-ntli
the iH'uiitifnl f IhkIo tf-i-i surrounding
their rei i'h'titHt.
Ufuyi-tto Wilson loughary was
bom on H-ptemU-r2, lH:!2,iii Morgan
county, Illinois. w,,,',f tw'lvL'
of lie reimivwl with hi parent,
from Illinois to liurlingtoii, Iuwa,
where lie lived until he ' twenty
year. of age.
On April , Mr. Loughary
tnrtd Hi roHK the plain for Oregon,
his outfit forming a part of the Noely
Wolvirtoii train which after many
hardships reiulie.1 the Ltukianmt,
rl.mil Kri.tember 25, of that year.
Kliza Simpson Lougliary, only
daughter of Isaac M. an.l Martha
Simpron wan Ihiih at Little Kook,
ArkunxaK on January 25, 1X11. When
three year of age nhe left Arkansas
with her parent a for Missouri, whi-re
they ii.ti-ndod to join a" emigrunt
train for Oregon; hut failing in tins
they remained in Missouri until 1M",
when the family came iktim the
plains. They settled at a point near
Aii lie, on November 1 of that year.
Mr. and Mrs. Lougliary were united
in marriage at the residence of the
bride's parents in I'ollc county, on
July 4, 1858. In 18l0 they moved to
the farm which they have since
owned and on which they are now
living. With the exception of a
residence, of two yearn at Dalian and
four years at Salem they have lived
continuously on their farm.
To Mr. and Mm. Lougliary were
born live children three of whom are
living. They are: lion. V. S. Lougli
ary of Dalian, Frank W. Lougliary,
who lives on the home farm, and
Mrs. Kachuel llurshner of Hood
Biver. One son died in infancy and
their eldest daughter Mrs. Rosa
Wolvcrton, died in .Monmouth, Ore
gon, August 13, 1!K)5.
The children and all the grand
children, thirteen in number, were
present on this anniversary occasion.
Only the near relatives were invited
to be present.
Those present were: Hon. and Mrs.
N. 8. Lougliary with their children,
Gladys, Helen and Lucilo of Pallas;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Lougliary
with their children, Ivan, Edithe and
Frank, of the Luckiamute; Rev. and
Mrs. J. L. Hurshner with their chil
dren, Harold, Leila, Lawrence and
Helen of Hood River; Mr. O. A. Wol
verton with his children, Reuel, Edith
andLeta of Monmouth; Mr. W. J.
Loughary with his daughters, Mrs.
Hattie Campbell, Mrs. Laura Nicklin
and Mrs. Dollie Loughary, of McMinn
ville. A gold watch and chain was pre
sented to Mr. Loughary and a gold
lined tea set to Mrs. Loughary by
their children. Other beautiful and
appropriate presents were made by
W. J. Loughary, Laura Nicklin, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Loughary and Mrs.
Hattie Campbell of McMinnville, and
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Simpson of Airlie.
' Verv unusual features evident in
this golden wedding anniversary were:
That it was celebrated within one and
one half miles of the place where Mr.
VMW , 1
nd Mrs. Loughary were united in
marriage "'')' )' Kf: a'11',
Mi.. Uniiihiiiy. iiM'llnr, Mr. Martha
hilllHoi, U Mill liwng l the X" of
hiiit'ty-thrt yi-nt", ami ride on the
Mino donation land claim taken up
by hemflf In M-. Owintr to the in
lirinilie. of her advanrol yearn (iralid
nut Hiuipmiii wa not jH'Mnittwl to l
in attend.fiicv on the wedding awn--rary
oeeanion .f her noil and
Mr. and Mm. Imghary aro well
known and highly Itfpeeted pioii.M r
resident of I'olk county and have re
reived the congratulation, of a large
circle of friend ami ncipiaintrtiiee. on
the celebration of their golden wed
ding aimiveritary.
My III lie ), four enrn old, had a
evt-iH iiiiMi k of dvM-ntery. W ha't
two pli.t.li lanti Ixil'i t llirui B.tehlin
up. Wf lliellgave him I'liuiulflaln'a
Colli-, Cluiler an I Diarrhoea li- ineil v
wliieli cured Mm and believe that
unveil life.-William II. Mrutinu,
CarlM.ii Hill, Ala. Thiri la mi iloiihl
hut tln rt-nit-dv ravi tlie Uvea of man V
children em-It year. Uiv it with cantor
oil aeroplliiti to th plain printed di
rect Ion n and a cure In certain. For .ale
by I'. M. Klrklanrf.
Call For Meeting.
The nutting calh-d for June 2'
to arrange a County Law Knforcemeiii
league having liecn pot)H)iiel on ac
count of the recent injunction trial
oeeiirrimr on that daU the executive
coniiuittiv riiiiii-ata that all friends
local oi.tioii meet at the court bonne
in Dullaa on Tuewlay Ju'y 14, at 8
in.. Ut effect audi organ i.ati m and
imiLHirt other liniKirtant bumnens.
Chairman Committee.
I).lav In comniencinu treatment for
aliuht irregularity that could have been
cured quickly by Joley'a Kidney item
Jv mav rfiult In a aeriona kitluey dla
mm. Foley'i Kidney Iteinedy builda
no tlie worn out ti.Hiie. and .treligth
ena tbeae organs. Commence takiug
todav. Dove d Williams.
Thti"LiKon of the Alfalfa," taken
from the Fat Oregoniun, is worth re
peating. Here it is: 1'eople often
"kick" about their unhappy lots and
imagine that they are much abused
and much burdened. They vvuil about
unfavorable environment and go into
hysterics over their forbidding sur
roundings. There is a lesson in two great, lux
uriant, flourishing beautiful alfalfa
plants, growing on a high, dry, sun
burnt hillside near the high school
grounds in Pendleton, which should
knock all the pessimism out of those
who look on these splendid specimens
in their forbidding environment.
All about them the hot sun has
shrivelled the "pig weed" and scalded
the life from the struggling dandelion.
The grass is withered, the rag weed
is sickly and pale and suffocating
ilust covers the ground. It is appar
ently more than a hundred feet to
water and all about these two rugged,
symmetrical plants is the waste and
desolation of a sun-scorched hillside.
But there they stand: green, luxur
iant, flourishing in spite of their sur
roundings. . They are heedless of the
dry hillside, unmindful of the wither
ed "pig weed" and dandelion curled
up in early death. They do not wilt
away and waste their strength in the
hot sunshine. They are rooted deep
in the faith of life, firmly planted and
lnoepenueilli 111 men iuiiuihjiuiu v...-
vironment and nothing checks their
growth. Their leaves are green while
...... . . .
independent in their inhospitable en
all about them is the desolation ot tne
Here is a lesson ior unnappy men
and women. Here is an inspiration
for those who complain of their un
favorable environment. Here is a
living demonstration of one of the
.Dtaaf. trntha in human emerience.
- . I
Every human being is the master ol
its own destiny and can matfe or mar
its far. A na it chooses.
While all the world is complaining in
about you, keep your leaves green ana
keep on growir g I
Hold Interesting Meeting in
City of Portland
Albany Begins First Annual
Summer Dlble School
on July 17tli
One of the inoht interesting gather
ing yet held in the convention hall
. I ,1... I l'.,i,.,....r..i,il f'li I. una
U( HIV I HI MltHM l'il n in.
that of the Oregon State Medical
ij. I.... U-I....I. .. .1 1. nifini. I i-ri. 1 ti v
Focietv. which adjourned rrnl
nielit the most imjMirtant thr.ed
.......to,, . lii tl.n Iiiutnrv of tlmt orcani-
- j --n - -
zalinii. Dr. U. C. ColTey of Portland
retired from the jtosition of president,
to give place to Dr. w. II. liird,'
Huleni. The Secretary, Dr. William
House of Portland, whs re-elect-d f
the ensuing year. Among those
present were famous physicians and
surgeons from the East, while boll
Washington and Idaho 're repre
sctited by splendid delegations
The next meeting of the society w
be held in Seattle, ut the Alaok
Yukon-Pacific Exposition, jointly
with the ashington and Idaho
associations, and it is the purpose of
the medical men of the Pacific ortl
west to make that meeting one
the most imiKtrtant held in the
United States.
No state in the union is spreading
more high class advertising matti
than Oregon. The splendid booklets
issued to irresent the claims of Yam
hill county, Albany, and Linn county
(rants Pass, Kosehurg, Med ford anil
Ashland are Biijierior to thos(
issued bv the commercial bodies of
other stutes. Eastern Oregon is not
being neglected, and this character of
mlvcrtisimr cannot fail to have an
advantageous effect, and other Com
munities should see that their claims
are not overlooked,
Dayton has come into line with
the other live centers of Yamhill
county by organizing an active com
mercial club. Manager M. C. Lownes
dale, of the Yamhill county Develop
ment League, held a meeting there
the other night and raised $(550 for
advertising purposes.
Fortv-four different people com
peted for prizes offered by the Chorry
Fair at The Dalles, and there were
681 boxes of cherries on the tables
Albany college begins her first
annual summer bible school July 17th,
continuing until the 27th. Ine
speakers are from Oregon and six
other states. It is a new idea, an
out-door school.
fiountv Judire C. J. Trenchard, of
Astoria, suggests that the Oregon
Development League take up the
x - -
matter of good roads throughout
Oregon. The judge makes the sug
gestion that some capable men be
employed by the state to educate the
neonle of every community in the
commonwealth along these lines.
Best the World Affords.
'Tr. ulvBR me unbounded nleaeure to
- o-
recommend wucKien s Arnica oaive,
says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N.
C. "I am convinced It's the beat salve
ai n 1 .4 nff-nMla Ti ni.Mul a (. . 1 n n nn
LUU WUim miuiuo. vwi a tuiuu vru
my thumb, and it never falls to heal
every sore, burn or wound to which it
i OS mi,Ib ni ,11 jlxiiiviviata
" "fu. - - b.
i i 1 1 1 1
Precious in the sight of the Lord is
the death of his Saints
Whereas the hand of death has
again come among us and taKen
from our midst our Sister Phebe
- i i s J f 'iLi.l
Leonard, a vaiuea ana ianniui mem
ber oi our aio society, uu,
vvnereas we ioei uecpiy our
her departure,
Resolved, that we express our sin
cere 8ympatny ior ine irienas ana
rt-latlMW of the i!ar drpart-il lic,
and a lute he Im. gone lh lullin m e
of Iter noble i hrixtiatl life .till remain
Rulved that a ropy of then
rfHolutioii. I .prcad on tho miuute.
of our nm-ii'ty
Conniiitlei': Mi-isUiiiih 1'owell,
Hoot and I'm i-ry.
I'liarcU nu d.. i Hi I An an.vl form
Waika lino Hi. Mrtrj with ill.-ul lfl
And brnnur trl lud ooii),
Auil l(.n w. cll Ihfin dead.
And ho h nnda lurm Ino fair.
Or lrr too pur (or i-rlh oJ tlr,
II ihw II to llml limn iiliova
To dwi II wllh Kil la -r1M.
Monmouth, Oregon, June H, 1 !M IH.
Twcntj-I Hr Ceiila la the Price
nf IVnce.
Tha ti-rrilile itchinir ami nniartli'ir. In-
CKlent to o-rtnln tikln 1 IrH-aat-M, i al
lut h:Miil!v allayed by applying
( 'Im in Ih t'ii I n ' KmIvc. 1'iii-e, 2- ci-nia.
Kora..V by P. M. Kirklaml.
I uril ot I'liiiiika.
ii-i- lo thank ti e many friends
and ai-qiiii iut.incea
of Indeja-ndencc
"-- - ...... j.,
j for the iiiiiny trihiiU-aof refju-ct and
1 L- i ii t m.. nl..r...t .liirintr flu illn.Ka
kindiH-M t-inlcri'l during the jllnes?
and at the fum-riil of our son, Henry
Truman I'mUL-hman. whot-e
lent n
I - - - r-
(M-cNm-d I uedy, .July , I'.hjn.
MK. and M1!S. J. DORXSIFK.
War Agitinat Consumption.
All tiaii lis are endeavoring to check
the raYHiff of cn mi million, the "wbite
iilsgne" that claim, so many victims
facli year. Foley'a Honey and Tar
einea rm.gha and cold, jierfectly and
ior. arc in no daiitrer ol conBiimnlion.
. r.
II Do not risk vmr health by taking some
unknown prepuratiuii when roley a
Honey aod Tar is safe and certain in
Dove & Williams.
Some mammoth gooseberries were
exhibited at this office this week
which were grown on the property
of J a. rue Robertson -as large as are
generally grown. Very fine, indeed.
Assisting in the program of Albany
College Summer Bible School, first
annual session of which convenes July
17-27, there are to be over twenty
different leaders, teachers and speakers
lrom Oregon and six other states.
The daily class and conference
work is as follows: The Minor
Prophets; The Epistles of Paul by
Rev. Dr. S. F. Vance, of Cincinnati;
The Psalms by Rev. Dr. W. H. Wash
burn, Willamette University Divinity
School; The Gospels and Religious
Pedacroev bv Rev. F. IL Geiselbracht,
of Chicago; Methods of Y'oung Peo-
nle's Work bv Rev. T. C. Hurd. State
President Christian Endeavor Society,
Corvallis; Home Missions by Rev. Dr.
W. S. Homan, Portland, Field Secre
tary Pacific Coast, Portland; Sunday
School Methods by Professor James F.
Ewing, Portland; Foreign Mission
Conferences by various leaders.
All sessions will be outdoors. Camp
ing places will be provided, fee for all
privileges for ten days, $ 2.50. Reduc
ed rates are promised all railroads
leadine into Albany. A etereopticon
and moving picture machine will be
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Would
Have Saved Him $100.
"In 1902 I had a very severe attack of
diarrhoea," says K. H. Jfarrar or cat
Island. La. "For several weeks I was
unable to do anything. On March 18,
1007. T had a similar attack, aod took
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Kemedy which gave me prompt
relief. - I consider it one of the best
medicines of Its kind in the world, and
had I used it in 1902 believe it would
have saved me a hundredt dollar doc
tor's bill." Sold by P. M.Kirkland.
Not Particular a. to Waapona.
The waiter rirl knew a thing or two
boot table etiquette, so she sniffed
scornfully as she said, "It's not oor
rastom to serve a knife with pi.
"Nor remarked the patron la sur-
"Then brine me an ax.
Independence, Oregon.
O A.P ITAX, 825,000
W. A. Meaner. Pre. K. Hofer, Vice-Pro. C. C. rstrkk.Caah
Wio. RiddHll F. N. rHump. J. P. Uogers
The Real
I ndeptndenct, Orm.
Farmers, List
Your Prop
erty Now!
Farm and City
Property. Farm
Property is Our
Please note that we have installed special seed
cleaners at our warehouses at Independence and
Monmouth and are prepared to clean your wheat,
oats, barley, vetch, rape, clover seed, timothy
seed, onion seed, Lettuce seed, and any other seed
that is cleanable.
At Monmouth we have the largest and best
equipped seed cleaning plant in the state. We
guarantee to do you the best possible work with
the smallest practical waste. Your interest is
our interest. Won't you give us a trial ?
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co.
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transact a general banking and exchange business,
received, Loans made, Drafts sold.
Officers and Directors
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler, F. 8. Powell, J. B. Stump,
I. M. Simpson.
Estate Men
We are "going to sell real estate (
ani are now in touch with peo
ple in the east and some who
are now on the ground and
want 6inall farms. They have
the money and are going to in
vest in Polk county.
... A FULL
of single and double harness. My
harness is all made from oak tan
leather and warranted to be free
from flaws.
My prices are light.
G. G Dunham