West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 02, 1908, Image 1

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    Ore,)' UMificn! fcllj
NUMI'.KIt .'.
OF Wl m
Blggci and Duller Than tver
New Features al fair Hill
Be Apparent to
A nip) of III" ('itU'iii Stalo lair
l'r nun li.l l.ir l'.HIM Iiiim ri.lne to
this i.fhcc. It i wi.illiv note Hull
ln n( nieiiiiiiin i li"K' r than
ever before offered.
' it li tin appropriation of lo.imtt
from the state and the orninjci. of tin
fair (.f H.'iOWt attractions may I
offered KHM-rior to ny former year
hiiiI it nmy l eie ted tlmt tho fitir
this year will nurjiiiM nny (..ruitT
effect. Many new exhibitor arc
..M iii iiiu space a ml tin" numerous
herds which have len purchased ami
shipped into Oregon during th past
vi-ur will Ik-added attractions. New
buildings ami improvement are 1
ing added to the grounds.
F.ntriea in the racing dcpirtnicnt
will l. much larger ami will consist
of a better class of horsca than over
More shown or raced in the North
It Can't H' Heat.
Tlw bnt of all teachers In ex periem-p,
C. M. llardcu, of Silver City, North
Carolina. says: "1 flml KUctrU ltlttera
does all thal'a claimed fol It. For
rUoinacti, I.lvfT ami Kidney troubles
It can't bo Wat. I hava tried It ami
flml It a most excellent luediclur."
Mr. Harden la rlttht; it the hi-otofall
medicines bIho for weak new, lame
back ami all rnu down conditions.
Uest too for cliilln ami niuhiria. Sold
UUiler guarantee at all drungists 50o.
Pratt-Pumcroy Nuptials.
Married at tho homo of the bride's
parents in thin city Tuesday, Juno
yoth, at high noon, Mix Nellie I'oni
croy to Mr. Charles I'ratt, of Heat tie,
Washington, the Kov. J. Julian
Keeker, of Dallas, officiating. Only
immediate relatives and friends were
jircsent. A sumptuous banquet was
i I'll.. .. n .... 1... ........
spread iiimieuiaiciy unci im' i
niony anil tlio bride and groom de
parted soon after on their way to their
home at Seattle. The bride was one
of the ellieient teachers of the Seattle
schools and .the groom is a business
man of the same city.
fended. 1 he groom an al fifed ill
tl.'coiii Ml. .lull Mark. Tlx imp!'-"
ivt n-iirfMge ccrt tuoiiy rind by
l'V, l-oiiin lliHivir, pitnlor of lli"
Ki.iii heal i bun h of Monmouth.
Tbf wedding lunch ll.at followiil
tliM i. t. iiimiiv wii b I.I in lln' dining
loom, the c v'iiiimI' l.iblu decoration
U i itf of ii -hrattf pi' t r nii'l Orfmi
I Tin ' p:lli! Hi ll-: I'i'V, l,Otlis
ll..ir, Mi'iiiio'iith; Mr. and Mm. V.
V. M. tli r, l!i. kti ah; J. I. I bdlippi.
Mnnini'iith: Waller Mcllcr, I'nrllsiid ,
Mr. ami Mm. Henry 1 ') 1 1 ti j i, Albiiny;
Mm. I'l-rey Long, Ungeni'; Mi H. J.
,(K', liuknall; Mm. Win. Hiol-t,
WiU..iiill.'i Mm. A. I. ( lotlir, roll
land; Mr. and Mm. !- ii e. Mr.
and Mm. Cluti ni i' Kreani, Miri- May
tiid loieiia W i'li.tci , i tnli'- iiili iit ;
SliM'ii ( bri'.lie it ul AMinl'' I low,
Itn kreall; .M-M'. Miile M ri i, Ku
(ji'lie; I'liink S rlti r nii'l l(oy He Af
liioiid, liiil'li'lidiii'i-; lloii'rt ami
John l.oe, bn knid'.
Mr. niiil Mr. 1'hillippi left Tuesday
for rngi'iie while liny a ill riid
TheV rarrv Willi tin III I he bel wUhe
in booklets :. ;
Valley Towns.
Oregon Dairy Association Will
Circulate Report of Last
Year's Vork.
nf their nianv fiii udu for a hai'iivaml
iiroMnroiin future. Thev weie the
reciiienla of many iim fill and beaiiti
fid present consisting mainly of cut
g!a ami silverware.
Hoy 'a Idle SttVeil.
My little Isiy, four years old. had a
aevrr attack of dysentery. We had
two physicians; laith of them gaveldin
tip. We then gave him ChaiiilK-rlaln'a
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured lihu ami believe that
saved his life William II. H rolling
Carhon Hill. Ala. There is no doubt
hut this remedy saves the lives of many
children each year. (Jive it with castor
oil accord 1 1) if to the plain printed di
red Ions and a cure Is certain. For sale
by 1'. M. Kirk Ian J.
Help lor Thoms Who Have Stom
ach Trouble.
After tluctoriiiK for about twelve
years for a bad . stomach trouble, and
spending nearly five handled dollars
for medicine and doctor's fees. I pur
chased my wife one box ot Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets,
which did her so much good that she
continued to nsu thorn and they have
done tier more ijood than all of the
medicine I bought before. yam uel
Boyer, Folsom, Iowa. This medicine
is for sale by I M. Kirkland. Samples
An important change has taken
place, this week in the firm of Mess
nor, Conkey it Walker, Mr. Messner
having retired from the management
of the firm. The firm will ki knowji
hereafter as Conkey, Walker it Leh
man, and the membership bespeaks
success. -Mr. .Messner, wlio lias been
connected with the mercantile world
of Independence during the past live
years, will retire from that field and
devote himself to banking. Tlio bus
iness of the First State Hank, of which
he is president, has grown to such an
extent that it is necessary to add a
larger force and ho will therefore de
vote his energies to the success of that
institution. Independence has lost
nothing in these business changes.
The mercantile firm may feel that
they have lost in the deal, however,
the addition of Mr, Lehman forms a
tl io of industrious workers for whom
it would be impossible to conceive
Twenty-Five Cents is tlio Price
of Peace.
The terrible itching and smarting, in
cident to certain skin diseases, is al
most instantly allayed' by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 2i cents.
For sale by l M. Kirkland.
Phillippl-Metzlcr Nuptials.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the homo of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Metzler at Kick
reall, Oregon, Sunday, June 28, 1908,
at 'J o'clock p. m. when Miss Amanda
A. Metzler and Walter Thillippi
plighted their troth in the presence of
immediate relatives and friends.
The room where the ceremony took
place was simply and effectively dec-1
orated with white roses and ivy. Hie
arch under which the bride and
groom stood was decorated with as
paragus fern and seafoam.
The bride was prettily gowned in
white satin trimmed in silk all-over
lace. She carried a boquet of white
carnations and ferns, and was unat-
Call Sleeting,
At a meeting of the board of direct
ors of the Independence Cannery
Company, held on Monday, June 2U,
1!R)8, the secretary was instructed to
issue, a call for a. meeting of all the
stockholders to meet at the cannery
building on Saturday, July 11, at 2 p.
m. The cannery will be in operation
at that time and it is requested that
all be present.
H. Hirschberg, Tres.
Wr. A. Messner, Sec.
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravages of consumption, the "white
plague" that claims so many victims
each year. Foley's Honey and Tar
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
you are in no danger of consumption.
Do not risk your health by taking some
unknown preparation when Foley's
Honey and Tar is safe and certain in
results. Dove& Williams.
Them if an inti-mi cofnstiti"ii
In Iwccii the ditlin lit coliiniunitii'H of
Oregon in i.-iuing iittuu tive mid con
vincing literature Many of the pub
lii atioiis circulated to draw attention
to this state today aro Kiiperior to the
uioi-t ambitious product of the
imtroiolitan printen ten years ago.
1'p to the picKeiit time the most
artistic booklet printel in the state
is one gotten out by the Yamhill
County Development League. Its
reproductions of racpberrics, cherries
urunes and itraiics are ilone in
natural colors, and like tho picture in
the old fable, would almost deceive
tho birds.
Secretary W. L. Crissey of the Ore
gon State Dairy Association has ready
for circulation the report of that
Ixidy for tho past year. It is very
much tho most comprehensive ri;
port which lias apeared concerning
anv dairv meeting on the Pacific
coast, and Mr. Crissey will furnish
copy to anyone interested, upon re
quest. Oregon has grow n wonderfully
in fruit, agriculture anil general in
dustries, but dairying nobis the record
for greatest increase, dairy products
having risen from a value of .$."),(KM),-
000 annually live years ago to $17,
tMH),000 in 1'.KI7.
The Dallas business men have invit
ed the business men of Portland to
attend their "Cherry Carnival" Wed
nesday, July 1st, and many people
will make the trip from this city,
either by boat or rail.
n intensely interesting meeting
vital to the future of Portland, Oregon
and the Northwest, is called for
tomorrow tit the convention hall of
tho Portland Commercial Club.
Transportation questions of deepest
moment, to this section will be dis
Portland excursion to Eugene
was one of the most successful and
lelightful events that ever took place
. , i . r. 1 t j l l l J
in tins siate. ine lortianuers nau
choir along, which sang:
"A Lane County drink
We are willing to buy.
What do they drink
In a county that's dry?"
Innumerable equally effective verses
enlivened the journey.
When the "National Assoeation of
Ketail Grocers of the Cnited States"
meets in Portland next year, special
trains from various parts of the country
will be a feature. One is already plan
ned by the merchants of Cincinnati,
another from Chicago, while Boston
has organized a "Portland Club" and
they will charter their own car.
Bgi. Mr. TiipT wdl U ri iin iiil''rd
as limiihal of ll.i illy wbiih po--i-lion
h held fur iiiiiny ymr.
M Toi In f ibnlli ihllllL-lif to
liii tin' n-oil i. f fall hnh
i iiire-l a b w ddy In-fore her ibth.
b'-i. riitiip in eniitfii'! w!rh a
ril oil Iim- lf.n a nt Si. J.ihli, Hie
did ii"! m.J'r from the injury until
TiX'Ml.iy, I nr diji. iifler lb" bill.
Sin' colnpl.i in. I of bef bi-iid hutting
bir and doilor was called. He
iiiliniiiiMcri-d In her ami pr'nm-iil
to l ull ill I be CM-tiing, but w bell he j
rain.- hvmiii i-Im- hud dud. It 1"
liLi-w-d tl.iiliit l.it of IiIihh! furuii-il
on the l.r.iin c im-ing her ib ath, which
i deeply ri-gn -Itiil. She w.i l'ie.im
of m i- tit the time of her ib-itb, birth- i
day ix i litniig April, Mb. The fiiliiT.il I
l'k plice ill this city Thnrd.iy, i
June I sib at I :.'! i.'i Iim k, intermit, t!
Iieing IliHile ill Hit- l O. (1,1', cemetery, I
the Siiif. rd Snyder officiating, j
"t lie Kiiiii-dy Thai liw Q
"li:. Kb .' Nm Disei.vi-ry is the
rfiiicii si rti iles i In- lii-iiiing o hers
n i in ii-e I ut I ill to peifuriii," sas Mri.
lO K. I' i-i -"ii, of Alli um Centre, Vn."
It in i-iiiii j inr of llinm; and lung
trouble i f ! ' H- Htiimling, that other
lrelllei tc relieved tmly lellipomrll v.
New Ii '.-vu-ry i !: $ mo so iuu':h
good II t I I. ! "c;tfldei.t its con
li n ii d iim-Ii r h tr i-oriHlile length of
time will a . otB me to erfect health "
This rfiiowned cdiigh and cold remedy
and llitoHt ami lung healer is sold at
ail druxgiita. &0c and 11.00. Trial
Isit tie free.
Independence, Oregon.
C A.P ITAL, 25,000
Okhcers asd lhHM'ons:
U'. A. Messner. Tres. '.. IlofVr. Vica Pre.. C. C. rtlck, Cash !
Win. Kidd-ll F. X. Stump. J. P. Uuger ' i
Just a little Cascasweet Is all that Is
neesry to give your baby when it is
crow and peevish. Cascasweet con
tains hi opiatei nor harmful drugs and
Is highly l ecoiu mended by mothers
everywhere. Conforms to the National
Pure Food and Drug Laws. Bold by
Dove A Williams.
The annual encampment of the
Grand Army veteran's took place at
Newport Juno 21, 2.1, and 2ith. There
were in attendance at the convention
about 700 veterans. It was an en
thusiastic meeting and those in at
tendance from Independence report it
one of the most successful encamp
ments. J. A. Apporson of Oregon
City was elected commander. Those
who attended from this place were E.
P. Fisher, J. G. Barber, A. W. Stans
burry, C. W. Burright, Levi Koser,
J. Dornsife, M. Scrafford, A. C. Dick
and T. J. Fryer.
The next encampment will be held
at Corvalhs. The date for the en
campment will bo announced later.
A Revelation.
It is a revelation to people, the severe
eases of lung trouble that have been
cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. It
not only stops the cough but heals and
strengthens the lungs. L. M. Buggies,
Beasnor, Iowa, writes: "The doctors
said I had consumption , and I got no
better until I took Foley's Honey and
Tar. It stopped the hemorrhages, and
pain in my lungs and they are now as
sound as a bullet." Dove & Williams.
Illff-HcKee Nuptials.
Uest the World Afl'ords.
"It gives me unbounded pleasure to
recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve,"
says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N,
C. "I am convinced it's the best salve
the world affords. It cured a felon on
my thumb, and it never fails to heal
every sore, burn or wound to which it
is applied. 25 cents at all druggists.
Death of Miss Tuppcr.
The Enterprise desires to apologize
to the relatives of Miss Tupper who
died at St. John on June lGth. The
piece of news should have appeared in
the last issue of this paper but
through some error it failed to appear.
Miss Tupper was the daughter of A.
J. Tupper - who formerly resided in
this city. They removed from Inde
pendence to St. John about two years
Married at the home of the groom,
south of Independence, Wednesday,
June 24th, Miss Ethel McKeo, of
Lakeview, Oregon, to Mr. Harry Iliff,
the Ilev, L. C. Hoover, of Monmouth,
officiating. Only a few invited
friends and close relatives were pres
ent on the happy occasion.
Miss McKeo is one of tho graduates
of the Monmouth Normal School
this year. Mr. Iliff is one of the
prominent young men of the Inde
pendence country. They will make
their home on the farm of the groom
which is situated out south of this
Illev. I. W.Williams Testifies.
Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington,
W. Va., testifies as follows: "This is to
certify that I used Foley's Kidney Rem
edy, for nervous exhaustion and kidney
trouble, and am free to say that Foley's
Kidney Remedy will do all that you
claim for it." Dove & Williams.
The Real Estate Men
Independence, Ore.
Farmers, List
Your Prop
erty Now!
Farm and City
Property. Farm
Property is Our 1
We are going to sell real egtato
an'l are now in touch with peo
ple in the east and some who
aro now on the ground and
want small farms. They have
the money and are going to in
vest in Polk county.
of single and double harness. My
harness is all made from oak tan
leather and warranted to be free
from flaws.
My prices are light.
G. C Dunham
. .v A
"Prize Peach"
We guarantee these Flours equal to
any on' the market. Keep your
money at home and buy only home
made Flour. We solicit a trial
Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co.
PAID CAPITAL $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and exchange business. Deposits
received, Loans made, Drafts sold.
Officers and Directors
J. H. Hawley, Pres., P. L, Campbell, Vice Pres., Ira C. Powell, Cashier
J. B. V. Butler, F. 8. Powell, J. B. Stump,
I. M. Simpson.