West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, June 11, 1908, Image 4

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' B
rtrini our adu-rtiwr.
I, AlUn. IW-ntUf, luuwr lU.lf.-tl
min ml tliie i.fii.f. hull-
lio-d work hir for Vi. John
R.d.hin. tP-3
A lull ! k ( li n! blanks (r aale
kodak from ti l 2.W at Cra
wit i .t.rr'. 4-11
IvcmiJ MonuT, Conkey l Walker's
Jtdd ul M lUUllfV.
Kd Ow-n wftil to NpwMrt Thnre
day la pfnd a f'w day.
3.00 will buy you a lirt-cl:i ki
!k at Craven Jt Mhh. 4-11 tf
Dr. Dubinin, dtxiiUl, over Inde
pendence National Hunk.
(.n ami am-r mi1 nrai oi :uay i ui
deliver milk at fio a quart. F. Mie-
man. tf
ltiitler Produce Co. sent a large
shipment c( chicken to Portland Ut
Any on can take and make pie
turea with a kodak (r sale at Craven
A Mmire'a. 4-11
lh'iora buying your Iigbt summer
good look at new line at Meaner,
Conkey Walker'a.
Cha. Rallou of Dallas paused
through Iiidexnd(nce Thumday laat
on Ida way to Newintrt.
Time books, tablet, ink, writing
paper, ledgers and blank books of all
kind at Craven A Moore. 4-11 tf
i', c.u i ,,. nendence Monday on hi way to
via , J' o v ' J- I
.!.,, ;.r. .,n.,i..i t,, Portland where he went for ahort
from aeventh on C Street. 7-2 oourn.
Bur a kodak and Uke the babv'a Mrs. X. Jonc, Mrs. Chas. McLaugh-
picture. Craven fc Moore have a nice
line of kodak and supplies. 4-1 1
I am lUtidwin a iitr to'
I'lillUlld lt r k.
I'lirtlaml breail freeh ever !?
t Irvine' arrocorjr. lf--
ll.s lt wtk ahor. in town at
MiMiirr, Ciitkkry A Walki-rV
A tfital iiatr (if RatAtitfi m mm t
r, : . ' :. : 9
ea f I iKJ avl K reamer a.
lie.i. Dunham lute jiift rtvriwd
tine line id mtniii. r and luh rU-. If
Mr. and Mr., Will Walker rvlururd
Kiiday from a few days iit in Tort.
Mi l.ola Htaik ! Kugene i tint
ing friends in Indeiidenee lht
K. II. Kaulu, lite pin mi tuner
been in tin lmrt of the valley
Ten -foot fold of decora ted cree
jler only SKV) er roll at Craven A
Moore. 4-11 tf
Kd Wallace who is attending O.A.C.
vuited over Sunday with his mother,
Mr. M. W. Wallace.
Why not make your own oul?
All you need i a kodak. We sell
them. Craven & Moore. 4-11
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lockwood of talem
visited in this city Sunday, the
guests of Miss Hex liutler.
Mis Frances Patterson of Portland
Beginning Saturday, June 13th, and continuing for
one. week we will -give free with each suit purchased
for cash, one pair, shoes or one hat.
Men's Suits
With each $10.
Suit one pair of $2.50 Shoes or one Mat free
u it u a k tt
44 tt a ti a
Suit better than $15 one pair $4.00 Shoes free
is visiting at the home other grand
parents, Mr. and Mr. P. 1.. Hedges.
Mr. K. C. Kldridge and children
returned home from Portland Sunday
' after several day visit with friend.
J. 0. Staats of Airlie wa in Iude-
Mr. Sharman, a fornrer resident of
this town, was a visitor in Indepen
dence for a few days recently.
Miss Orbie Taylor is visiting in
Portland thia week the guest ' of her
sister, Mrs. Willard Ireland.
Sewing machines, needles, oil and
extras, repairing a specialty, go to II
II. Jasperson, who will try his best to
please you. tf
Wood for Sale Second growth at
$3.50, old growth 4.00 per cord
delivered. S. Cox, Independence.
Phone 143. tf4-2
The last to do for departed friends,
provide them with the bet robes and
caskets. Jasperson keeps them at
reasonable prices. tf
Arthur Aloore has returned from a
week's visit over on Slab creek and
surrounding country. Arthur says
the fishing is fine.
AiisB Plena Kitcnen oi uentraiia is
spending the summer in Independence
the guest of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J- Taylor.
Mrs. Word Butler went to Spokane
last week after her father to take
him to the hospital in Portland. He
has been sick for some time.
Prof. Murdock left for Portland
last week to stay a few days before
leaving for San Francisco on his way
to the Philippines where he has a
position with the government teach
ing. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are prompt and thorough and will in a
very short time strengthen the weak
ened kidneys and allay troubles arising
from inflammation of the bladder.
They are recommended everywhere.
Sold by Dove & Williams.
The DeVarney Waggoner Co. re
cently completed a plant at Edmonds,
Wash., similar to the one being in
stalled for the Home Telephone Co.
here. The system has given entire
satisfaction and the business is stead
ily increasing. 4-11 tf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
61 THE
lin and Mrs. Fluke returned Monday
from Portland after several days visit
in that city.
Did you notice the' advertisement
of that 53 acre tract of land located
within a mile of Independence? Is it
big enough for you?
Miss Opal McDevitt intend leaving
tomorrow for California where she
will spend the- summer in hopes of
benefitting her health.
Buy an Alaska refrigerator of R.
M. Wade A Co., and keep your vege
tables nice and cool for the hot
summer, trice lrom up.
Kev. Mr. Chase, accompanied by
Mrs. Chase, returned Monday from
Stayton where they were over Sunday
visitors with friends in that city.
1 he Home Telephone Co. does not
want to tie patrons up with a con
tract; they will rely upon superior
service to retain subscribers. 4-11 tf
Chas. IlifT was taking in the rose
carnival the first of the week at Port
land. While on this trip he visited
Seaside and took his first glimpse of
the Ocean.
Five good milk cows, fresh during
the winter, for sale at reasonable
prices. For particulars call' on
Edward Rex, Independence It. F. D.
1. Phone 744. tf
The Independence and Monmouth
Band will give an open air concert in
the city park next Sunday, June 14,
weather permitting. No admission
and everyone cordially invited.
Stray White horse about five
years, weighs yuu, Dranaea on right
rhoulder, shod all round. Owner
call and get him and settle bill for
keep and this adv. Jones' feed
barn. tf2 5
Miss Mabel Wilcox, who has made
her home with her uncle, G. A. Wilcox
of this city, has gone to Portland
where she has accepted a ponition for
the slimmer with one of the telephone
systems of that city.
II. H. Hanna of Airlie was a vis
itor in Independence last Thursday,
with his brother, J. L. Hanna. Mr.
Hanna was on his way to Indiana
county, Penn., to visit his parents
whom he had not seen in sixteen
Young Men's and Boys' Suits
With each Suit up to $10. one pair $2.25 Shoes free
at 12.50 " " 3.00
at 15.00 " 4.00
Remember at this time your hat or shoes cost you
nothing. If in need of a suit before the 4th now
is the time to buy. Yours for business,
Messner, Conkey 8p Walker
Genuine Butter fsut bread at
Try i no's grocery. tf4-2
Swell line negligee shirts at Messner,
Conkey A Walker's.
Latest designs in decorated crepe
paper at Craven A Moore. 4-11 tf
Before you buy, see those new
dress ginghams at F. 8. Wilson's.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the fa
mous little liver pills, are sold by Dove
& Williams.
You will find an all new stock of
summer underwear and hosiery at
F. S. Wilson's.
If you need a good pair of gloves
go to Geo. Dunham 'e and get a pair
of Osborne's gloves. They are the
best. 5-21 tf
Buy your Mower and Rake of R. M.
Wade & Co. and get a machine that
is not in the trust, which will save
you several dollars. 4-11
Hanna & Irvine have done some
nice improving in their store in the
way of the addition of a new office.
It looks like business.
Mrs. Carter of Wellsdale and her
son, Elvin Carter of Bickleton, Wash
ington, visited with relatives in Inde
pendence last Saturday and Sunday,
The plant being installed by the
DeVarney Waggoner Co. for the
Home Telephone Co. is pronounced
by telephone men to be unexcelled by
any in the United States. 41 1 tf
Miss Genevieve Cooper returned
that all business houses and
display the Amr;cau nag.
on that
from Eugene Monday after a pleasant
Observance of the 131st anniversary sojourn of a couple of weeks in that
of the birth of the flag will be kept in city the guest of her sisters, Mabel
this city June 14th. The Women's and Frances, who attend the Univers-
Relief Corps of Independence desires ity of Oregon.
Independence won over Falls City
Sunday by a score of 6 to 3. The
game was hotly contested on both
sides but the Independence team had
the best of it all the way through,
Independence has a great addition in
the place of third base and the work
of Mr. Bell Sunday won the high
praise of which it was worthy.
Stomach troubles are very common
in the summer time and you should not
only be very careful about what you eat
juHt now, but more than this, you
should be careful not to allow your
stomach to become dixordered, ' and
when the stomach goes wrong take Ko
dol. This is the best known prepara
tion that is oll'ered to the people today
for dyspepsia or indigestion or any
stomacn trouble. Kedol digest all
foods. It is pleasant to take. It is
sold here by Dove & Williams.
Tired mothers, worn out by the peev
ish, cross baby have found Cascasweet
a boon and a blessing. Cascasweet is
for babies and children, and is especial
ly good for the ills so common in hot
weather. Look for the ingredients
printed on the bottle. Contains no
harmful drugs. Sold by Dove & Williams.
Willard P. Bevens of Buena Vista
returned to Independence Sunday on
his way home from Portland where
he has been for medical treatment.,
While in that city Mr. Bevens under
went an operation for the removal of
a tumor from his stomach and is now
rapidly regaining his health. He was
accompanied by Mrs. Bevens.
All the latest souvenir jHnt cards
Craven A Moore. 4-11 tf
Dr. R. E. Duganne spent Sunday
with friends in Ilillsboro.
Bertha Tharp is spending the week
with friends in Portland.
Buy the corset that will not rust at
Messner, Conkey A Walker's.
Jimmie Jones, of the firm of Young
& Jones was a Portland visitor the
first of the week.
Big cats or little cuts, small seratehes
or bruises or big ones ara healed quick
ly by DeWitt's Witch Hel Salve. It
Is especially good for piles. Be sure to
get DeWitt's. Hold fev Dove A Will
The new switchboard for the Home
Telephone Co. will be installed within
thn'next few weeks and the Company
will then be ready to install tole
phones promptly. 4-11 tf
Government Dredge No. 2, is at
work this week at the O. R. & N. Co.
docks in this city. They are deepen
ing the channel and taking out rub
bish that has accumulated there.
The Independence-Monmouth Band
have arranged to give an open air
concert in this city Sunday next.
This concert will be greatly appre
ciated by Independence people and I
it is to be hoped that this will be
only a beginning of such pleasant
The West Willamette Association
of the Baptist church is in session at
Amity this week. Church delegates
from this place are Mrs. J. R. Bald
win, H. Parks, Misses Leola Dunham
and Hattie Mix. Of the B. Y. I. U
delegates in attendance there are Mrs,
J. Alderson Jr., Misses Crissie and
Allie Bramberg and Alice Muhleman
Nature has provided the stomach
with certain natural fluids known
the digestive juices, and it is through
these juices that the food we eat is act
ed upon in such a way as to produce the
rich, red blool that flows through the
veins of our body and thereby makes
us strong, healthy and robust, and it is
the weakening of these digestive juices
thet destroys health. It is our own
fault if we destroy our own health, and
yet it is so easy for any one to pot the
stomach out of order. When you need
to take something take it promptly, but
take something you know is reliable-
something like Kodol For Dyspepsia
and Indigestion. Kodol is pleasaDt to
take, it is reliable and is guaranteed to
give relief. It is sold by Dove & Will
iams. . .
In lnlallln h Inlet moilnl common battery nr.lrm and will
give nurvloo that cannot be exoellud, both local and long ill "Inure.
Will install telephones without tying you with contract
If the aervloe ! not mtlRfaotory you need not keep the telephone
Are plenned to explain the ny.trtn and give iletallud Information.
Hee them for irlieduln (They make no upeclal ratoi.)
W. L. BICE, Manager
fyjyfj Jllbert Sperling
kJ Sign Painter
Not In the Trusts
43 years on the market, and with the best reputation of
any Mower that is sold today.
lioller and JLSall-iSearing, and with a TWO-SPEED
This Mower you can buy for les money than any Inter
national Mower. Why? Because we are not in the trust.
For sale by
R. Me WADE & CO.
W. E. Craven, Mgr. Independence. Ore.