West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, June 04, 1908, Image 3

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    i iiKwirr. m. i.
I'liyslilsli ml Nur-ili
OfMc In Cooia-r Hulhling-, riKinn S
I M i til'. I . t. ... . Ira ...
IIU a Ifllll-V imhkvi v m, ! 11 ui,
mi 't l i. iii. I 'alls aiirl liigM
Mil dV.
rriiuMjcitumtiK a. n ic of r
H O t Milrvfry Mum. night
SH In K. of I'. tUII.
X-i W. II. tii,C.U
J, W. Khlirds.ni, K. It and H
yoTAitr vvnuc
Utile tiislr ln,('H.-rr It Ik
Th lle.t to It Obtained.
'itt rtiKir llnirl ami Itear I'ooper Work
riis Ki araetiitu
Lir Halldlus.
McMlnnvllle, tilt Oregon
Chas. Gregory, Jigt., Dallat. Ore.
California Medicated Soap
Ttis tiiwt fur sores, rlisprwd (mud
ilnmlrull, liiwl Blliitxa and mImiu
Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr.
Mnn nioulh Mt I tidvpemdencc Or.
Launch Independence
I'ly txtweeu luilepeiidrUf and Pal
em daily except runday. Paaaenger
Oil (rig(i t business solicited.
(ave Independence : 9;.'10. ni.
IavHalcm : 3:16 p. in.
Geo. Skinner - Skipper
Gradnat of N. P. P. 0 f
Jill GL Hawkins
Dallat, Or.
Marble and
Monuments and Head
stones Cemetery
work etc.
Steam Laundry
Basket leaves Tuesday 6pm
and returns Friday
Olee Robinson
Independence, : , Obeoos
Farmers Feed
and Hitching Shed
Jones Big New Ban
Taamg Oc, Saddle Horse 5t
Rigs as well as teaim kept in
the dry. Horses boarded bv
day, week or month.
Dr. TT L Calloway
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy, KtrKsviiie, ivin.
under Dr. A. T. Still, found
er of the science.
Phone 791 Rooms7 Sr 8
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cure Colds Croi:p and Y.'huopicx .'o-jeb.
Thrr baa U--u ua usrssur lrfar
rongm In umuy yi nmr ltal at
arreting lb f inally tutirmta of Iho
loiiiitry thaa lit Mil lntnliiifd In lh
U..ui.w of rprriM i.UlUi last lri-inbr
and In Ilia adnata aiiiuwltal later fur
tte crratifn of nt jj"'-itn
reserve. I udetr tin trruia of ilia Mil
th -relary of agricultural la author
bed and dirvrted In Itla IU-rriUu lo
acjiilro for national fur! purmw ly
pun has ir iflfl landa in. faluahta
f .r li refutation of treaui fluw titan
fur cultural or oiIiit iurMia lt tiu t.-.
on Hi watirlila of navlifalil itrffliiia
In III aoiitliiTti Apiala lilan niuiiiiialii
wltbiu lit atatur Virginia. Maryland.
Wnt Virginia, North Carolina, Houtli
Carolina, (Jwirula. Alahama. Kfiitmky
and Tfnnp. and III tit Whlln immn.
Ulna In Hi atatr of Sew lauiltlrv
and Main. Amiiiit Hi mrt liiiitr
tn nt provlalima of th hill ar aii' IM. a
tluna of Hi roiiillthiu un.hr wtilib
till la tranafcrn-d from tb Imll vIOuul
to th federal ifiv-riiiin-ii t. M-riiilaalou
Imliia' Blvrti to eici-pt till to mliierala
or atandlnit IIiiiImt oh Irarta that limy
Ihi tranafi-rntl. Tb aoin-tary la m
ImihitimI to ad vert l fr lainla In tba
w vera I alalia and milat tnWa tboa that
ar offenst at lb loweat rl'. bl
only after t! leidalatiirn of tb atuta
111 which tha land la ha-ated aball bav
( aented to tb aniillaltlull of aurb
land by lb Cnlted Htatt- fr fon-at
piiriMNtra. Tb bill e!a aahle 5,0"KJ.O 0
wblrh ahall t avallabl linuieiltntely
iimiii the paaaaif of lbs bill for th
purt'haa of th lamia inentlonml. Pro
vlalon la alao inailo for th aal of ai;rl
cultural hind whlrh may Ihj limited In
theae umuutaluoua area In lb ordi
nary bomeatend inethixl, but In trarta
not xreeillnic rlhty aerea to -! et
tier. Tb bill provide tbnt hind ac
iiilrd timler tho art ahall txi reaerved.
held and adiulnlaten-d national for
rat lunda. IVople realdln In theae
foreat reaervea continue under the
aume leital Jurladlcthm aa prior to their
aal to th federal uoveriintent erteiit
In tb mattT of offenae agalnat the
I'nlted Htatea. fnder th term of the
bill th aevretary of agriculture not
only haa overalght over th government
reserve proper, but may for the protec
tion of the wateraheila of ald naviga
ble atreain aitre to admlnlater and
protect for a deflnlt term of year any
private lunda situated upon any of
theae wateraheda. but on condition that
tluilMT thereon ahull only lie cut In ac
cordance with the rule and reKulatlona
which the unvernmeut ahall prcBcrlbo.
Friend of the foreat preservation pol
icy of the present admlnlatratlon view
tlila measure aa one of the moat vital
which have erer la-en la"fore coiiicres.
and It la earnestly hoped that the meaa
ure may become law. The Individual
citizen caunot do much, but be can
write hla repreaentatlve In conirresa
If In doubt about bla attitude and urge
him for love of country and considera
tion for the welfare of future genera
tion to give the bill hla cordial support
Tliluk It Saved II U Life.
Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine,
says In a recent letter: "I have used
Dr. King's New Discovery many
yvais, for cough und colds, aud I
think It saved my life. I have found
It reliable remedy for throat and
lungenmplalota, and would no more
be without bottle than I would be
without food." For nearly forty years
New Discovery ha stooj at th head
of throat and lung remedies. Aa a
preventive of pneumonia, and healer
of weak lungs it baa no equal. Sold
under guarantee at all druggists. 50c
and 1 00. Trial bottle free.
The citrus fruit crop of Florida for
the year 1907-8 la placed at 2,205,072
boxes against 3,820,018 for 1000.
Couaiiiuptlve Martw Comfortable
Foley' Honey" and Tar has cured
many case of incipient consumption
and even In the advanced stages
affords comfort and relief. Kefuse any
but the genuine Foley's Honey and
Tar. Dove & Williams.
The government Crop Reporter for
January contains some very Interesting
data lu tables which show the average
yields of grain per acre In the United
States during the forty year period
beginning In 1808 and ending with the
close of 1907. During the first five
ycurs of this period the average yield
of the leading cereals was as follows:
Corn, 27.0 bushels; wheat, 12.3; oats,
29.2; barley, 23.8; rye, 13.8. In the
last five yours of tho period from 1003
to 1907 the yield of the same cereals
was: Corn, 27.C; wheat, 13.0; oats, 29.9;
barley, 20.5; rye, 10 bushels respec
tively. There are some helpful de
ductions and lessons that may be
drawn from the figures given. Among
them is this that a more exact and
scientific type of agriculture has not
during the period Berved to counteract
the loss In fertility of soils that to be
gin with were niarvelously prodigal
and responsive. The figures given also
emphasize the fact that those who are
engaged in the good work must con
tinue preaching the gospel of a better
type of agriculture which will restore
to the soil Its 'lost estate of pristine
productiveness. Another fact that Is
brought out is that there must be a
scad of redhanded agricultural sinners
who are prosecuting a wretchedly un
profitable type of agriculture to bring
the yields of the cereals named down
to so low a figure. Every farmer In
the country should consider It his per
sonal, religious and patriotic duty to
raise such crops as will put him on the
upside of these paltry averages to be
a lifter up Instead of a puller down.
A lady rt-ader of llila di-partioeiil liv
ing at MHJreg'r, U, arrful IU
ib nt of bird llf. rll' .r.lii p
,it hilli.lt f'T lb lli "i "bli b fr
iii llt!y pHar atuolig lh U"te plead-
Intf ff a iiior leuat protection of
IbJ birds that am am b 'xxl friend of
i. .a a::J pBmn:!3r "t ' ''
and eardener. Our friend M'liita out
that It I lb Uiinnployrd "f"l
lit nun," uiiitat -id old. from IU
tiMii and vlllaa-i ratbrr tbau rl
delita of lb country that d a- (be moat
ilaiuiili lu ib-lro) liitf helpful bird Hf,
and tb point la on that lu most H
laiit'e HI bav to U admitted.
While profiling friendship fr bird
llf In general, ah In coiiiui'in wit It
other aludiiit draw Ihw line on th
Kiigilali sparrow aa an all arointd mil-aniii-e,
aa II consume comparatively
few liiswta, ilcstroya the "d
ii, -t of other oserul bird and, abov
all. la a spreader of dlwiiwatii It ra
pin Ity a scavenger of lb animal !
reiin-iit lu poiiliry and barn yard.
The point would imimii l I very well
taaell-oiio that should provld still
further argument In favor of exterml
lilting lb i:iillb sparrow. In who
fuvor the only thing that can lw ld
la Hint be la a Murky chap and stay
Willi ua lliroii'i lb winter month.
Our ori-fspoiidelit ili Ihe fact that,
neitlnij a they do hi old itraw piles
and shed here, th rhildrlu may find
Ibelr iii-sta and easily destroy them,
wlill she refer to an article In IHrd
jire lu which the writer reimiienda
trapping' them lu the romuion cage
nil trnpa, lu tb" "out of alglit" traps
anl by smudging tb birds with sul
phur fume while they ar at roost
under straw sheda In the winter
mouths. The bird will drop and can
be dlnpoacd of 111 pnll of water la
fore I hey come lo. Tb la-st friend
of bird life recognize the Kiigllstl p
rov aa one of the worst foi-a they have
to contend with and will favor almost
any method by which It can be ex-termlmili-d.
V are pleaai-d lo pre
sent tho altuv iiggeatiou and would
be pleased to hear from any other
reader who may have discovered ef
fective means of dlspoalng of the apar
row uulsauc.
No HiimbHiC
No bumb g claim to lw mad for
Fniev'a Honey and Tar, th well
known remedy for rough, colds
and lung troubles The fact that
more bottle of Kolev'a Honey and
Tar are used than of any other cough
remdy In the lt testimonial of It
great merit. Why then risk taking
ome unkuown preparation when
Foley'a Honey and Tar coti you no
more and la aafe and aure. Dove &
Williams. .
If the figures are reliable which are
repeatedly published that of the in
mate of Insane hospitals farmers'
wive constitute a larger per cent than
any other single clasa of people It
would seem to be worth while to In
quire Into aouie of the causes which
are responsible for this condition.
While all farmer' wives who do their
share or the work have their time pret
ty fully occupied, it would not aeem to
be this ao much as lack of change and
variety thut la responsible for the men
tal depression referred to. Because of
household responsibilities which the
good wife cannot well escape from she
leaves the bouse less seldom than her
husband, who goe to market with
grain or stock. On this account every
effort should be put forth to give her
variety and change and relief from
her household cares as often ts la prac
ticable. Before the hair gT3ws silver
on the temples and the shoulders are
stooped with overwork the consider
ate husband, son and daughter will do
all they can to relieve the mother of
the heavy burdens which she has
borne so long aud uncomplainingly.
Any relief of this kind while she can
appreciate It will be sweeter to her
than hot tears and lovely flowers on
ber coffin lid. Make the lives Of these
tired mothers as bright and happy as
may be, and but a poor return will be
made them for their unselfish and lov
ing ministry.
Horn in Iowa.
Our fuinily were all born and raised
in Iowa, and have used Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy
(made at Pes Moines) for years. We
know how good it is from long exper
ience in the use of i'. In fact, when in
El Pano, Texas, the writer's life was
saved by the prompt use of this rem
edy. We aie now engaged in the mer
cantile business at Narcoossee, Fla
and have Introduced the remedy here.
It has proven very successful and is con
stantly growing in favor. Ennis Bros.
This remedy is for sale by P.M. Kirk
laud. For Weak
Inflammation of the blad
der, urinary troubles and
backache use
DeWitt's Kidney
and Bladder Pills
A Week's
Trial For 25c
E. C. DeWITT & CO.. Chicago, 111.
Tb SttrtitloO of trader of tb
Hols bis hero railed befor lo tb
Norway poplar a a valuat.l trull
, to planting In lb northern portion
of ltt mitral wrt. Tb poplar lo
,iictl.io bear bo roltoo or sr.l, a
dura It rousln, tb cotton wood, but la
nsabxl entirely by cuttlni. Tb
Ire grow straight. Tb wood I
Iralglit grained and utakr good Inm
r sift also split easily, M-aaont
oultkly and make m-elleiit summer
fuel. Tb growth of th Ire I rapid.
In Mlnneaota, wlura it was Introduced
out yr ago, It baa l-n known lo
attain a height of fifty feet and a di
ameter of serutwu Incbe In fourteen
year. Tb Ins iu to b vary
hardy and adapted to a vartrty of aoll
and molstur conditions. Kipertmrot
which bav lrn conducted by lb fed
eral foret aervb- snow that tb Nor
way poplar I superior lo tb Carolina
poplar bec-aua of greater banllnesa,
la-iter form and uperior quality of
AUraiid Faunlly Medicine.
'U glvv nt pleaaur to speak a
good word for Kleclrie Bitlera, wr te
Frank Con Ian of No. 4'tt Houston St.,
New York. "Hi a grand family
medicine tor d.vipeptla and llvsr com
plications; wbll for lam back and
weak kldoeyi It cannot be too highly
recommended." Klectrlo Hitter reg
ulate the digestive function, purify
lb blood, aud impart rnwd vigor
and vitality to the weak and debili
tated of both sexe. Hold under guar.
anl at all druggist. 60c.
Professor D. II. Otis) of the College
of Agriculture of the University of
Wisconsin haa Just concluded a aerie
of exiM-rlments with alfalfa as a feed
for dairy rows. He finds that young
cow not giving milk can be kept In
good condition during the winter and
gain from 1.25 to 1.5 pound per day
when fed nothing but alfalfa bay.
Speaking further of the value of alfal
fa as a ration, be states that, with an
average yield of four tons, alfalfa will
produce 8SO pounds of digestible pro
tein per acre, to supply which In the
form of oil meal would require 1.5
tons, which at present price would
coat $.'2.50. A summary of the feed
ing trial which were conducted show
ed that alfalfa could be made to take
the place of at least one-half of the
grain usually fed to dairy cows. The
cash return from feeding alfalfa at
the different exierlment stations range
from flO to $20 per ton. Trofessor
Otis state In closing bla report that,
with a yield of four tons per acre, a
conservative estimate would Indicate
that the Wisconsin dairy farmer would
lie able to increase his profits from 60
to 75 pe' cent by tne liberal yet Judl
clous use of alfalfa grown upon bis
o?u rare.
Itttcklen's Arnica Sitlve Wins.
Tom Moore, of Rural Route, 1,
Cochran, Oa., writes: I bad a bad
sore com on the instep of my foot
and could find nothing that would
heal It until I applied Bucklen's
Arnica Halve. Less than half 25
cent box won the day for me by affect
ing a perfect cure." Sold under
guarantee at all druggists.
Oil of lemon in alcohol and plain kero
sene are both highly recommended for
use la treating seed corn Just prior to
planting- for the purpose of preventing
damage by the wlreworm. About a
tablespoonful of oil is used to a planter
box full of seed.
. The Best Fills Ever Sold.
"Aftei doctoiing 15 years for chronic
Indigestion, and spending over two
hundred dollars, nothing has doue sue
as much good aa Dr Klng'a New Life
Pills. I consider them the best pill
ever sold :" write B. F. Ayacure, of
Inglealde, N. C. Hold uuder guarantee
at all druggists. 25c.
Train No 84 leaves Independence dally 6:00
a, m.i leaves Monmouth tf;16 a. m.; arrives
Dallas 6:40 a. m.
Train No B8 leaves Independence dally
10:50 a. m.: leaves Monmouth, 11:05 a. m.;
arrives Dallas, 11:80 a. m.
Train No 70 leaves Independence dally 8:15
p. m.; leave Monmouth 6:30 p. m.: arrive Dal
las 6:56 p. ni.
Train No 07 leaves independence daily 7:80
a. m.; leaves Monmouth 7:40 a. in.; arrives
Airlle8:15a ni. .
Train No 73 leaves Independence dally 3:30
p. in.; leaves Monmouth 3:50 p. m.; arrives
Alrlie4:2fi p. m.
Leaves Independence dally 2:30 p. m.
Train No 65 leaves Dallas dally except Sun
day :.KIa. m;. leaves Monmouth 8:55a. m.; ar
rives Independence 9:15 a. m.
Train No 101 leaves Dallas sundAY only
0:55 a. m.: arrives Monmouth 7:21) a. ra. ar
rives Independence 7;30 a m.
Train No 69 leaves Dallas dally 1:00 p. va-i
leaves Monmouth 1:25 p. m.; arrives Indeiwm
dence 1:40 p. ni. (This train connects at Mon
mouth for Alilie)
Train No 71 leaves Dallas dally 7:35 p. in.!
lea-es Monmouth 8 p. ni.; arrives Indepeud.
ence 8:15 p. in.
Train No 8 leaves Alrlle dally 9 a. in.;
leaves Monmouth 0:35 a. ni.; arrives Inde
pendence 0:50 a. m. (This train connects at
Monmouth for Dalla.-.)
Train No 72 leaves Alrlle dnlly 55 p. m.;
leaves Monmouth 5:40 p. in.; arrives Inde
pendence 5:55 p. I
Train No IM Vines Atrl'e !''. in. si'N
tmy o-i.y nrriw Monmi.iill, 5:2il p. m.
rives lmh 'penitence -V P in.
Leaves Monmo ith for Inrt-pendenee daily
2-50 p. m.
au i omol i j-t cmr,
ANroruJaV IVrpiriion liis
ittt U Suxacai KsHkastk i
t, :
Promo Irs DiflfstUifirftf1
ncss and EV-vXauLEoj arsa
Ojxuiu.Murphinr axMuaxi.1
' 1
' t.
BasBassasas BsBssJiaaHM
A nerfffl RraiedV foT0nwfll
lion . Sour Stona.Dtantuj
VVor mi f QfTVuiitou; Jrvma
rtess and LOSS iOrSLEZP.
ratSmasT Sujnaiw of
'.A z
- o
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Painter and Paperhanger
1 have recently located in Ibis city and am prepared to do all kind of House,
Mign.and Carriage Painting, Taper Hanging. Glazing, etc. My price ar
reasonable and I guarantee satisfaction. Estimates freely furnished.
Leave Orders with Bice CD. Calbreath
or telephone Main 4A9.
Day or Night Call Promptly attend
ed to. Fine Parlor in Connection.
An Experienced Lady Assistant.
Pficae, mala 27J R. 75
W. L BICE, Knibiunipr tuid Funeral Dlrec or.
Licensed by Oregon State Board of Healt .
Cruth and tnix In fa1 or talt. Proper com in tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like tlic Top Price
Foi Hones, Cattl. Shp, Swiss aad Fowls. Thty ar mad from tb activ priadpte or flaj
condcnMd cucne of tht drut. They doa't eoasua Sswdast, AshM, Chop Fend lor Braa. An w
IVsooTwhsa 10 Trs old u wht 10 daTld. They comply all par, t
dv ones 8KIOOO Conditio. Tablsts. or SKIDOO Wosm. KidasT. Cbieks Choktrs.
WisteCathartic H..w. F.r. Hot Chol.rs, Dmp.r Pmk Ey.oUc UM, or
Spavin Curt or Barb Wire Linimsnt. Distributed by THE BLU ELL MBOIOINK VOm
incorporatcdi Capital stock $300,000,00) Watertown, South Dakota. U. & A
For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon
Low Fates East
(Lines in Oregon) From INDEPENDENCE, ORE., a follows
Chicago $89-45
St. Louia bO.to
Bt. Paul - .
Omaha f. iS
Kansas City .6.95
Tickets wilt be on sale May 4, 18; June 5, 6, 19, 20; July
6, 7, 22, 23; August 6, 7, 21, 23
Good for rmturm In 90 day with mtopovtr privilege at plmamurt
mtthln limits. Rentambmr thm dates
For auv further ic formation call on G. A. WILCOX. Local Agent.
Or write WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A., Portland, Ore.
Sharpies Cream Separator
Independence, - - Oregon
fft TrtfAnta nr4 Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho ,
For Over
Thirty Years
vms ssims HiMn, i rmmm anv.
For the Farm, the Dairy or
the Creamery
Tubular Cream
Superior to all others. Call and examine one at